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Posts posted by input.jack

  1. Re: WWYCD: "Dear Superhero" (Warning: Ugly situation)


    The problem with a scenario like this is that it depends on a couple of campaign assumptions.


    In comics (and most games), the "deconstructionists" like to point out things like this kind of situation, or other humanitarian uses of powers, and decry the superhero as being nothing more than an egotistical narcissist who fights crime for the glory, ignoring the more horrific parts of the world, where things like this are happening in our world for real.


    However, in comics (and most games) that happens because reading about Captain Comet digging irrigation canals is kind of...dull. And a siauation like the one described is complicated and would honestly take a large investment of time and effort to really solve.


    However, it also depends on superheroes being a particularly "American" phenomenon, and that isnt the case for all campaigns. In a "real" superhero world, even a dark gritty Iron Agey one, there would likely be a more even spread of people with powers unless the origin of powers was somehow tied in to nationality. And that said, there would already be several supers on BOTH sides of these conflicts. Maybe the soldiers are led by a Warlord with powers. Maybe a group of African superheroes is already opposing them. Maybe their efforts play out like The Magnificent Seven, where they succeed, but at a cost.


    Even if there ARE no African superheroes for some reason, I think most superheroes would have to take some kind of action, if for no other reason than they were asked for, specifically. And you cant hold their previous lack of action on the matter against them; it was stated in the set-up that the press has ignored this, and how are we supposed to know whats going on half a world away if no one tells us about it?


    I cant know what Ive never been told.


    If I encountered this in a game, my reactions would depend on the character to some degree as far as methodology. But they WOULD get involved.


    If the GM was trying to make a social statement of how superheroes cant really effect change, Id ask why they decided to run a superhero game in the frelling first place. Thats my problem with "dark gritty" campaigns; they are often unrealistically dark and oppressive. And that defeats the purpose of playing superheroes.


    Black Bat would gather as much intel as possible, and deposit the dossier on the lap of Guardian Alpha.


    Guardian Alpha would fly to the embattled villiage, and let them try to take it over when there was effectively a Kryptonian in the room! After first contact with the soldiers, he would track them down to their encampment and take out their leaders, depositing them bound on the steps of the U.N. building in New York City, where he would give a report to the authorities about who they are and what they have done. He would then go back and make sure someone new wasnt moving in on the town.


    Something like this would probably get him to start hunting down African heroes and getting them involved, as well as making him devote four days a week to world wide problems, rather than just two. Much of that time would be spent trying to bring an end to the conflicts in Africa, and in a well-run superhero campaign should probably involve discovering that there is some kind of master villain behind all the coups and takeovers and rebel factions, to keep Africa destabilized and easy to exploit (especially for diamonds). Once that person was taken out, Africa should (in the game) begin to stabilize.


    Because superhero worlds are NOT OUR WORLD. The very existence of people with powers CHANGES things on a very fundamental level. Should it all be sweetness and roses? No. But the simple sociological fact is that in a world where individuals can have personal power of that magnitude, youll see those people rising to the top of both criminal organizations and law enforcement (sanctioned or not), simply because they can. Selfish supers will use their powers for personal gain, and altruistic supers will stop them.


    In the Titans Rising game, we encountered a similar situation, where there had been a terrible disaster in Myanmarr, and the government had decided to confiscate all the aid dropped in and collect it at their military bases, and NOT distribute it. meanwhile they were also denying all foreign aid from entering the country. (This all really happened in OUR world, btw).


    The characters wanted to help, but we didnt want to provoke an international incedent either and make it worse. So we started intercepting the air dropped aid containers and whisking them away from the local military, then we would distribute the food and supplies ourselves to the locals where the container had been dropped. (The people it was meant for were the people getting it). We also hunted down some BBC and CNN correspondents and made sure they knew -all- about what the local government was doing.


    It forced the government to change its play.


    Later we were talking about my DC game, and "What Would Superman Do" came up.


    The way I see Superman, he would fly to the country in question, walk into their military base, take the aid containers (ignoring the fact that they are shooting him), and distribute it to the people. Rinse, repeat. He would then help rebuild towns, shore up bridges and dams, etc. Yes, he is violating their national sovereignty. But Superman sees himself as a representative of Earth and all its people, not of any one nation.


