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Posts posted by garou

  1. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    The mission I had finished when the server crashed was okay, so Tim might be okay. I had another fun filled evening of new contacts that give no missions and 'bots that don't actually attack my target on "Aggressive/Attack my Target" commands.


    Toss in some very low responses (ie, none) for more people to join my SG*, and it was not a fun night.


    * Bases are a kewl idea, but you need a lot of people to afford a base. You need a base to attract a lot of people. Until I earn the additional 300k prestige to have more than one room, it's not going to go well.

  2. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    I haven't gotten that far yet. Karen Lokidittir is just now starting the List arch (Night Maiden did it earlier) and I can't find the time to play during my work week's long hours. Will play more after work tomorrow when I start my weekend. :D


    So far, letting foes get away seems to break mission archs. :( I am hoping to use Tar Patch to prevent that (and am dreading the Wretch arch).

    Hopefully tar patch works better than Caltrops and Web grenades. Those had no effect - he didn't even slow down over the Caltrops (though he did take that massive point or two of damage).

  3. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game




    Radioooooooooo Free Opportunity!


    Radio gives you a chance to give new heroes something to do as they start their Paragon City careers. AND Radio gives you a chance to get to the top of the good guy's attention span. :D

    I apparently just finished off the Radio Free Opportunity. Stupid Spymaster mission. I ask, what good are web granades and caltrops when they can't prevent a bad guy from running? Once he took off for the exit, I never hit him again, nor did my minions. We shot, often, but nothing tagged him.


    If you capture him, do you get more RFO missions? Or does the arc end there regardless of the outcome?

  4. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    I've done that on CoH before, and put myself right out of contacts. My problem was that I could do missions, except I had outleveled all my contacts. I was already gaining XP too quickly - a bump in difficulty would have made it worse.


    I still want to know why the Vampyre mission from the guy with the grudge against the council is so bad. Sure, I had to sacrifice a couple robots to get him, but I did the mission solo. He never got really close to killing me.

  5. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Bocor gave me nothing (as I suspected), but did introduce me to Radio, so I have at least an alternative to the paper. I just don't recall having it common in the lower levels of CoH to have only 1-2 choices other than street sweeping. (It happened sometimes in the pre-Hollow days, but not since. . . )

  6. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    11, almost halfway to 12. Billie Heck was just introduced (3rd contact from Drea), and won't help, and I hadn't been to Bocor yet, but supposedly he is a 5-10 as well. That leaves me Vendetti, the Paper, and Drea every once in a while. (I do find it odd that the three are all listed as 5-10, since most of my villains are 6, almost 7 when they go to Port Oakes, and I do very little street hunting other than what is needed for missions.)

  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Yep, I have all three contacts. One I can still do missions on (and it looks like I have one left, according to a site that listed story arcs). The other two initial ones are left in the dust, having never done a mission for them. If I had used a mission slider, it would be worse - I'd now be level 12 or 13, and my one current contact would be gone as well.


    So, it's looking like Techno-Bill will have to team, since he won't have any missions for quite some time, after this next one.

  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    I just found a major glitch in CoV, and I suspect that it exists in CoH as well, though not as badly. I've outleveled almost all of my initial contacts, except one. Normally this would not be a problem, as they would have introduced me to new contacts. Instead, I get to do newspaper missions, and stuff for the broker, and that's pretty much it. How did it happen? Pretty easily - there's no debt from levels 5-10. The random deaths I suffered in getting to the various mission sites usually kept me from advancing too quickly, but that debt cushion is gone.


    It's not yet as bad as a case I had in CoH, where a brick had one contact available at level 14-15. One. I had my choice of street hunting, joining teams, or my one contact.


    I wasn't doing a lot of street hunting with my villain, and I'm not even sure that there is a mission slider for CoV yet. It just frustrates me to see my options closing very, very quickly, with contacts to whom I have just been introduced saying "Sorry, kid. I can't help you anymore."

