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Von Hase

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Everything posted by Von Hase

  1. Re: Cheese Meisters Assemble! Create "The Spin Doctor" You requested Cheese? Telepathy, Mind Control, and or Mental Illusions - Area Affect (Non-Selective), Megascale, Invisible Effects - Only to Convince People of Things, and possibly Only When Victim Views Advertising, and Only vs. Normal Minds (20 EGO max). Mind Control would be bought telepathic with a cumulative effect. Telepathy would be Only to Implant Favorable Memories or Emotions. Mental Illusions would be used to make the subject seem appealing. Also, Aid PRE - long term fade rate. All of these powers could require a PR Skill Roll, Advertising, Extra Time (length of the ad campaign), and other real world limitations. Due to the scale of the power, it won't be very intense dicewise and may be used with a relatively low ECV. The Spin Doctor won't be able to convince everyone, but the large part of those in range will change their minds - enough to sway public opinion. The only problem with this character is that he/she would be more inclined to take over the world with these powers than to do meager PR stunts. But you could catch him/her while he/she was 'practicing' for the evental move for power - possibly by getting favors from powerful individuals that he/she can't control. It could make for an interesting villain later in the campaign. But then such is the way of cheese. It gets really messy when you play with it.
  2. Re: Is patriotism a disadvantage? A Psychological Limitation is a disadvantage that limits a character's behavior. Patriotism could certainly limit a character's behavior. The degree to which it may do so is up to the player when buying the disadvantage, and then the GM to approve it for his game. It could run the gambit from (Uncommon, Moderate) to (Very Common, Total) depending on how important this is to the character and the likelihood of situations involving it occuring. Remember, psychological limitations that require characters to behave heroically are limitations because they require the behavior.
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