    "Tell me again how letting these people starve is the right thing to do."

  2. Re: Superhero Images


    Nexus, I have long admired Chris' work. Glad to see some more


    InputJack, One thing I admire most about this pick is that she actually seems to be holding a mace in her hands. I've seen artists whom I consider supremely talented unable to make their characters hold a weapon believably. So hats off to you there. I also love the wings, arms, and shoulders.


    The hair is awesome but seems a couple of decades removed ;) Her face is great the mask is good and I like her lips and chin. She's a little too large, IMO but that doesn't detract from the picture. Well done.





    As far as the hair goes, Im totally a product of the 80s. Plus, the campaign was set in 1986 ;)



    Here's what she looks like without the helmet



  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    One of my friends is running a Swords and Sandals, 1980's B-Movie fantasy game. The PCs are:


    Talik Kael - Hawk Knight. (Heroic, dashing, not used to being the Straight Man)


    Hakkar - Ex Gladiator, member of a race thats 7 feet tall and has four arms




    GM: So you dismiss last night's dancing girl "conquests"...


    Hakkar (Half OOC): I do not merely dismiss them! I allow them to recover, and contemplate a life full of lesser men!




    The characters are about to camp in the desert, where Hakkar's people live.


    Hakkar: And remember, my friend; no matter how shapely the cactus looks while you are drunk, you must shave it before mounting!


    Talik: :nonp:



    Talik and Hakkar are ambushed by a Giant Scorpion.


    Talik: *Spurs his Riding Raptor and shoots the scorpion to very little effect*


    Hakkar: *Rushes the monster weilding two heavy scimitars and two shortswords*


    Talik: *Looks around* There are three more of these things, you know!


    Hakkar: Im sure there are thousands, scattered across the desert!


    Talik: I meant HERE!


    Hakkar:...I was NOT aware of that!




    Hakkar (OOC): *Handing the GM a miniature and commenting on its size class*: Its a bit small for Large...thats a sentence thats going to come back to haunt me :help:




    Cultist: The power of the mighty God Vaenar flows through me!


    Hakkar: ...Is it sticky?


    Talik: It will be! *Stabnation!*

  4. Re: Superhero Images


    And this is a drawing of the DC Earth Alpha version of Hawkgirl I just finished recently. (I know; shes more topheavy than HG is supposed to be. Like I said, this is the DC Earth Alpha version) ;)



  5. Re: Superhero Images


    Thanks! I needed a close-up of him to get an understanding of how his jaws fit together. In the DCAU he looks like if he eats anythign itll fall out the sides of his mouth. But I took the same general shape, and applied "T-Rex cheeks", and viola! Now he looks like a real creature :)

  6. Re: Superhero Images


    Oh it was particularly because our "baby sitters" (Department 99) were these ultra serious semi black ops/covert operations supers.


    Real Serious types


    Playing minders for a bunch of super powered 2 yr olds.


    They earned their experience points for that story arc. :D


    I particularly like the one with the tied-on mustache :D

  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Ive got an evil brain that LOVES to mangle lyrics. Usually in "Weird Al" type ways.


    Vixen's "Love made me blind to the truth" becomes "Love made me blonde to the roots".


    Its been happening since I was a kid. The BeeGees "More than a woman (more than a woman to me)" became "Bald-headed wombat! (Bald headed wombat with fleas)".


    It never ends.


    My room mates have threatened me with violence if I dont keep this stuff to myself :hush::help::nonp:

  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    We started a Star Wars game this weekend, set 10 years after the Battle of Endor, in the GM's own continuity (rather than the hideous mess that is the SW EU). The PCs:


    Raene Taa: An ex-Imperial officer who spent 8 years as a Hutt slave, and was rescued by the Republic. Raene is Bodycast as Pink


    Dirk Nightstrider: A cocky young Jedi, one of the first graduates of Master Luke's Jedi Academy. Dirk is Bodycast as Jensen Ackles


    Princess Asha Nabarrie: Diplomat from Naboo, and neice of the late Queen Amidala, who bears a striking resemblance to her aunt. Asha is Bodycast as Natalie Portman.

    (Asha's Player thought that Padme got the shaft in the last Prequel, and wanted to give poor Natalie Portman a chance to do something in the Star Wars universe)(In this continuity "Queen of Naboo" is an inherited title, not an elected office).




