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Posts posted by Scifi_Toughguy

  1. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    Select "Naked Modifier" from the list of Powers on the Powers tab. Put in whatever it's a Naked Modifer for (STR in your case) on the line that says "Applies To". Put in the Active Cost of that (35 for your STR in your case) in the "Max. Base Cost" box. Select the "Naked Modifier" button and select whatever you want to get (Reduced Endurance in your case). If you want to apply any Modifiers you like to the Naked Modifier (for instance' date=' I buy Penetrating for my STR, but I put Concentration on it, to indicate that if I pay attention I can hit the target in vital areas) by selecting the "Add Modifiers" button.[/quote']



    I have the demo version of HD v 2.02 and it doesn't operate like that. No line for applying to.

  2. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)





    I'm very tempted to drop my regen to 2 levels and free up the points for other uses. One of my worries (and the reson for this question) is about basic attacks. Is there a basic punch/kick manuever or do I need to put some points into a few martial arts moves, like basic strike?

  3. Re: Gamma Girl pics


    Yippee skippee!!! I may be grasping at straws here but it looks like the center picture is influenced by the second picture that Haven posted a few pages back. I am very curious to hear what the other two (only 2???) non gamagirl pictures are and what their stories are.

  4. Re: Disposable Heroes


    Sure, why does it have to be the gvernment? Have it be an uber powerful corporation with ulterior motives. They'll put up a good front for the capes, all ultruistic and such but in reality the heroes are just dupes for the megacorp who wants to take over the world.


    Or the corporation could honestly be looking to find out what happened. Government is notorious for taking a long time to get things out of committee... Besides it sets up neat encounters later on when the G-capes actually do show up.


    The 'third party' that hires the supers want to find out what happened to the old ones, but once they find the info they want to sell it and make a profit (hey they are a corporation after all).

  5. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    OK' date=' if I buy CON from 28 to 30, it costs 4 points. My STUN is figured based on 1/2 CON, so I gain 1 STUN (would cost 1 point) and my END is 2x CON, so I gain 4E END (would cost 2 points). Effectively, going to 30 CON from 28 only cost 1 point, if we assume you would have bought STUN and END back up. It's just minor stat tweaking, though.[/quote'] So you're saying that by reverting to 28 CON and then buying the END and STUN back to their natural CON of 30 level I would save one point? My next question is what about buying that ability up later with experience? Does that mean I'd spend points and get no bonus from them because the secondary characteristics are already at that level?



    I'd discuss that with your GM. There are no explicit rules for how limbs regenerate. My assumption is that limb loss is sufficiently rare (esp. in a supers game) that the adder itself is sufficient to regrow over time. I also missed the Trigger' date=' and assumed you were building the "Regenerate" construct, which has no limits based on # of dice. {By the way, I would go the Regenerate route.']
    Again, I thank you for all of your wonderful help. Please pardon my ignorance (my birthday is soon and I'm hoping someone comes through with hero books) but how would one do the regenerate construct (I do have the basic free version of hero designer)?


    Absent a Focus' date=' armor is natural. It's really a holdover from older versions of the game, since Armor is just PD or ED + Damage Resistance. And Inherent isn't a problem with your thiking, but with the advantage itself. For example, human beings' base 6" running is not considered "inherent".[/quote'] So I can legally and without remorse save 7 points? Dude, I'm there.


    Again' date=' personal bias, but I always like to know why my character's abilities work like they do. Alternatively, you could simply say "he's vulnerable to magic and doesn't know why". This leaves it as a possible plot hook for the GM.[/quote'] Like I said before, I really just kind of chose this arbitrarily. I could simply lose the inherent advantage on a few of the powers and then erase the 5 point disad all together, wouldn't bug me any. I don't really like having the vulnerability, but like you said before, you can't be good at everything...




    My concern here is only an understanding of what the disadvantage does' date=' and whether that meshes with your vision for the character. That's another reason I like to provide explanatory notes on "how his powers and disad's work" - the GM can then look it over and say "The construct doesn't get the result you're looking for - let's try building it this way". [Plus, I hope to keep your DNPC's alive - those poor kids have suffered enough!']


    Anyway, we're just playing with tweaks now - I'd say you're pretty much good to go.

    Addressing the kids. According to my write up, only the people who did this to him have any clues as to who he is... Okay I'm sure this made sense in my head but the more of it I put on paper the less it makes sense so I'll stop talking now... :stupid:


    Oh and was it yourself that mentioned the mystery hunted disad? How does one do that?

