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Posts posted by input.jack

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From my Star Trek - Original Series campaign:



    LCDR Jaegar (Chief of Security): We have a full security detatchment in place.


    Pirate: I dont believe you!


    Lt. Fey: Would you believe Jim Kirk with an improvised incendiary device?




    LCDR Bane (new Chief of Sciences) (OOC): You get a full-on girl-talk TMI infodump all about her date with Flynn, complete with juicy details about absolutely everything


    Fey (OOC): With Flynn. The Chief of Engineering. My boss......


    Bane: ...Are you OK?


    Fey: Im ok. Im just going to go stand in the warp core.


    GM: You still feel dirty.

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Thanks! I must admit, I feel pretty lucky to have the friends I have :)


    And now...DCEAU quotes! The PCs are Nightwing (looks like a young Tom Cruise), Batgirl (looks like Danielle Panabaker), and Catwoman (looks like Morena Bacarrin), with whom I am certain you are all at least passingly familiar ;)




    Batgirl: All I know is, if Solomon Grundy shows his face in Gotham City, Im resorting to the "Slappy Squirrel Defense".


    Nightwing: Whats that?


    Batgirl: Detonite down his pants!


    Nightwing: .....You're willing to actually reach "down there" on him?


    Batgirl: I know...it sounds nuts!




    Nightwing: They're holed up in that abandoned hotel. Lets check the Batcomputer for schematics, and see if we can find a way in.


    Catwoman: *Looks incredulous* You need a COMPUTER for that? Why not JUST GO LOOK!


    Nightwing: Going in without a plan is dangerous.


    Catwoman: Exactly! :D




    Catwoman:*pacing* Is it time to go in yet?


    Nightwing: Not yet. The others arent in place.


    Catwoman: ....How about now?


    Nightwing: No. And I'll spank you if you ask again.


    Catwoman: Promise?


    Nightwing: Yes.


    Catwoman: Is it time yet? ;D




    Catwoman: Uh oh. Either we've set off an alarm, and we want to be somewhere else. Or we've set off something ELSE, and we want to be somewhere else!




    Catwoman: *disarms Two Face of his flashlight in the darkness* Hi Harvey! I'm home!


    Two Face: Catwoman! You're supposed to be one of US! You...you TWO TIMER!


    Catwoman: *smugly* ...Thats fair :)




    Catwoman (OOC): Im going to wrap my thighs around Two Face's head, since he's got me grappled.


    GM: Im...going to give you a circumstance bonus for that....




    Catwoman: *petting the cat in RL* I just dont get these Gotham villains, with their irrational attractions, their obsessions, and their idiosyncracies .


    Batgirl: .....Of course, Selina. *deadpans to camera*




    Catwoman: So....are you dating anybody in particular? And if youre not dating anybody in particular, is there anybody in particular that you are not particularly dating?




    Jim Gordon: Whats this I hear about you being seen around town in the company of Selina Kyle, Barbara?


    Barbara (aka Batgirl): Well, you know that she's a friend of Bruce's.


    Gordon: I acknowledge it. I dont pretend to understand it.


    Barbara: We just did a little shopping together. Its no big deal.


    Gordon: Barbara, you KNOW the kind of person she is. What her past has been......And if she tries to get you in to some kind of "Kitten" costume the answer is NO!




    At an upscale, trendy, and very expensive Gotham boutique...


    Selina (aka Catwoman): *Is shopping*


    Harleen Quinzel: *AHEM!* Excuse me miss, but do you have this skirt in pleather?


    Salesgirl: Wha-...in pleather?!


    Selina: *Turns slowly towards Harley........GLARES*


    Harleen Quinzel: Nevermind-I-gotta-go-bye! *flees!*




    Batgirl: ...So I just dont know what to do!


    Nightwing: I know.....You need a Harvey Dent Executive Decision Maker! *pulls out a coin*

  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Lets start with some quotes from my Star Trek: Original Series campaign, set aboard the USS Farragut (a Constitution-class starship). The PC's are:


    Captain Marshall: Heroic and dashing captain

    Lt. Cmdr. Jeagar: (pronounced "YAY - grrr") Chief of Security. Hes a PC, so his odds of survival are MUCH higher than you might expect!

