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Posts posted by GaryB

  1. Re: Name My Supervillian!


    Those are some great ones so far. I particularly like the German translations; however, my predilection for German names is already eliciting jokes from my group, so I might have to go Russian, Slavic or Hungarian.


    Thanks for all the input, fellas!


    This is when my villains begin getting strange powers that exploit or create weaknesses in the players for a short period of time. The players never say another thing about that villain's name afterward. =)

  2. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


    My Picks for Era Leagues


    Noir "Gentleman" (1920's thru 50's) Combined


    Sam Spade

    Hercule Poirot

    The Phantom

    The Shadow

    Dick Tracey




    Ben Richards (The Immortal)

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau(Sellers)

    Green Hornet

    Kato (Lee)

    Caine (Carridine)





    Steve Austin

    Jamie Summers


    Evil Kenevil




    Dukes of Hazard (LOL)

    Michael Knight & KITT (As much as I hate the show)


    Terminator (Converted)





    Buffy Summers

    Willow Rosenberg

    Michael Wiseman (Now and Again)

    Marie (Anne Parillaud/Innocent Blood 1992)

    El Mariachi (Banderas)

  3. Re: Summoning stuff


    The problem with the above is that' date=' if I must buy all these powers for my vehicle anyway, I may as well take that one step further and take the limitations off. NOw I have a vehicle with Megascale teleport - range anywhere on Earth. After all, if it can teleport to me from the other side of the planet, why, logicaly, can it not take me back as well?[/quote']


    Character concept over mechanics. If the intent was to call forth a vehicle, then thats what the power (vehicle) would do and that would be the limitations. But in the above case, may as well buy a megascaled teleport for yourself.


    Summon' date=' oth the other hand, could mean I use my Hellfire powers to create a motorcycle crafted entirely of Hellfire - it didn't come from the other side of the world, so there's no reason it should have the movement to get back there either.[/quote']


    Then again, you can buy Ground Movement (Running) with a Focus, Turn Modes, etc.


    However, I digress. Was just thinking of Knight Rider and the intelligent car thing. Summon xCost Vehicle, Loyal, Specific Being, Must Arrive under own power, Must inhabit locale. Focus - Communicator (Radio Transmit/Xmit). I would say, the vehicle would have to have some sort of intelligence or automation in order for it to work in any campaign I ran.

  4. Re: Summoning stuff


    If you want a different vehicle as well as to be able to summon it to you.


    Teleport and/or Dimensional Travel will work.


    Also add in Shapeshift and Size Powers and it's a different vehicle upon need.


    Add in Flight, Swimming, Gliding movement multipowers to fit the type of vehicle.


    Add in Healing/Tranform to fix any damage sustained last time the vehicle was summoned or used.


    The problem with using summoned, is that it calls upon a character template more than a vehicle template IMO. Otherwise, I might as well add my base or computer to a summon and then...we are just getting silly.

  5. Re: Summoning stuff


    1) In my games, I'd never allow anyone to use summon for a vehicle. The mechanics just aren't the same, unless of course it was a ridable beat...but that still isn't a 'vehicle' and one still have to bargain-ego contest it to control it.

    However, they could buy a vehicle with the proper powers and advantages to be able to summon it. It the vehicle falls into the realm of being 'man-made'.


    2) You would need expanded class of things (+1/2 version at best). However, the GM should watch out for these types of summons and limit them to a few types of skilled normals or make the humans sort of hostile and unwilling to help without some major convining.


    3) Expanded Class of beings (+1), Specific Being (+1) would work. But this is some that once again the GM will have to step up and review very carefully. The consequences of such a power could be deadly to an unprepared GM. For instance, Mr. King Bad Guy is in town. Really? Summon summon summon...Go to Jail Mr. King Bad Guy (after Ego contest). This of course depends on the points spent into the summon.

  6. Re: Dark Tower Characters


    I haven't read through these write-ups but one thing did jump out at me- Jake has Luck that you labeled "Ka favors him"? WTF! Dude, he kept dying so that Roland could start the whole thing over again- the kid's frigging cursed if you ask me...


    PS:That was the most bullshit cop-out ending I've ever read. :mad:


    Those events had no bearing on his overall luck. It was unfortunate, but part of the over-arching plot that those things happened. However, if you look through the rest of the story and the things Jake did, you will find that he was quite lucky.


    1) Lucky that Eddie was able to open the door and save him from the house.

    2) Lucky that 'The Writer' was able to cue him in on things.

    3) Lucky in Lud that he wasn't killed or harmed when he was abducted.

    4) Lucky that the Wolves didn't kill him in the Calla.

    5) Lucky to have saved 'The Writer' near the end.

    6) Lucky that Roland came back and saved him again from the Pusher.


    There are just many more bits of small luck on top of that, including his and Callahan's stint through the Pig in the last book. Callahan on the otherhand is someone who has a throw of bad luck from having to deal with Black 13, and his run in with Low Men and Vampires throughout the worlds.


