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Posts posted by Nelijal

  1. Thanks, joen00b.


    I just took a look at the FH playtest manuscript, and p11 lists the USPD as a good resource for spells, given that the appropriate limitations are added. THAT certainly answers my question.

  2. Not yet having waded into the deep subject of Powers, is there any real difference--rulewise--between superpowers and spells? In other words, could the USPD be used as a FH spell resource? As-is or with some tweaking?

  3. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trolls


    Originally posted by Monolith

    How disturbed does a guy have to be to have two accounts open at the same time just so he can cross-post with himself? :)

    I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.
  4. For anyone who cares, further research has turned up the term intertitle to refer to the written parts of a silent film. Perhaps placard refers to the physical card used to make the intertitles? My silent film knowledge is lacking.

  5. While anticipating the arrival of the newly remastered DVD of Metropolis, I started wondering about the feasability of running HERO like a silent movie. The players are not allowed to speak; they instead write on placards to describe major or key actions, and otherwise must mime their intentions.


    This would fit any genre, if executed in the spirit of the medium.

  6. Characters act in phases based on their SPD. Characters who act on the same phase go in order of DEX. Characters with the same SPD and DEX roll to determine who goes first. I have seen threads on these boards which imply that characters acting simultaneously is to be avoided at all costs. What's wrong with same SPD/DEX characters acting at the same time? Would this not happen from time to time in real life?

  7. Wow, there have been some impressive discussions on this thread. HERO certainly has a very dedicated (committed?) fan base.


    Just so Steve and the other authors don't think I was being unappreciative by starting this thread with FREd not even a year old (I don't live far from Steve, and I don't want to get beat up :(), I started it as a joke, just to see what kind of input I would get. I certainly don't expect to see SHREd on bookshelves any time soon; Steve's too busy working on our FH stuff. ;)


    I underestimated the rabid passion of Herophiles.


    The thread has been very interesting to read, and turned out to be very informative. You guys are much smarter than I am.

  8. Originally posted by Law Dog

    1st edition was indeed intimidating. With all the acronyms and words like "pip", if you didn;t have somebody to teach it to you, it was like learning a foreign language. The font they used on the first edition also made it look more like a technical manual than an RPG.

    I think the award for acronyms goes to first edition Chivalry & Sorcery. Between all the abbreviations and the micro-size typewriter text, it was a bear.
  9. Originally posted by GamePhil

    Not as much of a minority as you might think, and I believe you are misunderstanding his point. The idea is to have fewer Powers that can all be expanded on to get all the ones currently in the book. For example, Instant Change was rolled into Transform (I know that a lot of people don't like this, but I rather do, and once it's built you just plunk down the 7 or 8 points and write Instant Change on your sheet).


    As another example, one not in the current rules (but one that has been touched on in this thread, if my memory of the three pages isn't failing me), instead of having Armor and Force Field and PD/ED/DR, you just have PD/ED/DR, and can define a new power Armor as the three together, and Force Field as the the new Armor power with Costs Endurance.


    In other words, all the rules would be in the core book: if that's all you're interested in, you never need to buy another book. Specific instances of how to use them would be in examples, both in the same core book and in other books.


    I'd like to see that.

    I went back and reread the original post and you're correct, I did misunderstand. The concept as originally stated and explained by you goes well with the idea of further breaking down the powers into more generic building blocks. This would probably reduce the number of rules, but would require more explanation and examples for people to understand how to build what they wanted, which would be covered in the genre books. Thanks for the clarification.


    Originally posted by Aroooo

    I'm not sure simplifying the Powers is a good thing, especially for new players. We've all seen posts from newbies sating that they are having problems making their first few characters. I remember making my first Champions character way back when. I was confused for a while.


    Don't oversimplify the powers because "you" know the rules really well and know the difference between Armor, Force Field, and Force Wall.

    This is the big problem with this issue. It's kind of like programming in BASIC versus assembly language. BASIC is easy, but limits your flexibility if you try to get creative with it because its predefined components do things one certain way (though modern extensions to BASIC have tried to correct this), whereas assembly language has no predefined components and is very flexible, but requires a lot more effort than BASIC to accomplish a given task.


    AD&D is the BASIC of RPGs, and I'm not aware of a game that resembles assembly language, but I'd call HERO a C/C++ style of game, which isn't a bad thing.


    There really isn't a "right" answer here; it all depends on what you want from the system. I imagine Steve pondered this point a lot while writing FREd.

  10. Wanna talk about art? Imagine the illustrations in Porn Star HERO! We could start a whole new thread on building Powers and Equipment for that game.


    Maybe Steve will put my name down to author that one. I'll dust off the unfinished notes on my previous game expansions: Vixens & Venery for AD&D and Letch Law for RoleMaster.

  11. Originally posted by Zoth

    Has any one said Satanic Hero yet? :)


    I think Nelijal is right this thread has gone out of control. The only way it can get worse is if we start talking about the art in the books :)


    P.S As far as I'm concerned you can keep the art if it would reduce the cost.

    If you take out the pictures, my players won't have any reason to buy the books. :eek:
  12. Books and their covers...


    With all due respect, I was stunned by the--IMHO--pointless subject of this thread. But then, I'm one who rarely buys anything without research, so judging the books by their covers doesn't even occur to me. And, I have no empathy for anyone who lets such things determine their purchases. A non-issue--IMHO.


    As with the previously mentioned GURPS and RoleMaster series, I see continuity, not a lack of imagination, in such titles. Both the title and the understated cover of FREd appeal to me, similar to the original Traveller books--I like the HERO 5e cover much better than 4e.


    But, enough of that crap (opinions and a$$holes, y'know). HERO titles that might not sell so well? How about Pimp HERO, Crack Ho' HERO, Heroin HERO, Homeless HERO, Cancer HERO, HIV-Positive HERO, Southern Baptist HERO, Jehovah's Witness HERO, Michael Jackson HERO, Catholic Priest HERO, Jeffrey Dahmer HERO, Buchenwald HERO, or Khmer Rouge HERO?

  13. Originally posted by Monolith

    Well first you need to assume a penny has a 4 DEF and 1 BODY. Then you need a 25 STR. If you have both of those things, you can throw a penny for 5d6. :)

    If I've got 25 STR, I don't need the penny. ;)
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