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About Legend

  • Birthday 02/22/1970

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Legend's Achievements

  1. I have Hero Designer, Prior to it I had MetaCreator. Is there a way to convert Meta Creator's .cha files into Hero Desiner's. hdc without manually recreating all the files?
  2. On a similar question. I have HDv3 installed and hit the get update tool. Got taken to a shutdown website. How do I update the software?
  3. Legend

    Nuclear Blast

    I need some help, I have a number of books (scattered between home and storage) and I remember in one of them there was a breakdown of a nuclear blast. It was a 12 phase attack with something different happening each phase, but I cannot remember what book it was in Does anyone remember this and what book it was in? Any help appreciated
  4. Are rapid fire explosions legal? I have a GM who has several times used them. With 4 shots of rapid fire he pretty much covers the map targeting hexes. I haven't seen anything prohibiting this, but something about it seems wrong.
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