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Posts posted by SuperKlaus

  1. Hello everyone. I have an Android phone I like quite a bit. I've started exploring the wide world of apps and have discovered some pretty keen role-playing aids. I've got an app now, Dice Bag, that can do roll/keep and exploding dice for games like Legend of the Five Rings, and FUDGE dice, and some other crap!


    I would really like a HERO-friendly app that can track Normal Damage BODY, however. Anyone know one for Droid?

  2. Re: Limitation: Increased Endurance Cost, Good or Bad Idea?


    When I build a character, I will generally figure out their typical END use per PHA (including attack, defense, and some move), multiply it by their SPD to get their END use per Turn. Then I buy enough END to last 2-3 turns, which is as long as most battles take im my games. I don't usually bother to track END for these characters (NPCs primarily) just to keep things simple, unless there are unusual circumstances. You can do this either by buying lots of END or buying a little END but put Reduced END on your powers. END is cheap, so that is the easy way, but Reduced END powers let you get back into the fight more quickly if you get K'Oed or if someone has an END Drain.


    For PCs, I follow the same general rule, but a PC will often have special powers or attacks that eat a lot of END. In those cases I do track END, and managing their energy resources becomes part of the fun of playing the character. Hyper-Man has good suggestions for the top end powers costing more END. Pushing is often appropriate, but if you are pushing your powers every battle, then you should probably consider reworking the powers to better reflect what you want out of the character.


    This is excellent advice because that's exactly how I do it. Guess-timate END per Phase, figure out END per Turn, buy enough to last as long as a fight will go (also 2 or 3 Turns in what I've played). I've come to the realization that doing this all but takes END out of the game and I'm thinking about how to axe it officially...but that's kind of another topic.


    You should definitely give PCs enough bonus points to buy their Movement to 0 END by the way. Tracking movement END is the single biggest pain in the ass of HERO combat and slows the game down in a really aggravating way.

  3. Hey guys. Could some math guru help me find a situation where Blocking an attack is a better option than Dodging? It seems to me that a Dodge will pretty much always send an attacker's chance to hit much lower than a Block.


    Some related questions are: do your players often Block rather than Dodge, and do they do it for any reason other than shaking things up? I personally find the act-first-if-you-share-a-Phase thing insufficient reward. Throw in the fact that successive Blocks suffer a penalty to success but a Dodge applies at full strength all the time, and I gotta say Blocks seem weak.


    Last question: if you agree that Blocks are not attractive as written, how do you fix them? I was thinking of knocking the attacker off-balance to the tune of 1/2 DCV, besides the act-first thing. I've always admired HERO's ability to emulate the kind of fighting you see in a Capcom arcade game, and this would be a way to represent doing some kind of "active block" or "timed defense" that opens your opponent up to a brutal attack. The penalty may be too harsh, though.



  4. Re: I have created a Regulation Act


    I believe the main constitutional issues is the whole "one king, one law" idea - that you can't legally descriminate/segregate people (ie, write laws that specifically target a certian group) on the single basis of what they can do. A quasi-real-life version would be requiring that all martial artists register their hands as "deadly weapons". Any jurisdiction that attempted to do this would rapidly find itself in trouble with the ACLU.


    I'm sorry to everyone else, I intend to respond to all constructive criticism with time. The issue of not being constitutional even without compulsory service has really grabbed my attention. I want to make it clear to everyone that I'm not trying to create an oppressive act trampling on the Constitution like what you've got in Marvel here! I simply felt that some manner of registration act only made sense and there had to be a way to do it in a kosher, jackboot-free manner. I want to say again that I really appreciate all the comments from everyone pointing out where I'm accidentally slipping into Tony Stark territory.


