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Everything posted by badmudderfugger

  1. Re: Advent Rising Campaign This is the Aurelian Battlesuit that their Mystic Commandos will wear: Aurelian Powered Battlesuit- 103 points Protective Armor: Armor 20/20 (OIF, Real Armor) Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Safe Enviro: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum) (OIF) Boost-Jest: Leaping +10†(OIF) Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception (Sight), UV Perception (Sight), Radar (Radar: Radio Group) (OIF) Comm System: HRRP (Radio Group) (OIF, Affected as Sight and Hearing Group as well as Radio) Onboard Computer: Absolute Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump of Direction, Lightning Calculator (OIF) Vibroclaws: HKA 1 ½d6 (Armor Piercing, OIF, No Str Bonus) +1 OCV (OIF) Aurelian Gauss Rifle Gauss Rifle RKA 2d6 (Armor Piercing, Autofire 5, 120 Charges, OAF, Real Weapon)
  2. Re: Advent Rising Campaign Here's my write up for the Aurelians (Shepherds) Aurelians: 24 points +2 Str +1 PD Scaly Skin: DR: 2 PD/2 ED Running +1†Swimming +1†+2 Ego +1 Con +1 Bod Claws HKA ½d6 (plus Str) (Reduced Pen) Aurelian Culture: 20 points +3 Int +3 Ego +3 Pre KS- Human History SS- Stellar Cartography KS- 2 more
  3. Re: Advent Rising Campaign Here is the gear that the PC will have access to once he meets the Aurelians (Shepherds). Gauss Pistol (2 of them): RKA 1 1/2d6, Armour Piercing, Autofire 3, Charges 30 Plasma Battle Rifle: EB 12d6 Explosion, Autofire 5, 100 Charges, Limit 40" Range Armour Vest: Armour 12/12, 9- Activation (11-13 hit location)
  4. Re: Advent Rising Campaign Before I go any further, I guess I should post stats for the PC. Advent Rising PC - Champions Points: Base: 59 – 274 Att: 53 – 132 Skill: 46 – 70 Powers: 0 – 167 Dis: 40 – 95 (The stats on the left are pre-Advent Gift, the stats on the right are post-Advent Gift) Str 10 – 15 Dex 15 – 21 Con 10 – 15 Body 10 – 15 Int 18 – 18 Ego 18 – 18 Pre 16 – 16 Com 16 – 16 PD 2 – 5 ED 2 – 5 Spd 3 – 4 Rec 4 – 6 End 20 – 30 Stun 20 – 50 OCV 3 – 7 DCV 3 – 7 Move: 6†– 10†Swim 2†Skills: Computer Programming 16- Conversation 13- Electronics 14- Science (Math) 14- Streetwise 13- Knowledge/ Game Industry 15- Language: French Acting 8- Climbing 8- Concealment 8- Deduction 8- Paramedics 8- Persuasion 8- PS: Programming 11- Shadowing 8- Stealth 8- TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles AK: Vancouver 8- Talents: Contact: Music Exec 8- Contact: Gaming Exec 8- Cramming - Two Weapon Fighting Danger Sense (Functions as Sense, Dangers out of Combat, Intuitional) 13- Powers: Multipower: Advent Gifts- 90 points 8- Energy Blast 6d6 (Cone, Double Knockback) 8 END 7- Energy Blast 6d6 (Radius, Double Knockback, No Range, Hole in the Middle) 8 END 4- Force Field 31/11 4 END 6- Force Wall 16/8 6 END 2- Gliding 20†1- Running +10†(Increased END x6) 14 END 1- Superleap 10†(Increased END x4) 8 END 1- Telepathy 6d6 (No Conscious Control) 1 END Mental Defence 15 Force Field 9/9 (0 END, Persistent) Disadvantages: DNPC: Girlfriend 11- Psych Limit: Good Guy (Common, Strong) Rivalry: Boss at EA (Professional) - Hunted: Seekers (MoPo, NCI, 14-) Social Limit: Public ID 11- DF: Human (Easily Concealed, Major)