  6. Re: Disposable Heroes


    I like stuff like this. Of course, I liked the setting in the oft cursed C:NM so...


    What sort of 'testing' did the government do to these 'second stringers'? I mean why were they chosen above anyone else?

  7. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    First off, I agree with everyone in that this is one of the best first character builds that I've seen. Kudos. :)




    Just wanted to clear this up. Basically, from what I read, the original build of the character his regeneration was built as healing with no conscious control. This will work differently than building it with the required regeneration advantages and limitations. With straight healing, there is a maximum amount of BOD one can heal, and the 2d6 healing could heal at most 4 BOD. (the max body one can roll on 2d6) Making Healing into regeneration doesn't have this upper cap, so you need fewer dice to achieve the effect you're going for. (which is why I am still confused as to why they removed Renegration as a stand-alone power in 5th edition)


    Hope that helps clear things up a bit, and I hope you have a blast playing your character. :)


    Okay so is this the roll the dice and divide by a certain number to see how much good you actually did? If so, does this only apply to healing and not Regeneration or how does that work?

  8. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    Cool, nice brick.



    Marine Surface Survival is the art of living on a boat or raft, say, or being a surface-dwelling fish. From what you describe, I think your character would only need Urban to survive in the sewers; to survive in the nearby swamp, he should have Temperate/Subtropical Coasts.

    Thankee for that.


    The problem with Trigger in this case' date=' is that your character needs to be conscious in order for the Trigger to reset. I suggest Persistent, which will make the power cost 33 instead of 29, but it'll always work to heal you and will gradually regenerate your limbs.[/quote']

    These are the types of problems you run into when you own none of the books and only have the free demo version of the character generator. I greatly appreciate the 'define' button in the program, but it doesn't tell me everything. ;) You guys are the best!



    The way to do this in Hero Designer' date=' is to use Naked Modifier in the Power list.[/quote'] Will have to experiment with that, had no clue what it was or how to use it. Now I know...
  9. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    ...CON is commonly bought in figures ending with 3 or 8 for similar reasons. Losing 2 CON would save 4 points' date=' cost 4 END and 1 STUN (effectively, the 2 points do get that STIN and END for free, so this is less inefficient)... [/quote'] Whoah. Yeild on green. I don't understand this point. I understand that some numbers are munchkinly more optimal than others it's the parenthetical statement that throws me.


    ...INT 12 may as well be INT 10. INT 13 would raise your PER rolls, and other INT rolls, by 1.


    I'd probably raise DEX and INT by 1 each and ditch the Lightning Reflexes.


    I'd likely ditch lightning reflexes. Going first isn't a big deal, especially for a guy who can take damage to this extent. Besides, I suspect you'll find most characters with better than a 26 DEX are 6 SPD and commonly move in different phases than you anyway. [i prefer to make the last hit of the fight, not the first.]

    So what you're saying is, I don't need lightning reflexes? ;)



    ...Something's wrong here. Adding "analyze" to the sense will probably get the right result (and it should also have concentrate). Consider Targetting with your sense of smell as well. You go to half DCV' date=' but can locate many invisible foes, and be effective if blinded by a Flash.[/quote'] I did add concentrate to the tracking sense. I wanted to add something like analyze to it but this was the only way I could get it to work. I probably was simply mistaken and should have done discriminatory, like some later posters said. Targetting is pretty expensive, so although that would be nice, I only have so many points. Besides, I'm imagining this guy is not your well practiced superhero. In my mind, he is actually recruited very near or even after the beginning of the campaign.



    ...4 BOD is a lot. With your defenses' date=' taking BOD will be rare anyway. You could cut this down to 1 or 2 and free up some points.[/quote'] I had this power at 2 BOD originally (note the first generation attempt) and someone in the other thread said that this was too little to regenerate lost limbs unless the limbs were my pinky finger/toe.




    ...I'd be inclined to eliminate Inherent' date=' and perhaps go with 13/13 armor instead (although with DEX creeping up, I might look at DEF as getting a bit high, the character has other limitations, primarily movement powers). Your PD/ED can be drained anyway, and that's a more common adjustment power to see in game. In fact, other than the tail, I'd consider inherent pretty closely.[/quote'] True, armor does sort of imply that the power is 'stuck on you' unless you take the limitation stating its seperate. I decided to go with consistency here. If my tail is inherent, then the other abilities I say he gained as a result of the same genetic tampering probably should have that trait as well. Thats my reasoning, anywho.



