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Files posted by Basic204

  1. Eddie Stone

    Eddie Stone, a native of Colorado, was raised on his family's farm, where the toil of his early years sculpted him into a man of remarkable strength. His journey to notoriety began in high school, when his courage caught the eye of the football coach during a confrontation with five would-be thieves at the movie theater where he worked. Recognizing his potential, the coach ushered Eddie into the local boxing club.
    With each victory, Eddie's renown swelled, culminating in his clinching of a championship belt at the tender age of 18, boasting an undefeated record of 250 wins. Yet, amidst his triumphs, a thirst for greater challenges drove him to traverse the globe in search of worthy opponents. His odyssey led him to the Pirate Nation of Reunau, a haven for fighters from diverse backgrounds. There, he stumbled upon The Arena, an underground fighting league where glory and riches awaited those bold enough to enter the fray.
    In The Arena, Eddie reigns supreme, basking in the adulation of the crowd, surrounded by wealth and adoring admirers. Despite whispers of supernatural prowess, Eddie's dominance stems solely from his indomitable spirit and unyielding toughness. His prowess in the ring, however, attracted the attention of the CIA, who recognized in him a valuable asset.
    Seduced by the allure of a new challenge, Eddie agreed to become an informant, playing a dangerous game that could cost him his life if discovered. Now, he navigates the treacherous waters of espionage, gathering crucial intelligence and assisting in covert operations, all while maintaining his status as the undisputed champion of The Arena. Though his allegiance lies with the CIA, Eddie remains a man of honor, driven by a higher purpose even in the face of peril.
    Eddie is a loud charming man. His body is not just the only thing that takes up a room but his personality. Many people fight him scary at first but once they talk to him they quickly find themselves charmed by him. When he’s in the ring he’s a ruthless fighting machine. He always gives his opponents the respect of never holding back and this has to lead to him putting a few in the hospital. Due to so many years of winning match after match, he’s become a bit overconfident and even now fights people with powers or has weapons on them.  
    Eddie’s always looking for a challenge. He needs it he’s driven by it because when he’s not challenged, he becomes restless and does stupid things.
    Eddie fighter who in close combat is considered deadly and is extremely aggressive. Moving quickly to throw blows that can stun most people. When people hit him they find his body is as hard as stone also. Eddie move quick and will try to go for a knockout but when he can’t he does not mind softening up a target but he always has a need to finish the match in a way that gets the crowd cheering
    He’s a large man of Caucasian descent. He’s a bare knuckle boxer that has no scars on his face even though he boxes all the time with no gloves on. When people see him they always remark on how tall he is that he stands at 7 ft tall and is extremely muscled but unlike those on bodybuilders every ounce of Eddie’s body is lean and functional. Eddie always keeps his head shaved so that people he’s fighting can’t grab his hair but he lets his beard grow and jokes that his beard is made of stone so when people go to punch him in the jaw and he doesn’t flinch they get scared. Eddie has light brown eyes and black hair.





  2. Glimmer/Shimmer The Assassin 682cp points

    Curiouser and curiouser I see you there looking about me through the looking glass. You can call me Glimmer or somethings Shimmer When my other half takes control. I’m a world-class assassin. I take on contracts from anyone for anything as long as the pay is good So if you want to hire me to kill someone all you have to do is hit that little download button.
    Excuse me a contract just came in. I’ll let the writer take back control now.
    She’s a thrill-seeker with a fake history that even once you dig past it you find nothing. There are no records on her whatsoever Except for the suit. People who know what the suit is know what the suit is. Know it was created to lets people travel through mirrors for the US government to create a new generation of spies. The creator of the suit Alice Robinson was also the tester of the suit and on the first official test vanished into the mirror world and never came back. The project was shut down. Then 40 years later, someone named Ruby Robinson has been found using the suit and acting as an assassin for the rich and powers and but sometimes is found taking orders from mirrors. People who have seen her face believe it's Alice's daughter using her mother’s technology in horrible ways but, Ruby is Alice. Her mind fractured entering the mirror universe. It’s unknown the things she saw in there or who she did not age.




  3. Kricket AKA Evelyn Patterson

    Evelyn Patterson has been an ER Medical Doctor for around 5 years. One day when she was on the job a super-fight broke in the hospital. She tried to evacuate everyone she could during the fight. As she was trying to save a child in who was trapped by a steel beam. She was able to get the child loose but not before a huge explosion sent her flying. She ended up landing in the research wing of the medical college next door into the Entomology lab. Where they were experimenting with insect DNA. She knocked into a container of altered cricket DNA and a gene splicing agent. After it splashed all over her infusing with her DNA with insect DNA making her more powerful. In seconds she was transformed and her whole body burned she could think of nothing but wanting to sleep to get away from the burning. She walked out of the lab somehow made it all the way home where she fell on her bed and slept. When she awoke she felt different her senses were sharper she was faster and stronger than she ever was. She didn't know how strong she was and ended up breaking her bathroom to pieces. After a few days of experimenting she found she could leap 3 storey buildings with great ease and pushing it she could jump around 100 meters but when she hits the ground he has a habit of damaging property. Her strength has become incredibly enhanced and can easily lift 800 pounds with ease and when trying she can lift 25 tons she also found she could manipulate sound waves and see in the dark. She spent weeks testing her powers. Evelyn was forced into using them when her best friend came to visit her and they went out to dinner. On their way home, a man pulled a gun on them and threatened them even after giving everything over to the man. The assailant fearing that the two women would describe him to the police and shot at them. Evelyn new heightened reflexes allowed her to instinctively feel the path of the shot and get in the way in time to deflect the shots. Before she knew it she had broken the gun and knocked the man out by punching him through a wall in plain view of her best friend who freaked out and saw that her friend has power. So Evelyn told her everything that happened her best friends eye lit up and said to her "You know what you have to do now right you have to fight crime and be a superhero." They argued for a few days till Evelyn gave up and told her she would do it and her best friend said: "See I knew you would come around and being I knew you would I made you something." Her best friend being a tailor for superhumans made her a costume. Even though the costume is a little to form fitting for Evelyn's taste it does help provide her some more protection then her body already does.




  4. Wind Hammer AKA Melody A. Temple

    Wind Hammer AKA Melody A. Temple was a normal meteorologist till she was on an expedition to a strange weather anomaly that was happening in Alaska. As she and her weather team were researching this anomaly the weather pattern started to become violent as she began noticing what looked like two forms battling within the storm system. Before She could get a clear view she knocked unconscious. She awoke some time later to a silent expanse fresh with the wounds of a battle. Hovering before was the Wind Hammer. Its Glowing Symbols called to her and before she knew it she touched the hammer and was given powers of air and wind.




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