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Posts posted by Aroooo

  1. Originally posted by Tim


    I have one question as to your write up of the Centauri.


    According to the write up the male (uh) organs can lift as much as the character's arms. I always thought that they should be limited to the amount of str that can be applied. Remember, Londo had trouble getting his (uhhh) organ out from under the pitcher.


    Possibly add can only use up to 2 kgs Str wth organs (-?) to reduce cost?




    I otherwise find everything to begreatly written up, and better in many ways to my own stuff.


    That's a good point. I'll add that in. From the poker 'incident' I was looking at it from the point that Londo did not want to move because the pitcher would tip over, thus his cheating be discovered. But the less STR is a good obsvervation.


    And thanks for the nice words!



  2. Yes and no. Packages is probably the wrong word for what Hero does. A package is supposed to represent the average 'whatever' you are creating, especially in relation to the 'average' human. In your example, the Foogers, on average, are stronger than humans, but less intelligent. Thats not to say that there are not smart Foogers and weak Foogers. In essence, the package represents the average starting point for that race/job/etc. from which to build upon. The misconception of the name Packages tends to be interpreted as Incentives for playing a particular thing/occupation, esp. by players new to Hero. "If I play a Fooger, I get 5 extra points."




    Edit: the 'yes and no' is in answer to the original post, not the first reply.

  3. Originally posted by TechnoGothic

    great stuff Aroo....

    You just helped me out tremendiously indeed, with all the work youve put into this...


    That and i'm still new to Hero doesnt help me out trying to figure these things out as quickly as you guys can. But from seeing this, it shows me, how things can be done right...and accurately...


    i was working on the Psi-Corp idea, and boy was i not figuring these things out, like you did...


    i'm starting to believe Hero is too cruchy for me....alot of work when creating characters, ect...but After Character creation, things are easy :D


    First off, thanks for the nice words, and I'm glad I could help :)


    Second, don't think Hero is too crunchy-don't get discouraged. It will only take you a matter of a short time till you get the hang of the system. Once you're there, the crunchyness gets easy. There are some good threads on the Hero System Discussion section for new Players/GMs. Worth the read.



  4. Originally posted by BobGreenwade

    From TUV, page 165:

    Telekinesis (26 STR) (39 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), No Range (-1/2), Only To Throw Target Straight Up (-2), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4). Total Cost: 6 points.



    My only quible with this is the recoverable charge. In real life you don't really recover the seat; it usually gets destroyed when if hits the ground. Just food for thought...



  5. Another sample character


    I've added another character to the samples page. This one is Steven Midnight, Starfury Squadron Leader. I've left the background blank for now - feel free to add your own :)



  6. Not an update, but fun anyway


    While I finish up a sample character or two this weekend, my group found a really cool web site that answers the eternal gamer question: Which is the better starship?


    http://www.spacebattles.com contains loads of fan created movies of all your classic SciFi ships duking it out. Its old, but really cool. (Most of the files are AVI, coded with the Indeo codec, so Mac OSX users will have problems with the video. We're working on converting them to plain quicktime should anyone be interested in that format.)



  7. Originally posted by Thrakazog I'm mosly concerned about the first issue. When I started the campain I remembered that my ISP gave me some free web space, and so I threw together a quick campaign site with stuff I found on the web. I'd hate to get threatening letters becuase I took a pic I thought was cool off someone else's site. I have a front page disclaimer that reads:


    This web site and the campaign itself draw upon the excellent art and campaign works of many others, including Game Designer's Workshop, Steve Jackson Games, and others. They appear here for no other reason than I simply thought they were cool. No claim of originality or ownership is stated or implied.


    Is that enough? I wasn't sure I wanted to find out.

    :) [/b]


    The whole free use issue is a big gray area when it comes to putting stuff on the web and either using or linking to other folks web sites.


    The best thing to do is 1) put up a disclaimer; 2) get the other folks permission for personal game use if you can (most folks won't mind for personal games like yours). Some companies like DOJ and SJGames have fair/personal use policies on their web sites.



  8. Re: Spacedock conversions?


    Originally posted by Torpedo

    Hello all!


    I'm a long-time lurker, first-time poster. Has anyone done conversions using TUV of Steve Long's excellent SPACEDOCK series? I'm interested to see the results.




    See the Trek PDF thread.



  9. Re: Next minor update


    Originally posted by Eodin


    I'm not sure I understand about the +1/4 on Continuous...I thought as long as it was Continous they took damage each phase. If they take 5*3.5=18 STUN each phase, MOST will eventually go unconscious (though not like in the series).


    Never mind :) I was thinking Cumulative, not Continuous when I wrote that.



  10. Welcome aboard! From a fellow 'convert this world setting to HERO' person, I wish you all the luck! Its been a long time since I played StarCraft. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


    As for next book recommendations, I'd have to say get the Until Super Power Database. I think it will help you more than either NH or UMA will at this early stage of the game. Of course, get Spacer's Toolkit first if thats there too. More helpful for a sci-fi game.



  11. shameless plug


    Originally posted by JohnTaber

    Hi Gents,


    I have a great comic recommendation...


    Alien Legion by Carl Potts - Footslogging group of misfits. Sort of a French Foreign Legion in space. Has a great Dirty Dozen flavor that I just love and the art from Cirocco and Stromann (later on) is just rad.


    http://www.foot-sloggers.com, sanctioned by Carl Potts.


    And I've got to second the Bolo series. Great treatment of AI's combined with really big powerful machines.



  12. Any of the above a all viable ways to make power armor. A lot will depend on how the special effects work. Typically, my group tends to go the multipower route, but that has some limitations that may not be appropriate for your group/campaign.


    Another way to do power armor is to build it as a vehicle. TUV has a pretty good example of one.



  13. Thanks for the nice words!


    I actually have not gotten any official word from the B5 Tech Manual creator on permission to use/link to his graphics. I suspect that he's still in a little shell shock - he's been having a horrible time lately with someone in the UK hyjacking his stuff without permission. So, I have not been too pressed to press him for another person to borrow his work. For now I'm going to let dogs lay and work with him more as I get ready to do the PDF.



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