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hooligan x

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Posts posted by hooligan x

  1. Re: List of Forum Members - Super Teams & Members


    From the ashes of Team F-Up...


    The New Challengers



    Captain Mysterion (m)-Flying brick, Big Red cheese-style (Golden-Ager back from retirement)

    Thrilla (f)- Martial artist and fear-manipulating mentalist (poor little rich girl)

    Reichfaust II (m)- Clone of Nazi supersoldier (publicist is working on a new name)

    Palmer (f)- Gadgeteer in stolen alien power armor (hasn't found a code name she likes)

    Caliope (f)- Sonic energy projector (deaf concert pianist)

    Crypsis (f)- Alien Metamorph (with Molly Ringwald obsession)

    The Archer (m)- duh. (Codename TBD)


    Mr Mayhem- (retired), now heads public relations

    Nephthys (reserve)- Formerly Kid Mysterion

    The Finn (team patron) -robot mage and head of the Finn Foundation

  2. Re: Grond vs. A Cow


    Lionel Ritchie is rolling in his grave now. What's that? He's not dead? Well, he's dead to me.


    Do you think we can pool our lunch money to get Storn to draw Grond Vs Cow?

  3. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See?



    I'm not a acrobatic dwarf, or a furry metal-boned mutant....

    I don't have a gay twin brother or ties with the Plodex....

    and I don't know James, Heather or Walter from Canada,

    although I'm certain they're really really nice.


    I wear armour, not armor.

    I speak English and French, not Lemurian.

    And I pronounce it 'knockback', not 'knockboot'.


    I can proudly paint my country's flag on my powersuit.

    I believe in peace keeping, not vigilanteism,

    diversity, not disintergration,

    and that the sasquach is a truly proud and noble animal.

    Runners are sneakers, an elastic is a rubber band,

    and you're eating HAM, not real Canadian bacon! Just HAM!!!!


    Canada has the eleventh largest Gross Domestic Product!

    The first European settlement!

    and the best part of the Champions Universe!


    My name is Retronaught!!


  4. Re: Sonic Character Build help needed


    Without the device, Caliope can only use her power for one attack, a huge AE-cone EB which is triggered whenever she speaks. With the device, certain spoken words will cause different effects.


    Oh, and she's deaf from the first time her power manifested.

  5. I have two new players joining my campaign re-boot, neither have played Champs. One of them is playing Caliope, a sonic energy projector. She has control issues with her power and can't speak for fear of BlackBolting the hell out of everything, so her techie uncle has made a device that she can safely speak through and also fine tune her sonic whammy.


    Ruby quartz is not involved.


    Am I looking at a Multipower with a quasi-focus, a no point special effect, a disad, or a combo? Any fun sonic tricks up your sleeves?

  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    "This initiative can be yours' date=' if ... [b']The Dice Is Right![/b]"


    We find a door with 'Lab' written on it in both Common and Draconic.

    Stacey: "I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what's behind that door."

    Me: "I'm COMPLETELY sure I don't want to know what's behind that door."

    Brian: "Is it locked?"

    Me: "DAMN."


    Thanks to a magical snake-like creature, two members of my party (of three) are incapacitated, leaving me alone, and my dice have been about as useful as bacon at a bar mitzvah all night.

    "I am gonna kill this mother****in' snake ..."

    *brain churns ...*

    "... On this mutha****in' alternate plane!"


    I'm ready for it!

    Come on , bring it!



    Am I the only one who bought the SOAP soundtrack?

    Please join me at GenCon 07 for Snape's on a Plane

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