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Everything posted by Allandrel

  1. Linked Powers use a single slot in an Elemental Control. How are the Active Points and costs of these powers worked out? 1) Is each power purchased separately, each benefiting from the Elemental Control's base points? or 2) Are they treated as a single power, with Active Points equal to thsoe of both powers plus the base? or 3) Does base only apply to the Greater Power, with the Lesser power effectively separate from the Elemental Control? Patrick J McGraw
  2. According to the FAQ, Adders can be turned on or off whenever a power is used. I'm wondering about how this interacts with Area-Effect Mental Powers and the "Additional Classes of Minds" Adder. For example, say a human character has Mental Illusion with Area Effect and the Adders "Affects Alien Minds" and "Affects Machine Minds." Normal use of the power will affect all human, alien, and machine minds within its area of effect. Essentially, the effect I'm looking to generate is a more restricted form of Selective Area of Effect, where a character chooses to affect or exempt large categories rather than specific individuals. Question 1: If the character turns off both his adders, would the power affect all humans within its area of effect, but not any aliens or machines? Question 2: Mental Powers affect the character's class of mind by default - but could this class of mind be turned off, even though it isn't strictly an Adder? For example, if a character wanted to affect all Aliens within his area of effect, but no humans? Or would he need to buy a separate version of the power that had Alien minds as its default? Patrick J McGraw
  3. Standard Opening: I’m preparing to run a game set in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe. I’ve been roleplaying for ten years, but I’m new to the Hero System. To help prepare for my game, and more importantly to help learn the ins and outs of the system, I’m statting up the entire Ultimate Universe. What I’m looking for here is feedback and suggestions on how to get the effects I want using the Hero system, rather than precisely replicating the abilities of the characters (though I’d like to do that, too). (In addition, whenever I lack information about a character’s abilities, I’m going to fall back on the assumption that they’re pretty much the same as their Marvel Universe counterpart.) Regarding point ranges: I’m building Storm as a Standard Superheroic character. For my Ultimate Universe, Legendary Primary Characteristics go from 18-25, with 26+ as superhuman. The following Profile represents Storm when the X-Men leave on their world tour, prior to their confrontation with Proteus (that is, issue #13). STORM (Ororo Munroe) STR 13 (Roll 12-, Lift 150 kg, 2 ½ d6 damage) (3 points) DEX 18 (Roll 13-, OCV: 6/DCV: 6) (24 points) CON 15 (Roll 12-) (10 points) BODY 13 (Roll 12-) (6 points) INT 13 (Roll 12-) (3 points) EGO 17 (Roll 12-, ECV: 6) (14 points) PRE 13 (Roll 12-, PRE Attack: 2 ½ d6) (3 points) COM 20 (Roll 13-) (5 points) PD 5 (Total: 13 PD, 8 rPD) (2 points) ED 8 (Total: 16 ED, 8 rED) (5 points) SPD 3 (Phases: 4, 8, 12) (2 points) REC 6 (0 points) END 30 (0 points) STUN 30 (2 points) Total Characteristic Cost: 79 points Running: 7†Leaping: 2 1/2†Swimming: 2†POWERS Weather Control: Elemental Control, Base 30 points (30 Active Points) (30 points) 1) Weather Alteration: Change Environment (2†radius: up to -3 to PER rolls for Sight, +/- 3 Temperature Levels), Long-Lasting (1 hour), Varying Effect (any weather effect, +1), MegaArea (1†= 1 km, +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) (80 Active Points: 30 base + 50 remaining); Extra Time (1 Turn, -1 1/4), Side Effect (Weather changes unintentionally dependent on Storm’s mood, -1/4) (20 points) 2) Wind Rider: Flight 15â€, x8 Noncombat Movement, Useable Underwater (+1/4), Reduced END (1/2 END, +1/4) (60 Active Points: 30 base + 30 remaining); Conditional Power: Requires a substantial volume of air/water (-1/4) (24 points) 3) Wind Storms: Telekinesis (STR 40), Reduced END (1/2 END, +1/4) (75 Active Points: 30 base + 45 remaining); Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Limited Power: Cannot Grab (-1/4), Conditional Power: Requires a substantial volume of air (-1/4) (26 points) 4) Weather Attack: Energy Blast 8d6, Indirect (from the sky, +1/4), Variable Special Effect (weather-based effects, +1/4), Variable Advantage 1/2* (+1), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) (110 Active Points: 30 base + 80 remaining); Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Conditional Power: Only works during appropriate weather conditions (-1/4) (53 points) Weather Sense: Detect Weather Patterns (Discriminatory, Analyze) (20 Active Points) X-Men Uniform: Armor 16 (8 PD, 8 ED) (24 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4), OIF (-1/2) (11 points) Mental Defense Training: Mental Defense 10 (7 Active Points) (7 points) Athletic: Running +1†(2 Active Points) (2 points) *The Variable Advantage chosen must be appropriate to the special effect chosen. For example, a hailstorm would use Area Effect, and a Lightning Bolt would use Penetrating or Autofire. Total Power Points: 193 SKILLS +1 with All Combat (8 points) Thief: +1 with Lockpicking, Security Systems, and Streetwise (3 points) Acrobatics 13- (3 points) Climbing 13- (3 points) Combat Driving 13- (3 points) Concealment 13- (3 points) KS: Mutant Affairs 11- (2 points) KS: Mutant Powers 11- (2 points) Language: English (idiomatic, native accent), French (idiomatic, native accent) (Arabic is native) (7 points)* Lockpicking 13- (3 points) Martial Arts: M. Dodge, M. Escape, M. Strike (12 points) Mechanics 12- (3 points) Paramedics 12- (3 points) Security Systems 12- (3 points) Shadowing 12- (3 points) Stealth 12- (3 points) Streetwise 12- (3 points) Survival: Urban 12- (2 points) Teamwork 13- (3 points) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft (2 points) * French and Arabic are the common languages spoken in Morocco. Since Storm grew up on the streets, and French is the language of the upper classes there, I figured Arabic for her native language. The points work out the same either way. PERKS Reputation: Super Hero 11- (+2, known to the general public) (4 points) Total Skill and Per Cost: 78 Total Cost: 350 points Distinctive Feature: Mutant (Concealable, Major Reaction, Detectable Only by Genetic Scan or Test) (5 points) Distinctive Feature: White Hair (Concealable, Always Noticed, Detectable by Sight) (10 points) Hunted: Hellfire Club 8- (More Pow, NCI, Storm has Public Identity, Watched) (15 points) Hunted: Shadow King 8- (More Pow, NCI, Storm has Public Identity, Enslave) (25 points) Hunted: S.H.I.E.L.D. 11- (More Pow, NCI, Storm has Public Identity, Watched) (20 Points) Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Total) (20 points) Psychological Limitation: In Love with Beast (Common, Strong) (15 points) Psychological Limitation: Underconfident (Common, Moderate) (10 points) Social Limitation: Mutant (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200 Total Points: 350
  4. It's a question of effect. They haven't defined Cap's abilities specifically, but his strength clearly is impressive. I'm going to give him a STR 25, along with plenty of extra Damage Classes and martial arts, enough that he'll be able to hurt supertough characters with his bare hands (see Ultimates #5... Cap makes the Hulk bleed). Patrick J McGraw
  5. Heavy, sustained attacks have taken Wolverine down several times in the comics. Patrick J McGraw
  6. Hank's Ego isn't that high. His got serious self-esteem issues, and hasn't really developed much confidence in himself as a superhero. I went with an activation roll because I'm not using hit location rules; so the costumes needed a way to represent unarmoured portions of the body. Beasts' Activation Roll is worse than Cyclops or Wolverine's because his costume covers a smaller portion of his body (his feet are bare, and his arms are HUGE). I went with an Armor value of 8 because their costumes have been shown to stop bullets cold. All of the X-Men receive extensive martial arts training and practice - much of it directly from Wolverine. Even rear-guard members like Marvel Girl and Iceman get training. Patrick J McGraw
  7. Re: Hmm Er... I already gave him two DCV levels. With his basic DCV that gives him an 11 - higher than Wolverine when he's focused entirely on defense. Patrick J McGraw