  9. Re: 1 Speed


    One word: Entangle.

    Yep, I considered it. So, I bought up a bunch of Str, only to break free from entangles. It got pretty cheap.


    The real big weakness was other people's ability to run up, smack him, and run around a corner before he could do anything about it. But, if you were still in the open, he could lay down some potential hurt.


    As I said, it's a one-trick pony. Once you know the trick, getting around it was reasonably easy. I suppose it could work in a team, if people keep chucking targets at Slowpoke just before he takes his action, but it requires good teamwork and shoring up of his weaknesses.

  10. Re: 1 Speed


    I drew up a concept for a Spd 1 character at one point. He was increidbly tough, to the point where most physical or energy attacks could be shrugged off, and he had enough knockback resistance that he probably wasn't going to go anywhere.


    What killed the concept (for me, anyway) was the campaign guidelines. The rough guide was Max AP/phase = 500/Spd. Which meant, in other words, that when his one phase came, he could let fly with a 50d6 attack and still be well under the guidelines. Heck, I could have cut it down to 40d6 and put in some things like armor-piercing or something.


    (This was in a campaign where the average PD/ED was 20-30, with bricks being about 30-35 to start).


    Anyway, I statted him out, and had enough points for a few CSLs - cheap, since they only had to work with the one attack.


    I gave him up because it was essentially a one-trick pony, and it would get awfully boring and awfully annoying really quickly. I mean, once per turn, unless villains managed to bring him down, he would obliterate the toughest foe he could see - where's the fun in that?

  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Yeah, the Hollows is a pain. I'll meet the cop and accept the missions, but if they are pretty far away, I'll go back to KR and work on gaining a couple levels first.


    The main advantage to the Hollows is that, since most people seem to be ignoring Perez nowadays, PCSAR & other healing groups patrol the Hollows. Heck, if my main toon isn't doing missions, I tend to camp out in the Hollows, providing TP, healing and rez services to low level heroes.

  12. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Wow. That is a nasty one. Normally, they're at least far enough away that there is some place where you can stand and successfully click them. No GM response for two hours? Ouch - that's more than worth the effort of simply restarting the mission and hoping that they have moved.

  13. Re: Calling All Evil GMs


    People who were in the process of reporting, or heading to report, assaults or other violent crimes are suddenly left without the most obvious physical evidence (bruising, bleeding, etc).


    Teachers, social workers, etc who were suspicious of abuse now have to wait to see if the bruises reappear.


    Some random lunatic claims that he was the real cause of the healing, and starts going out to heal the masses.


    At least a couple people will be convinced that they are immortal or now possess superpowers - and begin trying to fight crime. When Joe Average, with no applicable skills or abilities, starts trying to take down Viper, he's going to have a nasty shock ahead, if he survives the encounter.


    Supers get sued by several people who were attempting suicide, a la "The Incredibles".


    Supers start getting requests from people suffering from all sorts of illnesses. Mobs surround them when the appear in public, begging for that healing touch.


    Supers start getting flack for not doing this sooner. "Where were you during the last major disaster? Why didn't you save my child from cancer? Why didn't you use your powers for this sooner?"

  14. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    I'm just hoping that Warburg gets a lot less laggy. There's no skill involved in killing a lagged, petless controller - it's kind of like taking your level 40 toon into Atlas and wasting skulls. Sure, you can do it, but you're not proving anything.

  15. Re: Help, the car hit the character!


    Remind me not to cross the road with you then....:)

    Are you kidding? Aside from the fact that I appear to be a magnet for such things (leaving other people around me untouched, except for the instances where I was a passenger), I've only been seriously hurt (to the point of requiring hospitalization) for one of those. And of the others, I only needed stiches once.


    Fortunately, I kept hitting my head, which apparently is quite hard. :doi:

  16. Re: Help, the car hit the character!


    I would probably consider it a normal attack if the person had some ability to try and dodge out of the way, roll with the impact, etc. Those are going to be the people who got hit and managed to walk away (if very lucky) or survive it in good shape. If (for one reason or another), the victim cannot or will not take any sort of evasive maneuver, I'd call it killing.


