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Lord Kilsco

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Posts posted by Lord Kilsco

  1. I read my "Terran Empire" book today and I'm lost with several imperial forces presented in the book.


    There are :

    - ISP (Imperial Security Police)

    - TSS (Terran Security Service)

    - TIC (Terran Intelligence Command)


    I don't understand very well the differences between these three forces, their roles and responsabilities.


    Is it more clear for you ?


    PS : sorry for my poor english ...

  2. Re: My first Turakian Age character


    il est le fun ton personnage as-tu regardé ma question a propos des points pour la magie d alchimie....et pour ton desavantage de curiosité je suis un peu d accord avec l autre ....tu dis que ton personnage est plus curieux que la moyenne de sorte qu il peut mettre les autres en danger mais ton desavantage reste a (common moderate) enfin ...comment trouves-tu le turakian age?

    stef the french canadien

    Thanks for your answer Steph, but I'm not sure everyone will understand us if we speak French on this board. Perhaps could you post again your comments in English in such way everybody will understand.

  3. Re: My first Turakian Age character


    Oat of Fealthy & Subject to Orders are very close and basically represent the same thing unless they are to different groups (Which could cause some cool RP problems).

    Yes, I realized that after Arcady made me the same remark. I will remove Subject to Orders in the next version of my character.


    Wow' date=' those are abysmal stats for a 150 point game. If those are on par with the other players then disregaurd but typically in a 75/75 game a good rule of thumb to follow on creation is no more than a 20% difference between stats and skills (that is - don't spend more than 90 points in either the stats or the skills section ....and inversly do not spend less than 60 in either of those sections).[/quote']

    I'm not sure to understand. Do you count talents, perks and powers in your skills total or are they apart ?


    If I undestand what you said, your recommendation is :

    - between 60 and 90 points in characterics (primary and secondary)

    - between 60 and 90 points in skills

    - remaining points in perks, talents and powers


    Did I misunderstand what you said ?


    Point effectiveness:


    Wooh. I must say I never took care of this kind of optimization. I assigned points to characterics according to how I imagined my character without thinking to these game effects. Perhaps it is a mistake ...


    PS -- Lightining should be cheaper with the 0.33 cost multiplier shouldn't it??

    You're right. I made the same mistake for all spells and potions I created for this character. I forgot the "division by 3" rule for Turakian Age magic.

  4. Re: My first Turakian Age character


    I have to say' date=' that's the kind of ingredient you put on the "35d6 megascale area effect does body NND and even spanks your momma's heiny spell", not a 'speak with chipmunks and bunny rabbits' spell...[/quote']

    Yes, you're right. That's why I will remove this spell in the new version of my character.

  5. Re: My first Turakian Age character


    When I read the spells while doing my first reply I noticed they had already been divided by three in the final cost when compared to the grimoire.

    Are you sure ?


    For Meldana's Charm of the Dragon's Heart, I took the 'weak' option from the Fantasy Hero Grimoire.


    Same for Lightning Strike, for which I chose to take a 1d6 RKA instead of 3d6.

  6. Re: My first Turakian Age character


    Thanks your your comments, arcady !


    It might be easier if you organized it by package deals. :)

    I don't understand. I created this character with Hero Designer and prefabs from the Fantasy Hero and Turakian Age packs. I exported it with one of the export templates. Do you mean I should have organize the skills, perks, talents and powers by package deal (a first section with abilities coming from Elf Package Deal, another section for Alchimist Package Deal, another one for Wizard Apprentice) ?


    I suppose you have a plan for coming up with Dragon hearts? I know that in the DnD game I run - if it had been in Fantasy Hero after 1 year of play the player with this speak with animal spell would never have managed to come up with the needed ingredients to cast... It's an odd ingredient' date=' likely to kill the PC trying to gather it, for what most people would consider a 'cantrip' spell.[/quote']

    I made myself the same comment when I read this spell in the Fantasy Hero Grimoire. The dragon heart surprised me and made me think I won't often have the opportunity to cast this spell ... Perhaps should I change this spell to need a less rare ingredient.


    Do you expect the Orc / Goblin thing to hinder the character in play?

    I'm not sure. The campaign will take place in the Free City of Aarn. Don't Orcs or Goblins live in this city ? Perhaps in the Thieves' Guilds, as said in Turakian Age p.181


    Psych Curiousity is one of those things that's always bugged me. For most people' date=' it just means "PC" - as all PCs play out with this one. If I were your GM there'd be a good chance that by session three I'd be having you remove it. What would cause me to not do so would be seeing the character act in a manner 'above and beyond' normal RPG-PC behavoir.[/quote']

    With this disavantage, I wanted to tell "My character will be so curious that he will stick one's nose into things not concerning the adventure and will cause problems to the PC group". To my mind, he will really be more curious than an average PC.