  8. But he doesn't make use of his appearance. He's so self-conscious of his appearance that he seems to think only of people being disgusted by him, not frightened of him. His claws are pretty small and insignificant. I don't see them being worthy of a power. 3.) I haven't read anything with Beast and Spiderman in it but spd 7 seems too fast, super fast vs animal fast. You know the Ultimate books better than I. Well done as were the last two. Thanks. I went with a SPD 7 as he's easily the fastest member of the X-Men. I may drop it to six when I revise him; it depends on how the rest of my Ultimate Universe writeups work out. Patrick J McGraw
  9. Standard Opening: I’m preparing to run a game set in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe. I’ve been roleplaying for ten years, but I’m new to the Hero System. To help prepare for my game, and more importantly to help learn the ins and outs of the system, I’m statting up the entire Ultimate Universe. What I’m looking for here is feedback and suggestions on how to get the effects I want using the Hero system, rather than precisely replicating the abilities of the characters (though I’d like to do that, too). (In addition, whenever I lack information about a character’s abilities, I’m going to fall back on the assumption that they’re pretty much the same as their Marvel Universe counterpart.) Regarding point ranges: I’m building Beast as a Standard Superheroic character. For my Ultimate Universe, Legendary Primary Characteristics go from 18-25, with 26+ as superhuman. The following Profile represents Beast when the X-Men leave on their world tour, prior to their confrontation with Proteus (that is, issue #13). BEAST (Henry McCoy) STR 35 (Roll 16-, Lift 3200 kg, 7d6 damage) (25 points) DEX 28 (Roll 15-, OCV: 9/DCV: 9) (54 points) CON 28 (Roll 15-) (36 points) BODY 20 (Roll 13-) (20 points) INT 25 (Roll 14-, PER Roll 14-) (15 points) EGO 15 (Roll 12-, ECV: 5) (10 points) PRE 10 (Roll 11-, PRE Attack: 2d6) (0 points) COM 6 (Roll 10-) (-2 points) PD 10 (Total 18 PD, 10 rPD) (3 points) ED 10 (Total 18 ED, 10 rED) (4 points) SPD 7 (Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12) (32 points) REC 13 (0 points) END 60 (2 points) STUN 52 (0 points) Total Characteristic Cost: 199 Running: 8â€/14â€* Leaping: 12†Swimming: 2†* See Beast’s “All Fours†Power, below POWERS Tough: Damage Resistance 4 (2 rPD, 2 rED) (2 Active Point) (2 points) Enhanced Senses: Tracking Smell (5 Active Points) (5 points) Prehensile Feet: Extra Limbs (x2, Feet as Hands), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) (6 points) Bouncing Beast: Leaping +6â€, Accurate (11 Active Points) (11 points) Athletic: Running +2†(4 Active Points) (4 points) All Fours: Running +6†(12 Active Points); Conditional Power: Requires all four “hands†(-1/2) (8 points) Super-Grip: Clinging (Normal STR) (10 Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4) (8 points) Mental Defense Training: Mental Defense 10 (7 Active Points) (7 points) X-Men Uniform: Armor 16 (8 PD, 8 ED) (24 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4), OIF (-1/2) (11 points) Total Power Cost: 62 SKILLS +2 DCV with all Combat (10 points) Acrobatics 15- (3 points) Breakfall 15- (3 points) Climbing 15- (3 points) Computer Programming 14- (3 points) Cramming (5 points) Deduction 14- (3 points) Electronics 14- (3 points) Inventor 8- (1 point Familiarity) KS: Mutant Affairs 11- (2 points) KS: Mutant Powers 11- (2 points) Language: Russian (fluent conversation); German (fluent conversation); French (fluent conversation); Japanese (fluent conversation) (English is native language) (6 points) Martial Arts: M. Dodge, M. Strike, M. Throw (11 points) Mechanics 14- (3 points) Paramedics 14- (3 points) SS: Biology 14- (2 points) SS: Chemistry 14- (2 points) SS: Genetics 14- (2 points) SS: Physics 14- (2 points) Systems Operation 14- (3 points) Teamwork 15- (3 points) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft (1 point) Scientist (3 points) TALENTS Ambidexterity (full) (9 points) Lightning Calculator (3 points) Speed Reading x10 (4 points) PERKS Reputation: Super Hero 11- (+2, known to the general public) (4 points) Total Skill, Talent, and Perk Cost: 89 Total Cost: 350 DISADVANTAGES Distinctive Features: Furry Blue Beast (Not Concealable, Major Reaction, Detectable by Sight) (20 points) Distinctive Features: Mutant (Concealable, Major Reaction, Detectable Only by Genetic Scan or Test) (5 points) Hunted: Hellfire Club 8- (More Pow, NCI, Beast Has Public Identity, Watched) (15 points) Hunted: S.H.I.E.L.D. 11- (More Pow, NCI, Beast Has Public Identity, Watched) (20 points) Physical Limitation: Grotesquely Proportioned (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) (5 points) Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Total) (20 points) Psychological Limitation: In Love with Storm (Common, Strong) (15 points) Psychological Limitation: Self-Loathing (Common, Strong) (15 points) Social Limitation: Mutant (Very Frequently, Major) (20 points) Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200 Total Points: 350