  5. Re: Advent Rising Campaign Ok, so here's the first set of stats. It's the writeup for a generic Special Forces/SWAT type guy. I don't have access to Dark Champions, where I hear there is writeups for this sort of thing, but I'm not keen on picking it up just for a bit of the campaign. Special Forces/SWAT Guy Str 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Bod 10 Int 13 Ego 11 Pre 13 Com 10 PD 5 ED 4 Spd 3 Rec 6 End 26 Stun 25 Phases: 4, 8, 12 OCV 5 DCV 5 Run 7†Skills: PS: Covert Ops 12- KS: Hobby 11- Fam: Breakfall 8- Fam: Criminology 8- Range Skill Level: Rifles 1 Climbing 14- Tactics 12- Stealth 14- Demolitions 12- Skill Level: +1 with Dex Skills Fam: Small Arms Gear: Kevlar Vest: Def 6 Helmet Def 9 M16A2 OCV+2, R.Mod +1, Dam: 2d6-1K, 30 shots Knife: OCV +1, 1d6-1
  6. Howdy all. About a month ago I posted here looking for help from the community on a campaign I was planning. After consideration, I've decided to go with the HERO system. I'm going to post some of the things I've created for the campaign on this thread for feedback from the community. To avoid having to link back to the old thread, I'm posting the following as a summary of the campaign.
  7. Re: Magic System This has nothing to do with this thread but: Old Man....I just about wet myself reading your sig. Berserk if not berserk 14- Thanks for the belly laugh.
  8. Re: Help me decide on a system for this game! One final thing: I don't think I've ever really appreciated what the Hero system can do before. Warning: Gushing ahead Every time I've used it previously, I've approached it from a mechanics approach first and a concept afterwards. That's changed now. To see how effortlessly it modelled my PC concept is really astounding. While it may take a little longer to build stuff in Hero, I'm sold on it as the system for homebrew campaigns. You have now passed the gushing.
  9. Re: Help me decide on a system for this game! Howdy all, Well the votes are in and the result is: HERO. I took a good look over GURPS 4th today and found that it ultimately just couldn't do what I want for this campaign (in particular with how lethal firearms get...yikes). So, on the Captain's suggestion, I picked up Star Hero and Ultimate Vehicle today and I'm getting 5th edition revised from another gaming store on Saturday. I'm really impressed with both products and can see them both being very helpful for putting this campaing together (in particular the plethora of vehicles in UV and the rules for weapons, armour and other technology in Star Hero). Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll keep y'all aware of how the campaign develops from here.
  10. Re: Help me decide on a system for this game! Ok, I just finished building preliminary versions of the PC for both HERO 4th and Authority/Tri-Stat and I've had a few initial thoughts: I am really leaning in favour of HERO/GURPS for this game. I had a hell of a time modelling the lower level abilities and the use of energy/fatigue/endurance points the comes with the use of these powers. In addition, the powers in Authority get very powerful, very quickly, so it is extremely difficult to create characters with only slight levels in some powers. In HERO, I could build the character to have a low level forcefield that he could keep up to protect against most small arms fire that used no energy and a larger one that burned energy for use against more powerful weapons. In Tri-Stat, I couldn't build this. My next attempt is going to be with the Mutants and Masterminds system, but I know from the getgo that the lack of energy/fatigue/END in it is going to be a sorespot. I'm really looking forward to getting GURPS next week and giving it a go building him.