    Lt. J.G. Fey: Cute little blonde supergenius, recently posted as Third Engineer

    CMC Maddox: Bosun of the ship (highest ranking enlisted; liaison between the enlisted and the officers) and former Drill Instructor at Starfleet Academy



    Maddox (OOC): I was reading this online web comic...well...actually...now that I think of it, ALL web comics are "online web comics"...




    Fey (OOC): Wait a minute! Commander Jaegar is the Security Chief, and his favorite foods are "anything fried, and desserts"?! So, hes basically a cop who loves donuts!


    Jaegar (OOC): Well, yeah :D




    Fey (OOC): Im going to spend about twenty minutes discussing my dissatisfaction with the matter/antimatter intermix ratios to a micrometer degree with Suvek. Only the Vulcan engineer can truly understand my pain at their callous miscalibration.


    Capt. Marshall (OOC): What a pain in the Angstrom!




    GM: Theres some kind of localized interference.


    Maddox (OOC): I look at my communicator. "What do you MEAN 'Out of Service Area'?!?"




    On R&R


    Maddox: Declare war on the fish!


    Fey: These fish have NO HONOR! ;)




    Maddox (OOC): Set phasers to "Short Term Amnesia" *shoots self in head with toy phaser prop*





    ** Note: I would LOVE to do my usual bit with bolding and italicizing to denote names and actions...but for some reason the new forum set-up wont LET ME! The cursor will NOT behave! HELP!

    Also, the "edit" function gives a much larger, more convenient window for typing in. The window we are expected to type in when originally posting is the "quick response" window, which is too small.

    I had -meant- to post more quotes, but I cant stand it! AAAAAARRRGH!



    (Thank you for your tolerance of my intolerance) ;)

  4. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    Im amazed that its never occured to the writers at DC that the simplest explanation for why the Joker still draws breath is that Gotham, whatever state it happens to be in, DOESNT ALLOW CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. That would be SO simple to mention in-world, and it would clear up all of those damnable "Batman is responsible for everything Joker does now" arguements.

  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    For some reason, its been a long time since I posted quotes. Here are some quotes from the Rune Peaks campaign to get me back in the groove.


    Xasha: Priestess of the Raven Queen (looks like young Jennifer Connelly all gothed out)

    Anushka: Fighter/Rogue (looks like gothy Milla Jovovitch)

    Azyrabett: Ranger Deer-Centaur (looks like Mena Suvari with hooves and antlers)

    Davor: Half Orc Wizard (looks like Michael Chiklis painted green)

    Raezel: Half Giant Paladin of the Raven Queen (looks like Justin Hartley from Smallville)




    GM: The nice thing about Davor being bald is that theres less friction when Xasha smacks him upside the back of the head for being...well...Davor.




    Azyrabett (OOC) (Who is played by the GM's wife): Dont be a jerk.


    GM: Ill try...but you know me, so you know that my options are limited.




    GM: The coelocanth has left the hammer!




    Anushka (OOC): Wow! You really flinched!


    GM: It was coming straight for my head!


    Azyrabett (OOC): I was just tossing you an M&M


    GM: I thought it was a roach! Anything comes at my head, I think its a roach! 0_0




    GM: The entire Hobgoblin army is looking around excitedly, and chanting "Helthor! Helthor! Helthor! Helthor!"


    Azyrabett (OOC): You know this Helthor guy is like 2 feet tall, and wears pink shoes... ;)





    (New session) GM: *Looking around at the table, prepping to run* I seem to know where everything is...which frightens me...because that means that whatever Ive forgotten is soemthing I dont know...




    GM: Its going to take you all about thirty minutes of grunting, sweating, pulling, prying, pushing, heaving, hauling, and swearing to get anything accomplished on this.


    Azyrabett (OOC): So its kind of like putting together Ikea furniture?




    GM: *Reaches for the big box of figures hes set aside for today*


    Xasha (OOC): If you pull out "Vampire Potato People", Im....giving you a medal...and then Im going to leave!




    Rhiona, hawt Dwarven priestess of the Mountains: *Pulls out a sling stone and holds it out at arms length toward and enemy*


    Slingstone: *Shoots out at supersonic speed with a loud BANG!*


    Big Bad Ogre: *DIES!*


    Xasha: .....Earth girls are scary!


    Rhiona: We're just well-grounded ;)




    Davor: *Gets a Cone of Cold spell out*


    Fire Ogres: *Fail their saves*


    GM: The Fire Ogres fall over and shatter....*looks at the map*...limiting their ability to "flank" you.




