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VR Dragon

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Posts posted by VR Dragon

  1. Re: I need a function!


    The Amber Wave Projector!


    Trying to great the next great thing in home entertainment electronics, John Lightmore wanted to jump ahead of the current Trend of LCD and Plasma Technology and skip to what he felt would be their replacments.


    So after talking several people who have recently won the lottery in different states he managed to scrape together some 900 million dollars in research funding.


    After 1 year of research and developement John came up with a device to project perfect real life quality 3D holograms using an advance hard light system. After success in trials he recorded some footage of his hot blond girlfriend. Going to a international tech expo he set up his new projector and gathered hundreds of interested people together. After a long winded speech about "This IS the FUTURE of home entertainment technology!" he pressed "PLAY" on his remote.


    Out of nowhere appear a giant head of a beautiful woman who says, "Hi, my name is Amber!" and then she proceeds to wave. But at that moment a massive powersurge happens semi-scambling the projector device's computer causing the projection of "Amber and her waving hand" to warp out of control and into giant sized proportion. Something else must have gone wrong with the image density controls as the image took on dense steel strength and the hand sweeped through the gathered people sendign dozens flying in many directions as a hand scatters flower with a wave. Not only was a simple wave preformed but the solid image also completes a 360 swing around striking everyone and thing in reach.


    After the building collasped and the rubble cleared. The Device was destoried beyond peiceing together. 98 people lie dead or mortaly wounded, John Lightmore was amongst those killed. He feared theft of his plans so he hide all information on his project where no one would find them save for himself. With no one alive who could build anther device dubed "The Amber Wave Projector" by the media. This promising Technology will be along time in being rediscovered. And poor Amber was sad about her boyfriend's death but find happiness with the discovery of several million dollars of "hidden" funds John had secrected away for other research ideas.



    Up next:





    The Spork! ( And not that mutated hybred plastic food eating tool!)

  2. Re: I need a function!


    The Mysterious Mimetic Marbles are a powerful set of arcane artifacts. While holding these orbs (Size changes to fit owner) in your hand and moving them around like a set of stress balls a mage or wizard gains increased spell casting abilites. They are able to recall all the words to any of their spells perfectly and thus negates spell skill checks based on word recall. Also these orbs increase a arcane power pool's points to reflect an increased understanding and better control of spell casting.


    But with such great power comes a terrible curse. The orbs bond to their users after only 1 use. If any one of the three orbs are lost the rest will disappear and the empowering effects of the orbs are ripped from their former owner's mind. The result of this always drives the being insane........


    Never lose your marbles! :doi:



    Next up Oberon's Crown and Rod

  3. Re: I need a function!


    The heart of the City is a giant crystal device that taps into/channels/converts power from higher dimensions/planes/etc and converts it into usible electricity/energy and is unlimited in ammounts of energy it can produce. Never runs out or is over taxed. :sneaky:



    Next: Unified Field Reflux Generater

  4. I'm still very new to the hero system in general and champions in particular. I have played COH and I was very inspired by my technology Powered Armor Force Field/Energy Blast Defender.


    So I was wondering if someone who has experience with COH and Hero System might possibly translate for me how to build the force field powerset as an actual set/sytem of powers for a Champions Hero. I haven't been very good at it yet.

  5. Re: THRILLING PLACES -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    some atlantis things have been kinda covered. I have alwas loved stories of atlantis and their crystal technology talked about in those silly new age books from the 70s and 80s.


    Just for fun. The Illumantai and maybe something conneted to Avalon. Ruins of Camelot and something tied in with stonehedge? Merlin secretly working with the illumantai under a false name?


    Pulp and Egypt is a wonderful combo. So much history and artifacts. Something to add would be the Copy of the books from the library of Alexandra hidden under the sphinx someplace.


    Shangrahla? (spelled?) Tibetian place lost in the moutains? don't forget the yeti.


    Hamunaptra from the mummy movie. I loved that movie. Egypt is so loaded Pulpy goodness.


    You know the face on mars? make something related to it about nazka lines in south america. Martians and Earthlings making faces at each other :D add a teleportation device artifact that will take them to the face and ruins on mars. kinda fun without being to hokey.


    Lots of ideas... Maybe I should do a Pulp game....

  6. Re: Homages you would like to see officially


    The offical Homage I want to see?


    ::Clears throat and climbs upon his pedestal::


    ::Unrolls a massive scroll written in large flowing letters::


    " Hear ye, hear ye, Let it be known that I would like THE GREEN LANTERN to take on some form in this, The Champions Universe, and the modal of him will be Kyle Rayner. "


    :: And before the throwing of rotten foodstuffs and massive heavy large objects can begin, he slips into his desolidify total immunity 100 times harden alternate form.:: :nya:



  7. Re: Some questions......


    Okay I have read over my magic systems chapter and I think I have come to a choice. I was thinking of using a 1 skill for spell casting, 1 skill for magic items n stuff, and 1 skill or talant for END reser.


    each spell using guild will have a primary magic skill and no guild can use magic from anther guild. I was thinking of having a large list of spells and casting a spell would involve a skill roll with a penalty based on how power a spell is trying to be cast.


