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Posts posted by dugfromthearth

  1. every character should have:


    flight - just so insanely cheap for being able to hover out of reach - or reach people who are hovering


    mental defense/flash defense/power defense - even 5 points stops a lot of pesky nnd's


    martial arts - buy ranged martial arts for your eb if you have one. hard to get cheaper then martial arts.

  2. I still like the nice simple


    150pts into dex = dex 60

    10pts into speed = spd 8

    50pts into str = str 60


    so you are OCV 20, DCV 20, 12d6 punch, spd 8


    if you need to do more damage, target the head, you are still effectively OCV 12.


    there is no end of ways to abuse and exploit the system.


    that's why we have GM's.

  3. given enough limitations on the powers they might work.


    touch only for example


    I would force all the powers to be fully invisible (even to other psychics) which would raise the cost a great deal and help balance them out.


    Then freely allow anyone to buy mental defense, which is cheap.

  4. If this is just getting along with everybody, I would call it a talent but buy it as penalty skill levels.


    Say -3 penalty for different social group that is still basically the same (non-alien, non-brainwashed cult members, etc), and a -5 penalty for completely alien social group.


    But penalty skill levels for all social skills, which I think would be 3pt levels. So 9pts would let you blend in with any generally normal culture and 15 would let you blend in even with alien cultures.


    Now of course you have to also buy the social skills.


    And disguise might be good so that your looks fit in - could be as simple as putting on a coat and tie to fit the corporate look, untucking your shirt and turning your baseball cap around backwards, etc. Or you you could call the appearance change just a special effect if you want to seem like yourself, just be accepted.

  5. it isn't a limitation as such.


    burnout is a limitation. "Only when pushed" would be a modifier of the burnout limitation. Since people normally rarely push, I would say it would be a +1 adder. In other words a -1 1/4 burnout limitation with the proviso "only when pushed" would actually be a -1/4 limitation.

  6. suppress says it costs END to use, and remains in effect as long as the attacker pays END.


    And the same suppress can be used repeatedly on the same character, and the effect is cumulative


    but you have to buy continuous to make it continue to affect a target phase after phase without an attack roll.


    at 0 END cost, suppress lasts until there is some reasonably common way to regain the power.



    So my reading of that is:


    Character Adam rolls to hit Bob and hits him with 1d6 of suppress.


    As long as Adam continues to pay END Bob has 1d6 suppressed, without Adam having to make another attack roll.


    Adam could make another attack roll and hit Bob for another 1d6 of suppression - so Bob would be down 2d6.


    Or Adam could buy continuous with suppression so that every one of Adam's phases, Bob would take another 1d6 suppression, continuous.


    is this correct?

  7. never seen rules for velocity reducing OCV.


    and yes move by does +v/5 dmg, that is my point. They allow it for dmg, why not OCV and DCV? I know they don't, but saying "they don't" isn't a reason, just a statement of the current rules.


    If you don't do this is a maneuver, just buying it regularly, +5d6 dmg for a punch costs 15pts - it is 5 hand attacks. Whereas +5 OCV for a punch is 10pts - 5 2pt levels. So normally +5d6 is 50% more expensive then +5 OCV.

  8. as soon as you get an action you recover from being stunned. It happens at your dex, so the effect only lasts until your next phase - not the one after that.


    in supers the half dcv and 1/2 targeting penalty can be nasty, if the gm allows you to target the head - which I do not allow in supers.


    in heroic levels a -4 to target the head is still a major penalty, and half dcv only lowers you from maybe 4 to 2, so they are not that severe.


    likewise in heroic you don't have flying and forcefields and other non-persistent powers.


    So this might be a heroic/superheroic issue. Being stunned in superheroes is usually a lot nastier then being stunned in heroics.

  9. you have run into three problems with Hero


    1) sometimes DCV is halved. There is not point value for this and no point value for preventing it. So you have to come up with some hack of adding +1's, but only enough to cancel the halving. An ugly hack.


    2) there is no 2 point DCV level with a single maneuver, although there is a 2 point OCV level with a single maneuver. Inspite of the fact that OCV and DCV are supposed to cost the same, there is this glaring difference.


    3) there are no DCV penalty skill levels, while there are OCV penalty skill levels.


    So if you really want to do this, you can declare that there are penalty DCV skill levels, just like OCV penalty skill levels. And just buy those. If you allow them to buy a penalty skill level for just one maneuver it would be 1 1/2 points for +1 DCV only with sweep only to counter the sweep DCV penalty. Otherwise it would be 2pts for +1 DCV only with sweep, only to counter the sweep DCV penalty.


    As a note - you can sweep any melee attack in theory. So if he is actually a martial artist he might have multiple sweeps. In which case you would wand the 2pt DCV penalty level so that it could apply to all of your sweeping maneuvers, not just one.

  10. martial arts lets you buy str + v/5 or str + v/3


    since buying up strength costs the same as buying up OCV or DCV (in the martial arts system), why not allow buying OCV + v/5 or DCV + v/3, etc?


    OCV bonus would be based upon surprise and sheer speed. Blur is standing on the other side of the room, suddenly he is hitting you, before you have time to react.


    DCV bonus would be based upon speed and moving. Blur isn't just dodging in place, he is zigzagging at high speeds.


    The mechanics are easy. The numbers are the same in the current martial arts system. There is at least as much realistic justification for it as for most hero abilities.


    Obviously it is abusable by high speed characters. But I worry more about high damage then high OCV or DCV, and it is allowed for damage.

  11. an energy blast does 1d6 per 5 active points put just into the raw energy blast.


    so 20pts gives you 4d6 20/5 = 4


    with no modifiers the real cost equals the active points, so I could buy a 4d6 eb for 20 real cost.



    an advantage does not change the number of dice, it adds some other advantage and increases the cost.


    so if I wanted the energy blast to be armor piercing, that is a +1/2 advantage.


    to find the real cost with an advantage, you add 1 plus the advantage (or sum of the advantages) and multiply that by the base cost of the power. [You add 1 because the advantages add to the cost, you could not add 1, and then the result would be the additional cost and you would add the base cost to it.]


    20 points X (1 + 1/2)

    = 20 X 1.5

    = 30


    so 4d6 eb with armor piercing is 30 real cost.

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