    I don't agree with your martial artists example because those people chose to obtain the thing to be registered, just like a gun owner, but that's not important. What would you say if I simply scratched out compulsory regulation? Perhaps restating my fourth part to read more like "Any individual wishing to use superhuman abilities must..." and retaining the penalty for unregulated powers use? If this is combined with a rewording of the definition of "power" to soothe fears of opera singers being prosecuted, would you consider it constitutional? And for reference, what part of the Constitution or established related law do you think I'm crossing? Or is it simply not palatable to general American principles as written?


    Edit: I realize as soon as I finish writing that I'd still have a problem with individuals whose powers cannot be turned off...I guess the only choice to avoid "criminalizing them for existing" would be to just ignore them, but there must be another way...

  5. Re: I have created a Regulation Act


    Firstly, thank you very much for your polite feedback, everyone. I simul-posted this at the Something Awful forums and I do hope they're as polite.



    Paverotti just got classified as a superhero, along with Einstein and the entire Olympic team. This clause is WAY too broad, it

    means that if you have a natural talent and training such

    that 50% of the population could not train to your level

    you're a Superbeing. Well that's good for my self-esteem

    but not good for the country.:)


    Figures I'd err towards the ambiguous. What do you think if I specify "act" as "external manifestation of will?" Would you think Einstein could be reasonably argued as super then? Would you think it better to specify majority as 2/3 or some higher number? As for the Olympic athletes, I assumed they'd be covered under the idea that anyone, strictly speaking, can train to their level (fully aware that martial artist "supers" could escape my legislation), taking no account of "drive." Should I make my disregarding of "drive" more plain, or perhaps not disregard it?


    What does "efficently" mean? IF I have a device that can

    let me see neutrinos and nobody else can make such a

    device for less than a billion dollars does that mean they

    can't do it "efficently"? How about a million dollars? Ten?

    What if I had to spend a billion dollars to do it? Does that

    mean I still get classified even though I didn't do it any more

    efficently than anyone else?


    This I do not see as a problem. These questions are just the sort of things that have to get hashed out in court, and in my opinion are unavoidable because the law can never be perfectly precise. Do you feel my terms "efficiently" and "practically" were wisely chosen?


    And what if some of those "assets" don't want to be at the

    direction of this agency? What if they prefer to work for

    the local sheriff's department. What if they are the local



    I am sorry, I should have made things quite a bit clearer. If I simply amend that to read "direction of its (The Department's) assets," do you still see a problem? There is no intention of forcing anyone to work for the DSO.


    And would the results of this testing be kept under medical confidentiality? The implication is that it would not.


    I am not sure I completely follow. They'll be kept in the Database; should I add more statements emphasizing the Database's confidential status? Would it help if I noted that the Database is, say, exempt from the Freedom of Information Act?


    Hmmm. Given the existence of superhumans with superhuman computer skills, a database like this cannot be kept secure...


    Not exactly an incentive to comply with the law.


    Quite true, but simply part of the hazards of the business. I was honestly fearing that the situation in my head was too kind to the registered!


    There is no way to enact such legislation without getting rid of half the US constitution.


    Are you saying this because you think government service is compulsory? If so, please understand I did not intend that and if I did not make it obvious that only regulation is compulsory and not DSO service I will fix that problem. My superhero world actually includes this Act as a follow-up to a failed "forced work" Act. If you're saying this understanding that service is not forced, please explain, because I don't follow.


    Trebuchet, Kevin Schultz, thank you for your input.

  6. I've been working on crafting my own superhero world at long last and, figuring the basic idea of a registration act is completely logical, have drafted a Superhuman and Paranormal Activity Regulation Act. Please find below the text of my Act, enacted in 1955 after the failure of a harsher version requiring federal service and modified in 1970 to respond to generally increased superhuman activity nationwide. I have decided not to amend this because of 9/11 but make notes elsewhere about the changes that event caused.


    [1] Definition of ‘Superhuman or Paranormal Ability’: A superhuman or paranormal ability is hereby defined as any power to perform at whim an act that by its nature or extent cannot be performed unaided by the majority of the population regardless of training.


