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The Arc

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Posts posted by The Arc

  1. I'm guessing that these guys are a nod to a certain servant class that used to serve a hidden metahuman

    society in the Marvel Universe?



    Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:


    Most of these images are just for background. I'm working on the background of Vole. She was a part of Projekt Oase or Project Refuge. Projeckt Oase was an effort at the end of WWII by the Nazi to steal away uberhuman (metahuman) fetuses. The nazi's built a secret base on an island in the Great Slave Lake in Canada. After fleeing Europe they settled down to wait for orders from Menegle. Werner was the head of the project and his was aided by the Governess,  a robot built by one of the Nazi scientists. As for the Beta Primitives, they were made from the sailors who treked with them to the lake. Later when Werner didn't recieve any orders from Mengele that he started to active some of the uberhumans he had. The 1st successful was Marten, but he proved uncontrollable. Later they actived Vole. When Vole was in her teens she was rescued by Pounder and Mad Dog Muldoon.

  2. werner_zpscgamna22.png


    Doktor Werner Von Luckel


    Director of Projekt Oase. This image of Werner is from about 1945 when the discredited psychiatrist, a contemporary of Joseph Mengele fled Germany at the end of World War II. He was presumed dead by the Allied Forces. How they were mistaken.

  3. Looking at the pics of Blaa, Zarr, and Blaazarr remind me of some similar characters that appeared in a

    Villains and Vigilantes supplement: Bora and Whiteout. Like Blaa and Zarr (and a certain pair of brother-

    sister twins from Marvel), Bora and Whiteout not only had matching costumes, but also a power which

    allowed them to combine their powers for a brief period of time.



    Major Tom 2009 :cool:


    Well, the idea I came up was a miss mass of ideas. Combine Quasar, the Wonder Twins, and Captain Universe and you get the picture. :)

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