    GM: *Erases a bunch of notes and blows across the page with the intent of scattering the eraser shavings....but also knocks over about half of the cardstock miniatures we are using*


    GM: Um...can you fix my egregious stupidity?


    Azyrabett (OOC): I can repair the effects..... ;P




    Xasha (OOC): Theres very little that this thing can do that doesnt get an "Ewwwww!" out of someone.


    GM: It tries to cover Anushka in a vomit of grubs.


    Xasha and Azyrabett (OOC): EWWWWWWW!




    Davor: *Scoops goop off of Xasha* Eww.


    Anushka (OOC): And THATS the Orc!




    GM: Now that youve got your resident Were-bear rigged up in Japanese bondage ropes, she can pull the raft for you.




    Werewolfy Demi-God of Ultimate Evil: *HOOOOWWWWWLLLLZZZZ!*


    Entire Party: *Fearz!*


    Rhiona: *Casts a Remove Fear*


    GM: The Remove Fear washes over you, giving you a warm, Dwarvish feeling of comfort and safety.


    Xasha (OOC): "Dont worry. Its just a big doggy. Have another beer and dont give it another thought."


    GM: ....Yes, basically :)




    Azyabett: I roll a "15". That doesnt hit, does it?


    GM: That wouldnt hit its nuts*ck if it was lying on a pedestal.




    Clannak the Dwarven soldier: *Sights down his long-range sight for his crossbow* Rhiona, whats the wind?


    Xasha (OOC): "Its the invisible movement of air molecules...but thats not important right now!" [/airplane]




    GM: So Azyra, I assume that youre going to allow Anushka to peek around the corner of the stairs?


    Azyrabett (OOC): Well, Ive been thinking about pushing Anushka headlong down the stairs, and then tripping Raezel so he goes tumbling after, and then starting to sing a bawdy bar tune as loud as I can...but Ive decided that it would be better to do that another time.




    GM: I'll use a d12 to represent the fire, since I know I wont need it for anything else.


    Azyrabett (OOC): *Woefully, in sympathy for the lonely d12* You dont know.... :(




    Xasha (OOC): So.... we have befriended a "Pretty Ogre", a "Clever Ogre", and a "Graceful Ogre".....my whole world is upside down >_<




    GM: Your belief is absolutely accurate and totally irrelevant.


    Azyrabett (OOC): Thats fair. :)




    Azyrabett: Look! Theyre playing LOGASTOK!


    Davor: Whats that?


    Azyrabett: Lay On the Ground And Stab The Other Knight! :D




    Anushka (OOC): The Hand is Good! The Morningstar is Bad!


    GM: Thank you, Zardoz!




    GM: It hurts when I PVP...

  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Some new Embria stuff (see my sig for pics)



    Thieves: *Sneak attack Rhiannon!*


    Rhiannon's armor: *Bounces half their attacks harmlessly off her armor and she only takes a minor scrape along the ribs*


    Rhiannon: I detect thieves!


    Metreon: I dont recall a spell like tha-.... Oh.




    Metreon: *Finds a scroll, looks at it, and looks...TOO happy*






    Metreon (OOC): This was a cavalcade of suck!




    GM: The walls are racks, once filled with wine bottles. Now they are nearly empty. Broken glass litters the floor. A pair of skinless, drooling dog-things attack you!


    Rhiannon (OOC): What are they, Booze-hounds? :D




    Chyra (OOC): *Pompous spoiled-rich-girl voice* I'M an 8th level Undead Aspect Sorceress! Do you think that I would be afraid of this dark hallway? Do you? .... Well youd-be-right! *Dashes out of the room*



    Lee: *Hits the Succubus with a Dimensional Anchor spell* She's not going anywhere!


    Metreon: I love you in a way that your God probably doesnt approve of! :D




    Rhiannon (OOC): Wow, Varga! A 69 point Critical Hit on a Succubus! Justice just doesnt get any more poetic-ey than that!




    Metreon (OOC): Im just not comfortable with people under 30 TOUCHING anything! I always want to tell my students "Youre in college now and you THINK youre adults! But youre NOT! So just try not to move, and dont TOUCH anything until an adult, say, someone over 30 or 35, can come and help you!"