    [2] Artificial Superhuman or Paranormal Abilities: Any individual who regularly effects one or more superhuman or paranormal abilities by means not innate to the body and not efficiently and practically reproducible by current sciences shall be considered to possess those one or more superhuman or paranormal abilities and be subject to the relevant provisions of this Act.


    [3] Establishment of the Department of Superhuman Oversight: There shall exist a new federal agency titled ‘Department of Superhuman Oversight’ (‘the Department’), tasked with the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, the creation and maintenance of a database of known superhuman and paranormal individuals and abilities, the recruitment, training, and equipping of both superhuman and paranormal agents and a force of human anti-superhuman agents, and the direction of all superhuman, paranormal, and human anti-superhuman assets to the efficient defense of each of the states of the Union from superhuman or paranormal threats.


    [4] Terms of Regulation: Any citizen of these United States possessing one or more superhuman or paranormal abilities shall as soon as he is reasonably able after coming into possession of said abilities report to the Department for regulation his legal name, Social Security number, and any and all places of legal residence. After submission of identifying information he shall accept limited and noninvasive testing of his superhuman or paranormal abilities with the intent of discovering the number and parameters of said abilities, and shall submit for recording all information he possesses on the origin of his superhuman or paranormal abilities.


    [5] Failure to Regulate: Any individual failing to abide by the provisions stated in [4] shall be guilty of misdemeanor punishable by fine.


    [6] Intellectual Rights: Individuals possessing a means of effecting superhuman or paranormal abilities as defined in [2] shall as part of the provisions of [4] be required to submit for recording all information he possesses on the nature and construction of said means, but the individual shall retain all intellectual and real rights with regard to said means.


    [7] The Superhuman and Paranormal Activity Database: The names, residences, Social Security numbers, appearance, and number, extent and nature of the superhuman or paranormal abilities possessed by tested individuals shall be recorded in a Superhuman and Paranormal Activity Database (‘the Database’) maintained by the Department. The Department shall be free to add to any individual’s entry in the Database information deemed necessary for effective regulation of that individual’s superhuman or paranormal abilities. The Department shall make every reasonable effort to ensure the security of this database from unauthorized use.


    [8] Certification: Upon receipt by the Department of Superhuman Oversight of an individual’s identifying information, completion of testing, and insertion of the individual’s relevant information into the Superhuman and Paranormal Activity Database, the individual shall be considered regulated and shall be issued a license certifying him as such. This license shall contain a photograph of the regulated individual as he chooses to appear when using his superhuman or paranormal abilities (if noticeably different from his appearance when not using said abilities), the name or names the individual chooses to be known by, an address at which the public may contact the individual, a brief description of the individual’s primary superhuman or paranormal abilities and their extent, and the individual’s reference number in the Superhuman and Paranormal Activity Database.


    [9] Change of Superhuman or Paranormal Abilities: Any regulated individual experiencing a significant change in the number, nature or extent of his superhuman or paranormal abilities shall notify the Department of Superhuman Oversight of the changes as soon as he is reasonably able and submit to testing and submit information as in [4]. The individual shall not make use of his new or altered abilities until testing is complete and an updated license has been issued, under threat of punishment as described in [12].


    [10] Change of Identifying Information: Any regulated individual wishing to alter the name(s) or appearance(s) to be used while using superhuman or paranormal abilities shall notify the Department of Superhuman Oversight of his wishes at least thirty (30) days prior to enacting change and shall not enact change until he has received an updated license from the Department.


    [11] Failure to Report Change: Any individual failing to abide by the provisions stated in [9] or [10] shall be guilty of misdemeanor punishable by fine and suspension of regulated status.


    [12] Use of Unregulated Abilities: The use by any citizen of the United States of one or more superhuman or paranormal abilities not reported to and tested by the Department of Superhuman Oversight shall be a felony punishable by no more than one (1) year federal imprisonment. The offender may choose to mitigate conviction by immediate regulation as in [4].