    And thats where I am having trouble. How do I do a skill based magic system with spells not being purched by the character.

  8. Re: Some answers


    Oh, so they're going to be wearing armor and using weapons. In that case, you might want to skip the standard offensive and defensive spells and focus on things that ONLY magi can do. For standard offense and defense, they'll be using similar tools to any other warrior.



    What kind of threats are they going to be facing?


    Lucius Alexander


    (-: :-)


    Well to be honest I was thinking of War Magi being Magic primary and sword/armor secondary. They will know how to use a choosen weapon with decent skill but nothing like a true fighter who is good with many weapons. Magic is their primary focus and this magic mostly of a ranged attack with some spells that effect the local environment in a manor to hender someone else while fighting (such as a small localized tremor spell or making an ice patch under someone). Basicly magic is just a crossbow/bow weapon for these guys. The true spellcaster is the moon mage guild.


    As to what these guys will be fighting/defending town against? Well monster invasions, monsters in the local area, threats to the provice/realm, etc.... Kinda

  9. Re: Some questions......


    Okay, Even more questions.


    In champians heros buy their Equipment with character points, but in FH they buy them with money. So how much money does/do starting heros get to buy equipment? Any special rules or something?

  10. Re: Some questions......



    Cabal, why did you choose to use that word by the way?


    Also, why are they "war magi" especially?


    Lucius Alexander



    Cabals sounded cool and they are secretive with members of one cabal not sharing their knowlege with the other cabals. Besides sect was of a religous tone and war magi are not priests.


    War Mage Wielding both blade (and wearing armor) and arcane evocation, Warrior Mages are masters of combat wizardry whose origins are shrouded in the mists of an ancient past. The "Guild of Elemental Mages" traces its roots to the Age of Myths.


    War Mage Creed: "First comes Power, then Duty, then Death. Power brings Duty, and Duty leads to Death. To live the cycle is to be a Warrior Mage."


    Ask a War Mage what a war mage does/is "We are the destroyers, yet we are also the peacekeepers. We face any threat with both sword and spell, and the enemies of the people know this and cower in fear."

  11. Re: Some questions......


    I thank you for your information about the speed conversion.


    About the spells I have made? I haven't really nailed anything down, I am using my hero designer program to fiddle around with multipowers, elemental controls, and I have not a clue on how to approach VPP.


    So far what I have worked out is some themes. For elemental magic I was going for gestures ( traces arcane sigil in the air ) and was thinking of linking it with a rune magic thingie for enchanting stuff.


    I was wanting to make spells the war mage ( the guys who practice elemental magic ) starts off with after his squire/apprenticeship be basicly the same in power to ranged weapons.


    Each War Magi has a particular attunement to one of the forces of nature ( Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Electricity, or Aether ) and he joins a mage cabal of that particular element. so basicly these would be the FX of his spell forms.


    Basicly I was looking for a starting spell frame in the range of 50 to 60 points. It would have a Aetheral Shield Spell ( EB Force Field or something), a Energy blast, a ranged killing attack with proper elemental enhancment (Explosion for fire ball, extra stun or more damage for electricity, etc....) But to be honest I am currently at a loss to construct this framework thing. I am also trying for figure out the using of a power skill ( maybe one for each elemental force ) to use instead of VPPs, ECs, and MPs.


    I am trying to understand these things, I have th big fat FH gerne book and hero main book. I only have the USPD hero designer thing for prefab powers to draw upon for inspiration.



    can someone explain to me ( in the hero designer ) what the adder of ( + 1 pip means? and how do I roll a 1/2 d 6, or 1d6-1.) How do I read these when I roll the dice?



  12. First off.... How do I translate running or flight speeds/ inches / or whatever they are into MPH or KPH?



    secondly, I have been trying hard to come up with a magic system for a up coming FH game but I am such a total newbie to it that I can hardly graps what I am reading. I'm a Green :D GM :sneaky: .


    I am wanting to make a elemental magic framework or something that spell casters can buy. but mine keep ending up costly as all hell. Can anyone me/ give me some pointers?.... God I wish I had a Hero System GM around... :help:

  13. Okay, I am looking to make a force field character but not just anther invisible woman minus the invis part hero.


    The standard things that leap to mind are


    Force Wall

    Personal Force Field

    EB: Force Bolt (Yawn)


    So I was hoping for some ideas on some powers, FX etc....