    The Oath of Loyalty and the Social Responsibility cover the same ground' date=' so in play what makes them end up different? I'd want a list of situations that were -llikely to occur- where one governed your actions and the other did not. I'd want that list to be half of one, and half the other.[/quote']

    You're right, it was a mistake to give my character these two limitations. In a new version, I will remove the Social Responsibility and let the Oath of Loyalty to the Elvenking.


    On the other hand, I discovered yesterday evening that spells real cost in Turakian Age must be divided by 3 (Turakian Age, p.230), so my spells and potions real cost are all false. I should have read my books more carefully.


    Thanks again for your help.

  7. Hi,


    Let me introduce you my first character created for a Fantasy Hero / Turakian Age campaign. As a Fantasy Hero beginner, I would like to know your comments on this character : my mistakes, what I could improve, what I must change, etc.


    He's an Elf of Elvenholme, he travels across Ambrethel in the service of the Elvenking as a spy / agent. He's a good alchimist and a beginning druidic wizard (Druidry as magic). I didn't choose his equipment, I will do it later.


    Kerian Arkena


    Player: Lord Kilsco


    Val** Char*** Cost
    10** STR 0
    13** DEX 9
    11** CON 2
    10** BODY 0
    15** INT 5
    14** EGO 8
    10** PRE 0
    14** COM 2
    3** PD 1
    2** ED 0
    3** SPD 7
    5** REC 2
    22** END 0
    21** STUN 0
    *8"**RUN42"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 40


    Cost** Power END
    3** Kaltorimedariani : +1 PER with all Sense Groups* 0
    ** Elf Innate Abilities*
    5** 1) Elven Eyes : Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)* 0
    4** 2) Elven Longevity : Life Support (Longevity 1600 Years)* 0
    2** 3) Elven Eyes : +1 PER with Sight Group* 0
    ** Alchemy*
    5** 1) Dust of Darkness: Change Environment 8" radius, -3 to Sight Group PER Rolls, Delayed Effect (x2 number active; +1/2) (39 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, -3 1/2), OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout brewing (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Requires An Alchemy Roll (to brew; -1/2), 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/2)* [4 cc]
    5** 2) Dust of Illusion: Sight Group Images Increased Size (4" radius; +1/2), -3 to PER Rolls, Delayed Effect (x2 number active; +1/2) (38 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, -3 1/2), OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout brewing (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Requires An Alchemy Roll (to brew; -1/2), 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/2)* [4 cc]
    1** 3) Owl's Eyes Potion: Nightvision, 4 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+0), Delayed Effect (x2 number active; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, -3), OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout brewing (0 DCV; -1), Requires An Alchemy Roll (to brew; -1/2)* [4 cc]
    ** Druidry Spells*
    5** 1) Lightining Strike: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Indirect (always comes from the sky; +1/4) (19 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; chip of wood from a lightbing-struck tree; -1 1/4), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Druidry Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)* 2
    3** 2) Meldana's Charm of the Dragon's Heart: Telepathy 3d6 (Animal class of minds) (15 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Very Difficult to obtain new Focus; bit of flesh of dragon's heart; -1 1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Incantations (throughout; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Requires A Druidry Roll (-1/2), Communication Only (-1/4), Visible (-1/4)* 1
    Powers Cost: 33



    Cost** Skill
    ** Combat*
    8** 1) +1 with All Combat*
    4** 2) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons*
    4** 3) +2 with Bows*
    ** Magic*
    5** 1) Alchemy 13-*
    3** 2) KS: Arcane And Occult Lore 12-*
    3** 3) SS: Alchemy 12-*
    3** 4) Druidry (Magic) 12-*
    1** 5) Inventor (Spell Research) 8-*
    ** Knowledge*
    6** 1) AK: Elvenholme 15-*
    3** 2) KS: Elven Law 12-*
    ** Languages*
    0** 1) Language: Shalionderentine (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)*
    ** Miscellaneous*
    3** 1) +3 with Stealth (6 Active Points); Only In Woodland Environments (-1)*
    5** 2) Riding 13-*
    4** 3) Animal Handler (Equines) 12-*
    3** 4) High Society 11-*
    3** 5) Stealth 12-*
    3** 6) Climbing 12-*
    2** 7) Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests) 12-*
    1** 8) Paramedics (Healing) 8-*
    1** 9) Tracking 8-*
    Skills Cost: 65


