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Houston GM

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Posts posted by Houston GM

  1. Quotes from Owlcon - part 3


    Shadowrun 4E "Night of the Frozen Fat Lady"


    The shadowrunners have been hired to find and retrieve Eugenia Potter, a woman who was kidnapped by the Jesters, a gang that was inspired by the Joker.


    Cast of characters:

    Glitch: ork decker

    Lee: elf combat mage

    Swagger: ork gunslinger

    Mr. Johnson (NPC): our Mr. Johnson (our anonymous employer, for those unfamiliar with the setting)


    Mr. Johnson handed us a picture of Eugenia Potter. Judging by her appearance, she weighed 800-900 lbs. (400-450 kg)

    Swagger: "That's a whole lotta woman."

    Glitch: (to Mr. Johnson) "You wanna git'er back alive? Or is dead jus' as good?"

    Mr. Johnson: "I would prefer that you rescue her alive. In fact, your pay is dependent upon it."

    Glitch: "Jus' checkin'."


    Big Bobo (a Jester lieutenant) sent one of his gangers to warn us off. Swagger kneecapped him, then spent a couple minutes interrogating him so Glitch could surreptitiously hack into the Jester's commlink.

    Swagger: (to the Jester, sounding somewhat concerned) "Are you sure you doin' okay? You don' look so good."

    Jester: "My knee really hurts, man."

    Swagger: "Is there sumpin' I can do for that? Call DocWagon?"

    Jester: "I have a trauma patch in my pocket."

    Swagger: (carefully reaches into the Jester's pocket) "This?" (and tosses the patch over his shoulder) "Oops. Now you can tell me who sent you, or you can bleed out right here."

    The Jester spilled his guts, and Glitch thoroughly cracked the Jester's commlink.

    Swagger: "You don' tell anyone 'bout this conversayshun. They ask 'bout you knee, you tell 'em you had a axxydennal discharge. You talk, I kill you mama, you dada an' you cat."


    The team caught up to Big Bobo (an ork) a block after he left a StufferShack with another Jester and their pet barghest. Swagger threw his car into a bootlegger turn, slamming the broadside of it into them. The three pedestrians, and a bag full of NukeIt Burittos, went flying.

    Glitch: (looks out the car window, sees the barghest with an obviously broken back, gasping its last breaths) "Good doggy."

    Swagger: (gets out of the car, picks a NukeIt Burrito up off the ground, takes a bite, and points his gun at the ork) "We're lookin' fer Big Bobo. That you?"

    Big Bobo shoved his hand into his pocket. Swagger fired, blowing his hand off.

    Glitch: "I hope 'e was reachin' fer a gun an' not 'is commlink."

    Lee: "That would be bad."

    Glitch: "On th' bright side, he prob'ly wasn' callin' Knight Errant fer help."

    Swagger reached his hand into Big Bobo's pocket, pulled a commlink out, and poked his finger through the bullet hole in it.

    Swagger: "Oops. My bad."


    The team went to see a contact who had the tools to allow us to access the information on the damaged commlink. As we entered a nicer neighborhood, a police drone started tailing the car. It pinged our commlinks to read our System Identification Numbers (SIN for short, the equivalent of a social security number). Glitch's commlink was on with a fake SIN loaded, so the drone scanned that. Swagger and Lee's commlinks were on standby, so the drone sent a message requesting they be switched on to provide their SINs.

    Glitch: (to Swagger and Lee) "You two got SINs." (neither do) "When I tell you to, you switch on yer commlinks. I'll route a coupla my SINs through yer commlinks so you look legit."

    The drone was satisfied with the ruse and flew off.

    Swagger: "Tha's why I like workin' wit' you. Always purfeshnal. No muss, no fuss."

    Lee: (to Glitch) "How many SINs do you have, anyway?"

    Glitch: "Four."

    Lee: (impressed) "You have a lot of SINs."

    Glitch: (leering) "In more wayz'n one."

    Lee: "Good thing they didn't notice that I'm not an ork. They might have stopped us for that."

    Swagger: "Wha's this worl' cummin' to, when a couple orks an' a elf can' go fer a drive wi'out gittin' hassl'd by th' cops."


    The group discovers the Jesters' plan. Governor Brackhaven's crackdown on the gangs led to the arrest of Great Pinkey, leader of the Jesters. Therefore, the Jesters have enacted "The Last Laugh."


    The Last Laugh: In order to get revenge, the Jesters have decided to kill Governor Brackhaven in the funniest way possible. They plan to abduct the fattest woman they can find, cryogenically freeze her, then drop her from a great height onto Governor Brackhaven while he's giving a public speech.


    Glitch: (finishing reading the plan) "Too bad we're gittin' paid to rescue th' woman. If not, I'd let this happen. Cuz tha's th' funniest thin' I ever heard."

  2. Re: Villainous Motivations


    Force of Nature

    I would call this an antagonist instead of a villain. Whether it's an avalanche, a burning building, a plague, a drought or a planet-killing asteroid hurtling toward earth, something needs to be done to either stop it from doing harm or undo the harm that it's already done.



    The person is causing damage without knowing it. For example, everyone they touch gets sick and dies a few weeks later.



    The person was trying to do something good (or even a trivial infraction), but the law of unintended consequences unleashed something terrible. The person trying to end the drought unleashed a devastating flood. The person trying to create a computer worm (to profess his undying love for his girlfriend) accidentally crashed the country's computer network.