  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    One of Feline Fury's acquaintances was a guy in a full-body furry suit that left only his face exposed. He became officially known as "The Potty-Mouthed Panda", since his first appearance was chasing some guys down and beating the ever-loving tar out of them while slinging a verbal web of obscenity that legend says still hangs over parts of Los Angeles (people only think its smog ;) ). Turns out he was doing a part-time job as a "walking billboard" for a local Chinese resteraunt, the Happy Panda Garden, when these guys robbed someone in an alley and slammed into him while fleeing the scene. He threw down the sandwich board part of his outfit and took off after them, and the color-comment heavy thrashing he gave them was caught on streaming cellphone cam! And a new "hero" is born! :D

  8. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns)


    I gamed with a guy who made a character based on the Thing from the FF, only purple, with a horn on his head. Little did I know that his plan was to put a vinyl record on the tip of the horn, spin it, and call himself Rappin Rhino. The guy who made the character was a great guy, but one of those people who for some reason just cant take a supers game seriously.


    Another time a player in one of my supers games made a gold-colored knock-off of the Silver Surfer, and decided the "perfect" name for him would be.... "Groon". That guy was kind of a jerk, and eventually another player whose character had teleportation powers 'ported him up out of the stratosphere to get rid of him.


    Groon could survive in space.


    The teleporter neither knew nor cared by the time she did that.

  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Some new Embria quotes...




    GM: Then theres a HUGE explosion! Great crowds of people are running around in the streets like Muppets with their heads cut off!




    GM: The crowds are fleeing the area near the Mayor's palace


    Metreon (OOC): We run towards the blast area.


    Varga (OOC): Because we're stupid! :D


    Metreon (OOC): The word in the Common tongue is "Adventurers"




    The Mayor: *Explains what happened*


    Rhiannon: So let me get this straight...youre telling us that something went "wrong" with your having an Infernal Duke chained up in your basement that you were using as a power source for your house? YA THINK!!




    Metreon (OOC): Varga and I play "Good Cop / Bad Cop"...or in this case "Barbarian Cop / Wizard Cop"




    GM: .. And this rubble-strewn pile over here was once the Guest House.


    Chyra: *toes daintily at the debris where the building used to be* I will assume that they have been woken up by the event.




    Vampire: LOOK into my EYES, little girl!


    Chyra: *Just giggles*




    Metreon (OOC): I cast Color Spray, to try to dazzle them.


    GM: *Mimes "jazz hands" over a cone effect, and starts singing "Inna Godda Davida" *




    Metreon: *casting a spell* Shadrach ...ME..... Zintho!


    [This is only really funny if youve watched the Teen Titans cartoon]




    Rhiannon: Didnt you make any Potions of Remove Paralysis?


    Chyra: No! How would you drink them?!

  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    I got to run a session of my DCEAU campaign last week. Here are some of the highlights. The main characters are...


    Nightwing - aka Dick Grayson (Looks like young Tom Cruise)


    Catwoman - aka Selena Kyle (Looks like Morena Baccarin)


    Batgirl - aka Barbara Gordon (Looks like Danielle Panabaker)


    Robin II - Tim Drake (Looks like teen Frankie Muniz)


    Titania - Annie Clay (formerly a projection of Clayface, now independant person) (Looks like teen Natalie Portman)



    Two things: One: in the DCAU, the use "nearest local equivalents" of companies and celebrities. Two: Tim Drake (Robin II) has recently suffered from a spiral compound fracture during a fight against Two Face and his goons, in the last session. He is now in the hospital, where he has told all of his friends that he broke his leg doing radical skateboard pioneering.


    Nightwing (OOC): I go to get Tim the new Gamestation Portable, so he can play it while hes in the hospital.


    Batgirl (OOC): As he goes into the store, Dick's going to run into Babs. "Oh, hi! Youre too late; I just got the last copy of the Tony Falcon IV Skate game!"




    GM: How come every time I run this game, the cat jumps into your lap? He never sits on -anyone's- lap!


    Catwoman (OOC): He's my prop. *strokes cat smugly* =^_^=




    Alfred: Ah! Miss Selina! How good to see you again, do come in...*sotto voce* Ill just hide the silverware...and Master Tim's copy of "Stormcats, the Movie", just to be safe...




    Nightwing (OOC): Im going to go do some gymnastics.

    GM: In the Batcave?


    Nightwing (OOC): No, just out back, on the grass just off the back deck.