  10. I'l look into it for the re-write. It probably won't be more than one additional DC, though, since the extra damage from a fist-load comes partly from it's weight. Everything I've seen has indicated that adamantium-laced bones don't weigh all that much more than normal bones (look at the non-powered Bullseye for an example). Patrick J McGraw
  11. Eh... that works. Besides, He HAS to use all of his powers in his Heroic ID, and has to use them all at full strength, so it evens out. Patrick J McGraw
  12. Instant Change applies to Shapeshift or Multiform, it isn't a naked advantage. Patrick J McGraw
  13. I'm working on the Ultimate Universe Colossus at the moment, and I noticed a problem with making Colossus' powers OIHID: "In order for this Limitation to be valid, the character must have some difficulty changing forms - the change must take at least a Full Phase, if not longer, and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent him from changing identities." - 5th Ed., p.197 Colossus' transformation is pretty much instantaneous. He could even arguably Abort to his transformation in Hero System terms. Since OIHID is already a -1/4 Limitation, there's no real way to create a "cheaper" version for instantaneous transformations. So.. break the rules? Not so good. Multiform? Maybe, but his armored form is pretty much the same, just with the addition of some powers. A bunch of powers Linked to whichever power is most expensive? Doesn't really work - Linked doesn't cover the main power and the Linked power both having to be used together with neither available separately. Patrick J McGraw
  14. Ah, we're just working at different scales, then. I'm working at a scale similar to the CU, where humans can have "Legendary" Characteristics, and the Superhuman range doesn't start until 31+, or even higher for mental characteristics. I thought I'd mentioned it in my standard opening, so I'll have to add it. Essentially, I've got "Legendary" for the physical characteristics (STR, DEX, CON, BODY, and COM) at 18-25, with "Superhuman" at 26+. Mental Characteristics (INT, EGO, and PRE) are Legendary at 20-29, and Superhuman at 30+. So Ultimate Cap will have a STR of 25. Patrick J McGraw
  15. The CON is already superhuman, and his superhuman REC and END already reflect it for the power scale I'm working at. How do you figure a STR of 15? Wolverine demonstrates remarkable strength all the time, certainly in the range of the upper human limit, not simply above average. Agreed. I'll put it into the revision. Patrick J McGraw
  16. I am considering 0 END, since he would still spend END to use his STR. As for NND... his claws can still be blocked by sufficiently powerful force fields, adamantium-based defenses, etc. Lots of AP should do the trick, really. Here's my reasoning on Wolverine's defenses: Versus Normal Damage, Wolverine is tough, but not superhumanly so. His toughness is more in being able to take a lot of punches than ignoring any given attack - so rather than having a superhuman PD, he has a huge CON, REC (healing factor!), and STUN. Same thing with Killing damage. His skin isn't bullet-resistent, so no innate rPD. His main defenses are once again his high CON and BODY, with his Healing Factor... and the skeleton. The question I looked at with the skeleton was: what does it do? It doesn't prevent attacks from hurting him; rather it prevents attacks from hurting him as much as they would hurt somebody else, because his bones won't break or fracture. Since the adamantium reduces damage without necessarily preventing it, Damage Reduction seemed the ideal power to use. I limited it to BODY only to reflect that an attack will still tear up his soft tissue regardless of the skeleton; it only helps with serious injury (BODY damage). Either method works, but Damage Reduction seemed more in line for the effect of "less damage without preventing damage." I've already explained the Dam Red, and the two weapon fighting is an essential part of Wolverine's fighting style. save 15pts I added wrong. Thanks for pointing out the error. Patrick J McGraw