    So I stand by my Luck addition to his character. In fact, all of them were lucky because Ka had it's plan for them all.


    And, the Ending was satisfactory for me. Roland is more or less a condemned man than a hero for his obsessive behavior.

  7. Barring the long lived or immortal heroes out there, an interesting scenario for a campaign would be post retirement heroes. Ether they live in world where (supposedly) most of the troubles have been put to rest or have signed out for the younger generation. Either way, for some reason something from thier past drives them out. Now they have to deal with retraining thier skills, dealing with lower back pain and younger hotshots who lack any experience.


    Sorry if the idea has crept up before. But would make for a good suppliment for Champions.

  8. Re: Looking for help with character


    I never saw a use for adding Armor Piercing and Penetrating together. The advantages usually aren't worth the points. Armor piercing will usually cut most defenses in half, enough so that (in most cases) it negates the usefulness of Penetrating. Plus, each AP and Pen are counted seperately versus hardened and gives no special advantage there either.


    Combined with 60 STR, you are looking at a 6d6 Killing attack. With either AP or Pen, you'll be doing more than enough damage. I'd take off Pen and replace with something like +1 Stun Modifier. Just hope you aren't taking any sort of code vs killing. ;)


    Consider your own character. 10 rDEF in either case. If someone came up against you with a 6d6 HKA AP, the everage damage is going to be around 18 Body and 44 Stun. Your defenses are gonna be cut in half and you will take 13 Body out of your 16. Better hope they dont hit again. Any sensible GM who runs a game will usually throw the same types of attacks at the party that the party posseses themselves. ie: You have 6d6 HKA AP, so will some of the villains.


    As for the Death Sight, Precognition would be the best bet with advantages and limitations to fit your character concept.

  9. Re: Dark Tower CharactersOyPlayer:

    Val Char Cost
    10 STR 0
    14 DEX 12
    10 CON 0
    8 BODY -4
    10 INT 0
    10 EGO 0
    8 PRE -2
    14 COM 2
    5 PD 3
    2 ED 0
    2 SPD 0
    5 REC 2
    24 END 2
    25 STUN 7
    10" RUN82" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 30
    Cost Power END
    10 Bumbler Nose : Tracking with Smell/Taste Group 0
    9 Animal Senses : +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0
    5 Nocturnal Eyes : Nightvision 0
    8 Bite : Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1 1/2d6 w/STR) (15 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 1
    7 Link to Jake : Mind Link , Human class of minds, One Specific Mind, Psychic Bond (10 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Common Circumstances (Only to recieve from Jake; -1/2) 0
    Powers Cost: 39
    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
    3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 / 0d6 Strike; Target Falls
    4 Crush (by the Throat): 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 / 4d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab
    4 Sacrifice Lunge: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -2 DCV, 2d6 / 0d6 +v/5; FMove
    Martial Arts Cost: 11
    Cost Skill
    1 Acting 8-
    3 Mimicry 11-
    3 Stealth 12-
    3 Shadowing 11-
    5 Tracking 12-
    6 +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks
    Skills Cost: 21
    Cost Talent
    15 Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, in combat, Intuitional) 11-
    3 Bump Of Direction
    6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
    Talents Cost: 24
    Val Disadvantages
    5 Distinctive Features: Billy Bumbler (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
    10 Enraged: Whenever Jake is in terrible danger (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
    25 Psychological Limitation: Jakes constant campanion. Cannot stand to be without him. (Very Common, Total)
    5 Psychological Limitation: Doesn't trust many people outside the Ka-Tet (Uncommon, Moderate)
    15 Social Limitation: Can speak, but not in a social manner. Limits of physiology. (Occasionally, Severe)
    15 Physical Limitation: No fine manipulation (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)
    Disadvantage Points: 75

    Base Points: 50Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 125

    Height: 0.50 m Hair: White, Grey and Brown
    Weight: 20.00 kg Eyes: Black
    Appearance: The best decription of a Billy Bumbler is that of a small dog and a racoon. The patterns in the fur are that of a racoon like shape and the tail is fluffly like a racoon as well. However, the paws and head are very much canine. Apart from that, Oy is very expressive and intellegent in his eyes and through his voice.Personality:  Oy seems content to stay with Jake and like any good animal companion he is very protective of Jake to the point of risking his own life for the boy. Oy to this point will only trust strangers if Jake does it first. Oy will listen to other members of the Ka-Tet if Jake isn't around for some reason, but his ultimate goal will be to get back to Jake. To this end, the Ka-Tet has found him intellegent.

    Near the end of the series Roland was surprised to see how well Oy could express emotions and intelligent actions. Jake had told Oy to stay with Roland to the very end for a purpose. To this, Oy did exactly what Jake said and stayed with Roland.