    Catwoman (OOC): Ill go out back and perch fetchingly on something horizontal, until he notices me. :)


    Batgirl (OOC): Just going to go and watch Dick swinging around?




    Nightwing: Its Killer Croc. Hes holing up in a cabin by a lake, up in the mountains.


    Catwoman: Going after "Slimey and Bumpy" tonight? Oh! Maybe he'll use "the trick" again! You know...throwing A ROCK! :D




    Nightwing: I have a lead on one of Two Face's hideouts. We can go see what Mister Face is up to.


    Annie: *Climbing into a classic Robin costume to sub for Tim while he's hurt* "Mister Face"?


    Catwoman: "Two" to his friends.




    Batgirl: Wait a minute; how do we get Croc back to town?


    Nightwing: We can bring the Batmobile.


    Tim: I guess you can tie him across the hood?


    Nightwing: Ill go get the deer hat




    Killer Croc: *Sees Catwoman with the others* You?! What are you doing with them? Youre supposed to be on MY side!


    Catwoman: Im not on anyones side but my own.


    Batgirl: ...Just gonna come right out and say that out loud, huh?




    Catwoman: *Whips Killer Croc* Bad luggage!




    Catwoman: *whips Killer Crock again*


    Killer Croc: AGH! Im not into that!


    Catwoman: They all say that...at first... ;)




    Killer Croc: *is finally dropped after a loooooong fight, including bouncing half a dozen tranq darts off his hide, or just soaking them up, as well as being hammered on by the whole team*


    Catwoman: *rubbing her injured shoulder; the first damage she has taken since the campaign began* Remind me not to make fun of him, anymore.




    Catwoman: The ancient Greek heroes werent so big on knowing stuff, overall. Most of them were all "We dont put ideas in your head; we put JAVELINS there instead"!

  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    And how does said hero pay for things? Isnt money green?





    More quotes from the Embria Pathfinder game. To recap the PC's group:


    Chyra: Adorable Undead-aspected Sorceress

    Varga: Hot magenta-haired barbarian babe

    Metreon: Distinguished archmage-in-training (just ask him)

    Rhiannon: Cute blonde cheerleadery field plate commando

    Leigh Reighborn: Hunky priest of Pelor the Sun God

    Helda: Varga's sticky-fingered little sister



    GM: The sun rises in the morning -


    Chyra (OOC): I glare at it.




    Metreon (OOC): That...that doesnt make any sense! All right, Im going to take off my Headband of Intellect. Does that help me to grasp what shes trying to say to me?




    GM: As you move through the city, a flight of golden-armeored men on Hippogriffs passes overhead.


    Metreon: Ah, always an impressive sight! Just dont stand under them as they go by....




    GM: And there, in his new office as High Marshal of the Silver Watch, is your father. He looks very happy to see you.


    Rhiannon (OOC): I run in and give my Daddy a big hug and a kiss on the cheek! Mwah! :D


    Chyra: *sotto voce*: I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...




    GM: And you see dancing Elven maidens outside the Veil of Flesh; a tattoo parlor and Elven body painting studio


    Rhiannon (OOC): Oh, they may be Elven women, but they aint "maidens"!


    Chyra (OOC): True dat.


    Metreon (OOC - but still said in Metreon's "Ian McKellen" voice): Oh, snap, girlfriend! Snap!




    Rhiannon: I know! we can take the FIFTY life-sized marble statues we got of Metreon's old master, Aganathzar, and build small shrines to them all over the woods. Then we can put the statues of the wrinkled old sourpuss in them, and see if we can start a new religion to "Forest Grump"! :D


    The Entire Group: *Pelts Rhi with Cheetoes*

  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    EMBRIA Quotes ride again!




    GM: Roll for Knowledge: Arcana


    Varga and Rhiannon (OOC): *sing to Viva Las Vegas* Knowleeeeedge, Arcana! ... Knowleeeeedge, Arcana! *air guitar*




    GM: ...And you also find a large, heavy book bound in iron.


    Metreon (OOC): What does the book say?


    Rhiannon (OOC): "I am an apprentice at a small, midwestern wizard's academy. I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me, but the other night I was in the library when I met this little blonde co-ed named Hermione who asked me if she could help me polish my wand, if-you-know-what-i-mean"




    Rhiannon: Wow....your old Wizard Master really liked himself. There are over FIFTY statues of the same grumpy old man here! There's a serious practical joke here, if we can just find it...




