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Posts posted by Savinien

  1. Re: Malazan Hero


    Dark High Fantasy? Sounds good to me.:thumbup:


    and if the books were about a bunch of teenagers learning magic in some awkward wizard school, would the genre be called Fantasy High? :D


    No, that would be the Corsican Brothers.


    *rim shot*

  2. Re: Where is Fantasy?


    From my experience, Fantasy Hero helps with some specifics for chargen that I don't believe exist within TA. I've also found that the Fantasy Grimoires are an excellent addition to any Fantasy Hero library.

  3. Re: Malazan Hero


    Just an idle question.


    What sub-genre would the Malazan books be?


    They have the power level of High Fantasy but a gritty outlook far more at home in a Low Fantasy setting.


    I'd call them Dark High Fantasy and shelve them alongside the Black Company series.



    Sounds accurate. I think there are a few others that would fit into the sub-genre, but they aren't currently coming to me atm.

  4. Re: Malazan Hero


    In fact thinking about the multiple characters scenario has given me another idea for how to get round the heavy hitters question. Give the narrative the classic Malazan split perspective treatment and give each player three characters, one Ascendant, one Heroic level character and one competent normal. Several different storylines play out at once with different characters meeting and cooperating, (or not), at different times.


    It would be very difficult to run but great fun if you could pull it off I think.


    This is the ticket right here for me. I've always wanted to do something like this, but never had the tenacity to pull it off.


    If you ever decide to do it (online) please save me a spot.



  5. Re: Malazan Hero


    Is it really only 8 pts to be sent within Dragnipur? I like the HERO build, but can't help but wonder if it should be more expensive.


    What sort of campaign would you run within Malazan Hero, Shadowsoul? I'm curious about how to mesh lower end level characters into this setting of ultra-powerful NPCs. Or, would you run stories for the big guns?

  6. Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


    Speaking of online games...stop posting here and get back to the Grey Crowns! Meeester Ominous...


    I can flick in at this forum and post to my heart's content in a few moments. Or, the single game I play at Pencil Pushers. Unfortunately, Hero Central loads much slower and I have more obligations there.


    I was just telling Mastermind I could totaly get into a properly scheduled chat game twice a month, though.


    Now, back to The Last Dominion!

  7. Re: Malazan Hero


    26 hands is big, but horses almost as tall even exist today:


    but what if a hand does not mean 4 inches but instead it is a measure used by the Teblor (and therefore using standard size of Teblor hands): now that would be big


    I don't have sound but have ridden horses all of my life and my parents still breed and trade them. That horse is about 18 hands, maybe 20. Picture another two feet on it.


    And, perhaps you're correct. Why would the Teblor use children's hands for measurement?

  8. Re: Malazan Hero


    Barghast Berserking - Axes, Clubs, Broadswords.


    Claw Combat Doctrine - Pair of Longknives, Pair of Daggers.

    Can simulate other assassin's abilities such as Daru Assassins, Talons and Tiste Andi Nighthunters.


    Daru Fencing. Rapier.


    Edur Traditions - Hiroth - Spear.

    Merude - Cutlass.

    Arapay - Throwing Axe. (Unlikely to be a martial art).

    Spear fighting may well be more than the Hiroth's special weapon. The Hiroth Trull Sengar wields a spear but it is referred to as a weapon particular to him. The Merude chieftain also uses a spear.

    The Merude cutlass has a bell guard equipped with numerous protrusions for catching blades. It should grant +1 OCV to Disarm and Weapon Bind attacks.


    Fener's Doctrine - Sword, Shield, Lasso.

    Style of the Grey Swords. I'll have to check the specifics when I have time. Teamwork is definitely a prerequisite skill.


    Malazan Marine Training - Broadsword and shield.

    In fact this fighting style is common to all Malazan troops but Marines are more likely to develop great skill in it. This would be the standard Bridgeburner Martial Art of course.


    Seguleh Swordcraft - Swords.

    Most other sword arts are probably a pale reflection of the Seguleh skills.


    Seven Cities Raiding - Tulwar, Lance. (Mounted Martial Art).


    Imass Lore - Flint Great Sword.


    Presumably the Andi and Liosan have their own traditions or styles as do the Rhivi, Azalan, Wickans, Teblor, Red Blades, Letheri, Jheck, Jaghut, Pannions, Shake, Falari, Ken'Ryllah, Moranth, Forkrul Assail (Heaven forbid), K'Chain Che'Malle, Trell, Dal Honese, Gadrobi, Genebarii, Meckros, Napans, Khundryl, Semk, Gral and sundry others.


    If anyone wants to write up any of these martial traditions then that would be great. Any comments on what I've gathered so far would also be welcome.


    The Rhivi use bows from horseback quite well. Sorry I don't have much more to add at this point. I will be keeping an eye on the thread and when I get time, will be more dilligent with aide.

  9. Re: Malazan Hero


    On Karsa: I've been torn as to the height of the Toblakai for a while. When he gets his prologue at the beginning of House of Chains' date=' he jumps a city wall with his horse. I "think" they might have mentioned the height of a Jhag horse at the end of the book, I'll have to go back and check. But if they gave a "hands" height, we could estimate the height from the ratio from a normal horse maybe?[/quote']


    I haven't finished the book where we might the Teblor, but I recall his horse being 26 hands. A 'hand' is 4 inches and most horses (not percherons or draft) are about 16 or 17 hands. So, that is a big friggin' horse!

  10. Re: Malazan Hero


    I am soooo in this Shadowsoul!


    Love the Malazan: Book of the Fallen.


    Only read the first few by Erikson so far.


    There are existing threads in this sub-forum on the subject, but the material isn't much.

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