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Posts posted by Force

  1. Re: New President -


    Part I' date=' Section 1401, paragraph (f)...of WHAT? Your cite is incomplete, sirrah.[/quote']


    Here is a link:




    And irrelevant anyhow. Superman's parentage is not in question. It's common knowledge that he was the child of Jor-El and Lara of the planet Krypton. The only question is' date=' was he born there and sent to earth (as in the original Superman origin story), or was he technically born on earth, as in some later versions.[/quote']


    You don't have to question his parentage as far as being born on the planet Krypton as long as that parentage was not revealed before his 21st birthday. You never know what Supe's age was (in his various origins) when he revealed that he was from the planet Krypton. If he was found and adopted by the Kent's before age 5 and his 'non-natural US citizens parents' were not revealed before his '21st birthday', he would be considered, under current law, to be a 'natural US citizen' and eligible to be elected POTUS.


    Nor do I think changing the US Code would work--it would apply going forward to people in Superman's position' date=' but cannot legally be applied retroactively.[/quote']


    Not if the law itself said it was retro-active. There is speculation going on that the two major parties are entertaining possibly changing the law to let folks like the current Governor of California AKA 'The Terminator' and the Canadian-born Jennifer Granholm of Michigan to run for prez.



  2. Re: New President -


    I deny your premise.


    "Strange visitor from another world!" indeed. He may have been raised in the USA, but Kal-El was born on Krypton, which means he is not a citizen of the USA except perhaps by adoption. He's ineligible, no matter how many people want him to be President*. This is common knowledge in the DC universe (as far as I know), so everyone would know this. And even if they didn't, being Superman he would neither lie about his birthplace nor allow himself to be sworn in in contravention of the 14th amendment.


    Besides, in canon (not in real time), is he even old enough to legally be President? Not necessarily.


    *Short of a Constitutional amendment, anyhow. If THAT many people want him to be President, they could enact an amendment. But otherwise....


    "A person of unknown parentage found in the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in the United States"


    Unless someone supplied proof of non-citizenship of Superman by Supe's 21st birthday, he would be considered a natural born US citizen and be eligible to be elected or appointed POTUS.


    This is discussed under Title VIII - Chapter XII - Subchapter III - Part I - Section 1401 - Paragraph (f).


    P.S. It would not require a constitutional amendment, but merely a change in law.

  3. Re: Attacks OK Defenses No Way?


    Are we arguing about rules here or possible abuse? Because if it's the former' date=' this isn't even the right forum.[/quote']


    I think the argument is more about min/maxing than anything else.


    A character with moderate 'permanent' defenses that uses a 'flexible defensive' multipower can have optimal (possibly verging on impregnable depending on campaign limits and points spent) defenses vs almost any opponent(s) or situation(s) for a very moderate (in comparison) cost to 'fixed static' defenses.


    20/10 defenses.


    • 30pt mp - variable defenses
      • 1u +15pd FF - 1end

    • 1u +15ed FF - 1end

    • 1u +15 power def FF - 1end

    • 1u +15 mental def FF - 1end


    A character like this would have the best set of defenses for almost any situation or opponent. To give this same 'flexibility' in 'static/permanent' defenses would be more costly.


    However this build could be considered in the same light for a 'flexible' attack mp as well. Most of the debate going on here is which one is worse?


    And to reiterate, in hero at least, anything that min/maxes abilities/powers is always dangerous.

  4. Re: Attacks OK Defenses No Way?


    Yep' date=' so flexible defense is more devastating than flexible attack.[/quote']


    Taken as a modest 'defensive boost' your multipower defensive scheme is very good and flexible, say in a 30pt pool.


    Considering a character that has moderate defenses (20/10 each) a 30pt mp ff like...


    30pt MP

    1u +15 pd FF

    1u +15 ed FF

    1u +15 power def FF

    1u +15 mental def FF


    ...would be a very flexible defensive character.


    However, as with all things hero, anything allowed to min/max any build is always dangerous.

  5. Re: Attacks OK Defenses No Way?


    The example becomes worse if the character starts throwing in 1 pt Power' date=' Mental, and Flash Defense slots that give +15 of the relevant defense.[/quote']


    While not forbidden by the rules, you can only put these in a mp with special permission from a gm.

  6. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


    One super power?


    Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands (you get the picture) of dice of Aid, all characteristics at once bought down to 5 points return per century.


    I didn't read this thread, so I don't know if there is any active point limit or if someone already thought of this.


    I didn't choose a VPP because it's technically a power framework and not necessarily a power.

  7. Re: Superfluous Powers


    This is the primary reason why I'd suggest removing FF from the rules' date=' and using Armor as the basis for all such Powers using Resistant personal DEF. The examples you provide, according the metarule 6, would [i']require[/i] you to use FF for persistant defenses, because it's more expensive, and Armor for defenses that cost END, because it's more expensive. (this assumes that either are equally valid builds, and if not, where are their two Powers?) This makes no sense, because each of those Powers start out where you want them. Might as well just use one and leave it alone and never have to worry about it.


    Dust Raven wins this thread.

  8. Re: Silly math name quibble


    I'll rename mine a "google" then' date=' consistent with the populare spelling error. [i should never post these things when I'm distracted'] But I want 1 with a million zeroes charges, thanks!


    I would let you have that power exactly as written.


