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Posts posted by MicroMike

  1. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


    Just a shade over at 62pts.


    Empowerment: Succor 10d6 any one characteristic (one at a time) standard effect 30pts.


    Really broken if you apply it to say INT and thus all INT skills, PRE and all PRE skills, etc. (bonus of +6)


    Need a quick 60 END? Pow! +60 COM? Wow.


    Apply to yourself or a teammate.

  2. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


    I'll pick two offensive, one defensive, and misc. power. All from the same character....


    Digger rounds: Tunneling 3" through 13 DEF material.


    Tranquilizer rounds: Suppress SPD 12d6, 4 clips of 4 continuing charges, lasting 1 minute each (+0) vs. taking a Recovery as an action. (more cheesy)


    Withstand the Pain: Absorption 5d6 (energy, STUN) 40pts worth + Absorption 5d6 (physical, STUN) 40pts worth.


    this works with SPD 6 character....


    Second Chance: +6 SPD, "defensive" actions only (Block, Dodge etc.) (-1) So I don't have to abort to Block or Dodge.

  3. Re: how do you deal with guns and superheroes in your campaign


    Wow, I guess I'm really in the minority here, but a normal with a gun is not helpless, even against Energyblasteater.


    Look at one of the more powerful handguns, a .50 Desert Eagle. 2d6+1K, +1 STUN mod. Averate damage of 7 BODY, 24 STUN, might not do much to Energyblasteater, but what about above average of 11 BODY, 55 STUN?


    A normal can Haymaker, just like a superhero. The Desert Eagle Haymakered does 4d6-1K, +1 STUN mod. An above average roll could do over 20 BODY and 100 STUN.


    Of course, our normal has to hit, and that can be tough. The smart normal fades into the background, delays, and waits for Energyblasteater to be at half or 0 DCV from being Stunned, knocked to the ground, grabbed, or whatnot. Then unloads and hopes for the best.


    That is non-military.


    Military get Kevlar to take a hit, and a rifle with Desert Eagle damage, and Autofire, and training to use it. (Skill and/or Autofire skills) Haymaker does the same damage as before, 4d6-1K, +1 STUN, Autofire.


    Not enough for you? Enter the best military weapon in the game, the LAW Rocket. 6 1/2d6K Explosion, Armor Piercing. Takes an extra phase to fire, but takes no crew to use. A one-shot weapon, but really, how many shots do you need?


    Have I mentioned normals with Demolitions training?

    Have I mentioned normals with Poisons training?

    How about Medical and Pharamacology training?


    A normal is not as helpless as some would think.

  4. Re: Munchkin Build Contest?


    Munchkin Man buys 1d6 of COM Aid with an Extreme Side Effect that always affects the recipient of the benefits of the power only.


    That's 12d6 STUN with NO defense applied.


    And the Villian looks great knocked out.

  5. I know you can't buy Increased END and Reduced END on the same power. But.....


    Say I build Aidman, with a 5d6 Succor STR for 30 points, and thus 3 END. Not content with that, I buy 1/2 END cost for +1/4. Now the tricky part. Could I buy Increased END x5 only vs. others? And Increased END x10 only vs. non-humans?


    I'm looking for a way to make a Succor that is super-cheap on END for myself, and costs a lot more if I use it on other humans, and even more on non-human targets like animals or aliens.


    I tried to partly limit it, but adding extra dice costs more END, not less, and I don't want to have more effect on others than myself. IE 5d6 Succor 1/2 END plus 1d6 Succor x10 END only vs. others. :ugly:


    If you think this is more a design question, please boot me out to the appropriate forum. Thanks.:thumbup:

  6. Re: Hangliding and Hero


    Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes

    0 SIZE Length 1", Width 0.5", Area 0.5" Mass 100 kg KB 0

    13 STR 12- HTH Damage 2 1/2d6 END [3]

    14 DEX 12- OCV 5 DCV 5

    4 SPD 4 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

    3 DEF

    10 BODY

    0" Ground Movement 6 -12 0"