    Quote:"Oy! Ake! Oland!"Background:  Oy joined the Ka-Tet on the way to Lud to find Blaine. At first the Ka-Tet didn't think much of the animal who seemed to bond to Jake. But as time went on, they all began to realize Oy was much more than any other Bubmler of this 'age'. Most Bumblers were no better than any dog, but it is well known at one time that a Bumbler could be taught to immitate voices and noises like a parrot. Over the ages, as the worlds move on, Bumblers became more feral and forgot how to be trained and talk. Oy showed that not only did he possess the ability, but could also relate thoughts and feelings through his 'mimicry'. At first it was cute, but then they realized just how smart a Billy Bumbler Oy was.

    Oy recieved his name from Jake because of Oy's mimic ability. Usually only the last word of any sentence was repeated by the bumbler and without the ability to do many hard letter sounds, the sentence "Whats your name boy?" came out of Oy's mouth as "Oy". From then on, that was the name of the bumbler.

    Powers/Tactics: Oy fights like any animal, but with more tactics. He knows how to coordinate with Jake and seems to know just what to do. His actual fight skill is that of a wolf or a dog. Knock over your opponent, pin and crush by the neck. This has taken many unwary people by surprise, and to thier deaths when dealing with the Jake-Oy pair.Campaign Use: 
  10. Re: Dark Tower CharactersSuanna DeanPlayer:

    Val Char Cost
    10 STR 0
    15 DEX 15
    14 CON 8
    10 BODY 0
    16 INT 6
    18 EGO 16
    15/25 PRE 5
    14 COM 2
    4 PD 2
    4 ED 1
    3 SPD 5
    5 REC 0
    28 END 0
    22 STUN 0
    2" RUN-81" SWIM-10" LEAP-2Characteristics Cost: 49
    Cost Power END
    8 Link of the Ka-Tet : Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Any dimension (20 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) 0
    10 Strengthened Mind : Mental Defense (14 points total) 0
    5 Odetta's Rage : +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (Only works when in Odetta Mode, while she's insulting and demoralizing someone; -1)
    6 Keen Senses : +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
    Powers Cost: 29
    Cost Skill
    5 Acting 13- (15-)
    5 Climbing 13-
    3 Deduction 12-
    3 High Society 12- (14-)
    3 Fast Draw 12-
    3 Paramedics 12-
    3 Persuasion 12- (14-)
    3 Sleight Of Hand 12-
    3 Streetwise 12- (14-)
    5 Stealth 13-
    4 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain) 12-
    1 Tactics 8-
    1 WF: Handguns
    1 WF: Oriza Plates (Bladed thowing discs)
    5 +1 with Ranged Combat
    6 +2 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks
    3 +3 with any single attack with one specific weapon
    Skills Cost: 57
    Cost Perk
    10 Money: Wealthy
    Perks Cost: 10
    Cost Talent
    12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)
    Talents Cost: 12
    Val Disadvantages
    5 Accidental Change: When in great physical danger, Odetta comes out (Personality Change) 8- (Uncommon)
    15 Psychological Limitation: Mother Figure of the Ka-Tet (Common, Strong)
    20 Physical Limitation: Missing Legs (All the Time, Greatly Impairing)
    25 Psychological Limitation: In love with Eddie Dean (Very Common, Total)
    10 Distinctive Features: Legless Black Woman (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
    Disadvantage Points: 75

    Base Points: 75Experience Required: 7Total Experience Available: 7Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 157

    Height: 1.20 m Hair: Black
    Weight: 48.00 kg Eyes: Brown
    Appearance: Susanna is a medium dark skinned black woman and despite the loss of her legs she has maintained a sense of grace and beauty. The months on the road with Roland and the Ka-Tet have also made her very physically fit. If ever in Odetta mode however, her features become dark and twisted, forming an evil demeanor.Personality:  Susanna is perhaps the moral compass of the whole Ka-Tet as they make thier way towards the Dark Tower. She has the most common sense and level mind. The loss of her legs has no bearing on her life, other than she cannot walk. She will still put Roland and Eddie in thier place when it needs to be done. She has been key in keeping the Ka-Tet together when there was disagreement, especially from Eddie's side.

    When Susanna is threatened physically or even mentally (in some cases) she can urge Odetta forward to deal with the situation which gives her an edge at dealing with a hostile situation. She can definately give pause to those who are unprepared to deal with her. Odetta is still all about surviving and rough bloody vengence, in a controllable sort of way.

    Quote:"I'll let you know Eddie, I dont care much about this Tower either. I just know we are part of Roland's destiny. And aside from you, it gives me a reason to move forward."Background:  Susanna Dean was not always Susanna Dean. She was born Detta Homes, heiress to the Holmes Dental Company. However, when she was young she was pushed from a subway terminal into an oncoming train (by Jack Mort) and lost both of her legs. Even more this, Jack Mort had pushed a brick onto her head from a window overlooking the streets of New York. giving partial birth to what would become Detta's evil twin personality Odetta Holmes. It wasn't till she lost her legs that Odetta came out in full.

    Before she was taken into Roland's Ka-Tet, she was very much involved in the Civil Rights movements of the early sixties. With her evil twin, she was able to to brutal things in revenge against white men. Odetta was very much the opposite of what Detta was. However, the two sides of her never met eye to eye, and were never aware of each other on a concious level.