    Just make sure to bring that character sheet with every zero written on it to every single game and be prepared to count every single zero when you arrive.

  9. Re: cslage's Brilliant Idea!


    Well, taking the cue from telekinesis, why not allow 'fine manipulation' to be bought for force wall, allowing you to make relatively complex shapes of your force walls, rather than just flat or curved planes? You could buy it with TK with the new (what's it called?) waterproof advantage.


    Depends on comcept, I suppose.


    I like the fine manipulation idea and the cost sounds about right.

  10. Re: What would Dr. Destroyer *really* do?


    Well, do you mean what Dr Destroyer would do in the 'real world' if he actually existed in it?


    If he still has all of his capabilities from the game, pretty much well whatever he damn well pleased.


    Real life/real world can't deal with his technology from the CU very well.


    If he just had his drive to rule the world and none of his game abilities?


    I would have to say he would probably be in the same shoes today as Saddam Hussein.

  11. Re: Power Question: Purple Man


    Since the pheromones are effectively a drug I'd go with the following build:


    12d6 Mind Control, based on con: -1, nnd [need not breathe or no smell]: +1


    I was also thinking this was based on con as well.


    Good build.

  12. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


    575 points. No real skill requirement or AP limits' date=' I'll do those on a case by case basis.[/quote']


    Wow, 575?


    My 'Iron Man' plan was to be the grandson to Anthony Stark.


    Not as brilliant, but still highly skilled.


    Was going to base it on his old Guardsman armor.


    Sample Character:





    Val Char Cost

    50 STR 5

    24 DEX 12

    28 CON 6

    15 BODY 10

    18 INT 8

    10 EGO 0

    20 PRE 0

    10 COM 0


    5/30 PD 2

    5/30 ED 2

    5 SPD 6

    10 REC 8

    26 END 0

    40 STUN 10


    7" RUN 2

    2" SWIM 0

    10" LEAP 0

    Characteristics Cost: 71


    Cost Power END

    17 Endurance Reserve (100 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    20 Elemental Control, 60-point powers, all slots: (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    21 1) Flight 17", x16 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4) (61 Active Points) (uses END Reserve) 2

    20 2) Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points) (uses END Reserve) 6

    50 Armor (25 PD/25 ED) (75 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    17 +35 STR (35 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) (uses END Reserve) 3

    20 +10 DEX (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    15 +15 CON (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

    7 +10 PRE (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    7 +1 SPD (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    13 Life Support , Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing (19 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    7 Flash Defense (10 points) (Sight Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    8 High Range Radio Perception (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    3 Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

    Powers Cost: 225


    Cost Skill

    3 Computer Programming 13-

    3 Cryptography 13-

    3 Electronics 13-

    3 Inventor 13-

    3 Mechanics 13-

    3 SS: Cybernetics (INT-based) 13-

    3 SS: Electrical Engineering (INT-based) 13-

    3 SS: Metallurgy (INT-based) 13-

    3 SS: Mechanical Engineerign (INT-based) 13-

    3 SS: Physics (INT-based) 13-

    3 Security Systems 13-

    3 Systems Operation 13-

    Skills Cost: 36


    Cost Perk

    15 Money: Filthy Rich

    Perks Cost: 15


    Cost Talent

    3 Lightning Calculator

    Talents Cost: 3


    Total Character Cost: 350


    Val Disadvantages

    15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major

    10 Reputation: Scientist 11-

    20 Psychological Limitation: Protects Innocents (Common; Total)

    20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Common, Total

    15 Psychological Limitation: Over Confident (Common; Strong)

    20 Hunted: Villian Group 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)

    15 Hunted: Armadillo 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)

    15 Enraged: Innocent Bystander Seriously Hurt or Killed (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-

    20 Normal Characteristic Maxima


    Disadvantage Points: 150

    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

  13. Re: If YOU have been playing Hero since the 80's why do you still keep coming back?


    I have played D&D since 1977-1978. I have played Champions since 1981-1982.


    Champions is the best system for a good four color comic book superhero campaign.


    Champions allows you to build any character you want without levels.


    You can make the hero system as complex or as simple as you want.

  14. Re: Why the "Big Release" Polls Are Flawed


    If the poll was: "What is your favorite animal on this list?" and the choices included' date=' Pugs, German Shepards, Dobbermins, Great Danes, and Cats you are going to see Cats win. It doesn't matter what the nature of the poll is, if you have two many similar voting options, a non-similar voting option is far more likely to win even if another might have been more popular if it was better constructed.[/quote']




    This almost sounds like presidential election math!

  15. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever


    That one was a What If, right?


    I seem to recall the Punisher wacking Doc Doom with ease (sends an electric charge through his armor, causing it to freeze up, and then smashes Doom's head in with multiple blows from a sledgehammer), killing all the Marvel mutants, capping Captain America with a holdout piece, and taking the Hulk down with one-shot sniper tactics.


    And oh yes, he committed suicide in the end to the words: "Not all the supers are dead... (puts pistol to temple) There's still one left."


    Also, if I remember right, everything started when the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants started a superbattle in the park where his family was eating. They became "collateral damage", and an irate Frank blows away several mutants from both sides before getting clawed by Wolvey. Or something like that.


    It was a graphic novel I believe.


    I truly believe this was the crappiest superfight ever.

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