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  1. How does one go about determining the Active Point cost of a power framework? It seems pretty straight forward for ECs; just don't let any one of the powers, plus the base cost, go over 60. However, the other two aren't as intuitive, and I can't seem to find anything in the book (5ER) about the AP cost for them. If you could give an explanation, it would be great.
  2. Re: Favorite Television Characters Heh, yeah, definitely. Spoilers follow: The reason he spares people like Atherton or Saffron is because he doesn't feel they need to die. It's more appropriate that they live with failure. When I was writing that post earlier, Niska's henchman was exactly who I was thinking of.
  3. In the FAQ, it is stated that a "[Naked] Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) for any non-Autofire firearm of up to 60 Active Points" costs 15 points... but I'm not sure where the 15 point cost comes from. Would you take a moment to clarify?
  4. Re: Favorite Television Characters This is a tricky one... Mal seems quite willing to kill anyone who messes with his ship or crew, without any real difficulty (see Train Job) and he certainly didn't seem reluctant to kill folks during the War. I'm not entirely sure how appropriate this would be as a Psych Lim for the character. To me, having it implies that he gets second thoughts about killing people, and can only manage to do it with an Ego roll, which doesn't match with my impression of Mal in the show. Sorry, just a little nitpick!
  5. Re: Social "Combat' and "Duels" Those were my thoughts. It seems easy enough to apply concepts from Physical/Martial combat to Social "combat". Use skills and skill levels to attack and defend, and use Presence rolls (or the equivalent... relevant CHAR/5) to determine the effect. It would take some major adjustments to make social conflict have the depth of options that fights do in Hero System, but the core rolling systems (i.e. 9 + CHAR/5 for actions; CHAR/5 dice pools for effect) make it easier than in some games.
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