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Weird Ollie

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Everything posted by Weird Ollie

  1. Weird Ollie

    My Avatar

    Re: My Avatar Ah, there she is! I can see "Evil Keiko" just fine now, and I must say I approve:) Very nice character design! Thanks for reposting the pic!
  2. Weird Ollie

    My Avatar

    Re: My Avatar Hi Nexus! Say, I'm not seeing an "Evil Keiko" picture or a link in your first post. I am on Netscape, if that could mean anything. I can see the second and third "Good Keiko" pics in your later posts just fine. What's the story of "Evil Keiko"? Is she like SF2 Akuma and Dark Hadou Ryu, or something entirely different? Weird Ollie
  3. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive You're so right that most Hero System women are hot. You only need to keep an eye on the side bar art while posting to see that this is true. (Who's the Scottish red-head with the claymore? Who's that girl that looks like Princess Jasmine meets Shadowrun?) But I was disappointed in the ladies of "DEMON: Servants of Darkness" (all 2 of them). Demoiselle Nocturne is listed as having a COM of 16, but the illustration of her dispels this belief. Cloaca(unfortunate name, the term also refers to a shark's reproductive parts) actually has an unmodified COM of 10. I know that DEMON is made up of misfits and outcasts, and maybe it would have been too cliche to have a coven of gorgeous satanic witches, but when compared to the rest of the Champions universe, the ladies of DEMON seem pretty darn doggie-dog...
  4. The excellent thread "Sex and the Single Superhero" made me wonder what your characters look for in a long term role playing romance and marriage. Who did your characters tie the knot with? Was it with a PC or NPC? Hero, Villain, or Normal? Official Champions character, or original design by your GM? Did you start out the game married, perhaps to a DNPC, or did you court and win your spouse through game play? Hey, DoJ could start handing out 'Hero Points' with every purchase, and for service in the name of Hero System! Then, after 1 year they could award a limited edition mail order husband/wife character sheet with artwork to the one with the most points, Lol! Okay, forget this last paragraph, this was meant to be a serious post:) Weird Ollie
  5. Re: How Long to Learn Hero System? ******* Hi Dust Raven, Your funny comment got me to thinking about why three total strangers would sign up for my game in a little over a week. It's the game. It's Hero System. For 2 years I ran a fantasy rpg at the local gaming sessions at the neighborhood store. Nobody new ever asked to play. Then, last week, I showed up with the Hero System book and put it on the table while I chatted with my friend. Three different people saw the book, and asked to sign on out of the blue. Well, I can tell you that I felt gratified that I had chosen Hero System to learn, when a game inspires such loyalty in it's veteran players, well that's something! Thanks again to everybody for excellent advice! Weird Ollie
  6. Re: How Long to Learn Hero System? Thank you, to every one of you, for the friendly and sage advice about starting out with Hero System:) I was really impressed and grateful for the time and effort you all took to give me a good perspective on learning the game, you guys are great! Just one of the great bits of advice you gave me was to concentrate on learning the basics and jump right in. And some of you mentioned that my first experience GMing a game may not go too smoothly and might require a bit of 'fudging', but that this could be fun too. I needed to hear these things. When I said that I felt like I was 'studying for an exam', I guess the pressure came from having 3 veteran Hero System/Champions players each sign up for my game before I even had a chance to open the rules book. I did warn them that I was a complete novice with the system, but they didn't seem to care. So I was worried about running Hero System when the players would be much more proficient than I. But if these guys are even half as classy as you guys on this forum, their experience and knowledge will be an asset, rather than a trial! Wishing you all the best! Weird Ollie P.S. Thanks for making me feel welcome! It's great to be here!
  7. Dear Hero System fanatics, I just got my copy of the 5th edition rules last weekend, and I feel like I am cramming for an exam trying to learn it all! I mean no disrespect, I chose Hero System because I believe it to be the ultimate role playing game. It's a system that truly embraces all the genres I can think of, and that's important because I have very specific ideas about my campaign. How long did it take you to become proficient with the Hero System? Did you learn it by playing, or did you study up on it before you even tested the waters of GMing? Though, most of you will be smarter and quicker to memorize rules than I am, so whatever you say, I'll still be just plodding along. Even so, I'd like a general consensus on how long it takes a newbie to start running a Hero System game:) By the way, have any of you written up Capcom's Nightwarriors/Darkstalkers for Hero System? I'd love to see what you came up with! Hope to be a productive, contributing member to the forums some day. I'm working on converting Capcom's Felicia to Hero System, maybe I'll post the results when I'm finished:) Regards, Weird Ollie
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