    Cost** Perk
    4** Contact: Keral Arkena (Kerian's father) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 8-*
    2** Fringe Benefit: Kaltorimedariani (equivalent to Knight)*
    Perks Cost: 6


    Cost** Talent
    3** Lightsleep*
    3** Environmental Movement (no penalties in Undergrowth)*
    Talents Cost: 6



    Total Character Cost: 150


    Val** Disadvantages
    15** Psychological Limitation: Hatred of Orcs and Goblins (Common, Strong)*
    15** Psychological Limitation: Respect for Nature (Common, Strong)*
    15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Elvenholme Agent) (Frequently, Major)*
    10** Rivalry: Professional (Rival Elvenholme Master Agent Dorean Grell; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)*
    10** Psychological Limitation: Curiosity (Common, Moderate)*
    10** Psychological Limitation: Oath Of Feudal Loyalty to Elvenking (Common, Moderate)*
    0** Normal Characteristic Maxima*

    Disadvantage Points: 75


    Base Points: 75

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

  8. Re: "Object Past Life" psionic power


    Lord Kilsco' date=' if you can get a copy of it, the UNTIL Superpowers Database has several examples of Psychometry and Retrocognition. If not, what you have could easily work.[/quote']

    Arghh, another book to buy ! :lol:


    More seriously, thanks for all your answers ! It's pleasant to see a forum so active and with so much "experts".

  9. Re: "Object Past Life" psionic power


    On the NCC' date=' does it happen everytime he touches an object, or just whenever the GM wants? I'm guessing the latter, because the former would be debilitating, but I thought I'd make sure.[/quote']

    You're guessing right. It's a "random" psionic power (i.e. whenever the GM wants).

  10. Hi,


    I try to create a psionic power (for a Star Hero - Terran Empire campaign). Let me explain what kind of power I want : when the character touches an object without gloves, he may have a "flash" in which he can see a past scene of the "life" of the object. Extreme example : if he touches a weapon, he can see a crime committed with this weapon. One important thing is that this power is not under control by the character : the "flash" don't come each time he touches an object, it appears randomly.


    I began the power like that :


    Object Past : Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group) (40 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Randomly when touching an object without gloves; -2), Retrocognition Only (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -3/4), Blackout (-1/2). Real cost : 8 Points.


    Some explanations :

    - No Conscious Control : as explained above

    - Retrocognition Only : only past events can be seen

    - Concentration and Blackout : during the "flash", the character is totally unaware of what happens around him.


    I'm a Hero System beginner and I need your help and advice about this power. Shouldn't I add a limitation to clarify the fact that the power is actived by touching an object or is No Conscious Controle sufficient ?


    Thanks in advance for your advice.


    Lord Kilsco.

  11. Re: Bringing new players to HERO System.


    The one thing I have found that turns most people OFF about Champions

    is that the system is too "generic". Now with some game systems; DC, MUSH, V&V,GURPS etc, the powers are neatly spelled out.

    Example-> Fire Generation does 3d8 damage and thats all you need to know. However in HERO that could be 4d6 Energy Blast with the special

    effect of Fire. It can be; Fire Breathing, Flaming Missile, Pyrokinesis,etc.

    (Sturring up the imagination of a gamer seems to be a rare skill indeed.)

    Once again, I think it's the GM role to help the player to find the technical answer of what he wants for his character. The player explains the power or the spell he wants, then the GM and the player find the Hero System solution. Gradually, the player will be more and more familiar with the system and will need less and less GM help.

  12. Re: Bringing new players to HERO System.


    To my mind, "Hero System Sidekick" is a first good try to bring new players to Hero System. It explains simply the basics of the system and emphasizes what is the most important part of the system for a player : character creation !


    However, I can't deny that Hero System is complex. That's why, imho, GM must take care of the most complex elements of the system and help players to create their characters. The best way for that is to speak to the player to know what kind of character he wants to play, and then create the character with him. A big mistake would be to let a player create his character alone, with just his rulebook ...

  13. Re: Anyone else have Eberron and wonder how it would look converted to Hero.


    I think the midnight setting lends itself to HERO as well. While I have not read Rberron the low magic( if your a good guy at least)' date=' forboding danger of Midnight would be an easy conversion.[/quote']

    I entirely agree with you. Midnight is a very interesting setting, original and very well designed. When I will run a dark fantasy campaign, it'll certainly be with Fantasy Hero for the rules, and Midnight for the setting.

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