  17. Strength and other modifiers can only double the base damage; but for unarmed attacks a characters Martial Arts bonus DCs are considered to add to the base damage. So Wolverine's claws have a base damage of 5 DCs, potentially doubling up to 10 DCs. Whether a HKA is considered a weapon attack or an unarmed attack is essentially dependent on its special effects; I determined that natural weapons (like claws, teeth, and tusks) would be considered unarmed, as they are essentially the same as punches and kicks - just more deadly. Same reason why I didn't buy HKA twice, once for each arm - lions don't buy HKA for every foot. Patrick J McGraw
  18. With the points values I'm working with, 5 is about as high as I can go, and considering the other writeups I'm looking at it will still make him one of the faster characters in the UU. Diseases and poisons both do BODY damage, so his Healing Factor already covers that resistance. Patrick J McGraw
  19. Standard Opening: I’m preparing to run a game set in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe. I’ve been roleplaying for ten years, but I’m new to the Hero System. To help prepare for my game, and more importantly to help learn the ins and outs of the system, I’m statting up the entire Ultimate Universe. What I’m looking for here is feedback and suggestions on how to get the effects I want using the Hero system, rather than precisely replicating the abilities of the characters (though I’d like to do that, too). (In addition, whenever I lack information about a character’s abilities, I’m going to fall back on the assumption that they’re pretty much the same as their Marvel Universe counterpart.) Regarding Point Ranges: I’ve built Wolverine as a High-Powered Superheroic character, reflecting his decades of experience when compared to the other X-Men. The following profile represents Wolverine when the X-Men start their world tour, just prior to the confrontation with Proteus (issue #13, in other words). WOLVERINE (Logan/James Howlett) STR 20 (Roll 13-, Lift 400 kg; 4d6 damage) (10 points) DEX 18 (Roll 13-, OCV: 6/DCV: 6) (24 points) CON 30 (Roll 15-) (40 points) BODY 25 (Roll 14-) (30 points) INT 13 (Roll 12-, PER Roll 15-) (3 points) EGO 20 (Roll 13-, ECV: 7) (20 points) PRE 20 (Roll 13-, PRE Attack 4d6) (10 points) COM 10 (Roll 11-) (0 points) PD 8 (Total: 16 PD, 8 rPD) (4 points) ED 8 (Total: 16 ED, 8 rED) (2 points) SPD 5 (Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12) (22 points) REC 15 (10 points) END 60 (0 points) STUN 60 (10 points) Total Characteristic Points: 185 Running: 8†Jumping: 4†Swimming: 2†POWERS Claws: Hand to hand Killing Attack 1d6 (3d6 with STR),* Armor Piercing x3 (+1 ½), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) (41 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) (27 points) Unbreakable Adamantium-laced Skeleton: Physical Damage Reduction (Resistant) 25% (15 Active Points); BODY Only (-1/2) (10 points) Mutant Healing Factor: Healing 3d6 (Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1) (24 points) Animal Senses: Enhanced Perception +3 (all Sense Groups), Discriminatory Sense of Smell, Tracking Sense of Smell (19 Active Points) (19 points) Athletic: Running +2†(4 Active Points) Weapon X Mental Training: Mental Defense 10 (6 Active Points) (6 points) Weapon X Thought Shielding: Mental Defense +20 (20 Active Points); Limited Power: Only vs. Telepathy (-1 ½) (8 points) X-Men Uniform: Armor 16 (8 PD, 8 ED) (24 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) (12 points) *When adding damage, the question of whether Wolverine’s claws count as unarmed attacks or weapon attacks came up. I decided to consider them unarmed attacks, since they are a natural part of his body (like a lion’s teeth, an eagle’s claws, or an elephant’s tusks). Thus his extra damage classes from Martial Arts give him a base damage of 5 Damage Classes before adding in his STR; combat maneuvers could add one more Damage Class before maxing out. Total Power Points: 110 SKILLS +1 Overall Skill Level (10 points) +3 with Hand to Hand Combat (10 points) Breakfall 13- (3 points) Climbing 13- (3 points) Combat Driving 13- (3 points) Defense Maneuver II (5 points) Martial Arts: +2 Damage Classes, Killing Strike, M. Dodge, M. Escape, M. Strike, Nerve Strike, Offensive Strike (33 points) Mechanics 12- (3 points) Security Systems 12- (3 points) Seduction 13- (3 points) Shadowing 12- (3 points) Stealth 13- (3 points) Streetwise 13- (3 points) Survival: Arctic/Subarctic, Mountain, Temperate/Subtropical, Deserts, Urban 12- (10 points) Teamwork 13- (3 points) Tracking 12- (3 points) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Vehicles, Combat Aircraft (2 points) Two-Weapon Fighting: Hand to Hand (10 points) PERKS Contact: Nick Fury 8- (Extremely useful skills, access to major institutions, significant contacts of his own) (6 points) Reputation: Ruthless Killer 11- (+2, known to the black ops and mutant communities) (2 points) Reputation: Super Hero 11- (+2, known to the general public) (4 points) TALENTS Bump of Direction (3 points) Combat Sense 12- (Sense) (17 points) Lightning Reflexes +2 (3 points) Resistance +2 (2 points) Total Skill, Perk, and Talent Cost: 155 Total Cost: 450 DISADVANTAGES Distinctive Features: Mutant (Concealable, Major Reaction, Detectable Only by Genetic Scans or Tests) (5 points) Distinctive Features: Metal Skeleton (Not Concealable, Major Reaction, Detectable Only By Metal Detectors) (10 points) Enraged: When Angered (Common) 8-, Recovery 8- (20 points) Hunted: Former Weapon X Operatives 8- (As Pow, Wolverine has Public Identity, Kill) (15 points) Hunted: S.H.I.E.L.D. 11- (More Pow, NCI, Wolverine has Public Identity, Watched) (20 points) Physical Limitation: No memory of life before Weapon X (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) (10 points) Psychological Limitation: In Love with Marvel Girl (Common, Strong)(15 points) Reputation: Ruthless Killer 11- (10 points) Rivalry: Cyclops (Romantic Rival, Cyclops is Less Powerful, Wolverine Seeks to Harm Cyclops, Cyclops is Aware of Rivalry) (5 points) Social Limitation: Mutant (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Vulnerability: Double Effect/Damage from Magnetic Effects (Uncommon) (10 points) Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 300 Total Points: 450 Patrick J McGraw
  20. I liked the Bone Claw Wolverine story arc. The arc from issue #100-110 or so (after he goes completely feral) was especially good. We got to see just how bestial Wolverine had the potential to become, and that even then his inner nobility kept him from being the monster he feared he might become. And his quest to regain to humanity was a great character arc. I agree that Sentinels aren't all that powerful. A single Sentinel is really no match for almost any X-Man. Which makes it REALLY funny that the Mark VII Sentinel is tied for the highest point value HeroClix figure (until they release Galactus, at least). More powerful than Thanos... Tougher than Superman... More versatile (and a better shot)* than Iron Man... It's... Sentinel! Don't bother pitting a horde of them against the X-Men- just one is worth an entire combat team, regardless of what the comics say! *I'm not kidding. It has better attack values than Tony across the board. Patrick J McGraw
  21. Here's Version 2. After some of the discussion here, I went with a Multipower, but kept the powers otherwise the same. I used the extra points to round out Cykes skills, bring up some of his characteristics (considering what happens in Volume 6, the guy is friggin tough), and slip in the conspicuously-missing Mental Defense that all the X-Men get from Xavier's training. All changes are in blue. Regarding Perks: I'm following the same considerations as laid out for the Champions: They get team membership, vehicles, and headquarters for free because the GM said so. Regarding point ranges: I’m building Cyclops as a Standard Superheroic character. For my Ultimate Universe, Legendary Primary Characteristics go from 18-25, with 26+ as superhuman. The following profile represents Cyclops as of the beginning of the X-Men's world tour, prior to facing Proteus. CYCLOPS (Scott Summers) CHARACTERISTICS STR 15 (Roll 12-; Lift 200 kg; 3d6 damage) – 5 points DEX 15 (Roll 12-; OCV: 5; DCV: 5) – 15 points CON 15 (Roll 12-) – 10 points BODY 15 (Roll 12-) – 10 points INT 13 (Roll 12-, PER Roll 13-) - 3 points EGO 15 (Roll 12-, ECV: 5), - 10 points PRE 13 (Roll 12-, PRE Attack: 3d6) – 3 points COM 14 (Roll 12-) – 2 points PD 7 (Total 15 PD, 8 rPD) – 4 points ED 10 (Total 18 ED, 8 rPD) – 7 points SPD 4 (Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12) – 15 points REC 7 – 2 points END 32 – 1 point STUN 34 – 3 points Total Characteristic Points: 88 points. Running: 8†Leaping: 3†Swimming: 3†POWERS Optic Blast: Multipower, 180 Point Reserve (180 Active Points); Limited Power: Does not affect ruby quartz (-0), Variable Disadvantage* (-1/2). Reserve Cost: 120 points. 