    It's Just a Job

    The person is doing what they're being paid to do. And if you pay them more, they'll do what you want them to. Until someone else offers them more than that.


    It's Society

    The society fears and hates all members of an ethnic group, or all metahumans, or everyone who holds different beliefs. Or society believes slavery is okay. The immediate problem can be easily solved (I free my kidnapped friend from the slavers), but until society is changed, the problem keeps recurring.


    The Dangerous Idea

    Someone has discovered dangerous knowledge. On a small scale, it's not that big of a deal. But the more people who learn this knowledge, the more dangerous it becomes. For example, someone discovers a ritual which will summon an uncontrolled 200pt demon. It's easily defeated by a team of 350pt heroes. Except someone has posted that ritual on wikileaks. And the uncontrolled demons wish to perform the ritual to release their master from his prison. How do you stop an idea?


    I am the Villain

    Whether your name is Bruce Banner, or you've been cursed with lycanthropy, something inside you periodically turns you into the enemy. Until you find a way to reverse it, you have to find a way to stop yourself.

  3. Quotes from Owlcon - part 2


    DC Adventures "The Crisis of Infinite Batmen"

    Owlman (an evil version of Batman) tricked Batmite into giving him most of Batmite's reality warping powers. Owlman used those powers to begin collecting every other Bruce Wayne in the multiverse so he could eliminate them from existence. He also used those powers to prevent Batmite from reaching any other Bruce Wayne. In order to set things right, Batmite used his remaining power to collect several Batmen who weren't Bruce Wayne and brought them to Owlman's universe.


    Cast of characters:

    Batmite (NPC)

    Batwing: aka Dick Grayson/Nightwing; Bruce Wayne disappeared from his universe years ago, so he stepped into the role

    Batman Beyond: a future protoge of Bruce Wayne

    Batwoman: aka Selena Kyle-Wayne/Catwoman; fell in love with and married Batman in her universe

    Speeding Bullet: Kal-El; adopted by the Waynes instead of the Kents

    Dark Claw: Logan; a Wolverine/Batman mash-up

    Midnighter: from The Authority "because he's a total Batman ripoff"


    Batmite decided he needed to hide to be safe while the Batmen fixed things.

    Batmite: (to Batman Beyond) "I'm turning into electronic data so I can hide myself in your computer systems."

    Batman Beyond: "Don't screw anything up.

    Batmite: "Don't worry. I deleted a bunch of your picture files to make room for me."

    Batman Beyond: "Aw man!"

    Batwoman: "There went all your porn."


    The group decided to make a two pronged attack into the Owlcave. Batwing and Batwoman snuck through the mansion, while the rest came through the underwater entrance.

    GM: (to Batwing and Batwoman) You're shimmying down the bat pole.

    Batwing (ooc): We're bat pole-dancing.


    Owlman had departed the Owlcave, taking the captured Batmen with him. In his place, he left a number of criminals.

    Maxi-Odin: Maxi-Zeus clone, with a number of machine gun wielding Valkyries

    King Solomon Grundy: gray, nearly indestructable, flies, and throws magical energy attacks

    Poison Oak: a brick with mind control powers

    The 20-Eyed Man: a ninja with eyes on each of his fingers and toes


    Batwoman used her whip to trip Maxi-Odin, sending him falling off a ledge.

    Batwoman: "Gravity is a harsh mistress. Then again, so am I."

    Dark Claw: (looking at Maxi-Odin's spear) "That's some phallic symbol you're carrying."

    Batwoman: "I think he's compensating for something."


    Poison Oak moved to attack Batwoman.

    Batwoman: (to Poison Oak) "You're trying to start a cat fight with me?"

    Batwoman easily dodged Poison Oak's attack.

    Poison Oak: "All you Batmans play hard to get."

    Batwoman: "Not everyone is as easy as you."


    After discovering a clue that Owlman intended to carry out his plan at the Arkham Asylum, Batman Beyond and Midnighter hacked into the Asylum's computer system to see who was currently being held there.

    Arkham Asylum patient list: Joker, Joker, Joker, Joker, Hyena, Joker, Joker, Joker, ...

    (Hyena is a Sabertooth clone, and Dark Claw's nemesis)

    Batwing: "So now we're dealing with a homicidal maniac."

    Dark Klaw: "And this Joker fellow."


    Batmite admitted that he'd put the comics code on us, but not on the opposition.

    Batmite: "I only put the comics code on you guys because I was afraid Midnighter would curse."

    Dark Claw: "Bleep you, Batmite."


    On the way into Arkham Asylum, the Batmen encounted Hyena and several Jokers (Killing Joke Joker, Bane Joker, Lego Joker, etc).

    Killing Joke Joker: (to Batwing) "Where's your sidekick?"

    Batwing: (kicking Joker) "Here's my side kick."

  4. Quotes from Owlcon - part 1


    TOON !!

    A bottle of ink was stolen from the Toonville Museum. Anything drawn with the ink would become real in the Tooniverse.


    Thanks to the GM, this game should have been a complete train wreck. Thanks to the players, it was a funny train wreck instead.


    Cast of characters:

    Chipper, the squirrel

    Kim Probable, a pre-generated character that the GM ran as an NPC member of the group

    RoboRabbit, with powers similar to Inspector Gadget

    Tiny, the very large dog


    During character creation.

