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Crimson Arrow

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Posts posted by Crimson Arrow

  1. Do you recall the Marvel team like this? More importantly, do your players?


    I made my own version, but it was more a general horror theme, than specifically death-related.


    Off the top of my head:


    Tombstone: A brick/demi-brick made of stone. (I liked Headstone, though). Maybe he carries around a tombstone instead and uses it as a bludgeoning weapon.


    Epitaph: Has a VPP giving him any power he can describe in a two-line verse.


    Obituary: A man who can kill you by reciting how you died. When he finishes, you're dead (although for superheroes, they might not die at the first attempt). Basically an Indirect RKA (NND, probably), but with Incantations and a Delayed Effect.


    Death Knell (or possibly Death Nell, if you want another female): Carries a funeral bell, which creates a sonic wave when struck.


    Danse Macabre: (Yes, I know Marvel have a similarly named character). She can raise an army of skeletons, if there are enough corpses around.


    The Undertaker (nothing to do with WWE): A bit like the Headless Horseman character. He drives an old-fashioned hearse, with Nightmares (as in D&D ones) pulling it. In the back is a coffin, bearing the player's name...


    The Embalmer: One spray from his potions and your skin stiffens and tightens, until you can't move. It wears off eventually, but that's assuming another member of the team hasn't finished you first.


    Pallbearer: He has been cursed to drag round a coffin for all eternity. What's in it? Ah, that depends (er, on you, quite frankly). Maybe a lich, maybe a gateway to Hell, maybe an ancient artefact of great power and evil. Maybe it varies with the phase of the moon.


    Sardonicus: A funny guy. Dead funny. You'll laugh and laugh and laugh until your sides split, or you pull muscles in your face. It's also difficult to fight properly when you are laughing at gallows humour. I see this last attack as a Transformation, by the way, lowering your effectiveness, just as a rash might do.


    I'm sure I'll think of more.


    May I make a suggestion about Gravedigger? How about an earth elementalist? He can open up the earth and bury the characters, or create a wave of rolling grave dirt, etc.


    Shouldn't the Graveyard Shift have thriteen members? Just another thought. Maybe the last three can show up unexpectedly.

  2. My only concern was that she was called "The Maid" instead of the French version (as seems to happen a lot in American comics, eg Crimson Fox).


    By the way, I have just noticed that half of the team is from Europe. I don't have a problem with that (I'm British), but the UN might...


    Of course, it's a superhero game, so what's realism got to do with things? :)


    The current mix doesn't include any Moslems. I don't know if your campaign world is similar to our one, but I can't see the UN not having a representative of such a major religion.


    If you think you need to alter the imbalance, the easiest switch might be to make the Czech into a Middle-Eastern scholar. He might even have preserved his life since, say, the Crusades. It might make for interesting role-playing with the French character.


    Sorry, I feel like I'm picking holes in what is a very good idea. I think I tend to be more concerned with ones that capture my imagination (see, it's a good thing really).


    As to the enemies, I think "All of the above." They all sound good to me.

  3. I built a super detective with Precognition and Poscognition, both requiring skill rolls. Not only could he work out what had happened at a crime scene, he could also work out what the criminal might do next. Obviously a GM might have other ideas. :)


    He also had Mind Scan (he was a super-intelligent mentalist), but with appropriate Limitations, I suppose you could have that as a super skill too (ie the detective can find the person he is looking for based on a character analysis and has a better chance if he knows exactly who is is looking for).


    I haven't got his sheet to hand, but I am pretty sure he had SS: Psychology and I think SS: Criminal Psychology too. I think it's safe to say Batman (or his clone) would have these.


    SS: Anatomy, SS: Biology, SS: Medicine. All useful if one is examining a body (or a live victim). I think I gave him Paramedic too.


    SS: Physics and SS: Mathematics might be useful, but perhaps only at the 11- level. Working out the explosive force of a villain's gun might involve that sort of skill.


    KS: Known Criminals, KS: Law, KS: Criminal Law, KS: Organised Crime, KS: Police Procedures: KS [Your City Here] Underworld.

  4. I think this is a really good team idea.


    I have a small comment. The player of the French character might want to call her La Pucelle (which is French for "The Maid").