1) Concussive Blast: Energy Blast 12d6, Double Knockback (+3/4), Persistent (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2) (180 Active Points); Reduced by Range (-1/4), Limited Power: Does not affect ruby quartz (-0), Variable Disadvantage (-1/2). Total cost: 10 points (fixed). 2) Focused Blast: Ranged Killing Attack 4d6, Persistent (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2) (135 Active Points); Reduced by Range (-1/4), Limited Power: Does not affect ruby quartz (-0), Variable Disadvantage (-1/2), Beam (-1/4). Total Cost: 7 points (fixed) 3) Intercepting Blast: Missile Deflection (all ranged attacks), Missile Deflection At Range (+1), Persistent (+1/2) (50 Active Points); Limited Power: Does not affect ruby quartz (-0), Variable Disadvantage (-1/2). Total cost: 3 points (fixed). X-Men Uniform: Armor 16 (8 rPD, 8 rED) (24 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), OIF (-1/2). Total cost: 12 points. Athletic: Running +2†(4 Active Points). Total cost: 4 points. Athletic: Swimming +1†(1 Active Point). Total cost: 1 point. Mental Defense Training: Mental Defense 10 (7 Active Points). Perceptive: Enhanced Perception +2 to PER Roll with all Sense Groups (6 Active Points). Total cost: 6 points * Cyclops’ Variable Disadvantages must be chosen from the following options: 1) OAF (Visor)(-1); 2) OAF (Glasses)(-1), Restrainable (-1/4); 3) Side Effect: Blind (-1). Whenever deprived of a Focus, Cyclops must immediately switch to option #3 until he reacquires a Focus. He usually keeps a spare pair of glasses on his person at all times, and spare visors and glasses are stored in all X-Men vehicles. Option #2 has a greater value than the Variable Limitation requires; this is why Cyclops generally doesn’t wear his glasses into combat. Option #3 proved a tough cookie. I finally decided that the flexible nature of Side Effect worked best. I based the value of the Side Effect on the fact that the Side Effect is constant and directly hinders using the power. Total Powers cost: 170 points. SKILLS +2 with Optic Blast (6 points) +2 vs. Range with Optic Blast (4 points) Leader: +2 with Deduction, Tactics, and Teamwork Rolls (6 points) AK: Savage Land 11- (2 points) Breakfall 12- (3 points) Climbing 12- (3 points) Combat Driving 12- (3 points) Combat Piloting 12- (3 points) Deduction 12- (3 points) Demolitions 12- (3 points) Electronics 12- (3 points) KS: Mutant Affairs 11- (2 points) KS: Mutant Powers 11- (2 points) Martial Arts: Defensive Strike, M. Dodge, M. Escape, M. Strike (17 points) Mechanics 12- (3 points) Navigation: Air, Sea 12- (4 points) Paramedics 12- (3 points) Security Systems 12- (3 points) Survival: Temperate/Subtropical 12- (2 points) Systems Operation 12- (3 points) Tactics 12- (3 points) Teamwork 12- (3 points) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Planes, Combat Aircraft, Small Motorized Boats (4 points) PERKS Contact: Toad 8- (Has access to the Brotherhood)(2 points) Reputation: Mutant Super Hero 11- (Known to the general public)(2 points) Total Skill & Perk cost: 92 points Total Cost: 350 points DISADVANTAGES Distinctive Feature: Mutant (Concealable, Major Reaction, Detectable only by Genetic scans or tests) (5 points) Hunted: Hellfire Club 8- (More Pow, NCI, Cyclops has Public Identity, Watched) (15 points) Hunted: S.H.I.E.L.D. 11- (More Pow, NCI, Cyclops has Public Identity, Watched) (20 points) Hunted: Sinister 8- (More Pow, NCI, Cyclops has Public Identity, Capture) (25 points) Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Total) (20 points) Psychological Limitation: In Love with Marvel Girl (Common, Strong) (15 points) Reputation: Mutant Terrorist 8- (Extreme) (10 points) Rivalry: Wolverine (Romantic Rival, Wolverine is More Powerful, Cyclops seeks to outdo Wolverine, Wolverine is Aware of Rivalry) (10 points) Social Limitation: Mutant (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major) (15 points) Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 200 Total Points: 350
