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Posts posted by fbdaury

  1. Re: Opinion poll


    Treat it as heroic club weapon- def+body worth of dice added to strength, not to exceed double the normal strength damage for that character. This would make it worthwhile to do something like this, but keep it under control.

  2. Re: Superleap and falling damage.


    I don't know about tha accuracy of the "jump upward" bit, but this tactic is one of the worst things you can do. If you're falling in an elevator, your best bet is to lay down on the bottom and not try to jump up. Think of it this way, falling feet first your legs have a certain momentum. By "jumping", you're thrusting your legs downward meaning that there will be more force acting on them.


    As for a ruling, I'd say that if you can get in control of the fall (dex roll or whatever), then you can subtract the inches of jumping from the distance of the fall.


    As with all things in Hero, the actual effect looks different than the mechanics of it, think of it as preparing yourself to "shock absorb" with your legs if that makes more sense to you.

  3. Re: Superleap and falling damage.


    The FREd has rules on using the character's upwards leaping distance to equally counter out falling velocity, but the character must hold an action to "jump upward" just as they hit the ground to use this defense against falling.

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