    [The PCs are all present for a celebration to commemorate the successful return from its shakedown cruise of the Liberty; the first of a new line of "Star Defenders"]


    GM: ...And its about the size of a Super Star Destroyer. And its clearly of Mon Cal design.


    Asha (OOC): So...its like a giant flying space pickle?


    GM: ...Yes.


    Asha (OOC): *Points skyward* ZENTRAEDI! :o


    GM:*Points to the door* Wrong franchise! Get off the set!


    Asha (OOC): *Mimes slinking away in shame* :hush:




    GM: Your transport comes out of hyperspace uncomfortable close to the 18 Kilometer-long monstrosity of a ship that is the Liberty.


    Dirk: Well....I dont feel as manly anymore...




    GM...So each Mandalorian makes their own armor.


    Asha (OOC): So is there a guy out there in tragic armor like a catcher's vest and a hockey mask?


    GM: The other Mandalorians look at him as "Jethro the Mandalorian", whose deflector shield just doesnt glow as bright as anyone else's ;)




    [The characters are on Nar Shadda, the "planet-city of sin" in the SW universe. Like Las Vegas only without the rules. The PCs need to find out some things regarding the local underworld.


    Raene Taa takes Dirk Nightstrider to an S&M club. When they return, Asha askes Dirk what happened.]


    Dirk: She took me to a club...where they hit each other...for pleasure :nonp:


    Raene: You make it sound strange :D




    [A Pat Benetar video comes on TV]


    Asha (OOC): I remember "Benetars" at school, back in the 80s.


    Dirk (OOC): Pat Benetar acolytes?


    GM: "Gessay Benetar-ts!"



  9. Re: Recurring NPC's


    I guess my most memorable one would be Captain Adventure.


    Captain Adventure was not a member of the team. They talked to him a few times, and he was a very gung-ho, optomistic, never-say-die kind of guy...but he honestly just wasn't in the PCs weight class. He would be more at home with the Spleen or the Shoveller than with Captain America or Spider-man.


    But often he would call the PCs when he ran into trouble. Or he would just get to the scene of a villain plot first. And the PCs would arrive to find him, face-down on the pavement and totally unconscious, and the PCs would take down the villains.


    For a long time, the group considered him a "joke NPC".


    Then, one day, a few of the PCs were talking about what it means to be a real "hero". One of the PCs said:


    AJAX: "You know who I think exemplifies the spirit of a true hero? Captain Adventure.


    I mean, think about it; for the last five years weve run across him time and time again. Most of the time hes taken a beating at the hands of enemies he cant possibly hope to defeat.


    But he never stops.


    He never gives up.


    Day after day, week after week, Captain Adventure puts his life on the line to do what's right, with no thought of reward. And even though he knows, he KNOWS that we "big leaguers" make fun of him, he never complains. He never whines. He never even lets on that he knows no one, "hero" or "villain", really takes him seriously!


    I know he doesnt have any powers. I know hes not as well trained as the Revenant, or as good with a weapon as Huntress....and he knows it too. And hes still out there.


    Captain Adventure is MY hero."

  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From the Embria Pathfinder game:



    GM: So, the next day, youre out at the farm...


    Varga (OOC): I love these "Boots of Jump-cut" :D




    Hobgoblin: *Fires an arrow at Rhiannon and nicks her thigh*


    Rhiannin: *Fires back with her crossbow, hitting the Hobgoblin solidly in the shoulder*


    Hobgoblin: Human b*tch!


    Rhiannon: You shot first! :P


    Metrion: (sotto voce) Shes concerned with fairness here! Thats so cute!




    Metrion (OOC): Eat sh*t, monkey-f**k!


    Rhiannon (OOC): Um...was that in character?


    Metrion (OOC): Of course not! Im not playing a Bard! :cool:




    [The group has been following clues concerning an ancient Dwarven legend. For some reason, no one thought to ask the Dwarven blacksmith we know about it, even though the legend concerns a Dwarven smith.


    Varga: Are you busy, Master Smith?


    Blacksmith: No, not at the moment.


    Varga: Ill be back


    [Varga goes back to the inn and finds Metrion relaxing with the group]


    Varga: Are you busy?


