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Posts posted by Savinien

  1. Re: Companions of an Uncertain Fate


    I don't know why I didn't let you know sooner, but we have a family vacation coming up this week. Which means Woss will be gone again this portion of the game. We actually have a concert Thursday night, so it isn't a simple matter of taking my laptop and logging in from Michigan. Sorry. Don't get killed without me.

  2. Re: Companions of an Uncertain Fate


    Ex-wives. Uh-huh.


    *Nods head sagely.*


    In another interesting turn, my time with my daughter got nixed altogether so, I should be good to go at the regular time.


    How about this...


    The special effect of this is that Rotman has been touched by his spiritual contact with the Hag. Now he can see magical energies from time to time and even will himself to. The problem is that the supernatural frightens him requiring him to force himself (EGO roll at -2) to try and see these things and leaves him shaken (PRE Drain) once he does see them.


    The overall affect I am imagining is like Constantine's ability from the movie of the same name. The only thing is that Rotman has to focus himself and steel his courage in order to look into that world.


    Note that PRE costs 2/1 in this campaign so that, at most, Rotman will be down 2 points (rounding up in this case).


    I may also, from time to time, invoke GM fiat and have Rotman see something even without trying.


    I am cool with this. I don't know how often I'll have him try, so a bit of fiat may be required at first before he even knows he can do it.

  3. Re: Companions of an Uncertain Fate


    Translation: I thought we had settled on getting that Tainted Vision thing going for Rotman. I just didn't remember what it was we decided. The Voices comment was just pure strangeness. Sorry about that.


    Yes. We did agree with it, but I left the costs in your capable hands. I was just wondering where you might have gotten with it. Trying to take care of stuff in this medium as opposed to waiting til the game starts.


    Which, I may be late for. It is no excuse, but I blame it on my ex-wife.

  4. Re: Companions of an Uncertain Fate


    Yes. I'm pretty sure I confirmed that, but sometimes the voices in my head lead me astray.


    A job is merely an offer until accepted. In other words, discuss all you want. I will, in true Nolgroth form, adapt and destr....overcome. :)


    EDIT: Sorry if my responses seem flippant. Well they are flippant. Did you have something in mind. I am always open to ideas above and beyond what my mind cooks up. I was not kidding about being adaptable. Let me look up the thread for details on exactly what we wanted to do in game terms.


    I don't know what you're talking about.

  5. Re: Companions of an Uncertain Fate


    Okay... Two things. With one of those wussy Avalonians finally gone from the group, can I hear an Amen?


    Just kidding. That wasn't one of the two.


    Are we still gathering on Thursday, or is everyone taking the night off? If the Celtics win tomorrow, a night off on Thursday may be perfect for the finale of the NBA Finals. Let me know what you all think.


    Second... I'm thinking of adding some Taint to Rotman to give him a sense to Magic to help make up for Geoffrey.Thoughts? I only have four points.


    Any ideas, Nolg?

  6. Re: Companions of an Uncertain Fate


    Enjoy the family time, James.


    Lez, I hear you are considering a monsters campaign, yes?


    I think he was, but he has a 'whiz-quiz' on Monday. He's been out of a job for over a year and this possiblity is second shift. As far as I know, he's dropped his game plans.


    I'm going to open a server so we can all chat since we all seem to be about. PM me for name and pw.

  7. Re: Anyone running any online games?


    I have news. It isn't necessarily good, though. My step-daughter's summer basketball league has games on Thursdays starting tomorrow night. She may play all four if she gets to dress on the sophomore team as well as freshman. That means her first game is at 5pm and last one at 8pm. That is in the central time zone. There will be four consequitive weeks of this.

  8. Re: Campaign Building Blocks: General Musings


    It is really up to you, My Man. Everybody has the option of doing it differently, but I guess that isn't much help in this instance.


    I've done it both ways and in my games, I feel they go a bit better when I have a stronger grasp of the plot of the story. There isn't as much 'errant roaming' of the pcs as the players float around trying to figure out what to do next. Like Nol says, it has a lot to do with the group your running. Some players like being able to drive the story more than others. You as the GM need to figure out what that group dynamic is and play to it.


    In that vein, it might help to know what sort of group you'll be running. I hope I get to play in the game!

  9. Re: Anyone running any online games?


    So, my step-daughter graduates 8th grade on Thursday. Ceremony doesn't start until 7, so I don't know when I'll be available.


    Please let me know what the plan is. I feel terrible about all the real life interruptions, but that is the way it goes when you have a family.

  10. Re: Anyone running any online games?


    I'm sure Lez let you guys know... I still cannot use Maptools on my laptop and I lost my ISP. My dad is still in the hospital and I haven't made the time to get the net connection at my house fixed. I wasn't even sure the game was a go. I've been working a lot of twelves in a row. Things should change drastically next week.



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