    0" Water Movement 2 -2 0"

    0" Leaping 0 0 0" 20 Total Characteristics Points


    Cost Powers END

    24 Gliding 30"; Stall Velocity 5" (-1/4) 0

    -3 DEF: Does Not Protect Occupant (-1/2) for up to 9 Active Points of DEF 0



    9 Contortionist 15-


    Total Powers & Skills Cost: 30


    Total Cost: 50


    This represents a top line hanglider that you could buy today. Top speed is 44 MPH combat/88 MPH NCM. My game starts pre-apoc, then BOOM then post-apoc:D


    Contortionist to represent it breaks down into a backpack. Besides, I needed it to run 50pts, for mathamagical reasons.


    LOL Hanglider Hero Thanks to all.

  7. Re: Hangliding and Hero


    Based upon the above data, I'd say purchase a vechile with:

    12 STR (maybe as low as 10)

    10 DEX

    3 BODY

    5 SPD

    20" Gliding (if possible, give it a stall speed at about 5")


    And that should about do it. At the minimum, the pilot would need the Transport Familiarity: Hang Gliders. To be good at it, I'd say also take PS: Hang Glider Pilot.


    I don't have my books with me, so I can't be more specific (and less error-prone) than that. :)


    I think I'll build it as a vehicle, dropping the Spd 1 or 2 and increasing the Gliding to 30" or so. They can be smaller than I thought, fitting into a large 30-40lbs. backpack. Set-up/breakdown takes about 5 minutes. I'll post my build later, with thanks to the above design.

  8. I'm going to be running a post-apoc. game, and one of the PC's wants a hanglider.


    I know nothing about hangliding. How big are they? How much time to set up? Do you need any permits?


    Should I build it as a vehicle, or just buy gliding OAF bulky and call it a hanglider. How much gliding should it have?


    I looked in both Vehicle Sourcebook and Untimate Vehicle to no avail. :help:

  9. Re: If you hate Killing Attacks, how would you replace them?


    Hit locations to determine Stun are fine for the hack & slash crowd, but what about area effect KA's? Fireball, grenades, gas attacks, etc.


    In my games we use 1/2d6+1 Stun multiplier. It evens out the Stun, to x2, x3 or x4. Eliminates the ultra lucky x5 Stun, and the dread x1 'nothing' Stun. Listed on 5ER page 405 under Stun Muliplier Variants.


    My .02

  10. 5ER p. 294 (and p. 151) says that Unbreakable Foci have Power Def. equal to DEF x 4. If I have a foci of DEF 5 (Power Def. of 20) and it gets drained of 22 BODY, is it considered broken, or just non-functional for a time equal to the fade rate for the drain?


    If Unbreakable Foci can be broken via game mechanics, what prevents someone from running around with a x4 Penetrating Drain or RKA and zapping everyone's foci?--since all power frameworks count as one power for breakage purposes, such an attack would be devastating.

  11. Does Hero (or any players) have any stats for the old D&D Brain Mole, Cerebral Parasite, Intellect Devourer, Mind Flayer, and Thought Eater?


    I could stat them out myself, using the Psionic template from MMM, but I was looking to save time if someone had already done so and was willing to share.

  12. I need help in figuring out how to make an item....the background is our Fantasy Hero group is being challenged by a group of Chronomages who can undo some of our actions in the past. Needing a way to neutralize their power, I have found an ally who can make the Hourglass of Immutable Time.


    Here is what it does: Flip the Hourglass. The sands run for one minute. During that time, you take any actions as normal. When the sands run out, the prior minute becomes locked into history, and cannot be altered or changed. (By Time magics anyway)


    How do you build this in Hero, and what would be the active point cost?

  13. I'll get right to the point....


    1) Can I buy the Trigger advantage to turn a constant or continous power off? (Instead of on)


    2) Can I buy more than one Trigger on a Power, so it activates under condition A or B? (I don't want a variable Trigger, as I can only choose the condition when setting up the power, I want two independent events to trigger the power)



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