  11. Re: Help me decide on a system for this game! Ha ha Damn your fast typing!!!
  12. Re: Help me decide on a system for this game! I had initially posted this on a few other boards (GURPS, rpg.net, GOO) and one of the suggestions that was made was that I try out the Hero System as a possible middleground between Tri-Stat and GURPS. I used to run a lot of Champions 4th and I loved the system for superheroes, but found it lacking for other systems (although in fairness, I didn't take advantage of stuff like hit location, etc...). But, to give the system a fair shake I decided to try statting out the main character...and I'm really liking what I see. I am still planning on statting out the character for Tri-Stat and GURPS (when I buy the new books), but I figured I'd post what I came up with for feedback from the experts! Keep in mind, this guy is built using Champions 4th, not 5th, so I didn't bother detailing the points spent. I seperated the pre-Advent Gift and post-advent stats with a line (except for the powers. He doesn't have any powers before his gifts). Advent Rising PC - Champions Points: Base: 59 – 250 Att: 53 – 112 Skill: 46 – 59 Powers: 0 – 159 Dis: 40 – 80 Str 10 – 15 Dex 15 – 21 Con 10 – 15 Body 10 – 15 Int 18 – 18 Ego 18 – 18 Pre 16 – 16 Com 16 – 16 PD 2 – 5 ED 2 – 5 Spd 3 – 4 Rec 4 – 6 End 20 – 30 Stun 20 – 30 OCV 3 – 7 DCV 3 – 7 Move: 6†– 10†Swim 2†Skills: Computer Programming 16- Conversation 13- Electronics 14- Science (Math) 14- Streetwise 13- Knowledge/ Game Industry 15- Language: French Talents: Contact: Music Exec 8- Contact: Gaming Exec 8- Cramming - Ambidexterity Danger Sense 11- Powers: Multipower: Advent Gifts- 82 points 8- Energy Blast 6d6 (Cone, Double Knockback) 8 END 7- Energy Blast 6d6 (Radius, Double Knockback) 8 END 4- Force Field 31/11 4 END 6- Force Wall 16/8 6 END 2- Gliding 20†1- Running +10†(Increased END x6) 14 END 1- Superleap 10†(Increased END x4) 8 END 1- Telepathy 3d6 (No Conscious Control) 1 END Mental Defence 15 Force Field 9/9 (0 END, Persistent) Disadvantages: DNPC: Girlfriend 11- Psych Limit: Good Guy (Common, Strong) Rivalry: Boss at EA (Professional) - Hunted: Seekers (MoPo, NCI, 14-) Public ID Cheers!
  13. Howdy all, I'm planning to run a sci-fi campaign based loosely on the plot for the upcoming xbox game, Advent Rising. Advent Rising is a sweeping sci-fi epic about humanity's role in the larger universe and such. For my campaign, the character starts off as just a normal dude in present-day Vancouver. Half the first session is going to be spent with him interacting with his family/friends, just to establish the major relationships in his life, at the time. Then, out of the blue, he's struck by an incredibly bright star/meteor/something that falls from the sky. He blacks out and has a dream of a ringed world, a jungle temple and the faces of strange aliens. He wakes up to find himself in the remains of a hospital and seething with power that he can't control (powerful telekinetics and minor telepathy that seem to ebb and flow in their powerlevel). He struggles to control the abilities, but continues to devestate the city. Finally, he gets enough control and is taken into custody. He is placed in an out of the way area, guarded by the Canadian military and interrogated over intercoms and computer connections. He finds out that he isn't the only one who gained these abilities. On the opposite side of the globe (somewhere in Central Asia) another guy has gained similar abilities, only he's using his to devastate and conquer the region. The Canadians are being pressured by the US to surrender the PC to them for 'safe keeping.' From that point on, the PC pretty much has free reign to do what he wants, but a few things will come up. 1) The US will eventually send in a cover ops team to capture him. 2) The other dude, who is MUCH more powerful than the PC, comes looking for him This will go on for a bit, and then...the aliens arrive. Turns out, the light that gave both guys their power came from a system very, very far away in space where the ruins of an ultra-advanced human empire lay. Humanity didn't originate on Earth. Millenia ago, humanity was the head of a phenomenally powerful interstellar empire and then suddenly one day, vanished along with all their technology. In the time since, the various subject races that lived under the human empire have come into their own and developed their own civilizations. During their development, the memories of humanity faded and were perverted by myth and superstition. One of the first of the new interstellar civilizations was the Seekers, who sought to find any trace of humanity in the galaxy. The Seekers believed that the humans were cruel tyrants who had dominated the other