    Of course, if you start looking at vehicular impacts vs. pedestrians, I'd rather be hit by an old Cadillac than an SUV or pickup, and I'd take either as opposed to being hit by a van. With a lower hood, you manage to roll somewhat - whereas being hit by a van is a lot like being hit by a fast-moving wall.


    Edit - I'd consider it to almost always be normal damage vs. a PC.


    Personal experience - I have been hit about 6 times as a pedestrian, 3 times as a cyclist, and 2 times as a passenger, and I have hit 1 other car (his fault, but cops don't get tickets). Ironically, they all involve people not seeing me or failing to stop in time in traffic (or, in the case of the cop, failure to yield to oncoming traffic - me - who couldn't possibly have seen him.)

  17. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Masterminds are about to appear a whole lot weaker Garou, at least until you get your tier 3 pet. ;) Problem is that the damage they do appears static, so it counts less and less, and they drop in level as more pets of that tier can be summoned. Your tier 3 pet stays at your level, but the tiers below will be below your slightly. That is affecting the damage they deal, ACC, and damage taken as you seek to take down reds and oranges. Do not dispair, your 6 pets are collectively strong, and you can sacrifice a tier 1 pet to take an alpha strike. Just realize you will feel a bit weak until 26, and then all will be well.

    It could be that I am looking at it from a 'troller perspective, where I am used to dealing out D:MoT (aka minor over time), and so a MM looks so much better. I hope to gain a couple levels on the MM in the next couple days - I missed the bump, when disappointed me. I wanted to try a mid-level MM without all the work. ;)

  18. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Masterminds ROCK! :D Love them! Low damage from pets, but I can support pets and a team, have ranged attacks, and the pets can take alpha strikes and concentrate attacks. I understand from level 26 on the full 6 pet compliment (including tier 3 pet, the only one that stays at your level) is very nice and can deal sufficient damage. I love this class, but I play it as a tanker who supports her own private army. It's a great tactical AT, and fun to play with. I can make the pets say whatever I want, make them use the emotes, and can use the "/e boombox" emote on self while they attack. I love them!

    I haven't gotten my MM past 10, but already I can tell that I love the AT. OTOH, I've been playing a Controller for some time, and a MM is soooo much easier - the pet tools for a MM are far superior. My main concern with the MM is that, unless my power level takes a huge dive relative to foes in the teens or 20's, it's just too easy to play. I died once (on purpose), but other than that, I haven't found anything at my level (or minions 2 above, lts one above) that I can't take without a problem. I'm sure that if you don't know pet management, it can be a steep learning curve, but it just seems too. . . easy.


    OTOH, a MM without pets is a free kill for almost anyone. :eek:

  19. Re: Power Armor 'themes'


    Yeah' date=' I kinda thought cold just made things brittle myself, but hey, I've got the idea in my head now. It'll be one of those "shh, it's a superhero world" things if any player asks, eh?[/quote']

    Found some information on it:








    Given a quick read, it appears that steel, when exposed to severely cold temperatures (forget the icy waters of the north Atlantic, we're talking 300 or more below 0, Centigrade) as part of the quenching process results in steel which resists warpage, friction wear, etc. If you do it to a sword, it needs sharpening much less often.


    Who says gaming never teaches you anything?

  20. Re: New to system... character ??


    It also depends on character concept - if you are thinking about a brick (strong, tough, not always bright), you might not spend much on skills. Or rather, you will, but on things like Combat Skill levels and the various martial arts abilities. If, on the other hand, you are planning on playing someone who's not too good in a fight, but useful to have around, you'll have (on average) lower characteristics and powers, but a lot more skills. In that case, you're going to want to take cover and hide a lot when combat comes.


    As others have said, it really depends on the GM and the campaign - if you can give some information about those, you'll probably get more specific help.

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