    Chipper (ooc): I have the belief "They're only bigger then me if THEY know they're bigger than me."

    Tiny: "I'm bigger than you."

    Chipper: "What do you mean? You're Tiny."

    Tiny: (pondering) "I can't argue with that."


    Ten ways in which the game was a train wreck:

    1. The GM spoke in a monotone.

    2. The plot of the game was a mystery, but the GM didn't suggest that people should take detective-like powers during character creation.

    3. To move the mystery forward the GM had people roll their Detect Hidden Things skill, even though none of the PCs had the skill.

    4. When everyone failed the roll Detect Hidden Things roll, the GM would muddle around for a few minutes, then have everyone roll (and fail) again.

    5. The GM's NPC (Kim Probable) was designed to be more competent than all of the PCs combined.

    6. Kim Probable also had discretionary deus ex machina powers.

    7. Despite this, two of the PCs were more competent than Kim Probable.

    8. The GM would have Kim Probable carry on conversations with other NPCs (for example, on her wrist phone), forcing the players listen to him talk to himself in a monotone.

    9. For 45 minutes, the GM steered the plot onto a tangent (an invasion of flying saucers) that didn't further the plot, and which hadn't been caused by the players' actions or inaction.

    10. The concluding explanation for the story would have fit better in Final Fantasy than Toon.


    While searching a library for the ink, the PCs discovered a bomb.

    RoboRabbit (ooc): I eat the bomb.

    The bomb exploded, blowing RoboRabbit into pieces.

    Tiny: "I'll try to put him back together."

    Chipper: "I have a BandAid !!"


    The PCs discovered an empty ink bottle and a fountain pen.

    Tiny: "We have the bottle, but what happened to the ink?"

    Chipper: "Maybe it's disappearing ink."

    Tiny: "If it's disappearing ink, then how will we find it?"

    Chipper: "Maybe it's disappearing-reappearing ink."

    Tiny: "What if it disappears again."

    Chipper: Then it's disappearing-reappearing-disappearing ink."

    Tiny: "What would we do then?"

    Chipper: "Wait to see if it's disappearing-reappearing-disappearing-reappearing ink."

    Tiny: "After a while, this could become very complicated to discuss."


    The fountain pen contained a small amount of the missing ink.

    Tiny (ooc): I go to the nearest fast food joint, Meaty's Meat Shack, draw a circle on the wall, then color it in to make a hole through the wall.

    A black hole formed, sucking the wall and other nearby objects inside.


    For the next 30 minutes, the game played like a cartoon. Chipper drew a cork to plug the hole. RoboRabbit drew a cannon to shoot the plugged hole into space. At the last minute RoboRabbit decided to shoot the plugged hole at a satellite instead. It hit the satellite and the satellite fell from the sky toward Toonville. Tiny was given a spacesuit and shot from the cannon at the satellite. RoboRabbit used his jetpack to fly along. They unplugged the hole and it sucked the satellite in before sucking itself up as well.


    Chipper watched as Tiny flew toward the falling satellite.

    GM: As you watch through the telescope, the falling satellite keeps getting larger.

    Chipper: (shouting upward) "It's getting bigger, Tiny. That will make it easier to catch."


    The free-flowing Toonscapades were interrupted by a random invasion of flying saucers showed up which Kim Probable destroyed with a deus ex machina device.


    During a break.

    GM: I called her Kim Probable so nobody would realize that she was actually Kim Possible. If people realized that she was actually Kim Possible, then everyone would want to play her, because she's good at everything.

    Silence followed, as the players stared at each other in stunned disbelief.


    The PCs and Kim Probable took a bus to another library.

    GM: Rockets come out of the sides of the bus. As the bus begins flying, a wormhole opens in front of it and the bus flies in.

    Chipper: "Wow! That must be one really big worm!"


    In the lobby of the library was a large (empty) inkwell. Without explanation, it suddenly filled with ink.

    Chipper: "See. I told you it was disappearing-reappearing ink."

    The ink disappeared again.

    Chipper: "I knew it. It's disappearing-reappearing-disappearing ink."

    Tiny: "How do we find it again?"

    Chipper: "We wait. I bet it's disappearing-reappearing-disappearing-reappearing ink."

    Tiny: "But how do we solve the mystery if the ink disappears every time it reappears?"

    Chipper: "It's a mystery. Libraries are full of mystery books. Let's go find the book about this mystery and see how we solve it."

    Tiny: "We can do what my master's wife does. We can skip to the back to see how it ends."

    Chipper: "That's a good idea."

    Tiny: "I'll stay and sniff around for the ink while you search. Dogs can't read."

    Chipper: (cheerfully while searching through the bookshelves) "Squirrels can't read either."


    Kim Probable came out from the back of the library, reading the mystery book.

    Kim Probable: "This explains it. The ink is made of energy. The ink is a life form. That's how it creates things."

    Chpper and Tiny: (nodding) "Ohhh."

    Chipper and Tiny gave each other a confused look and shrugged.

  5. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality?


    In general, I'm assuming that I wouldn't feel safe "going public" about my powers. At most, I'd let only a close circle (which might include employers) know about them.


    1. The ability to shoot lasers from one's eyes.

    Not only is this personal self-defense, but there's no need to carry any form of cutting implement (once I develop enough control).