    Roland had abducted her in 1964, a few months after Kennedy's assassination. This proved to be a problem for Roland and Eddie Dean as sometimes she would be pleasant, and mostly Odetta was there cursing them with insults nearly worse than what any truck driver or sailor could spit out. However, Odetta wanted one thing during her time with Roland and Eddie on the beach of Mid World. She wanted to escape, torture and kill both of them. If Eddie Dean and Detta hadn't fallen in love, they would had been doomed. While dealing with the last door "The Pusher", the Gun Slinger was busy dealing with Jack Mort and resupplying his budding Ka-Tet, Odetta had escaped and nearly killed both Eddie and Roland. However, Roland was able to show Odetta the face of Jack Mort and she killed the man instead. At last, her revenge was complete as she struck the man who nearly killed her twice.

    This didn't mean Odetta was dead in Detta's mind, it was more of a truce and a merge. Detta was now a tempered version of both herself and the mischiveous Odetta. In fact, after the events, Detta assumed the name Susanna and her and Eddie assumed a marriage. She became Susanna Dean hence forth.

    Powers/Tactics:  Susanna is quite a capable shooter, her only problem is mobility. However, there have been times when Eddie or Roland would set her on thier shoulders and she would fight like a banshee. Her skills as a gunslinger are definately up to spec.

    Given what she has dealt with in her past, her mind is like a brick wall. Only the powers of a demonic pregnancy were able to overcome her impenitrable willpower. This link with Mia, "The Mother" had fgiven her many problems, but she was able to overcome most of the problems by sheer force of will in supressing the link between her demon baby and the physical mother who was mentally linked to her from elsewhere.

    Campaign Use: 
  11. Re: Dark Tower CharactersJake ChambersPlayer:

    Val** Char*** Cost
    7** STR -3
    13** DEX 9
    10** CON 0
    8** BODY -4
    14** INT 4
    18** EGO 16
    12** PRE 2
    15** COM 3
    2** PD 1
    2** ED 0
    3** SPD 7
    3** REC 0
    20** END 0
    20** STUN 3
    *4"**RUN-42"**SWIM01"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 34
    Cost** Power END
    8** Link of the Ka-Tet : Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Any dimension (20 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)* 0
    12** Ka Knowledge : Precognitive Clairsentience (Hearing Group), +3 to PER Roll (43 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Vague and Unclear (-1/2) [Notes: For whatever reasons, Jake out of all the Ka-Tet is able to recieve information both important and critical about the nature of events. Not all visions are clear and do require deduction and context to figure out. Ala, 19, and 99.]* 4
    19** Detect Ka-Link: Detect A Class Of Things 14- (Mental Group), Sense, Targeting [Notes: Whenever Jake comes across an object or person that is important, he is able to sense 'something strange' about the object.]* 0
    6** Sharp Eyes : +3 PER with Sight Group* 0
    10** Ka favors him...: Luck 2d6* 0
    Powers Cost: 55
    Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
    4** Offensive Shot: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +4 DC*
    Martial Arts Cost: 4
    Cost** Skill
    1** Concealment 8-*
    3** Deduction 12-*
    3** Fast Draw 12-*
    1** Paramedics 8-*
    3** Stealth 12-*
    1** Streetwise 8-*
    4** Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain) 12-*
    1** Tactics 8-*
    1** Teamwork 8-*
    1** WF: Handguns*
    1** WF: Oriza Plates (Bladed thowing discs) *
    10** +2 with Ranged Combat*
    5** +1 with DCV*
    Skills Cost: 35
    Cost** Perk
    10** Follower*
    Perks Cost: 10
    Cost** Talent
    12** Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)*
    Talents Cost: 12
    Val** Disadvantages
    15** Psychological Limitation: Torn between two lives. At times Jake has problems with the fact that he knows he had once died. While the problem was mostly corrected, it still can have some effects on him. (Common, Strong)*
    15** Psychological Limitation: Connection to Roland as father figure. Doesn't like to leave his side. (Common, Strong)*
    20** Psychological Limitation: Quest: Jake knows and instinctively understands he has a part in Roland's quest for the Dark Tower. No matter what that is, he will see it through. (Very Common, Strong)*
    5** Distinctive Features: Seems to know alot for a kid his age. (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
    10** Distinctive Features: Sandy haired kid (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
    10** Dependent NPC: Oy, Jakes pet Billy Bumbler 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC)*
    Disadvantage Points: 75

    Base Points: 75Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 150

    Height: 1.5m m Hair: Blonde
    Weight: 50.00 kg Eyes: Blue
    Appearance: Jake is a blonde haired, blue eyed eleven year old with eyes of a much older person fused behind them (He is in truth not much older than Eddie Dead, but he was pulled towards the Ka-Tet at an earlier time than Eddie). Usually he carries a 9mm Baretta with him that he lifted from his father before he left to find Roland once more and heal his mind.Personality:  Jake is a smaller, blonde haired version of Roland. He has sharp senses, a fearless demeanor and a lust to find his place on the quest for the Dark Tower. Without much guidance from Roland, Jake Chambers seems to be very a very capable survivor in the mix of the worlds. Given that he has died once before by fault of the Gunslinger, his mind is choked with the possibilities of the universe and often it confuses him, and many times makes him obsessive about certain signs and signals the world seems to throw out at him (It's all 19).