    [13] Verification of Identity Services: The Department of Superhuman Oversight shall notify all regulated individuals of their option of bestowing power of attorney upon employees of the Department so that the Department may represent regulated individuals in public and private matters.


    I'm looking for whatever constructive criticism you folks can offer. Do you see glaring inadequacies or loopholes? Does it not read smoothly, or like you think a real law should? What might you do in my place? This law is applied to a more or less "typical" superhero world, which is to say one not completely unlike Marvel's. Power origins are all across the board but power levels are generally in the "can easily wreck your SUV" area, and there is a superhero tradition stretching back to the 50s, though the tradition here has naturally included the government for almost the whole time.


    Related to this, of course, are tons of other legal questions such as whether heroes can testify masked (I have decided they need to but haven't figured out my legal mumbo jumbo for it yet). You got any questions or suggestions about super-types and the law, let them be known.


    I know quite a lot of you have presented work on government agencies and acts (that's why I'm asking for help here after all!) and if anyone wants to point me to work they're particularly proud of I'd appreciate it.

  7. Re: Lernean Regen - How to build it?


    Armor, Activation Roll 15- is actually what I'd say is used in a game without hit locations. With, it's Armor, Does Not Protect Location 4 (4 for neck?). As for the method of handling new heads, I was thinking some manner of Triggered Multiform but your method is probably smoother considering the Multiforms would be using Autofire and Extra Limbs rules to represent the heads anyway. The benefits of multiple limbs are just one of those few things that HERO doesn't handle smoothly. I'll just add that you can probably Link most of the "new head" powers to whatever costs the most (SPD maybe) for some points savings. Only After Regeneration is Used or whatever is just a -0 "Limitation" in my mind anyhow, as there's not a whole lot stopping the beastie from getting minor wounds and regenerating them ahead of time to get all its heads ready. If it's intelligent anyway.

  8. Re: Lightsabre Combat!


    I took what you had and expanded it / altered it in a couple of cases, giving each form seven maneuvers. These incorporate a couple of house-rule changes to the cost of Maneuver Elements, so they're not completely "legit," but I likes 'em. Any thoughts?


    Form I

    Maneuvers: Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Slash ½ 3 +1 +2 +0 DC Strike

    Slice ½ 3 +0 +1 +2 DC Strike

    Cut ½ 5 -1 +0 +4 DC Strike

    Disarm ½ 4 +0 +0 Disarm, +10 STR

    Block ½ 3 +1 +2 Block, Abort

    Evade ½ 4 - +5 Dodge, Abort

    Force-Guided Strike 1+ 5 +2 +0 +4 DC Strike



    Maneuvers: Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Thrust ½ 3 +1 +0 +2 DC Strike

    Takeaway ½ 5 +0 +0 Grab Weapon, +10 STR

    Lock ½ 4 +1 +0 Bind, +10 STR

    Disarm ½ 5 +0 -1 Disarm, +15 STR

    Trip ½ 3 +2 +0 STR Strike, Target Falls

    Parry ½ 4 +2 +2 Block, Abort

    Void ½ 4 - +5 Dodge, Abort



    Maneuvers: Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Probe ½ 5 +1 +3 +0 DC Strike

    Deflect ½ 5 +1 +3 Block, Abort

    Counter ½ 4 +2 +2 +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block

    Disarm ½ 4 -2 +2 Disarm, +10 STR

    Stand Firm ½ 3 +0 +1 Block, Abort, +10 STR to resist Shove

    Measured Blow 1+ 5 +0 +2 +4 DC Strike

    Dodge ½ 4 - +5 Dodge, Abort



    Maneuvers: Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Dancing Strike ½ 4 +0 +2 +2 DC Strike