    I'd be tempted to use the ability for green energy generation, though I'd eventually be bored by it. The ability would also have more interesting aplications in industry, mining, medicine and waste disposal.


    2. The ability to see through objects (X-Ray vision).

    Voyeurism would hold very little interest for me. (I can see people engage in far more tittilating behaviors while watching free porn on the internet.) Snooping on people would get boring quickly.


    As David Blue said, the most profitable application would be locating valuable minerals and fossil fuels.


    3. The ability to become invisible.

    Other than espionage, this has minimal usefulness. As such, I'd probably begin working for some US intelligence (or counter-intelligence) agency.


    4. The ability to fly under one's own power.

    Other than courier work, this has minimal usefulness. It could be entertaining, but it would be difficult to manage any level of secrecy.


    Military radars can easily track man-sized flying objects, so there would be a high-level of risk involved with this power.


    5. The ability to alter luck to their benefit.

    Forget gambling. The stock market is the way to go. I could even promote companies that I believed in by investing in them.


    6. The ability to read minds.

    Ugh. This would be a curse. I'd be too nosy to avoid using the ability, and I'm sure I wouldn't like a lot of what I saw.


    This lends itself to espionage and diplomacy, so I would probably seek a career with the State Department and CIA to make the best use of it.


    7. The ability to conjure permanent items that weight up to ten pounds.

    This is overwhelmingly powerful. The natural consequence would be to make me completely non-materialistic. Almost anything I need, I can make. I could be dropped in the middle of the desert or jungle and make accommodations that I would find comfortable. Since I like to travel light, possessions would be given away when I no longer had a need for them. I can always make more later.


    Forget gold and diamonds. I'd start making pharmaceuticals and portable diagnostic equipment for the World Health Organization and Doctors Without Borders.


    Given the description, it sounds like I can create objects at range. This makes the power perfect as a weapon. If I need to defend myself, I can create a few ounces of curare in the person's bloodstream.


    8. The ability to regenerate from even mortal wounds and ignore illness.

    This would be a convenience and would allow for extreme risk-taking. It wouldn't allow me to effect much change in the world, however.


    But if this was paired with one of the abilities, it becomes immensely powerful. The biggest weakness of many of the powers is the "glass cannon" effect. This power turns a glass cannon into an unstoppable cannon.


    9. The ability to teleport (closely related to flight, but it differs significantly).

    This is a lot more useful than flight, because it's a lot more subtle. I would use it for courier work, but I'd also use it to travel the world for fun.


    10. The ability to selectively enhance your senses at will: see vast distances, hear ordinarily inaudible sounds, function in the dark as if it were day, track by scent, and so forth.

    The obvious applications are search & rescue, espionage and detective work. I'd most likely put it to work in espionage.


    11. The ability to time travel under one's own power.

    This one's so dangerous that I'd be highly reluctant to use it. There would be a tremendous ability to blindly impact world events. I don't mind changing the world, but I do mind doing it blindly.


    12. The ability to foresee the future (Precognition).

    Provided I can affect the future, I'd start trying to make the world a better place. I'm utterly convinced that society is on the way to self-destruction (unsustainable environmental practices plus unsustainable economic practices), and this ability would provide me with the ability to see a way out of it.


    Money is power. Win the lotto to get some initial capital, then turn a small fortune into an immense fortune with day-trading and currency trading. Money provides power and influence, and I'd start using that power and influence to move society onto a path that doesn't end in destruction.


    And this power (more than any other) illustrates to me how visionaries can become amoral monsters. Any course of action one takes results in people getting hurt. Choose another course of action and different people get hurt. Do nothing and people still get hurt. Under the circumstances, you can't avoid the reality that people will get hurt. So you choose the actions that lead to the best outcome and ignore all the pain and suffering that occurs ... since the pain and suffering would have occurred anyway.


    Unlike most of the other powers, this one isn't a glass cannon. You automatically know how to avoid anything that could prematurely end your life.


    13. The ability to view the past (Retrocognition/Psychometry).

    This lends itself to espionage, detective work and anthropology. The first one appeals to me more than the latter two.


    14. The ability to summon creatures to do your bidding.

    This one probably has the strongest applications in agriculture: pest control, pollination, aerating the soil, etc. It's not a job that interests me, but I might look into it just to see how much benefit I could provide.


    15. The ability to exert far more force than is normal (Super-Strength, which would include straight up damage).

    Unless this came with some form of equivalent durability, this would be a novelty power for me.


    It would be fun to have classic super-strength, but it's not as powerful as many of the other abilities.


    16. The ability to manipulate things from afar (Telekinesis).

    This is a lot more useful than super-strength. I would be inclined to use it in disaster relief efforts (i.e. unloading tons of relief supplies from ship to shore without requiring a crane or adequate port facilities). It would also have uses in hazardous waste cleanup.

  6. Quotes from Owlcon - part 4


    Truth & Justice, "Superhero Mashup Crisis on Two Worlds"


    A cross-dimensional crisis is causing dimensions to merge, and even superheroes and supervillains to merge with each other (the superheroes are unaware that they were ever two separate individuals). Heroes from the Avengers and Justice League have teamed up to uncover the source and correct the situation.