    Along his journey towards the city of Lud to find the train named Blain, Jake befriends a rogue Billy Bumbler who unlike most Billy Bumblers of the age has re-learned how to immitate voices and speak. As they find out later, Oy is not only good at Mimicing people, but seems to be very intelligent. Jake and the Bumbler have rarely separated since, and never by thier own choices.

    Quote:"I am Jake Chambers, of the Ka-Tet of 99"Background:  Jake Chambers has been with Roland twice throughout the long journey to the Dark Tower. Once, Roland met him in the Desert Waystation where Jake explains to him that he was pushed and perhaps killed on the streets of New York and brought here by the Man in Black which Roland is following him. However, it ends up that Roland lets Jake fall to his death so he would not loose the man in black and ask his questions about the Dark Tower.

    The second time happened after Roland was using the third door on the beaches of Mid World and he interrupted Jake's death by the hands of Jack Mort (the Pusher). This caused a split in Jakes mind. One where he died, and the present where he is still alive. Both timelines continued inside Jakes head. It was driving him mad and he had to find Roland.

    By pyschic coordination from the powers that be, Eddie Dean was able to save Jake from his tortured mind and a demonically possessed house and re-unite Jake with Roland and his own sanity. However, Jake is still haunted to a degree by his split in time. To that degree, he remembers Roland's betrayal the first time, and hopes that Roland will never do such a thing again.

    Powers/Tactics:  Jake, though young and untrained seems to be a natural Gunslinger. He has picked up quite quickly what it means to be a Gunslinger and how to shoot very well. But Jake has special abilities, most likely from being split through the mind that allows him to sense the properties of Ka (A greater connection to destiny). As such, often he will see and hear things that he may not understand at first but know they are important. An example would be the Ka-Tet's enounter with the numbers 19 and 99, as well as the Riddle Book which became a key to help the Ka-Tet understand Blain, the mad computer of Lud who controlls the Monorail train they need to take across the wastelands.

    Lastly, Jake seems to have an easier time with his connection to the rest of the Ka-Tet. His communications are quite more clearer to them than any of the other members of the Ka-Tet. Any transmission by Jake is almost garunteed to be loud and clear.

    Campaign Use: 
  12. Re: Dark Tower Characters


    Eddie Dean




    Val** Char*** Cost
    12** STR 2
    14** DEX 12
    16** CON 12
    12** BODY 4
    10** INT 0
    12** EGO 4
    14** PRE 4
    14** COM 2
    3** PD 1
    3** ED 0
    3** SPD 6
    6** REC 2
    39** END 4
    31** STUN 5
    *6"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 58


    Cost** Power END
    10** He is lucky to be alive... : Luck 2d6* 0
    3** Fairly perceptive, just not too bright : +1 PER with all Sense Groups* 0
    8** Link of the Ka-Tet : Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Any dimension (20 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)* 0
    3** Fascinating Wood Carvings : Cosmetic Transform 4d6 (Wood into something useful) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, -3 1/2), OAF Fragile (Requires knife and wood (carving is fragile); -1 1/4)* 2
    13** Facinating Carvings : Mental Illusions 4d6 (Human class of minds), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Cumulative (+1/2), Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (60 Active Points); OAF Fragile (Requires one of his wood carvings; -1 1/4), Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only creates a supernatural fascination of the item. People will want the item as if it is the most interesting thing they have ever seen.; -1), No Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (Requires item to be seen; -1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Power effect ends immediately if item is put away.; -1/4)* 6
    Powers Cost: 37



    Cost** Skill
    1** Acting 8-*
    1** Bribery 8-*
    5** Concealment 12-*
    3** Conversation 12-*
    4** KS: Jokes 13-*
    1** Paramedics 8-*
    3** Persuasion 12-*
    3** Seduction 12-*
    4** Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain) 11-*
    7** Streetwise 14-*
    3** Sleight Of Hand 12-*
    3** Stealth 12-*
    2** PS: Carving 11-*
    1** KS: Drugs 8-*
    1** WF: Handguns*
    5** +1 with Ranged Combat*
    10** Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged) *
    Skills Cost: 57



    Cost** Talent
    12** Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)*
    Talents Cost: 12



