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Mad Tech

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  1. Does failing a Demolitions check to disarm a bomb automatically mean that the bomb explodes? Failing a check might easily kill the person attempting the disarm. Anyone have any suggestions on how to handle disarming a bomb? I want to make the player's sweat but I don't want to kill anyone. Disarming several bombs is a critical part of a scenario I'm working on for my players. Mad Tech
  2. Re: Question about No Range EB and H-t-H attack. Thanks! I figured there was a simple answer I just didn't think about it being a Multiple Power attack. Mad Tech
  3. Suppose a character has a 5d6 Energy Blast with no range and also has 25 STR. If said character punches a target, can damage from both the EB and STR be applied or does this have to be purchased as a Compound Power? Mad Tech
  4. A character has an 5d6 Energy Blast with no range and also has 25 STR. If said character punches a target, can damage from both the EB and STR be applied or does this have to be purchased as a Compound Power? Mad Tech
  5. Re: Ever have one of those moments when... It seems as if you need to sit down and talk with your players about what kinda of game they really want to play. Do they want to be heroes fighting defending honor and standing up for good, vigilantes out for justice as they see fit, or villains out to do whatever they want. Don't try and push the players into a mold that they don't want to conform to. This will only frustrate you and anger them. Find the direction that the players want to go in and then modify the campaign to fit. But of course, the character's actions should have consequences, so if they destroy downtown and kill innocent people, they will be hunted by the police and any superheroes in the area. Their secret identities might be uncovered, their bank assetts and not-so-secret base seized by police, etc. Mad Tech
  6. I reread the rules for Hardened but that really doesn't clear up my confusion. A player has a character with 10 base PD. He then buys +25 PD and buys it as hardened. He also buys Damage Resistance 25 also hardened. So he has 35total PD and 25 rPD. So does that mean he has 25 rPD that is double hardened and 10 PD that is not resistant and not hardened? And for some reason, I couldn't reply to my original post.
  7. I can't seem to wrap my brain around this for some reason. A player has a character with 10 base PD. He then buys +25 PD and buys it as hardened. He also buys Damage Resistance 25 also hardened. So he has 35 total PD and 25 rPD. But how much is considered hardened? Or is it double hardened? Or is this wrong altogether? Yarg! GM confused! Brain hurt!!!! GM SMASH!!!! Charles
  8. Okay, these may be stupid questions and I couldn't find anything by searching the posts, so here goes. First, what is the maximum negative STUN a character can take? I'm guessing it's either -30 or negative equal to their positive STUN. Second, when a character is reduced to the maximum negative STUN, do they begin taking extra BODY damage or is it that at that point the attacker really can't do any more harm to them (assuming that the attacks are not doing enough BODY normally to actually cause BODY damage). To clarify, say Spider-Guy knocks Dr. Squid completely unconscious but Spider-Guy's attacks have not done any BODY damage. Spider-Guy keeps hitting Dr. Squid and the villain goes into deep negative STUN (but still no BODY). At some point, would the pounding begin to do BODY damage automatically or is Dr. Squid's PD (or ED) simply too high and Spider-Guy's punches become futile? Mad Tech
  9. A player character in my group has a follower that is basically a spirit. Once he buys down most of the ability scores to 0 (body, con, str) and adds in disadvantages, their are points left over. So it would seem that the cost for this follower is 0. The follower has lots of useful knowledge skills, so this doesn't seem fair, but I'm not sure how to fix the problem. Any suggestions on fixing this seemingly broken follower? Mad Tech
  10. Re: Gigaton vs Gravitar - who would win? Thanks for the analysis. I had misread Gigaton's point total and thought he was built on more points. All I can say is "DOH!" Mad Tech
  11. I just want to get some opinions on this. If Gigaton and Gravitar were to fight, who would win? Gravitar seems more powerful even though Gigaton is built with more points. Mad Tech
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