  14. Re: Can anyone help me?


    well, the thing I am trying to capture from the game for now is the magic skill set. I'm hoping to work something up (with help from yall) that while not an exact copy would give the impression.


    Instead of just one magic skill to activate a spell or use an ability of a magic item. I'm curious what could some out of having 5 magic skills.



    The skills:


    Primary Magic: Ability to cast increasingly difficult spells, and to effectively use more mana when casting. ( How many active points in a power a character can use?)


    Harness Ability: Ability to harness and hold mana, and apply more mana to spells. (How many stamina points the character can drain from the stamina pool of the enviornment)


    Power Perception Effects: Ability to perceive mana in the environment and objects, increases radius of land from which mana can be harnessed. (Two things. This allows one to tell if an item is magical by focusing you magical awareness on it. and secondly how large of a stamina pool the local environment provides him.)


    Magical Devices: Ability to make, adjust and use magical devices. (Self explanitory)


    Targetted Magic: Increases accuracy of targetted attack spells. (Skill at nailing things with fire balls and lightning bolts. maybe something with OCV?)

  15. Okay I new to the game system and am trying to make a FH version of an awesome old text mud I use to play. I love the background story of it and its classes and am very familar with the game. But my problem stems from trying to make something akin to its magic system.


    some information links.


    Stat info.




    Skill Info




    Class info





    If some of you might be able to give me some adive on it I would be greatful. If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.

  16. I am trying to make a teleportation power that will allow the character to teleport anywhere on earth. the power won't allow him to port into solid objects, the range is anywhere from 5 feet away to anyplace on earth or low to mid orbit. I know teleport works but how do I scale the range? I am kinda lost at how to apply megascale to it or what not.


    Some help please?

  17. Okay, I am building a hero who can transform (not shapeshift) into different bodies that are the embodiemnt of an force of nature ( earth , fire, wind, water ). The build I am working with is the main hero has transform of 90 actice points and that means 400 points I believe. So basicly I was hoping for some build ideas.


    I need some help on the powers of the different bodies. So here is what I was thinking.


    Earth Body: Toughly Armor Powerfully Strong and some Earth Controling powers.


    Fire Body: Hmmm... Damage Output and maybe some other stuff.


    Air/Wind Body: Speedy flight , Weather Controling


    Water/Ice Body: Water and Ice control. No clue really.



    So if anyone is willing to help me I would be most greatful.



    I have hero designer 2.0 (updated) if that helps for posting stuff

  18. ..............., But no one even remotly near me loves me enough to play it. :weep::cry: .


    I find one guy who knows the systems, gives me my own Hero Designer and everything so we can play. But that falls though. :weep:


    The only things everyone I know wants to play is DnD and Rifts. I am tired of killing bad guys and dungeon crawls. I want beings with the power o' the gods and mindsets of spoiled children, massive egos and even more massive brawls and jokes, puns and one liners. I want Comic Book Adventures.


    I want a good time not a body count.




    I also want a good space oprea!

  19. I am working on Powered Armor Character and I am having some trouble with what type of damage his powers do.


    I am kinda modling his abilites after the energy blast powers of City of Heros and I am at a lose. The energy blasts do a kinda combo damage of some phyical and the rest energy. So how do I pull this off? or if I make his blasts are bolts of force ( the same stuff as a force field? ) what that be a phyical damage or energy?


    Also, IF I bought damage reduction for his armor power is it wrong to have Dam. Reduction for enery and phyical linked to his armor power?

  20. Re: Force Field vs. Force Wall


    Okay, so is the Armor ability work the same as Force Wall with its resistant defense or like Force Field?


    my bot is going to be focused more on defense secondly on attack.


    Also I am having some trouble with a AI/Robot Abilities package, can someone help me on that? Sensor systems, robot abilies, etc...

  21. Okay, my Bot is starting to come to gether. I think I have gotten a idea of how I want his force field powers to work. Only one thing confuses me. I was thinking of putting in a force wall power into his multipower build. But here is the kicker. It cost way to much I think for any decent level of defense. 5 points per 2 points of resistant defense? Whats that mean??? If I buy a 10/10 Force wall, will a normal EB blow it to hell? Can someone explain the workings of force wall vs force field besides the range/shape/etc stuff?


    I read throught the force field stuff in Digi-Hero and found it to be what I was looking for. God I wish I could find a mentor to explain this game to me in person. Its hard teaching yourself a skill without outside input.

  22. I am working on a Power Armor/Bot and I am trying to make a force field that can shift damage points. I was thinking something like a 30 PD/ 30 ED that can take different defense levels. Say if fighting something powerfully physical the field can shift points to all PD of 60 or the reverse for energy. Maybe forms that shift points in 1/4 incraments? Any help please?

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