    Running Slash ½ 4 +0 +0 +v/5 Strike, FMove

    Spinning Dodge ½ 5 - +4 Dodge, Abort, FMove

    Blitz ½ 4 -1 +1 +4 DC Strike, Half Move Required

    Passing Disarm ½ 5 -1 -1 Disarm, +10 STR, FMove

    Drop Strike ½ 4 +2 +0 +4 DC Strike, You Fall, Response*

    Bounding Strike ½ 5 +0 +2 +0 DC Strike, FMove


    *The Drop Strike, representing the user dropping back to prop himself up with one hand and thrust upward at a lunging enemy with the other, must be used in response to an enemy using an aggressive, forward-striking maneuver as interpreted by the GM. Haymakers, Move Throughs, some Move Bys, and Martial Maneuvers adding 4 DCs at base or possessing the FMove or Half Move Required Elements are all likely to qualify.


    FORM V

    Maneuvers: Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Mighty Cut ½ 5 +1 -2 +4 DC Strike

    Brute Disarm ½ 4 +2 -2 Disarm, +10 STR

    Rush ½ 3 +1 +0 +v/3 Strike, Half Move Required

    Shove ½ 4 +2 +0 Shove, +10 STR

    Resist ½ 4 +2 +0 Block, Abort, +10 STR to Resist Shove

    Kick ½ 3 +0 +0 STR +2d6 Strike, Target Falls

    Advance ½ 5 +0 +0 Shove, +20 STR, Half Move Required



    Maneuver Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Strike ½ 4 +1 +1 +2 DC Strike

    Attack ½ 4 +2 +2 +0 DC Strike

    Bend ½ 3 +1 +1 Block, (Abort?), Target Falls

    Evade ½ 4 - +5 Dodge, Abort

    Deprive ½ 5 +0 +1 Disarm, +10 STR

    Escape varies 4 +0 +0 +15 STR to escape Grab

    Bind ½ 3 +0 +0 Bind, +10 STR



    Maneuver Phase Cost OCV DCV Effect

    Flying Slash ½ 5 +1 -2 +2 DC +v/5 Strike, FMove

    Fast Disarm ½ 5 +1 +0 Disarm, +10 STR

    Rapid Strike ½ 4 +2 +0 +2 DC Strike

    Assault ½ 4 +1 -2 +4 DC Strike, Half Move Required

    Trick Strike ½ 5 +0 +0 +4 DC Strike, Must Follow (Predefined)

    Block ½ 3 +2 +1 Block, Abort

    Avoid ½ 4 - +5 Dodge, Abort


    I prefer the idea of these as seven different advanced arts following Yoda's basic training, which is simply the ability to use a saber without killing yourself and maybe a CSL or two, so the styles all contain their own "basic attack" and "defense" maneuvers. There's nothing stopping a GM asking all Jedi to kindly purchase Form I in addition to whatever form strikes their fancy, though, and I did my best to make all "basic attack" moves across the styles at least a little different.


    (uh, any suggestions on how to edit this quickly and easily so it don't look like such a text mash?)

  9. So I read the thread on possible changes for a theoretical HERO 6th Edition and I thought it might be constructive to have a separate thread where all the members of these boards can share their house rules with each other so that we as a community could identify extremely common tweaks for inclusion in a future edition, or at least find some new ideas that suit us for personal integration. Everyone please post your house rules here, and PLEASE follow some simple rules:


    1. Please provide the briefest possible explanation for each change, so that everyone else can rationally evaluate it.


    2. Keep rational evaluation to yourselves! If you want to make a spinoff thread for arguing changes, go ahead, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't let this become another ten pages of arguing over STR cost and KA effectiveness. Some of you will think my rules are crazy, I know already I think some of your rules are crazy, but let's all keep this a simple presentation of changes for easy reading later. Pretend that "Quote" button isn't there.


    3. If a house rule isn't a change to the Rules As Written so much as it is a choice of an option presented in the book, go ahead and mention it. An option that is selected extremely often would be a good choice for setting in stone in a 6th edition.