    Total Character Cost: 164


    Val** Disadvantages
    15** Psychological Limitation: Easily Addicted (Common, Strong)*
    25** Psychological Limitation: In Love with Susanna Dean (Very Common, Total)*
    10** Hunted: Erico Balazar's Crew (Throughout many worlds) - Each Enrico group is limited to thier own world. 11- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)*
    15** Psychological Limitation: Haunted by his memories of Henry Dean (Common, Strong) [Notes: Usually used against him when supernatural forces want to scare or make him go elsewhere.]*
    5** Dependent NPC: Susanna Dean 14- (As powerful as the PC; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) [Notes: Eddie is constantly worried about Susanna. Susanna also relies on Eddie alot for mobility in times of emergency.]*
    5** Somtimes he's not so lucky Unluck: 1d6*

    Disadvantage Points: 75


    Base Points: 75

    Experience Required: 14

    Total Experience Available: 14

    Experience Unspent: 0



    Eddie Dean comes from New York in the year 1987. He and his brother Henry had always been together trying to squeak out a life on the rough streets. Unfortunately both Eddie and Henry got caught up in the drug dealing Empire of Enrico Balazar. He and his brother had become big time heroin addict. However, they ended up owing Enrico a lot of money. Henry had been using Eddie as a crutch while Eddie tried to help Henry by getting them both supplied.

    Roland had brought Eddie into his world through the first door he opened during a drug smuggling run on a commercial flight. Eddie was about to be found out, but Roland's ability to inhabit Eddie's body through the strange door and take things from Eddie's World to his own. In the end of the encounter, Eddie's brother Henry was beheaded by Enrico's men as Roland and Eddie fought and killed the gang. With that, Eddie Dead was brought into Roland's world.



    It took a great long while for Eddie on his journey with Roland to get over his heroin addiction. It had caused many problems for the both of them during thier jounrey up the Mid-World beach as they looked for the last two doors Roland needed to find. But after the three had been drawn (and all doors dealt with), Eddie was able to leave his addiction behind, however his addictive heart still remained intact.

    As for Roland's quest. Eddie was never a big fan of it. All he wanted to do was be with Roland, Jake and Susanna and not have to worry about the quest at all. He had found his family in the other three members of the Ka-Tet and that was enough for him. But Roland, Jake and sometimes Susanna drove them on towards the Dark Tower and deeper into trouble.

    Eddie has a very casual and non-serious attitude toward life, but that doesn't mean he can't be serious when it comes down to it.



    "I got one for ya Blain. Why'd the chicken cross the road?"



    Of the Ka-Tet, Eddie was the least inclined to use guns. At least, he didn't take to Roland's training as much as Jake or Susanna did. He did however find that his love for making carvings had come back to him from his childhood. This however would not stop Eddie from helping out in a fight as he is still able to fire off an iron shooter with the rest of them.




    Eddie looks like your average joe found anywhere in the world. Brown Eyes, square jawed, Longish brown hair, mostly from not having any proper barber to go to on the road to the Dark Tower. At one time he would have looked like the dead from years of drug abuse, but now with so many months on the road he is at the prime of his health and fairly durable. He stands only a few inches shorter than Roland, but definately doesn't carry the poise and deadly manner that Roland seems to radiate.

  13. Not sure how many people have read the Dark Tower series by Steven King, but it opens unlimited possibilities for advantures. Even at the end of the series, Roland the Gunslinger has to do it all over again with slight to perhaps major changes on how the story will progress.


    I have written up the five main characters, Roland, Eddie, Susanna, Jake and Oy as samples of some of the work.



    Roland Deschain




    Val** Char*** Cost
    14** STR 4
    19** DEX 27
    18** CON 16
    15** BODY 10
    15** INT 5
    17** EGO 14
    16** PRE 6
    16** COM 3
    8** PD 5
    5** ED 1
    6** SPD 11
    7** REC 0
    36** END 0
    35** STUN 4
    *6"**RUN02"**SWIM02 1/2"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 106


    Cost** Power END
    10** Hypnosis : Telepathy 10d6 (Human class of minds) (50 Active Points); OAF (Bullet; -1), Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, -3/4), Receive Only (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Language Barrier (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (Must ask questions; -1/4)* 5
    12** Find Target: Mind Scan 6d6 (Human class of minds) (30 Active Points); Character Cannot Attack Through Link (-1 1/2)* 3
    8** Link of the Ka-Tet : Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Any dimension (20 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)* 0
    5** All those years, and he still walks : Life Support (Longevity: Immortal)* 0
    10** We deal in lead... : Luck 2d6* 0
    11** Skill of the Gunslinger : +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) [Notes: Allows the gunslinger as a 1/2 Phase action to activate a point of speed on his phase. Can be used twice per Turn. Speed can only be used to fire guns.]* 2
    Powers Cost: 56


    Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
    5** Offensive Ranged Disarm: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, Disarm, + 10 STR to Disarm*
    4** Ranged Disarm: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Disarm, 29 STR / 15 STR to Disarm*
    5** Far Shot: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +4, Strike*
    4** Quick Shot: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +2 DC*
    Martial Arts Cost: 18