    Two reasons for this.


    1. The French are very jealous of their language. They hate having words from other cultures subsumed into French. They even have a list of first prescribed names. A French child must be given one of the traditional names from the list. Well, that's what I've read in a couple of places, anyway.


    2. If she's known simply as The Maid, how long will it be before some bright spark starts referring to her as the French Maid? Of course, you might like that idea...

  5. Originally posted by Agent X

    I could swear I've read variants of the story that has buzzards torturing Prometheus.


    I recall someone being punished in Hades by something very similar to what Prometheus went through, but was attacked by buzzards.


    It could be a variant/different translation you are thinking of, of course.

  6. Originally posted by Haven Walkur

    How about the Hekatonchires (hek-ah-ton-KY-rees), after the hundred-handed giants of Greek myth, who guard the captive Titans in hell?


    Good idea, but I can imagine people would joke about them being the "Howtheheckdoisaythis".


    Prometheus was chained to a rock for all eternity (in theory), as a punishment. I'm not sure if that's where Richard got his idea of calling the group Prometheus from.


    Each day, an eagle came and tore out the Titan's liver, which would then grow back, so he could go through it every day.


    This suggests "The Eagles" as the team that supervises Alcatraz. This suggests vigilance (eagle-eyed) and they are there to ensure that the punsishment meted out goes ahead. It could also be the "Eagles of Zeus".


    It's just occurred to me that they might have earned a derisory nickname of "The Birdmen of Alcatraz". Nice if you like to build these little quirks into your campaign world.


    They could also be the Chain Gang, symbolising (again) punishment, although that makes them sound like criminals.


    Prometheus had foresight, so maybe something like "Watchmen" would be appropriate, or possibly "Foresight".


    The mountain he was chained to was supposed to have been in the Caucusus Mountains. I wouldn't go for "The Caucasians" (possible racist overtones), but simply "Caucusus" might be OK.


    As to the Gibraltar facility, Prometheus was eventually freed by Heracles/Hercules (at Zeus's instruction). Gibraltar is sometimes referred to as one of the Pillars of Hercules, so how about "The Pillars", suggesting strength and support?


    In the UK, "pillock" is a term of abuse, so again, the naming strategy might have backfired among the criminal element in Europe.


    Prometheus is also known for bringing man to life and giving mankind fire for heat, cooking and light. So the guards might also be the Firemen, the Firewatchers, the Lighthouse, the Torchbearers, all suggesting protection/vigilance.


    If you want to be really sneaky, don't forget that Lucifer means something like "the light-bearer" and that the Illuminati are the "illuminated ones". Depends if you like conspiracies!

  7. Apologies if anyone else has put these ideas up already, there have been too many posted to keep track of.


    How about:


    Beta Ray Bill: He has a huge bill that emits beta rays. Obviously.


    Touchdown: The football playing superduck (as in the sort of down you get from a duck).


    The Mandarin: Basically, Iron Man's enemy, but of course he is a Mandarin duck.


    Dynamite Duck: Explosive powers or grenades. His catchphrase is, "Duck, you Sucker!" (Little Spaghetti Western reference there for you).


    Wood Duck: Can transform into solid wood and has control over trees. (Yes, it's another type of duck).


    Don't forget to keep on doing the "Duck!" joke. As if you would.

  8. [*]Atlantean


    Could be a Weapons Master called Trident. He might be a barbarian, like Attuma.


    A Brick would fit, as has already been mentioned. Lots of Marvel Atlanteans have huge strength.


    Could be an Atlantean mage. That's more the DC Atlantis, IIRC, but could work.


    I'd go with Trident. He might also have a net and you could pattern him on the Roman Retiarius. Perhaps he is a "noble savage" and has a gladiator's idea of honour. His trident might have special powers (a bit like the Swordsman's sword), but he never uses those in an honourable fight.


    [*]Baseline Human


    I'm going with Mage on this one. Apart from possibly the Atlantean, none of the other races really strikes me as producing a magic-using character. Of course, you want to avoid anything too "cookie-cutter". I think a lady magician would work well. How about a tribute to Zatanna (ie stage magician costume), rather than the slightly portentious Marvel Mages?




