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Everything posted by PaRappaTheRappe

  1. Re: Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu Maybe I'll preserve the Wish-like 'Reality Warping' EDM from FH, make it Inherent, and add MegaScale or something; but by the rule, I'd think that the area would expand with her if she chose to grow... I did a tentative write-up using Hero Designer, but with 'Reality Warping' (I named it Bafu! after the sound Hale hears when he's eaten), Characteristics and other stats seem superfluous, and you end up with someone who's essentially even more GM fiat than a big ol' Cosmic Power Pool would make. Think d20 'Wish' as a permanent, always-active effect. Still, this Guu would serve a purpose- placing PCs in the most lunatic pop-culture-referenced situations imaginable. I did a three-player run of Surbrook's Xenomorph write ups against Guu in AvP style, and she ended up doing Bafu! on them all and making them all conga-dance with her until they exploded.
  2. Re: Lovecraft Horror Hero So now I've got that Hero Designer downloaded. And I've rented the Devilman TV series. Has anyone done a Surbrook on Devilman yet?
  3. Re: Lovecraft Horror Hero OK! Thanks.
  4. Re: Lovecraft Horror Hero Ah, excellent... now I just have to hunt for that book again... yeah, it did leave a strong impression on me, with the flying larva forms, and the illustration at the beginning with spiky-faced folks, cocooned guy, and a girl holding her face in her hands. I definitely never before or since saw a HERO supplement quite like it. It seemed to belong with the Call of Cthulhu stuff.
  5. Well, I've just downloaded Hero Designer to tinker with my Guu character: I guess I'll go with the Reality Warp power in FH, the one based on EDM. The reason is, I want a single elegant solution themed on her eating and stomach dimensions. In FH, the game mechanic for the power blurs the distinction between making 'x' true, and taking someone to a dimension where 'x' is true. So far, so good, since I can take any crazy thing she does in the series and justify it by this power (I call it Bafu! which is the sound Hale hears when swallowed by Guu). Now I'm remembering a really great sourcebook for 3rd edition Hero, I can't remember it, but it was horror-themed with insanity, a hive of grotesque transdimensional insects called the Analephoids or something, and other neat uses of the system to make a Lovecraftian story. The hive-things had overrun the world, and people were cocooned as food or egg-hosts, and I thought it was the coolest sourcebook ever. I doubt a revision for Hero 5 will ever make the light of day- anyone remember this book and the rules it used? Something about Aid or Transform...
  6. Re: Anime Supernatural Entity Sometimes she pops things in her mouth and appears to chew on them vigorously then swallow, but it seems she doesn't actually masticate. Other times, she stretches her mouth around something like her narcoleptic teacher's entire head. These seem to be at a casual pace and just stretch her mouth. But for instance, in Illusion 1 Hale is talking to her. We see his face against the background, and all of a sudden with a curious sound, darkness closes down behind him quick as an eyeblink, and then he's in Guu's stomach. And then there's the time he's trying to point out animals to her, but they vanish when he turns around while she inches ever closer to him. It does seem EDM is an elegant solution, if we take it like in Fantasy Hero as a Wish-style mechanic plus the swallowing effect, so maybe BOECV and ranged with a swallowing special effect? Does that sound right?
  7. Re: Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu Well, she has multiple stomachs / dimensions in the anime, and I was intending to make her a plot-device NPC for my supergenius-toddler campaign, which has a relationship map for nuclear and extended family-based noir elements similar to that of The Maltese Falcon , and two-fisted pulp action like The Shadow plus Lovecraft. She's more of a scary stress factor by monkeywrenching the PCs in their kind of hamfisted attempts to do social engineering on parents and other grownups, or when playing power politics on the playground against their rivals the Oshkosh Crew . And her dimension swallowing gives more scope to the game, I think.
  8. I've ported this over from the Other Genres forum to give it more exposure. I hope someone here's seen the anime, Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu. Guu is a little girl who has weird godlike powers, most notably the ability to swallow anything, even probably a whale or town, into a stomach dimension under her control. Under search, I found that someone proposed a Fantasy Hero-like 'Reality Warping' EDM that ties everything neatly into the swallowing concept. How would the character write-up look like anyway? Give her little-girl physical chars with deific mental chars plus reality warp-swallowing? Should it be MegaScaled Area Effect or something? Psych Lims? What kind of supported HERO genre could I fit her in without looking crazy? Incidentally, I've also been thinking of modeling the lead character from Boogiepop Phantom .
  9. I hope someone here's seen the anime. Guu is a little girl who has weird godlike powers, most notably the ability to swallow anything, even probably a whale or town, into a stomach dimension under her control. Under search, I found that someone proposed a Fantasy Hero-like 'Reality Warping' EDM that ties everything neatly into the swallowing concept. How would the character write-up look like anyway? Give her little-girl physical chars with deific mental chars plus reality warp-swallowing? Should it be MegaScaled Area Effect or something? Psych Lims? What kind of supported HERO genre could I fit her in without looking crazy?
  10. Re: Replicating Lensman powers in HERO 5 "One other note about Mind Scan: since the penalty for scanning a large group of people is an offensive one (OECV instead of OCV but still offensive) and the penalty scales as oppossed to being a direct one, it is completely within the scope of the rules to allow PSL's versus that penalty." Yes, I forgot about those skill levels being applicable to multiple lock-ons. That is indeed an elegant solution to Lensman-style powers. The only other thing is the interstellar / intergalactic range, but I suppose I could go with an Interdimensional Advantage for that. Looks like Kimball Kinnison is a CP monster, and totally game-unbalancing. Imagine selectively plastering all zwilniks scattered across a continent's population at once, with an RKA-style EGO attack, from a galaxy away! Anyone care to crunch the numbers?
  11. Re: Replicating Lensman powers in HERO 5 Thanks, I'll try to get a hold of Galactic Champions. I've been looking at the Lensman campaign from a Star Hero POV, but perhaps that's not quite ideal.
  12. Re: Replicating Lensman powers in HERO 5 Is there a way to use, say, Interdimensional for interstellar-range use of the normal planetary-scale Mind Scan? Are there optional rules for locking-on to multiple targets (say, scanning for a certain type of mental profile throughout a population)? And, how could I construct a way to apply a single mental attack roll to the locked-on targets (maybe Selective? or would it follow naturally from the multiple lock-on)?
  13. Re: Pulp Sci-Fi inspiration Give me a Lensman conversion! Starkly pulpish, munchkinly ravening AP levels with fantastic Megascale advantages!
  14. I've picked up the GURPS worldbook to get an idea of RPGing Lensman powers, but how would HERO do it? There is the whole interstellar / intergalactic range thing, the area of effect up to a whole continent or more, etc. For example, Kimball Kinnison could, by the end of the Boskonian war, have selectively mind-killed the specific mind patterns of a group of people across a whole continent (or maybe planet) from a galaxy away. How does HERO do this? Megascale?
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