    Cost** Skill
    3** Conversation 12-*
    3** Fast Draw 13-*
    3** High Society 12-*
    6** KS: Road to the Dark Tower 15-*
    2** KS: Wildlife of Midworld, In World and Out World 11-*
    5** KS: Riddles 14-*
    3** PS: Songs and Dance 13-*
    3** Paramedics 12-*
    3** Navigation (Dimensional, Land) 12-*
    5** Oratory 13-*
    6** Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Desert, Mountain) 12-*
    3** Tactics 12-*
    1** Animal Handler 8-*
    1** Climbing 8-*
    10** Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged) *
    15** +3 with Ranged Combat*
    1** WF: Handguns*
    1** Language: Of Eld (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)*
    Skills Cost: 74


    Cost** Perk
    2** Fringe Benefit: Knight*
    Perks Cost: 2


    Cost** Talent
    24** Combat Luck (12 PD/12 ED)*
    15** Combat Sense 12-*
    18** Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, in combat, Intuitional) 15-*
    3** Absolute Range Sense*
    Talents Cost: 60



    Total Character Cost: 316


    Val** Disadvantages
    20** Psychological Limitation: Quest: To Find the Dark Tower (Obsession) (Very Common, Strong)*
    10** Psychological Limitation: Trapped by his own guilt resulting from his own action. Cursed. (Common, Moderate) [Notes: This leads Roland to perform strangely in some situations. Many parts of the Journey will be there just to remind him of his (accidental) crimes and send him into guilt. It is also the reason the Dark Tower keeps sending him back.]*
    10** Dependent NPC: Ka-Tet Members 8- (As powerful as the PC; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs) [Notes: The Ka-Tet is always around him. This includes Jake, Susan, Eddie and Oy. However, danger to them is only an 8 or less roll when Roland must come through and save them. Other than that, the Ka-Tet members are quite capable folk, and they are Roland's responsibility since he brought them into his Quest.]*
    15** Physical Limitation: Missing three fingers from right hand (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)*
    10** Distinctive Features: Shocking Blue Eye Gaze (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
    15** Social Limitation: Gunslinger (Knight Obligations) (Frequently, Major)*
    20** Hunted: By Crimson King and Cohorts 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*

    Disadvantage Points: 100


    Base Points: 150

    Experience Required: 66

    Total Experience Available: 66

    Experience Unspent: 0



    Son of Steven and Gabrielle Deschain in the great city of Gilead which could once be found at the heart of the Affliation lands in In World. However, his youth is met by tragedy set on by John Farson's rebellion (set on by the Crimson King). He was sent to the borderlands to collect information and see how far wide spread the agents of Farson had gotten in sabotaging the provinces, and Steven wanted to get him out of the way so he would not inflame the problems between himself and Gabrielle who has an ongoing affair with the court wizard Martin Broadcloak.

    Roland is accompanied by his two best friends (Alain Johns, and Cuthbert Allgood) and fellow Gunslinger squires to the town of Hambry in the borderlands. Soon enough Roland falls in love with a girl named Susan Delgado. The problem is, she is a promised concubine to the mayor of the town and already paid for and therefor she is untouchable by any other man, lest her honor be broken. However, the connection between Roland and Susan cannot be broken despite protests from his friends, and the meddling of Susan's aunt (who brokered the deal with the mayor). Alain and Cuthbert with a little help from Roland discover that some of the locals are digging up fuel for machines in John Fason's army. It all comes crashing down on thier heads. In the end, Susan dies because of her broken deal. But the three gunslingers manage to break the fuel supply and return home.

    During the time at Hambry, a witch named Rhea had been meddling affairs by use of the Wizard's Glass. A powerful orb of glass that could allow one to view anything they could think of. This was given to her by the Ageless Strange (Walter, Marten Broadcloak) to hold for John Parson while he was busy. The reason for this was because it would become addictive and the user would not be able to be without it after long. Rhea had done much of the damage that led to Susan Delgado's death. In the end, Roland was able to retrieve the Orb for his father and bring it back. Rhea had followed them home and tricked Roland into shooting his own mother by the use of glamour magic.

    The rebellion won in the end and Gilead fell. At some point Cuthbert and Alain had died in the war and Roland began his quest to find the Dark Tower. However he wanted answers of Marten Broadcloak, the Man in Black who had set Roland on his destructive and obsessive quest. He persued the man in black into Mid-World, and everything began to Move On.



    Roland's chief motivation is purely and simply to find the Dark Tower, no matter the cost to himself, and it would seem to others as well. Roland is simply an obessive person, which began with his romance with Susan. He could not let her go, and now he could not let the death of his mother and the Dark Tower go.

    To this end, he almost seems not to care about anything but finding the Dark Tower. It is not until destiny and his own subconcious calling out, that his Ka-Tet (Group of people who are bound by a common fate or destiny) was formed. Roland's own pieces of guilt have now joined him on his quest and the Dark Tower challenges Roland to care more for these people than his obsession to find the Dark Tower itself.



    "You have forgotten the face of your father!"