    I think Brick suits a Deviant the best. Maybe he can Grow a bit too. I see what you mean about Deviants being difficult to deal with. Male, definitely male. Actually, a hideous female Deviant sounds kind of fun...




    I am inclined to agree that this one should be the energy projector. The Eternals already have a Speedster. (Nice thing with the "Aplo" name, by the way, LL).


    How about a female Eternal called Yuterpi? She has sonic powers (Euterpe being the muse of music - not all Eternals have named patterned after gods - Sersi/Circe being the best example).




    I'd go for Mentalist here. Could he or she be an illegitimate child of Maximus the Mad and want to make up for some of the evil he has caused.


    Failing that, I'd go for Speedster.




    Anything you like. I'd see what gaps you have after dealing with the others and fill in the blank. Once you've made up your mind on the other six, if you still can't think how to play the mutant, ask us again.


    [*]New Man (aka Knight of Wundagore)


    How about Sir Kameel? His base is a chameleon. He can Regenerate, look in opposite directions (360 degree eyesight) and has a comic book version of the chameleon's ability to blend into the background. You can even give him a stretchy, sticky tongue. I see him as quiet and thoughtful, aware that, even among this odd collection of people, he is out-of-place, but is determined to do the Knights' name proud. He might be underestimated often, but his wide range of powers makes him versatile. Imagine everyone chained to the wall. Master villain gloats how no one can defeat him so long as he holds the Atlas Key. Gulp! Out pops Sir Kameel's tongue and snags the artefact.


    I'd go for either two or three females.

  9. Re: Re: Supes is tough


    Originally posted by bloomann

    One thing I'd like to have all of you're opinion on though -

    Could Wolverine's claws make a dent in Superman's defenses?


    Could Xavier, the White Queen, or Phoenix take control of Supes mind?


    I was wondering why no one asked these questions.


    Bearing in mind that (IIRC) Doomsday cut Superman, I'd say the answer to the former question is "Yes." Wolverine might only be able to break the skin (kind of like a paper cut) without superstrength, but I'm not sure.


    Bearing in mind that Superman (at least in JLA) is often shown as being mentally manipulated, I'd say the answer to the latter question is "Yes."


    On the subject of Rogue absorbing Superman's powers, it always seems a bit hit and miss in the comics. Loki's powers might have been too strong because:


    1. They are just too powerful (he's a god).


    2. They are magical and Rogue might have trouble with that. Has she absorbed magical powers anywhere else?


    3. It suited the plot.


    On 1, no, Rogue can't absorb Superman's powers. On 2, no problem. On 3, it depends.


    Would Superman's mind overwhelm Rogue? Not in my opinion. Martian Manhunter's might, though.


    EDIT: Just thought - can Rogue absorb racially innate powers? My recollection is that precisely what she could drain was a bit odd and not necessarily logical (I always thought it should just have been mutant powers).

  10. Hi,


    This is a flying visit and just something off the top of my head, so I might be wholly wrong.


    To get round the "between adventures" problem with Ablative, how about taking a Disadvantage so that on a hit which does more than "X" damage, the character suffers a Drain to Armour?


    I suppose the Drain would fade over time, which might not quite suit you. On the other hand, I can see how his body might regrow the casing, but that he can spend BODY to bring it back more quickly.


    You could use the Standard Effect rule for the Drain, or you might prefer that hits will take slightly different amounts of Armour away.


    Others have covered how to restore the protection.

  11. As I was reading, I first theought VPP, then saw that wasn't possible. Thought of Luck-based powers, then saw Fireg0lem was there first.


    So, how about a character who can affect things on a sub-atomic scale, but (at the moment), has only mastered certain phenomena? Then give him a Power Skill and let that take the strain.


    There was a Marvel character called Quantum, who was super strong (Spider-Man range, I think, maybe a bit stronger, but my memory is hazy). I think he could fly too, but his main power was that, by manipulating probability, he could create duplicates of himself.


    Teleportation was a good suggestion for a power too. He exploits the probability of him being somewhere else and there he is!