  22. That's what the latest story arc in Wonder Woman was about, actually. She published a book of essays, and groups started protesting her for "corrupting America's youth." Patrick J McGraw
  23. None taken. I was trying to reflect the character, who has a tendency to veer between dominating fights and getting his scrawny butt kicked (and then berating himself while Mary Jane bandages his wounds - lucky Peter). Do you live in central Ohio? It's hyperbole as far as I can tell. The limits of his blasts have been pretty well established. It's in the OHBOTMU. While that... lofty tome is usually useless regarding how characters' powers work (often conflicting with established continuity over strength levels, sources of energy, etc.), it description of the limitations of Cyclops' power seemed very workable for game stats. Plus, I needed more Limitations. Patrick J McGraw
  24. I think I'll stick with the Missile Deflection, since it creates less rules problems. Same here. I'll be posting Wolverine in a few hours, along with an alternate (Multipower-based) version of Cyclops. The character created by Rob Liefeld sucked as much as Liefeld's art (which is to say, a lot). Fortunately, other writers came along and turned him into an interesting character - a telepathic messiah fighting a war against an ancient enemy, human nature, and his own body. Also fortunately, this is the aspect my player is interested in playing up, rather than the tough guy with big guns. That's for the player playing Ultimate Bishop. Patrick J McGraw
  25. We don't have anywhere near as much information regarding Ultimate Cyclops powers as we do Marvel Cyclops; as I noted in the first post, I'm operating on the assumption that their powers are the same unless I see something to indicate otherwise. It doesn't quite cover the range of his limitations, though. The variable disadvantage I've got seems to be about the best option. Good point. Having looked over the Abort rules again, I see that a character can abort to reallocating a power framework's points into a defensive power to use that power, so whether the blast is an EC or a Multipower, he'll still be able to abort to a Missile Deflection. True. Problem is, one cannot abort to a Dispel. I'll have to look into finding some other form of power vs. power defense. Yep. My preference is for the Spread Maneuver, since this reduces the power of his attack (and his wider beams are less powerful). It depends on what effect you're trying to generate. For the most part, the rules for Bouncing an attack cover it, and he has the CLs to pull off a bounce. As for the dozens of bounces to hit targets that Cyke doesn't even have proper LOS to... Ultimate Cyclops doesn't have that level of skill yet. But if he did, Indirect would be pretty appropriate - perhaps with a Trick Shooting skill roll required. Again, Ultimate Cyke has not displayed that level of skill. I would probably just make that an aspect of Trick Shooting (which I didn't give Ultimate Cyclops, because he hasn't demonstrated it). And that is the question. One big blast with Variable Advantage? Or a power framework representing each use of the power? It's essentially a matter of taste. For MU Cyclops, I'd be more inclined towards variable advantage, allowing him to pull new tricks out of his hat by making a Skill Roll. But Ultimate Cyclops has shown a pretty limited repretoire. Going from what has been displayed in Ultimate X-Men, a Killing Attack seems apprpriate for his tight-focus blasts. Like I said, Ultimate Cyke hasn't displayed all that much variability. Ultimate X-Men hasn't mentioned anything about the source of the beams' power, whether a solar battery of the "extradimensiona portal eyeballs" of the OHBOTMU (ugh). In either case, we haven't seen any indication that Ultimate Cyclops' power burns out at all. Apparently all he needs to do is open his eyes and all that power just keep pouring out indefintely - hence the 0 END. (I agree with you, though, that MU Cyclops would have an END reserve, given the "burnout" caused by continuous use.) Patrick J McGraw
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