    Cast of Characters:

    Atomic Manhunter: mashup of the Atom / Martian Manhunter

    Bat Lantern: mashup of Batman / Green Lantern

    Black Vision: mashup of Luke Cage / Vision

    Captain Thor: mashup of Captain America / Thor

    Scarlet Spider: mashup of Scarlet Witch / Spiderman (he gained his powers when bitten by a gypsy witch ... who'd been bitten by a radioactive spider)

    Wolfeye: mashup of Wolverine / Hawkeye


    After waking up (feeling "funny"), Wolfeye heard screams and explosions in the distance.

    Wolfeye: "They're playing my song."


    As the heroes arrived on the scene, they saw the villains collecting a large number of iridescent mushrooms.

    Wolfeye: (spotting the mushrooms) "Now I know why I feel funny."


    Ace of Clubs attacked Wolfeye.

    Ace of Clubs: "I'll take care of you, runt."

    Wolfeye: (easily ducking under the attack) "The bigger they are, the better the breeze when they miss."


    Ace of Hearts mind controlled Black Vision.

    Captain Thor: (to Ace of Hearts) "Honor demands that give you a chance to surrender."

    Ace of Hearts: "Suck on it, fake Asgardian."

    Captain Thor: "That was your chance."

    Captain Thor creamed Ace of Hearts with his shield.

    Black Vision: (still mind controlled, to Captain Thor) "Mama said to knock you out." (then punched Captain Thor ... hard)

    Wolfeye: (to Ace of Hearts) "I'm giving you one more chance to surrender." (then shot her before she could respond) "PSYCH !!"


    After the fight, the group interrogated one of the defeated villains, Rhino (who was oddly unaffected by the mashup effect).

    Rhino: "Ace of Clubs tried to eat a mushroom, and he was stupid for an hour."

    Wolfeye: "How could you tell?"


    The heroes flew between worlds in Bat Lantern's bubble, toward the source of the trouble.

    Wolfeye: (pulled out a cigar ... paused) "Is this a no smoking flight?"


    Villain mashups for the next encounter:

    I.V.O.: mashup of Professor Ivo / Braniac

    Lex Luthor: mashup of Lex Luthor / Bizarro

    Red Goblin: mashup of Red Skull / Green Goblin

    Ape Ben, Ape Johnny, Ape Sue, Ape Victor: Red Skulls minions, mashups of apes / Fantastic Four


    Ape Sue had been throwing force bubbles at everyone.

    Wolfeye: (to Ape Sue) "Shouldn't you be flinging poo, or something?"


    Villain Mashups for the final encounter:

    Abominaut: mashup of Abomination / Juggernaut

    The Leader: mashup of Doom / Reed Richards

    Dread Clia: (I have no idea who this was a mashup of)

    Grim Klaw: mashup of Grimjack / Klaw


    Scarlet Spider: (hearing Abominaut speak coherently) "Abominaut is intelligent."

    GM: I wouldn't go that far.


    Wolfeye shot an arrow loaded with chemical mace into Abominaut's eyes. Infuriated, Abominaut charged at Wolfeye. Wolfeye shot an oil slick arrow at Abominaut's feet and dodged to the side, causing Abominaut to go skidding past and slam into the parapet of the tower. Wolfeye fired an explosive arrow into Abominauts back (in the hope of propelling him over the edge), but Abominaut was unmoved.

    Abominaut: (to Wolfeye) "This isn't target practice."

    Wolfeye: "It is for me."


    The Leader tried to dominate Scarlet Spider, but failed.

    Bat Lantern: "You failed to dominate even a child?"

    The Leader: "Everyone has bad days."

    Bat Lantern: "This is one of yours."


    Bat Lantern: (to The Leader) "I bet you were made fun of in school. Remember this?"

    Bat Lantern used the ring to form a giant rubber band around The Leaders head, snapped the rubber band, and slingshotted The Leader into the wall.


    Black Vision: "Mama told me to never hit a lady, but Dread Clia's no lady."


    Scarlet Spider: (to Dread Clia) "You need to cool off, hot head."

    Wolfeye: (firing a napalm arrow into Dread Clia's hair) "Hot head, literally and figuratively."

    Captain Thor: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

    Wolfeye: "It smells like victory."

  7. Quotes from Owlcon - part 3


    Savage Worlds, "Time for a Little Necessary Evil"


    All of the earth's superheroes were defeated when the aliens invaded. Now the supervillains are the core of the resistance. Dr. Destructo, the leader of the resistance, has sent a group of supervillains to "rescue" the first lady and her children from their alien captors.


    Cast of characters:

    Bolt: electric speedster

    Frosty: snowman brick

    Monk E: monkey martial artist

    Mr. Science: cyborg mentalist


    Mr. Science mind controlled drone #1 to kill drone #2.

    Mr. Science: "Can I keep him?"


    Drone #3 tried to shoot past drone #4, but accidentally shot drone #4 in the back.

    Mr. Science: "That one's not mine. Don't get confused."


    Monk E buried a shuriken in drone #3's eye.

    Monk E: "I am the ape of wrath."


    Monk E killed three drones consecutively as they charged through a door.

    Mr. Science: "You're the perfect conga line of death."


    The enraged Mr. Science pulled his ray gun and fired a wide blast into the melee of Bolt, alien #1 and drone #1.

    Monk E (ooc): (waiting to run into melee) I let Mr. Science go first...


