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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. Re: Plague Doctor Ok, so with independent off the table, how do i model that each individual charge is a perfectly ordinary syringe? If i drop one, anyone can pick it up and use that one charge for its intended effect. I'm sorry if i'm being difficult; I just don't have the system mastery to know how to make things work in game the way they do in my head. Also, if 20 body is still too much, what would be more reasonable?
  2. Re: Plague Doctor Sorry for the triple post. I had a character creation session with the GM and changed a few things based on his feedback. I would still appreciate critique though. EDIT: Technical Difficulties. Here we go: Got some experience just for showing up. Made the mask a multi-power per GM suggestion (so only one vision mode works at once). Bought a textbook overcoat. A few more points went into the vehicle (I forgot to add movement to it!). Tweaked the armor and skills a bit. What do you all think?
  3. Re: Angels on Earth - plot ideas needed Oops, sorry. I'm probably the only person on earth who hasn't played Diablo 3 (or 2, or 1...).
  4. Re: Plague Doctor Take two. Pulled back the characteristics. Deleted Power Strike. Added a bit of regeneration. The rest went into skills.
  5. Re: Angels on Earth - plot ideas needed How about an idea stolen from Preacher? The blasphemous offspring of an angel and a demon escapes to earth and possesses a human, granting him superhuman powers in the process. The PC's are sent to destroy this abomination and cover up any messes caused by its host.
  6. Re: Hulu: An evil plot to destroy the world, Enjoy. I don't think I've seen those commercials; is it some sort of mind control? If so, my character would develop a drug that boltsters resistance to said mind control then forcibly inject as many people as possible until a way could be found to mass-distribute it.
  7. Re: Destruction of public property, and dealing with the aftermath This could be an entire campaign... I'm thinking Merle and Millie from Trigun but with super powers.
  8. Re: Plague Doctor I just noticed the formatting is weird on that. "All slots Independent (-2), 1 Charge (-2), OAF Fragile (-1 1/4)" is only being applied to the individual abilities. Thanks, this type of advice really helps since I have no frame of reference. What would be more reasonable values for those characteristics? I am going for a fast and agile, hit-and-run type combat style. RE: Power Strike: Should I just ditch that manuever or reduce my +HTH DC? Great response. Thank you so much!
  9. Re: Plague Doctor Thanks to all of you I finally have a complete character! I would greatly appreciate feedback on this build, keeping in mind I have yet to actually play the game. Is anything so low it's not worth taking? Any ridiculous overkill? Have I taken any trap abilities? Thanks again, everyone! Also, you may notice I went over budget by 1 point. The GM told everyone to ignore the cost of TF.
  10. Re: Plague Doctor Away From Books. Character sheet too, in this case.
  11. Re: Plague Doctor Oops, that's what I get for posting AFB. It was "VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only in a Given Circumstance (Requires Lab)."
  12. Re: Plague Doctor Well, I took the limitation "Recover Only Under Certain Circumstances (requires lab)." I like the roleplaying aspect of having to raid a hospital or drugstore to mix up concoctions to resupply my syringes. The vehicle is meant as an emergency mobile lab, so I'm cool with that only working once a day. Thanks for the heads-up about Force Field. I must have misunderstood. If the GM makes a fuss about the Coat, I'll just make the armor a function of the MRS and the coat can just be stylish. Thanks again, I really do appreciate all the advice!
  13. Re: Plague Doctor Thanks again, everyone! You've all given me a lot to think about. My GM suggested that if I make the coat a Force Field instead of Armor it would protect the Focus underneath. I'm having trouble fluffing this though. The next challenge is going to be statting out my vehicle. I want to have an old-school Cadillac ambulance that functions as mobile lab (so I can refuel and restock my syringes between combats.) It should also have medical equipment to help patch up injured persons. Not sure if that means healing power or just skill boosts yet.
  14. Re: Plague Doctor .
  15. Re: Plague Doctor Well, I just had a nice description typed up, but my browser decided to eat the post. Here's a link to wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plague_doctor
  16. Re: Plague Doctor Thanks, that's incredibly helpful. I must have missed the focus damage rules. What I had done was split the suit into two layers. The Metabolic Regulation System (looking for a better name/clever acronym for this) as an IIF worn under clothing, and an armored coat (real armor, OIHID) worn over top. Is there a way to make the coat's PD apply to the focus, or should I combine these and call it one "costume?"
  17. Re: Plague Doctor Oh. Well now I just feel dumb. Thanks!
  18. Re: Plague Doctor Ok, I think I'm happy with how the suit works. Thanks! Unfortunately, now I'm running into problems with the syringes. How do I make them require an attack roll? I thought this was what "Based on CON" was for, but that doesn't seem to work with Drain.
  19. Re: Plague Doctor Thanks. So am I correct in assuming that characteristics purchased as powers are always active (in this case, as long as I have the focus)? Or do these powers need to be activated in some way? These values are added to the base characteristic rather than overriding them, correct? Sorry for all the questions. I'm learning.
  20. Hi everyone! I'm completely new to Hero System and I'm working on my first character for a champions game. 5th ed. Revised, 150 Base Points, 100 Disadvantages, 50 Max Active Points Here's the concept: I want to play a Tony Stark type hero. Someone who's very intelligent but otherwise pretty much average outside of his superhero persona. He's a medical doctor who developed a special suit that constantly monitors and regulates the levels of various biochemicals in his system. It also keeps him suped up on performance enhancing drugs while simultaneously mitigating the side effects (comic book science. Roll with it.). He protects this system (and himself) with cloth-like armor that looks like a plague doctor costume. To top it off he wears a plague doctor mask with some basic utility like a re-breather, night vision and thermal vision built in. For combat, he fights with a walking stick (club) and syringes full of nasty drugs and poisons of his own design. He hides these syringes in secret pockets all over his costume. The build: I think I've got the syringes covered by using a Variable Power Pool with various Aids and Drains. Where I'm having trouble is building the suit. I want virtually all of his characteristics to be enhanced while in his super-persona. First, I tried buying average characteristics (along with Normal Characteristic Maxima), then buying each increase as a separate power, each with "Focus (Obvious Inaccessible)" and "Only in Heroic Persona." This just looks really messy to me though. Is there a way to lump these powers together under a single Focus? Should I be using an Elemental Control for this? I have about a billion other questions, but let's start with this. Thanks in advance, everyone!
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