    4. If you have absolutely no house rules, say so. Please do not waste time specifying certain things you do not change while you change others; the absence of a change to something can be easily taken to mean you go by the book regarding that something. If you make only one or two changes, post the one or two. If you make no changes whatsoever, though, please post that fact so we can try and avoid creating some sort of rules-changing-fanatic "echo chamber" while hundreds of content HEROes sit by. No explanation is necessary for "no changes" posts, obviously.


    5. If you forget something, go ahead and edit. I'm sure we'll all forget a lot of the book options we choose to use at first.


    6. If you would like to make a retraction after perhaps dicussing rules with other HEROes, go ahead and edit your post. With no one quoting within this thread wanton edits won't break any discussion.




    1. COM does not exist; characters wishing to model extreme beauty / ugliness should do so with Reputation Perks / Disadvantages.

    Why? COM is a very silly stat and the effects it should have are handled well enough with these mechanics. The Rep Perk even allows funny things like being beautiful in a nonstandard way with the die roll to "recognize."


    2. STR does not add to or subtract from REC or STUN. All characters are considered to have a base of 2 REC and 5 STUN that is adjusted normally by CON and/or BODY.

    Why? STR grants too much for its price, but raising the price makes issues of cost per DC of damage. I can't quite picture why muscles help you catch your breath or stay conscious, so I cut some lines. The bases are really "just because."


    3. Based on Ego Combat Value is at base a +3/4 Advantage when applied to Telekinesis.

    Why? It drives me nuts that "psychokinesis" is always so pricey when it lacks the normal BOECV ability to attack an opponent at a (likely) much lower CV.


    4. DEX does not add to or subtract from SPD. All characters are considered to have a base of 2 SPD that can be adjusted at the normal rate of 10 CP per 1 SPD.

    Why? DEX grants a little too much for its cost. I don't think the connection was illogical but cutting it was an easy way to make DEX benefits a little more reasonable. The base is again "just because."


    5. The “Time +” Martial Maneuver Element subtracts 3 points from the cost of the affected Maneuver.

    Why? The need to hold still for a full Phase to launch an attack that lands over a Segment later is much more restrictive than anything only worth one point should be. Even a Haymaker allows movement before initiation.


    6. Martial Maneuvers built with the “Follow” Element may be built to allow the Maneuver followed to be altered before each combat encounter; in this case the Element only subtracts 1 point from the cost of the Maneuver.

    Why? Offerring the same discount to "Must Follow Block" and "Must Follow Something That Changes" was wrong.


    7. “5 point” Combat Skill Levels cost 4 CP each.

    Why? 180 points in DEX nets +20 CV, ranged and HTH, Offensive and Defensive all the time, plus going first, fat Skill Rolls, and a bigger stat to resist Adjustment. 180 points in 5-pointers can net you +36 CV, yes, but it must be quartered between ranged and HTH, O and D. I acknowledge that the ability to shift for huge O or D CV, or DCs, is a feature, so mostly because of the ranged / HTH divide I go ahead and slim the cost so that you can now obtain +45 CV to split up for 180 points. Also, 180 points is now 90 EGO (+30 all-around ECV plus a bigger stat and possible "Presence Defense") or +45 shifting ECV.


    8. The SPD Chart does not exist. Each character instead draws a number of playing cards equal to his/her/its SPD from a personal deck consisting of all thirteen cards of a suit. The Segments are re-titled to match the values of the cards; possession of a card allows a Phase in the matching Segment. The Segment countdown proceeds from “Ace” to “2.” All combats are considered to begin on “2” and all combatants receive an action then, with card drawing only taking place after all combatants have acted and received their “post-2 Recovery.” Turns are still considered 12 one-second Segments long despite the number of cards in a suit.

    Why? I prefer a little randomization in my initiative systems and players I've met dig the cards (shout out to Joe for introducing this idea to me). I know I should trim the suits to twelve cards for better matching to existing rules and tighter Phase grouping, but everyone knows the suits best as they are.