    Chyra (OOC): Me and Varga and Rhiannon will all swim naked and play in the crystal lake


    GM: You find that the Nymph has given you the ability to breathe underwater, here


    Rhiannon (OOC): Wow! The Nymph seems to really like us!


    Metreon (OOC): Well, its not like she has cable...




    GM: And when they scream, they sound like slaughtered babies


    Rhiannon (OOC): Um...arent slaughtered babies kind of....quiet? 0_0




    GM: You also find a silver statuette of Sehanine, the Goddess of the Moon and Lovers.


    Metreon (OOC): Does it vibrate?


    GM: Um....no....?


    Metreon (OOC): Do you want it to? ;D




    Metreon *fumbles putting on his shoes*


    Varga (OOC): You've been outwitted by your dirty socks!


    Metreon (OOC): They gained sentience as they gained mass. Theyre leading a revolt now!









    Missy: ...And even though I have access to time travel, I have to be careful about what I do, or Ill change things so much theyre unrecognizable. So, I wont do something stupid, like going back to kill Hitler. Everyone always does that!


    Erica: Yeah. Why else do you think the Nuremberg Rally was so big?! It was just supposed to be Hitler, Eva, and a couple of other guys!

  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    More from the Embria Pathfinder game...


    In addition to the usual crew (see my sig for details)


    Helda: Barbarian thief and Varga's little sister


    Liana: Metreon's former master's cute apprentice




    GM: The Troll King has nailed his iron crown to his head.


    Varga (OOC): Well, he IS a Troll


    Rhiannon (OOC): How "emo".




    GM: A couple of deer run past, followed closely by a pack of wolves


    Varga: *Raises her bow* Dinner?


    Rhiannon: *does the same* Sure!

    Rhiannon: *shoots a deer*


    Varga: *shoots one of the wolves*


    Rhiannon: Wait...whose side are we on??




    Rhiannon (OOC): Tapestries, or it never happened!




    Metreon (OOC): Metreon wakes up from the revel in his room, wearing a horned helmet rakishly askew, with a rare and complex alchemical formula brewing, and the desk covered in indecipherable notations, spell ink, an inky handprint, and pictograms drawn in an inky finger trying to explain how to make it.


    "How in the world did I do this?!?"




    GM: OK, so youve skinned the Gorgon, and now have whats basically a giant bull hide, covered in steel plates.


    Rhiannon: Gorgon; nature's bringandine




    Rhiannon (OOC): Im Lawful Good and blonde! I HAVE to like Halflings!




    Chyra (OOC): Im generally not family friendly.


    Varga (OOC): If youre friendly enough, you can start a family!




    GM: Vampiric Touch is Bad Touch




    Anonymous: If you watch Jaws backwards, its a movie about a shark that throws up so many people that they have to open a beach!




    GM: Make a Knowledge: Planes check.


    Rhiannon (OOC): But...we're in the mountains!




    Chyra (OOC): Im going to use Grave Touch and Touch of Fatigue to status effect it into submission!




    Metreon: *hands over his Magic Missile wand* If anything goes wrong, use this to try to escape


    Liana: Whats the word?


    Rhiannon (OOC): "GREASE!" ;D




    Helda (OOC): 29 on Stealth! I am the wind!


    Varga (OOC): *blows a "breaking wind" raspberry*




    Chyra (OOC): My Spectral Hand should follow me everywhere


    Everyone: *at once* BoooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!

  14. Re: The Hills Done Rise


    Some Embria quotes:



    GM: So, there are three Fanged Trolls and a Cave Troll. Cave Trolls have long limbs, and can climb walls like a spider.


    Metreon (OOC): Oh! THOSE are what's been raiding my nightmares! Let's just pull up a chair and watch!




    Metreon: *Catches all but one of the Trolls in a fireball*


    GM: Metreon, you're being attacked by a Troll you've just flamed.


    Metreon (OOC): "Dont use all Caps, douchebag!"




    Leigh the Cleric has had a string of misses


    Leigh: Pelor?...Mace?...I'm fighting evil?...Help a fella out!


    *Rolls a crit*






    Varga's Player's watch: *Beeps randomly at various intervals*


    Metreon (OOC): Dont be a tease! If you're going to beep, please have the decency to explode!




