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Blau Stern

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  1. I have been sick as a dog and therefore distracted, we mostly play Saturday evenings. Edit: I am spaceknightfenix, I didn't realize this account still existed.
  2. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  3. Re: KX's Character Thread Heaven forbid it's something like a frag grenade, an area effect KA.
  4. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  5. Re: KX's Character Thread I did miss the 8 DCV, but that's not going to help you against area affect attacks, the moment someone spreads to a hex the character is dead.
  6. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. It's summoning Superman, he'll help him out, because it's Superman's nature, not because Jimmy asked it of him. Think of it as summoning an angel to fight a demon, yeah the angel isn't going to do what you say, but he's going to slap the demon around. The special effect is Superman flying in a whirl of blue, red, and yellow. That's right, everything is basically up to the GM on Jimmy's powers, it's not like he really ever chooses his powers, they just happen to him. I complain that a 250 point Superman needs the universe rewritten to make him useful.
  7. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Or don't call him Superman. I could have sworn I said that earlier? Oh wait, I did.
  8. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Even if we weren't at war, we know better than to sit on our laurels, doing so is to commit societal suicide, and we aren't doing that any time soon.
  9. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Average campaigns aren't low level. They're mid-tier and you can fit Superman there so long as you make it clear that there aren't that many people more powerful than him and those characters are considering insanely powerful.
  10. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill What? You can still build weapons while moving to peace, there was this thing that happened in a relative time of peace called the cold war. We built more weapons during the cold war than at any other time in history. You can still move toward peace while maintaining a vigilance, conscripted armies aren't maintained, but regular armies are still kept. There's moving toward peace and being incredibly dumb, one of which involves science, the other does not.
  11. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. The only complaint I had about your 6e version was that he wasn't quite strong enough without dipping into his density increase, and I think his resistant defenses might be a little low, but both of those are easy enough to ignore.
  12. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Unless they beat their swords into fancy rifles. The the dudes with the swords get shot, repeatedly. That's why science is great, it has all the applications.
  13. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. That's because he keeps getting rebooted and that's practically a new game itself, but even then it still holds true: the longer the character exists (in this case Superman) the stronger they become, it's shown, as time moves forward, Superman gets stronger. For example: he was way stronger just before the latest reboot, than he was in the 90s. I don't actually read the X-Men, but I'd recently asked a friend, who does read, about Colossus, and he said Colossus is a heck of a lot stronger than he used to be. Thing is certainly a lot stronger than he used to be.
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