races, until their empire was stuck down by the gods and erased from the face of the galaxy. They set out across the galaxy, with the secret intent of ensuring the total annihilation of the human race. The Seekers encountered other civilizations and incorporated them into their interstellar republic, all the while seeking for any trace of humanity. All they have found thus far has been broken and empty ruins of a once great empire. During this period, a secret warrior cult that worshipped humankind as the divine warlords of the galaxy developed in the ranks of the military. Unlike the other Seekers, the did not seek to annihilate humankind, but to help them regain their control over their empire. The problem was, though, that no one knew where humanity was, and even if it still existed. However, there was one race, the Aurelians, who called themselves the Shepards, that knew where humanity was. When their civilization fell, the last remnants of humanity were placed on a suitable planet, deep in an uncharted and unknown region of the galaxy. They were stripped of their knowledge and left to develop anew on their own. However, the Shepards, an order of monastic warriors, were charged with watching over humanity and keeping it safe during its development. It was prophesized that one day, a time would come for humanity to take its place among the stars again. Millenia passed and the Shepards watched humanity as its civilizations developed. Several hundred years ago, the Aurelians encountered the Seekers, and joined the interstellar empire they were building. The Aurelians were initially cautious of the expansionist Seekers, and quickly discovered that their caution was warranted. They deduced that the Seekers sought not to discover humankind, but to exterminate any possible threats to their own empire. The Aurelians kept what they knew to themselves and the Seekers, in turn, simply thought of the Aurelians as religious zealots. And so it remained, the Seekers looking for humanity, while the Aurelians kept the Seekers from Earth and kept Earth from learning about Interstellar society. This all changed a few days ago. On a planet, deep in the Seeker empire, the ruins of a human temple suddenly sprang to life and sent out an enormous pulse of energy. This pulse raced past the planets and systems of the empire and out into a seemingly barren area of space, landing on the third planet in an unremarkable system. Fleets of the Seekers tracked the pulse and have sent an armada to investigate what has happened. The Shepards realize that this is the event foretold of in the prophecy and are scrambling to track down the individuals affected by this pulse. They know that two will be affected by it and granted phenomenal powers, along with the ability to reawaken humanity's empire. They know that these two beings will represent both the worst and best of humanity. One will be a tyrant, the other a savior. One will be a conqueror and the other a redeemer. Whichever reaches the old capital of humanity's empire first, will be heir to its glories and determine the nature of the new empire. The PC will be contacted by the Shepards, just before the Seekers reach Earth and begin a quest to annihilate it. In addition, the warrior cult in the military will attempt to assist the other guy in reaching the prize. The campaign will then follow the path of the PC as he attempts to find out where the world is, with the help of the Shepards, all the while trying to stay ahead of the Seekers and beat out his nemesis and the cultists who follow him. My question for the community: What system do I do this in? My two main thoughts are either Tri-Stat or GURPS 4th. Tri-Stat has the great rules for powers that I'll need as the PC discovers the abilities that have been granted to him, but I'm not sure it will capture the gritty, sci-fi stuff that I want to feature in the campaign. I'm not sure I want to develop all the vehicles and ships and guns with powers. It just seems weird to have to build a vehicle as an Item of Power, instead of just making it with a separate set of vehicle rules. GURPS is a system that I've been meaning to get into for over a decade (including having purchased and sold GURPS 3rd about three times previously). I like what I see of the revision and it already has (or will shortly have) all the material I need to mix the psionic powers, superscience and alien races that I need to make this campaign work. My only reservation is: how well will it reflect the PC's powers as they advance? Sorry for the stupidly long post. I'm really excited for this campaign to get off the ground and I'd really appreciate your feedback! Cheers, Kev
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