    Troll King: You do not have a moment. You have but an instant to live.


    Rhiannon: Whats the difference between a moment and an instant? I'm blonde ;)


    Troll King: Err...




    We are fighting the Troll King. Varga's little sister Helda is with us.


    Helda: *Moves next to Leigh* You're cute! ;)


    Leigh: *Concentrating* Not now...


    Rhiannon: No, shes right. Youre pretty much cute all the time :D


    Metreon: *Annoyed* Tip your waitress! Can we PLEASE just fight the Troll King, here!?




    PS: I want our old Emoticons back! You cant tell a " ; ) " from a " : D "

  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Some quotes from the Rune Peaks:


    Azyrabetta: Deer-centaur ranger

    Xasha: Luscious priestss of the Raven Queen (a Death Goddess)

    Anushka: Lithe fighter-rogue

    Raezel: Half-giant Paladin of the Death Goddess

    Davor: Half Orc Wizard.




    Xasha (OOC): Wait a minute...Theres a "Dwarf Mafia" here?


    Anushka (OOC): "D-Mob"


    Azyrabetta (OOC): Where do you think Santa gets all those toys?




    GM: I WILL whip cheese at you!




    GM: Darnit!...Normally I can pick up a piece of trash with my toes without making a Dwarf Lord look like a total idiot!




    GM: There are pacifists in the world....Not many, and they dont last long....




    GM: I was trying for something clever to say, but I failed my SAN check...




    Anushka (OOC): So I detect the assassin? Cool. Im going to jump to here and skewer him.


    GM: So Anushka leaps forward and attacks the INVISIBLE ASSASSIN that was lurking in wait for her?


    Anushka (OOC): Yes. *Looks smug*


    GM: *clearly wondering how his evil plan got derailed* ........Ok


    Azyrabetta (OOC): Too smexy. For this dungeon. :D




    GM: Ok, does anyone else want to do anything in the 2 rounds remaining of this Silence spell?


    Azyrabetta (OOC): Yes. Im going to fart. Ive been holding it in for months!


    GM: *Measures distances* Hmm....too bad youre not IN the area of effect. Everyone else is, except Davor. He looks at you, then says casually," Eight. Maybe an eight and a half".


    Azyrabetta: *dies of embarassment*




    Davor: I need about 10 minutes.


    Azyrabetta: How come?


    Davor: Im playing with the fundamental forces of reality that can BLOW APART YOUR BRAIN!


    Azyrabetta: You dont want to DO that! :o




    GM: Their clubs are carefully made, and iron binded.


    Anushka (OOC): You mean "bound".


    Azyrabetta (OOC): So theyre masterwork clubs?


    GM: No, they arent masterwork.


    Anushka (OOC): Cause then they would have been "bound" :D




    Azyrabetta (OOC): I should have started knitting this a while ago.


    Anushka (OOC): Why? When did you want it to be finished?


    Azyrabetta (OOC): NOW! :(




    Azyrabetta (OOC): Did that turkey just say "bukkake"?




    GM: He rolls a natural "20" to hit.....and he rolls a "1" to confirm the crit.


    Xasha (OOC): So, he decided to roll average, the hard way?




    GM: You see three stirges...


    Xasha (OOC): Larry, Moe, and Curly?


    Anushka (OOC): No love for Shemp?


    GM: One of them says "Im not allowed to take peoples' Constitution Stats any more...I got arrested, and Im on proboscis".


    The Group: *Throws stones at the GM*




    Anushka (OOC): *Comes in buttering a biscuit* This is how I roll. ;)




    GM: Inside you find eight large, oblong shapes. They look like some kind of eggs. They are each about the size of a watermelon, and are black and leathery. They pulse from within with an inner light...


    Anushka: ...Funky.




    Xasha (OOC): Its like World of Warcraft armor....big cathedrals on your shoulders... a drawbridge on your head...




    GM: Remember way back in high school, when Anushka was running that one time, and rolled up that "random encounter"? And so a small keep with 500 men in it came falling out of the sky? Well, this is nothing at all like that.

  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    I'm suddenly picturing a guy that looks like Ray Walston's character from Fast Times at Ridgemont High doing Father Whitemane's rather disgruntled dialogue

    in the above quote...


    Major Tom 2009


    Kudos to you! Most of the characters in our games are "bodycast". Father White mane does, in fact, look like Ray Walston! :D

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