    9. Killing Attack STUN damage is at base fixed at 2x the BODY rolled.

    Why? Killing Attacks are unfair with their ability to attack a somewhat less common defense than Normal Attacks for the same cost. A fixed 2x is quite low but firmly sets the "Normal does STUN, Killing does BODY" divide I want as well as keeping the average in line with Standard Effect if Increased STUN Multiplier is purchased without introducing scary math. This raises issues with the Hit Location table, but I don't use it at present anyway.


    10. Sweep / Rapid Fire attacks against the same target all deal half damage except for the last one launched, which gains a benefit of +1 OCV or +1 DC for each preceding hit against the target in question. The benefits can be mixed and matched to provide, for example, +1 OCV and +2 DC for the fourth and final attack in a Sweep.

    Why? Sweeps and Rapid Fire are easy to Dodge / Block, but OCV comes cheaper than DCV (yes I know that only negates the Dodge part) and I am frankly uncomfortable allowing the possibility of multiple full-strength hits. I want a "fighting video game" aesthetic in my games, and this feels better to me than simply assigning huge STUN totals to characters to withstand by-the-book Sweeps even if it is another change to the rules.


    11. Two CSLs can add 1 Damage Class to an attack in Superheroic campaigns.

    Why? I feel like I might be ignorant about a lot of the adding-damage rules. This is more or less the same thing as what's allowed and cuts down on explanation, which is always good given the length of other rules, huh?


    12. Advantages for Hand-to-Hand Attack must also be bought for any STR to be used with the HA.

    Why? There is no reason for STR-based attacks to get an effective special discount on Advantages.


    Whew! Go ahead guys, share your stuff.

  10. Re: KA Vs Energy Blast


    And, it seems the fundamental objection is the Stun lotto. My solution:


    Eliminate it. :)


    Set base stun multiplier to x3. Increased/Decreased Stun Multiplier advantages modify it from there. You'll still get more unpredictability than with EBs on average, but your average and maximum Stun come out as the same value.


    Seconded. I've been thinking about cutting it to x2.5, actually, with "+1 STUNx" morphing into "+.5 STUNx" for the first increase to more closely match the averages. I'm just afraid that the math-uninclined out there will blanch at the thought of a decimal point. I might chop KAs down to merely x2 (leaving the +Multiplier Advantage alone) in that case because I think they're fine with their better BODY rolls and ability to reach a less common defense.

  11. Re: Seeking build suggestions for "Always on" missile deflection


    Well, horribly broken or no, I'm watching this thread and its ideas because reflexive reflection seems to be something Jedi do and I'm making my own take on those guys. I lean towards the Uncontrolled option, personally, because I consider "Stunned / KOed" a valid enough way to shut the power off. Though as regards Trigger, I'm not so sure how broken "necessity" is as a Trigger given the powers I'm pretty sure I've seen in official products that use "mental command" as a trigger. Ultimate Brick, maybe? I'll get back to you guys if I find an official build like that.

  12. Re: New Avengers are very Dark Champions


    You can keep going through the Wiki-stuff on this' date=' but you'll find that none of it is actually defined. The only evidence of how it actually works comes from the editor of the Civil War line, which is where the quote was from. Considering he's the editor, I'll take his word for how it works.[/quote']


    What? There's plenty of evidence of how it actually works in the comics. Try Cloud Nine in The Initiative. Little girl who can fly just wants to have fun flying. She's been forced into the program, where she faces a life of military service she never asked for or the removal of her natural gifts. Natural gifts which, by the way, seem to have no ability whatsoever to harm someone. Unless she flies into a jet engine or something, but that's really under the category of "stuff happens." Presumably her press-gang treatment was approved by the editor.


    Frankly if the "unconstitutional" thing doesn't fly I'm hoping innocent little Cloud Nine is the downfall of the Act.

