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About Scubba

  • Birthday 05/19/1969

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  1. I Searched and Searched and couldn't find a previous thread on this issue The text in 5er for OIHID says that the change must take "at least a Full Phase, if not longer" to complete. To me that means that taking an "Extra Time (full phase), only to Activate" along with the OIHID on a constant power either: a) requires that the extra time be taken AFTER the OIHID transformation time or is not a limitation, and the combination should not be allowed. Your take?
  2. Re: Powers You've Never (or Seldom) Used? I made a chart a while back. After playing for 25 years, I realized that although I've used every power for at least one hero/villain, there really were a few that I very rarely used: Dispel (in Champs), Duplication (I've already got enough to keep track of), Shape Shift (not sure why), Summon (see Duplication), Suppress and Swinging. I always feel like I'm being disloyal to my comic book upbringing when I dis swinging, but REALLY, after Spidey is it ever appropriate as anything but a great entrance?
  3. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character I remember the awful 'blank page' feeling the first time I played Champions--"You mean I don't just roll dice to see what happens?" Kind of amazing to think that 25 years later I'm still playing it. I guess I was obsessed with crossbows. 'AIM' was a wholly unoriginal crossbow-toting hero wearing blue tights with a crosshairs on his chest. Did he have motivation, a background, hopes and dreams? Nope. Just a 4d6 RKA.
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