    ...I'd have to ask "why magic"? I wonder if "cold" would make more sense - is he still fully warm-blooded?
    Good question. Answer: I dunno. I just sort of chose it. I have only read the blurbs on Vibora bay that are public, so all I know is that it seems to be kind of magic centric. That may mean that this is more of a disadvantage than I think. Perhaps I should switch it out. *muses over the idea*




    ..."Back off, gator-boy, or I shoot the girl".




    [startled finger pulls trigger] BLAM


    This may not be the result you're looking for, but I see it as a likely one.

    I agree with AlHazred. Sure it's not very convenient, but he's not a solo hero, he's to be part of a group. Plot hooks, drama and all that.


    Thanks for the advice!

  10. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    Revised stats after taking some suggestions:


    35 STR

    25 DEX

    30 CON

    15 BODY

    12 INT

    10 EGO

    20 PRE

    06 COM

    15 PD

    15 ED

    05 SPD

    13 REC

    60 END

    48 STUN

    10 Run

    13 Swim

    12 Leap




    3 Bureaucratics 13-

    4 Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Personal Computers) 11-

    6 Accounting: PS: Accountant 14-

    3 Stealth 14-

    3 Streetwise 13-

    3 Survival (Marine Surface, Urban) 11-

    3 Shadowing 11-

    5 Cramming

    5 Beast Brawling: +1 with HTH Combat




    3 Lightning Calculator

    3 Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions




    5 Tail: Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-1/4)


    8 Tracking Scent: Tracking with Smell/Taste Group, Inherent (+1/4) (12 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)


    0 Tracking Scent: Analyze with , Inherent (+1/4)

    29 Regeneration: Healing 4 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Trigger (when damage occurs; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (79 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)


    9 +0 STR, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (9 Active Points) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)


    37 Scaly Skin: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Inherent (+1/4) (37 Active Points)

    29 Multipower, 44-point reserve, (44 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)

    3u 1) Bite/claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6+1 (4 1/2d6 w/STR) (35 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4)

    3u 2) Tail Whip: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (44 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)




    20 Distinctive Features: giant lizard man (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)


    5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Magic (Uncommon)

    15 Enraged: little girl threatened (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-

    10 Money: homeless Destitute

    10 Hunted: other alligator-man in sewers 11- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)


    25 Hunted: VIPER 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) (He doesn't know who is hunting him)


    15 Psychological Limitation: protect innocent/helpless (Uncommon, Total)

    10 Psychological Limitation: hot headed (Common, Moderate)

    25 Dependent NPC: daughters Shannon, Michelle 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)


    5 Psychological Limitation: hates lawyers (Uncommon, Moderate)

    10 Psychological Limitation: no alcohol, tobacco, drugs (Uncommon, Strong)









    Okay, there I unlazied meself and did it. Glad that our arab-american friend deigned to start this and put up the original for comparison. Now, I have some things I think are going to hit snags. One is the analyze part of the tracking smell, seems like too few points. The other is the DNPC disad. They aren't really dependents because no one really even knows he's alive except those that did this to him. Please, fire away and lemme know what y'all think.

  11. Re: Character For Review: The Beast (not the Marvel one)


    okay, I really appreciate the help. The actual problem I'm having is that I made revisions to this character and I can't get the revisions from in front of me to these boards by copying and pasting. I don't really have the time to sit down and rewrite everything by hand, but I'm still trying. Everything keeps timing out on me.

  12. Re: I Give Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    How did you try to do it? If you're using Hero Designer, you can use the "Hero Boards" Export Template to generate HTML code; cut-and-paste it into a new thread and you're good to go.


    If you're using a word processing program, it should also have an HTML format you can save it in.


    I am using hero designer, but only the demo version, so no exporting for me. I put it in excell, because that was the next most organized option. However, copying and pasting from any format I have saved it in, txt, doc, whatever excell's suffix is, has resulted in an error approximately = to this: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 15 seconds exceeded in /home/dans/www/herogame/forums/includes/functions_search.php on line 413



    I've even tried adding it as an attatchment and no dice. I just copied and pasted the first one, so I dunno if I'm only allowed once or something...

  13. Re: Gamma Girl pics


    All the cross-congratulations on this thread are giving me a toothache...


    Just kidding! Fine work! I love the style, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter!

    There's has a newsletter? Where?

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