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The Arc

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Everything posted by The Arc

  1. Donny Broskowitz President of the Hogs of Hell MC. Another survivor of the Freedom Park Massacre.
  2. Xue Long Xue Long the former leader of the Blood Dragon Tong of Steel City. She was one of the few survivors of the Freedom Park Massacre.
  3. Needle There were nine gangs that descended on Freedom Park that day: the Kingston Posse, the Bad Seed, the Dancing Bears, the Maulers, the Blood Dragon Tong, the Riverside Rangers, the Geelong Exiles, the Hogs of Hell MC, and the Einherjar. What was supposed to be a peaceful meeting among various criminal gangs quickly took a turn to the worse.
  4. Mojo When it was heard that Hightower was dead, several gangs gathered in Freedom Park to rumble. With the hero of Steel City no longer there to contain them they were ready for a fight.
  5. Burnout Ever since the death of Hightower, the south side of Steel City has become the most crime ridden sections of the city, at least until the Outkasts started to take back their streets.
  6. Red Death “And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.”
  7. Daemon of Steel City Daemon of Steel City.htm
  8. The Streets of Steel City.... Shingon shingon.htm
  9. The image of MiG-X is an homage to MACH-X and was inspired by the Red Alert! thread.
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