  13. Re: Few Questions about Sweep, and Combat Skill levels


    Sweep/Rapid-Fire vs a single target isn't really a problem. They are notoriously easy to Block and Doge.


    True, I guess. I do keep forgetting you can shift all your stuff to DCV while also Dodging. I'm still not entirely comfortable with the possibility of dealing all that damage, though, and OCV does come cheaper than DCV (barring kinda silly limited DCV 5-pointers like "only vs. enemies Sweeping me).

  14. Re: Few Questions about Sweep, and Combat Skill levels


    Being of the opinion that Sweep against a single target is incredibly cool, but too powerful in a game where a target might get KO'd in three hits and too easily empowered via these two-point CSLs, I have been considering officially ruling that all single-target Sweeps follow Sequence Attack rules. All strikes except the last deal half damage, and the last one gets +1 DC or +1 OCV for every preceding hit. With careful adjustment of campaign standard STUNs and DEFs even the half damage strikes could mean something and with the finisher at the end it would really feel like a video game-esque C-C-C-COMBO (I love the aesthetics of most console fighting games). And now with Sweeps dealing quite a bit less damage overall I wouldn't mind letting people buy those two-point CSLs. Only problems now are the chance that single-target Sweeps are actually too weak considering the Full Phase and 1/2 DCV and the strange disconnect with multiple-target Sweeps that do full damage. Thoughts?

  15. Re: Weapon Bind: New options


    I'm on a resurrection tour, baby! I'm getting the impression you've written quite a lot about HERO System combat, NuSoard. You should get that stuff handily organized, maybe as an addendum to the Systems Converted list, cuz I think I'd like to see it.


    Shunt: Shunting is where the Aggressor pushes the Defender's weapon down and out of the way, then immediately attacks with his weapon at full Strength. This is different from Overbear in that it only takes 1 phase (either it succeeds or it doesn't) and the Aggressor may apply STR to the attack if he so desires. The weakness of this particular option is that the Defender can abort to dodge if he so desires. Also, if the Aggressor misses with this attack, it leave him open to immediate counter-attack by the Defender (if the Defender has a phase available) so it is risky.

    The Aggressor still recieves the benefit of attacking an opponent with a reduced DCV but will be unable to defend himself if he misses until his next opportunity to abort (the next segment at the earliest)


    Love what you've got here because I too have looked at Bind and wondered "why would anyone do it?". I have to ask, however, what you mean by "reduced DCV." UMA says the Binder and Bound are at full CV against each other. If I missed a part where you instated a penalty, sorry.


    Also, I wasn't quite clear on whether you intended these to be available right away after the Bind is established or if the Binder has to wait 'til next Phase.

  16. Re: Lightsabre Combat!


    If I can bring this thread back from the dead for a moment?


    First, this is absolutely wonderful, NuSoard. Add my voice to the approving throngs. It adds a glorious new level of customization and excitement to a Star Wars game. Second, have you considered adding at least a word about Sequence Attacks to the Form VII text? I love Sequence Attacks, personally, and I have to say the Form VII "confusing an opponent with erratic blows" stuff sounds precisely like a Sequence Attack. Perhaps a VII user should buy some Skill Levels if any are legal for Sequence Attacks (3 pointers?) or at least be encouraged to use them.

  17. Re: Superhuman women and normal women


    Yeah, but she'll knock 'em all dead when she puts on the little black dress for the Military Base Prom. Even with the unexpected violence I read that issue as being the first part of your usual High School Drama storyline.

  18. Re: Villain Team Name


    How about some kind of play on The Magnificent Seven? Such as...


    The Maleficent Seven

    The Malevolent Seven

    The Malignant Seven


    etc. :)


    Dammit, you rhino, why must you be a genius? I was quite pleased with myself when I came up with Maleficent Seven! I thought of it a while ago after Supreme Serpent so kindly helped me out with a villainous organization name. I think it's the best choice because it sounds the most like "magnificent," don't you?




    How is this pronounced anyway?

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