    Monk E: "I realize this isn't a vital spot..." (then smashed alien #1 in the head)


    The first lady and her kids were guarded by the alien boss and two robots.

    Alien boss: (pointing a laser machine gun at the head of the first lady) "This ends here. Surrender or I kill them."

    Monk E: (peeking around the corner and showing the grenade in his hand) "Go ahead and waste them. We came here for you."

    Alien boss: "Oh shit." (pointing at the villains and yelling two his robots) "Kill them!"


    Mr. Science mind controlled the alien boss.

    Mr. Science (ooc): I'm having him sing "I'm a little teapot."


    After the supervillains captured the alien boss.

    Mr. Science: "Let's get the kids out of here and kill the boss."

    Monk E: "Can't we waste him in front of the kids?"

    Mr. Science: "Sure. I'm good with kids. I used to have a TV show."

    Frosty: "Dr. Destructo said we couldn't kill or injure the hostages. Mentally traumatizing them is okay."

  8. Quotes from Owlcon - part 2


    Savage Worlds, "We Must Save the Owl"


    cast of characters

    Doug the Slug: punk rocker mentalist

    Dr. Thraxus: cyborg super-scientist

    Frontovich: male Russian/Soviet super-soldier

    Mech Rodiny: female Russian/Soviet super-soldier

    Sentinel: patriotic American martial artist

    Svechi: electrical energy projector

    Tribunus: Roman flying brick


    The Owl (a World War II era gadgeteer) had been captured by Schwartz Ulger, a Nazi super-soldier. Two Russian super-soldiers who had fought Schwartz Ulger in WWII (Frontovich and Mech Rodiny) came to the U.S. to help fight him again.


    After arriving at the abandoned building where Schwartz Ulger was located, the team decided to bypass the ground floor entrances and simply smash through the roof. While most of the team fought Schwartz Ulger, Tribunus flew in, grabbed The Owl and flew him to safety.

    GM: (shaking his head in disbelief) You completed the mission on the second action of the first round.

    Tribunus (ooc): Since it was the title of the game, I assumed it was our primary goal.

    GM: Do you want to end this now? We still have 3 1/2 hour of scheduled game-time left.

    Tribunus (ooc): Nah. We have this supervillain right in the middle of the group. We might as well capture him while we're all here.


    Frontovich grabbed Schwartz Ulger in a bear hug; Sentinel prepared to strike the Nazi with his sword.

    Frontovich: (to Sentinel) "Be careful with that sword."

    Sentinel: "Hold still..."


    Much of the team had difficulty hitting Schwartz Ulger.

    Frontovich: "Would somebody help with Schwartz Ulger?"

    Doug the Slug, Dr. Thraxus, Sentinel, Svechi: (simultaneously) "I'm helping"

    Frontovich: "Not very much."


    Sentinel (ooc): I'm going to hit him this time. I have great faith ... and a soliloquy.


    Captain Chaos (Schwartz Ulger's brick accomplice) jumped into the fight.

    Sentinel: (to Captain Chaos) "Do your worst." (then flinched in advance)


    Best without explanation.

    GM: The zombie can't do gymnastics.

    Doug the Slug (ooc): Mary Lou Rotten?

  9. Quotes from Owlcon - part 1


    Hero 6th Ed., "Lucha Libre Hero"

    GM: Theron

    El Espectro: well-respected scion of a line of luchadores; very skilled technico

    Craneo Llamamente: El Espectro's tag team partner and sidekick; smaller but acrobatic technico

    Supergran, the Atomic Aztec: an Aztec demigod; large and strong technico

    Dr. Pershing (NPC): a rudo

    El Monstro (NPC): Dr. Pershing's large, dumb and ugly tag team partner.

    La Hija de Frankenstein (NPC): the main villainess


    The PCs responded to a zombie attack at la universidad.

    GM: La universidad is overrun with scientific zombies. You can tell they're scientific zombies because they have blinking lights attached to them.


    Two zombies prepared to throw a concrete bench at Craneo Llamamente.

    El Espectro: "Duck under it! Duck under it! It is too early in the movie to get injured. Wait until the third reel."


    Zombie #1 threw zombie #2 at Supergran, but missed badly.

    El Espectro: "Look! They fly!"

    Supergran: (glancing over his shoulder) "Into things."

    Supergran: (grabbed zombie #1 and threw him after zombie #2) "Your amigo went that way ... and amigos should stay together."

    Zombie #1 hit zombie #2 and they crashed through a window.

    Supergran: (yells at the zombies) "You're going to have to pay for that."

    El Espectro: (to Supergran) "They were doing enough damage without your help."


    El Espectro: "Let's see if the zombies bend in two. Look! They fold for easy storage!"


    At the lucha libre match, the rudo team failed to appear. The PCs investigated and found them in their dressing room, but they had been transformed into old men.

    Dr. Pershing: (describing the villains who did this two them) "The big one was uglier than El Monstro."

    El Espectro: "I did not believe that was possible."

    Supergran: "That is a lot of ugly."


    The evidence indicated that la Hija de Frankenstein was the mastermind behind this plot, but Supergran saw her die.

    El Espectro: "Are you sure she died? Did you see the body?"

    Supergran: "No ... but I saw the explosion!"

    El Espectro: (pointing to the security footage of the villainess) "Then how do you explain this?"

