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Everything posted by Ryan72

  1. Re: Multiform and OIHID Thankyou everyone for your input and support!
  2. Hi, I'm a GM for Champions campaign and I need some help in settling a rules dispute. I have player in my game who is making a brick character who has a weaker, smaller teenage form. (Your basic Billy Batson / Capt Marvel deal) Now, the way I understand it, a character can use Multiform to simulate this (effectively creating two different characters) ... **OR** purchase all the superhuman powers and characteristics as OIHID (When not in "super" form, our hero loses all the OIHID powers and becomes "normal") Pretty straightforward so far right?? He sat down at my PC and used my HeroDesigner to make the character. He used the Multiform option. So I began looking over Brutus (the heroic form) and Virgil ( the normal form) Apparently Brutus had some of his powers created with the OIHID limitaion. So I said "Hold on a sec, you can't do that." "Yes I can" he said. "No you can't!!! You've already created the hero and his alter ego using multiform!" "So?" "Look, you've already defined the character as having 2 distinct forms. You've put limits on the Multiform power as to how and when the character can transform. You can't use OIHID to further limit the character in this case" "Yes I can! It says so in the book! If the character has two distinct forms then he has the OIHID limitation" "The character Brutus is never going to be limited by an OIHID limitaion!! He will always be either Brutus at full strength or Virgil the normal weakling. There will never be a scenario where Brutus can't access his powers due to an OIHID limitaion while in Brutus mode!" "Yes he will!!! He can only access those powers while he's in Brutus mode! THerefore he can apply OIHID!!" We argued like that for quite some time. Ultimately - I'm the GM - I told him he could either use the multiform option or the OIHID option. NOT BOTH He was miffed at me for a while but he got over it. Am I in the right here?? Am I correct in my interpretation of the rules?? Or am I just crazy??
  3. Re: My Ferris Bueller Writeup. Yeah I agree, the Reputation perk would be more efficient. As for Animal Handler (Canines) -- I was originally going to include this, actually. But if anything, Rooney proved how incompetent he is in this regard. The only way he could actually "handle" that guard dog was to knock him out!! Or maybe he just failed his skill roll
  4. Re: My Ferris Bueller Writeup. Oh wow! This is so cool! I never would have thought to make up hero stats for Ferris Bueller! In fact I was so inspired, I decided to try my hand at writing up stats for Ferris's arch-enemy, Ed Rooney! Remember this is just a rough draft... any additions, suggestions or corrections are welcome! Ed Rooney Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 10 DEX 0 12 CON 4 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 15 EGO 10 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 2 PD 0 2 ED 0 3 SPD 10 4 REC 0 24 END 0 23 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 41 Cost Power 13 Intimidating Authority Figure: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Conditional Power Is only effective against students at his school (-1/2) Powers Cost: 13 Cost Skill 2 CK: Chicago 11- 1 Language: French (basic conversation) 3 PS: Educator 13- 5 Cramming 3 KS: Poetry 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 Persuasion 12- 1 Tracking 8- 3 Bureaucratics 12- 1 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles Skills Cost: 25 Cost Perk 2 Follower: Grace (Secretary) 3 Computer Link (Highschool Records) 5 Money: Well Off Perks Cost: 10 Total Character Cost: 89 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Unluck: 3d6 5 Psychological Limitation: Dirty Harry complex (Uncommon, Moderate) 5 Reputation: Strict Disciplinarian, 11- (Known Only To A Small Group) 20 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with destroying Ferris Bueller's reputation (Very Common, Strong) Disadvantage Points: 45 Base Points: 50 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 -----------------------------------
  5. One of the PC's in the campaign I'm running has the "wealthy" perk... however, one of the rules in the 5th Edition (non revised) rulebook states that in superheroic campaigns, characters must pay character points for any equipment they wish to buy. The PC (who is a martial artist batman-esque type of hero) wants to buy some swinglines and a utility belt and possibly a motorcyle as well - but doesn't have enough CPs at this time. The question he keeps asking me is this: "If I'm rich and well connected to suppliers and whatnot, what's actually *STOPPING* me from buying all this stuff?" I realize the CP totals are for game balance, but what good is having wealth if you can't spend it on anything *useful*? Then again if the character *can* go out and buy all these toys for himself it won't belong before he has hundreds of CP worth of stuff giving him a significant advantage over his teammates. So what *exactly* does the wealth perk allow the character to do, anyway? Thanks in advance
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