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Everything posted by Merlin273

  1. I was wondering if there might be some "official" benchmarks for characteristics, skills, and CV for characters that the Players and GM can use to get an idea of where their character is at in "real world" terms. Other gaming systems have had benchmarks throughout the years, and I've found them useful...especially in conversions from other systems. For example, what should a 3rd Degree Black Belt/Master "real world" martial artist have for DEX and OCV/DCV and skill level? What level DEX is an Olympic Athlete and Olympic Gymnast? Is 30 the apex of Human ability in a characteristic, or is 20? Fer instance...Batman is supposedly at PEAK non-superhuman form, yet I've seen his various write-ups with 30 DEX and 23 STR, etc. If 20 is max Human, how id that possible? Anyway, any ideas on this Benchmark thing? Is there one? Might there ever BE one?
  2. Re: Looking for 3E Templates Thanks Edsel!
  3. Does ANYONE have the old Champions 3E supplement called Champions III? I'm looking for the templates given in that book that gives basic values for BRICK, MARTIAL ARTIST, EGOIST, etc. Could someone please send them to me? Mucho Gratze!
  4. Re: How do I do this? (Pt. 2) Here's the final product. Thanks, guys! What do you think of it? Witch’s Broom (Companion) Val Char Cost Notes 0 Size 0 .5â€x .5â€; -0 KB; -0 DCV 10 STR 0 Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH [0] 8 INT -2 PER Roll: 11- 10 EGO 0 EGO Roll: 11- 18 DEX 24 OCV: 6/DCV: 6 5 BODY -5 3 DEF 2 Does Not Protect Riders (-1/2) 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3,6,9,12 Total Characteristic Cost: 31 Movement: Ground: 0â€/0†Swimming: 0â€/0†Flight: 15â€/30†Cost Abilities/Equipment END 30 Witch’s Flight: Flight 15†0 -12 Only Flies: Ground Movement –6†(0†total) -2 Only Flies: Swimming –2†(0†total) Skills 3 Combat Piloting 11- 2 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 11- 2 KS: Flight Protocols 11- 2 KS: Talisman 11- 2 KS: Weather Patterns 11- 1 Voice Command Recognition: Language: English 2 Navigation (Air) 11- 3 Bump of Direction 27 Danger Sense (Intuitional, Sense) 11-, any danger in immediate vicinity 20 Universal Translator 11- Total Abilities, Equipment & Skills Cost: 80 Total Cost: 111 Cost Disadvantages 20 Psych Lim: May not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm (Common, Total) 20 Psych Lim: Must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the previous order (Common, Total) 20 Psych Lim: Must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the other orders (Common, Total) Total Disadvantages Points: 60 Total Cost: 51/5 = 10
  5. Re: How do I do this? (Pt. 2) So what would it look like? Do I write it up like an AI computer (pg. 312-313), or what?
  6. Re: How do I do this? (Pt. 2) That's a good idea, but how should I work the Vehicle-aspect of it? It has a Size and STR. How do I write-up a sentient vehicle like the flying carpet from Disney's 'Aladdin'?
  7. OK, here's another one... I'm trying to create a sentient Witch's Broom for a character. It would be like a NPC (you know, it can swat once for yes, twice for no; hides when the PC tells it to; comes when called, etc.). Should I just give it the stats from Her System Vehicle Sourcebook pg. 142, but with the additional characteristic of INT (of say 10), with perhaps some skills?
  8. I'm trying to create a spell that propels a target upwards into the air by a 2"-3" area-wide powerful non-lethal explosive force...kind of like being shot from a cannon - straight up! It's not the attack that kills, but the fall certainly can. I was thinking along the lines of TK or a low-powered EB with Double KB (straight up)...am I on the right track? Any advice? BTW, if there are any Slayers (anime) fans out there that read this, the effect I'm trying to re-create is that of the "Explosion Array" spell.
  9. Re: Raw STR: Marvel It's stated in most Marvel sources that Wolverine can lift 800 lbs (20 STR), and weighs 300 lbs (due to his adamantium skeleton).
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