    "We deal in lead." - Wolves of the Calla



    Roland has been trained in the way of the gunslinger. With his pistols, he is almost like a supernatural being incapable of defeat. However, Roland survives only because he is tactful, he is smart enough to pick the right fights and usually can figure the stakes out in any combat before and while he fights them. With this skill, he is able to survive almost any situation.



    Roland Deschain is a lantern jawed, blue eyed, tall dark haired cowboy. He is not overly muscled, but he is very fit due to years travelling in the wilderness. If anyone had to pin an age on him, he would be around forty years old (though his age seems to change when he is on the trail or recieves a revalation about the Dark Tower), even though he is immortal.


    Campaign Use

    Roland is built out of more points than the rest of the Ka-Tet members due to his years of travelling. He isn't really meant to be a player character, just sort of a magnet that the players could follow. If anything, the campaign flows out as a 75/75 heroic level.

  14. Re: Multiple Grabs


    This covers up to 40 points of strength, but could be adjusted to the character.


    The many armed freak

    (Total: 26 Active Cost, 26 Real Cost) Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) for up to 40 Active Points of Strength (20 Active Points) (Real Cost: 20) plus Extra Limb (1), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Any number of arms, psuedopods, legs, tails, etc; +1/4) (6 Active Points) (Real Cost: 6)


    Two parts, naked advantage to Strength, Autofire up to 5 times. This would allow them to make up to 5 grabs in a phase.


    Extra Limbs - And if a character wants any number of limbs at any time, I usually make them take the +1/4 advantage of variable special effects.


    Of course, if he wants to cover an area, then use naked advantage AOE for strength.


    TK doesn't seem to fit IMO. Use stretching instead since there is a physical attachment to the body. TK has LOS range, is Indirect and invisible without modifications. Better off just using stretching for the effect due to the character concept.

  15. Re: Help with Martial Arts characters..Please.


    Be sure the Ninja buys the Talent 'Flip out and kill people' at 15 or less.


    Other ideas either to fight against or for players.

    Fan Artist - Uses bladed fans.


    Clothing Fighter - Uses specialized clothing weighted for fighting, especially the cloak lined with blades on it's lower hem.


    The Kinetisist - Causes Knockback, lots of knockback. Uses motion of any sort as a weapon against any attackers.


    The Philospoher - Master of the Seven Palms, each one causes a different effect, from Poison, Drains, Blindness, etc, etc. Recites snippets of philosophy with each attack.


    The Untouchable - This guy blocks, dodges, has a high DCV and has an END Drain Damage shield. He wears out his targets till he can overpower them with little effort.


    The Whirlwind - Uses the forces of his own motion to whip up extraordinary gusts of wind. TK for pushing, Extra Leaping, Entangle Whirlwind, Invisibility with Bright Fringe, and much much more! All for $19.95.

  16. Re: Is monster hunting horror?


    It could be considered Horror of a different calibur for sure, but it sounds like it mixes in a lot of ideas from the Dark Champions camp when you go Buffy or X-Files. Perhaps Horror Adventure is what you have there.


    Horror doesn't need to 'scare' people. I myself define a horror story as something abberant to the the normal world. Something malfaic from something innocent, or benevalent. For instance, a typical vampire was once a normal human, evil or not who was turned into something unholy and unnatural. Frankenstein's Monster was supposed to be something beneficial for man but went wrong.


    Generally they are stories of man vs the abberant universe. That is to say, normal men (well trained or not). When faced with something that should not be the way it is, it becomes horrific.


    The other way is through the loss of control. In Steven King's Needful Things, there wasn't anything horrific about getting what you wanted until you realized the price you had to pay and what you loose in return. The loss of control for those people when they realized what was going to happen was thier particular horror. In turn, they became the boogey monsters.


    And lastly is the ultimate fear of man, which comes from what is unknown to them. Dealing with powers and entities they cannot explain, especially something more powerful than them is definately a mind quaking horror for many people. The good part about using the unknown factor is that it can turn out to be a benevalent force.


    If you are using people who are used to the horrors of the world and hunt monsters for a living, it may not be too horrific for them. But the monsters and challenges they face are still horrific to the world around them and must be stopped. Thus, perhaps Horror Adventure might be a good way to categorize this.

  17. Re: Horror Hero rant


    I read an essay once (I think it was in one of those big anthologies edited by Marvin Kaye) about the nature of horror stories. The author said that using the word "horror" to refer to literature is usually wrong' date=' because "horror" refers to physical revulsion, whereas "terror" is fear on a more intellectual level. It's possible to be horrified at the sight of a once-human heap of steaming gore, but when you realize that the nice old landlady who's been so helpful in your investigation is the monster, that thrill is terror.[/quote']


    Yeah, but thats just nitpicking semantics for this day and age. At one point they may have meant two different things, now they are just synonimous to one another. I will say that the word 'horror' sounds less emphatic than the word 'terror', but 'horror' is easier to wrap the mind and mouth around. Thus they are referred to as 'Horror Stories' than 'Terror Stories'. Terror stories means something totally different these days really.

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