    Perhaps he has Find Weakness on his punch, as he somehow manages to stirke at the weak spots of his enemy (maybe he has some kind of Analyze Skill too).

  12. I haven't really thought about the others at all, but I've come up with some other possible explanations for why Icestar has a bad attitude


    1. He isn't especially immune to the effects of cold. It's always a bit of a cliche in comics that someone is almost always invulnerable (or at least highly resistant to) the form of energy he creates. It doesn't have to be like that though. Icestar might have a bit of extra Armour, or whatever vs cold only, but that's it. And he hates being cold.


    2. He is permanently generating low levels of cold. People perceive this and view him as emotionally cold, or perhaps it makes it difficult for him to have relationships. When he kisses a girl, shivers run down her spine, but not in a good way. This is likely to make him bitter. An alternative is that he can barely stand room temperature and prefers to be somewhere much colder. This obviously narrows down his lifestyle choices (a bit like a less extreme version of Mr. Freeze, perhaps).


    3. Just as heat using characters may be hot-headed, perhaps Icestar really is cold-hearted, not just viewed as such.

  13. Ah yes, it was the Summer of '83 when I discovered Champions (the same boxed set Lord Liaden referred to). That kept me occupied for the whole holiday (well, along with the two Enemies book and the two scenarios - again the ones LL remembers). I didn't actually get to play it until I went back to school though!


    It was the versatility of the game (compered with D&D) that had me hooked. I just spent my time coming up with lots of characters.

  14. Sounds like we need more categories.


    At the moment, we have


    Best Dressed

    Worst Dressed

    Best Use of Cape

    Most Functional


    How about:


    Be Still My Beating...Heart - sexiest outfit (I suppose we'd need both male and female ones)

    Brown Suit Award - most terrifying costume

    Best Accessory - (weapons count, although the Punisher needn't get his hopes up)

    Best Logo or Device - (he stands a better chance here).

    Most Fitting Costume - (no, not BEST fitting - that probably comes under "Be Still My Beating...Heart")


    I am inclined to give the power armour wearers their own category for Best Armor (better use the US spelling there).


    Any others?

  15. Originally posted by Lord Liaden

    You would have to give the "Best Cape" award to the Batman. His does the most interesting things visually, and nicely splits the difference between just hanging there (Superman) and being overly busy (Spawn). And you know you can't go wrong with basic black. ;)


    But, LL honey, where's the imagination? Where's the zing? Where's the va-va-voom? Black is just SOOOO last season. Best leave that to the Marilyn Manson wannabes.


    Besides, they gave it to Bats last year and he never showed up to collect it.


    I'd go for the slightly kitsch camp of Doctor Stephen Strange's cloak. That beautiful border combined with rich, eldritch red. It sends shivers down my spine!


    Er, sorry, I appear to be channeling someone at the moment.

  16. I'd do it as an RKA, rather than an EB. 4d6 EB isn't going to hurt much, but against opponents without rED a 1d6+1 RKA can smart. Also, fire is usually done as a Killing Attack in HERO. Of course, the Human Torch's fire bolts never seem to cause much BODY damage, do they? One of the nice things about HERO is that you often have more than one way of building something.

  17. Captain Ultra is a spoof character, though. His gaudy costume is, I think, a pastiche of the bright, primary colours used in many super costumes.


    One character I wish would get a decent costume if Martian Manhunter. I think he's great, but what's with that trunks, harness, cape and turned down boots combo?


    I think Faith has a great costume.


    I am also very fond of Zatanna's costume (the stage magician one, not that weird flying squirrel style one). That has nothing to do with fashion though...

  18. Originally posted by Brandi

    [looks at the comments about clunky power armor]


    Anyone else remember 4th edition's Juggernaut? Or The Maine?


    I thought of Juggernaut too as I read that post. I never really liked The Maine - just a wee bit too silly and he didn't fit the rest of the Assessinos.


    Anyone remember there was a film (maybe a TV film) called something like "Exo-Skeleton Man" - no relation to Foxbat's associate. I haven't managed to find a reference to it, so I have probably got the title wrong.


    Anyway, the main character suffered spinal damage and built a powered suit to allow him to walk again. It gave him huge strength (probably only about 30 in HERO terms, though). His suit was kind of clunky looking.