    Supergran: (Suddenly coming to a realization...) "She must have had a twin sister!"


    The luchadores arrived at the burned out castle of la Hija de Frankenstein. While El Espectro and Supergran discussed plans, Craneo Llamamente decided to sneak into the castle.

    El Espectro: "Wait! Where did the little one go? Is he under the car?"

    Supergran: (Picking up one end of the dune buggy) "No."

    El Espectro: "Oh no! You know what happens when one person goes ahead alone..." (the two luchadores charge into the castle after Craneo Llamamente) "Wait for us!"

    GM: The camera cuts to the next shot, where El Espectro and Supergran go charging past the stealthy Craneo Llamamente.


    The luchadores succumbed to a gas attack.

    El Espectro (ooc): We've been beaten over the head with box text.


    The luchadores awakened shackled to wooden gurneys, while la Hija de Frankenstein (with her diabolical Vider Ray) gloats. The luchadores tried to get her monologuing so they can free themselves from their shackles.

    El Espectro: "So ... what is your plan?"

    Hija de Frankenstein: "Isn't it obvious?"

    Supergran: "No."


    El Espectro: (to la Hija de Frankenstein) "How did you survive the explosion?"

    Hija de Frankenstein: "I escaped in my transistor monorail."

    El Espectro: (to Supergran) "And you did not consider this possibility?"

    Supergran: "Who puts a monorail in a castle?"


    El Espectro tried to convince la Hija de Frankenstein's fanatical midget minions that her plan to put the power of los luchadores into them would be fatal to them.

    El Espectro: (to the midgets) "You do not want this honor. The power of los technicos will destroy you."

    The midgets: (in spooky unison) "It is an honor to serve the mistress. It is an honor to die for the mistress."

    El Espectro: "No it's not. There's a flash of light, a little dust, and you're gone. I had to scrape two of you off my suit already."


    Two scientific zombies approached Supergran wielding medical equipment.

    Zombies: "Sesos. Sesos."


    Supergran threw a Frankenstein monster at the Vider Ray device.

    El Espectro: (to Supergran) "Don't destroy it! Professor Oses will need it to fix the others."

    Supergran: (watching the monster fly toward the device) "Maybe he can rebuild it later..."

    The monster missed and slams into the wall.

    Later, la Hija de Frankenstein fired the ray at Craneo Llamamente, but he kicked a scientific zombie into the path of the ray. The scientific zombie was utterly destroyed.

    El Espectro: (to Supergran) "I take it back. Destroy the machine!"

  10. The Hills Done Rise


    The PCs are a UN superteam. A metastorm had awoken the zombies of thousands of soldiers who died in the Crimean War.

    John Henry: Gravity / density brick

    Kooun Kaze: Gravity-based energy projector

    Saulk: Mystic specializing in health magic


    A Ukranian lieutenant provided relevant historical details.

    Lieutenant: "The Ottomans didn't lose anyone in this battle."

    John Henry: "They decided to play a game: Let's have you and them fight."


    The PCs encountered a necromancer who was "observing" the zombie armies. Later, Saulk spotted the necromancer flying toward the helicopter they were in.

    Saulk: (to the chopper pilot) "The entity approaching us is friendly ... well ... somewhat cooperative."

    John Henry: (helpfully interjecting) "Non-hostile."

    chopper pilot: (somewhat freaked out by the whole situation) "Cooperative is nice. I'm delighted by the 'non-hostile', though."


    The PCs overconfidently leaped into battle with a company of zombies, even though they had been warned that the zombies would be "significantly stronger" near their battle standard.

    Kooun Kaze: (a couple phases later) "This is not starting out as one of our better fights."

  11. When spin doctoring fails...


    Posted on a blog:


    Mr. Awesome had been planning (for a few days) to break up with his girlfriend. Therefore, he was not particularly upset when he found her in bed with another man (a stranger), getting it from behind.


    girlfriend: (spotting Mr. Awesome) "It was an accident !!"

    Mr. Awesome: "What, like you tripped and he fell?"

    girlfriend: (speechless)

    stranger: :rofl:

  12. Re: How can you make the stone age cool?


    Until then' date=' how can you "stone-age" or "prehistory" a fantasy scenario?[/quote']

    You could set it in a MesoAmerican type culture. They had warriors, shamen, hunters and people who lived by guile or their skill with words. Make magic real and ritualistic in nature.


    How about superheroics or realistic (not fantasy) settings??

    Read a bunch of myths. The heroes of myths always seem to be doing things that seem superheroic in nature (like outrunning the sun or swallowing the sea). One PC could be the hunter who can single-handedly kill a mammoth with a stone-tipped spear...


    What useful skills does a shaman have? If there is no magic what use is he? If there is magic' date=' what can he do?[/quote']

    If there is no magic, the shaman is an authority figure. People listen to him and do what he says. He is the advisor that has to tell people how to solve their own problems, and convince them that it was his power that was responsible.


    If magic is real, than there the sky (literally) could be the limit. But shamanistic magic seems to be ritualistic in nature (extra time, OAF, activation roll or skill roll to determine if the shaman persuaded the spirits to do as he asked...)


    As an intermediate step, the shaman could be a seer, receiving information through dreams and portents, though not necessarily able to cause changes to occur directly.

  13. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


    me: "I've had three kinds of jobs.