    I'm also thinking about the "Spider-Man" film and the exo-skeleton which was being built by Norman Osborne's rival. That was big, but realistic-looking.

  19. Amber could produce Entangles - "Why, this bank clerk's trapped like a fly in amber." Although maybe being "stuck in amber" would produce ribald comments from the players.


    Viridian is a nice name for a shade of green. It would make a change from Jade, or even Emerald (a little too close to Sapphire, perhaps).


    It sounds to me like you are avoiding having anyone with two names (no, "Lady Lilac", for example).


    If I am wrong, then you have a lot more scope, (White Heat (Zenith's mother in the 200AD strip was called that), White Noise, etc.). You could go for Ivory, maybe a partner (no, not in THAT sense) to Ebony. Depends if your players would remember/care about the old Paul McCartney/Stevie Wonder song. If they would joke about it, that could ruin the tone.


    Azure is a good one, but maybe you could have a female warrior called the "Ultramarine". I am not sure if that is a serious suggestion or not. It's a little tacky maybe, but it actually gives you a name which has powers/skills associated with it. I'd see her as either a super-soldier, a power armour user or maybe a gadget-carrying villain, a bit like Utility or Mechassassin.


    There was a DC hero (now villain) called Magenta, who had magnetic powers. Not directly a link with the name, but obviously the two words are quite similar.


    I like your Lilac idea, making her a little like Poison Ivy. That one isn't used very often.


    Another potentially tacky name would be "Tan". She could simply be, say, Chinese and that's her name! In that case, in wouldn't be tacky at all and the character could be anything. I'd avoid martial artist, though, that's too cliched. Alternatively, perhaps Tan has solar radiation powers and can produce light, heat and radiation.

  20. When you say "unique" do you just mean "unusual"? There aren't going to be many fields of study where no one else at all is involved.


    One that I used as a basis for a speedster character I had was a doctor specialising in the study of the metabolism.


    So another question I would ask is do you have ANY ideas for what archetype you are considering playing?


    At a stretch, most sciences can be related to the origin of powers. Even Mathematics! Think of Johnny and Jesse Quick and their speed formula (whatever it was called).


    Of course, the science might be entirely unrelated to the powers too. Captain Britain was a scientist, but his powers (well, originally), were mystical in nature.

  21. I didn't quite take my last post to its conclusion.


    The specialism also helps the GM to use the villain in a plot.


    For example, if the heroes learn that "The Master Poisoner" is threatening the city, they know to check out ventilation ducts, water supplies, etc.


    If someone has been shot with a laser from the top of a tower, an almost impossible shot; they know to look for "Target". Unless of course, someone is framing him...

  22. Originally posted by Ghost who Walks

    I suppose my point was that you don't need to go overboard on a villains powers to make them usable. Invisibility or Desolidification is all a thief type really needs. Since a GM may end up running multiple villains at a time, simpler powers is often better.


    I certainly agree with both of the points you make there.


    I think the former has something to do with the fact that most villains are proactive. They are the ones that rob the bank, steal the scientific breakthrough, blow up the UN Building, try to conquer the world. Therefore, you can have a satisfactory villain who specialises in a type of crime. The super thief with Desolidification, Invisibility, a few skills and a reasonable DEX (or DEX levels), could waltz in and out of places.


    However, the heroes are normally reactive. One minute they are stopping a GRAB raid, the next they have been hurtled into the past and are fighting dinosaurs, then after that they are trying to work out who committed an "impossible" murder. Each calls for different skills or powers and they generally don't get to choose what challenge they face.


    So, maybe that suggests another guideline for villains, which is that, to make them interesting, you need to give them something more than the "bare bones" of the Powers and Skills they need to fit their modus operandi. You are right that simpler powers are better, as the GM has a lot to do, so perhaps it must be something distinctive about their crimes.


    For example, it's a thief who specialises in stealing gems, or antique toys, a terrorist who likes to use his RKA to snipe at civillians or contaminates water supplies, or a conqueror who uses robot troops or demons from Dimension X.


    The specialism helps to define them and makes them more interesting. Just a thought and certainly one that won't always apply.

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