    Some, you didn't need to be crazy to work there, but it helped.

    Some, you did need to be crazy to work there, so they hired their employees accordingly.

    And the rest, you did need to be crazy to work there, so they provided on-the-job training."


    A coworker was talking to my boss:

    boss: "Are you laughing at me."

    coworker: "No..."

    me: "She's not lauging at you. She's laughing near you."

    boss: "And pointing."


    choir director: "The problem we are having ... and by 'we' I mean 'not me' ..."


    In our choir, one tenor is married to an alto. That tenor was figuring out how to pick out the tenor note.

    tenor: "The tenors' note is the same as the altos' note."

    me: "So for once you'll have to listen to your wife."


    At my first post-40 physical.

    Doctor: "Turn your head and cough."

    me: (cough) "This isn't exactly my favorite part of the physical."

    Doctor: "Just be glad that you're not forty yet."

    me: "I turned 40 three weeks ago."

    Doctor: "Then face the exam table and bend over." :eg:


    me: "Now I have a new least-favorite part of the physical."


    At a New Years party.

    hostess: "I'm going to scrounge up some food."

    (She promptly walked into the bathroom.)

    me: "In there?" :idjit:


    My girlfriend is significantly older than me.

    my girlfriend: "Our relationship works because I'm immature for my age."


    The head of the Unitarian General Assembly: "We aren't marking time in this life, waiting for our 'real life' to begin. While we can't agree whether there is life after death, we're all certain that there is death after life."

  14. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


    At a birthday party, several people were taking photos and joking about them being "blackmail pictures."


    me: "Nobody has ever taken a blackmail picture of me."

    (several people gave me skeptical looks)

    me: "But a lot of people have taken photos of me that they thought were blackmail pictures."

  15. Hey, sailor!


    For Veterans Day weekend a group of us went to a USO-style swing dance. My friend Ricky (was US Navy, now US Navy Reserves) gave me one of his uniforms to wear to the dance.


    At the dance:

    Ricky: "While you're wearing that uniform, you need to represent it properly."

    me: "Okay."

    Ricky: "So you need to go up to your girlfriend and say, 'I'm just a sailor in town for the night, and I've never known a big-city lady like you before.'"

    me: :)

    Ricky: "And then you need to say, 'Hey baby, do you want to see my anchor?'"

    me: :lol:


    15 minutes later my girlfriend was chatting with Ricky.

    my girlfriend: "... and later on he's going to show me his anchor!" :eg:

    Ricky: :jawdrop:


    The next day we got together for lunch.

    me: "Thanks for those lines last night. They worked very well."

    Ricky: "I tried my lines on my girlfriend. She just gave me a look and said, 'What is wrong with you?'"

    me: "Well, they worked well for me." :D


    My girlfriend's dog is afraid of the rain. After we returned from the dance, he was incessantly whining because it was drizzling outside.

    me: "What's the matter? Were you beaten up by a raindrop when you were a puppy?"

  16. Halloween party


    Like any good roleplayer, I put on a persona to match my costume.


    This year I dressed as a Rastafarian pasta chef.

    Written on the back of my chef's coat:


    "Try de special sauce, Mon!"


    random partygoer: "So where's your special sauce?"

    me: (pulling a jar out of my pocket, and showing them a jar labeled 'Pastafarian Special Sauce') "Right 'ere, mon. You know dis be de real ting, 'cause it say so right on de jar." (flipping the the jar over to show the other side which was labeled, 'De real ting')

    random partygoer: "What's in that stuff?"

    me: "It be me secret family recipe. It be a special blend of herbs and" (pause) :think: "more herbs."

    random partygoer: "It sounds good."

    me: "It be so good it make you see Jeezus."


    my girlfriend: (suggestively) "I'll try your special sauce." ;)

    me: "You try anything me pull outta me pants."


    Asking a woman to dance.

    me: "Ay girlie, j'wanna come dance wit' I?"


    After dancing with a pretty girl

    me: "Dammit"

    pretty girl: "What?"

    me: (pulling a pasta spoon out from under my chef's coat) "Dare really be a pasta spoon in me pocket. For a minnit dare me tink me jus' 'appy to see you." :love:


    One of my friends dressed as a cheap hooker

    cheap hooker: "Why don't you come see me anymore."

    me: " 'Cause me see de two dollar pin to you belt an realize you raise you rate."


    The cheap hooker costume had a strip of condoms hanging from her belt. When I danced with her and spun her, they swung out and slapped across my leg.

    me: "Dat be de firs' time in me life me ever bin smack wid a condom."

  17. This week's dating outtakes


    my girlfriend: (to her coworker) "Do you remember that guy I told you about, the one who dressed up as a gorgeous witch last Halloween?"

    coworker: "Yes."

    my girlfriend: "Now I'm dating him."

    coworker: :nonp:


    During a discussion on dating.

    me: "Men are supposed to make the first move, so women have learned how to give us hints to let us know when we're supposed to make that first move."


    One of my dance partners is a 59-year-old woman who still looks good in bare-midriff outfits.

    me: (to the 59-year-old dance partner) "My girlfriend thinks you look hot tonight."

    dance partner: "I'm taking home with me tonight." :eg:


    Talking to the same dance partner two nights later.

    me: "Did you notice how I snuck my girlfriend out before you could steal her away."

    dance partner: "I hate smart men." :mad:

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