    Metrion: Not too busy. What is it you need?


    Varga: *Hefts Metrion up over her shoulder and runs to the Blacksmith's shop*


    Varga: *Sets metrion down* Talk.


    Blacksmith: :nonp:


    Metrion: You mean you dont travel by Barbarian? I highly recommend it! :D

  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    My friend "J" was wandering around town late one night' date=' and while meandering through the 24 hour grocery store, noticed an empty pallet in the produce section. It was there to eventually support a box of watermelons or somesuch, but he just saw a raised area...and since all the world's a stage, he hopped up and recited Mark Antony's speech from Julius Caesar to an empty store. He then hopped down, and wandered back out onto the streets. A couple minutes later a cop car rolled up to the curb.


    "Were you just in the IGA reciting Shakespeare?"


    "Yes, I was."


    "...well, we got called by the night manager. Don't do it again."


    And the cop car pulled away. No explanation as to why he couldn't do it again, there was nobody in the store to disturb, but J decided not to bother reciting Shakespeare in the IGA again.



    Isnt that a violation of your friend's First Amendment rights? Freedom of (Shakespearean) speech!

  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    One of my friends started a new, intentionally short-run "Swords and Sandals" fantasy game. There are two PCs:


    Talek: A dashing Hawk Knight (rides a huge war-falcon)

    Hakkar: A "D'jareel"; a seven and a half foot tall, four armed desert nomad, who is a gladiator.




    Hakkar (OOC): Im going to "Bodycast" Stone Cold Steve Austin, because I can see him with a goatee, he is frequently bald, and I dont respect him enough that Ill miss the character when the game is gone




    GM: "I hear that youre looking for work"

    Hakkar (OOC): Says? .....You know what, it doesnt matter. "YES!"




    [brigands hire Hakkar to break the arms of Talek and take his money, figuring hes from a city-state far away and has no back-up. They tell Hakkar that Talek has come into town and insulted them so greatly that they cannot even speak of it.


    When confronted, Talek manages to convince Hakkar to fight unarmed, in a small cleared space as an "arena". While they fight, the brigands sneak in and try to backstab BOTH of us]


    Hakkar: I am not an opening act! I am HAKKAR! The renowned Gladiator! And if the offense that this man gave you by merely entering your city was enough to render you insensate and woman-like, THIS will probably be Fatal!


    [it was]

  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    [All of the Players have been given Star Marines to play in addition to their normal characters, as we storm a space-pirate base. The Player of Catwoman (and Wonder Woman) in the DCEAU game manages to have a standout among the crowd]




    Wonder Woman's Player's Star Marine: *Opens up with a BFG* Say Hello to my little friend!




    Same Star Marine: *One change of energy clips later* Dont run! Dont run! My friend Pepe wants to tell you something!




    [Another Player's Marines take down a group of baddies]


    Same Star Marine: Aw man! Quit hoggin' them all!



    Same Star Marine: *Sees a group of enemy soldiers sheltered inside a bunker* Hey man! Come on out! Ive got something I wanna show you!


    Enemies: *Dont come out*


    Star Marine: Ive got a letter here for you; could be important!


    Enemies: *Dont come out*


    Star Marine: Im selling these fine camoflage jackets!


    Enemy Soldier: *Pokes his head out*




    Star Marine: See? If youd have had one of these fine camo jackets I would NEVER have seen you coming! :cool:

  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    More DCEAU Quotes:


    The Flash's player (P-Duck) was GMing the League.



    GM: A man is climbing the Himalayas. He seems compelled to climb away from his group toward a cave in the ice. As he climbs he is muttering "I must find her....the girl of my dreams..."


    Hawkgirl (OOC): In the Himalayas?!?


    Power Girl (OOC): He likes 'em BIG!


    Wonder Woman (OOC): And furry!




    Hawkgirl (OOC): Sure, Ill watch the movie with Flash and Power Girl.


    Flash (OOC) *Mimes kicking back on the couch with an arm around each of the girls*:....He doesnt know what movie it is




    An energy wave hits the Watchtower


    Flash: My popcorn!


    Power Girl: Whats the problem? You can pick it all up before the 10 second rule!




    On Themyscera, the newly-awakened Circe has freed Echidna, Mother of All Monsters. Echidna slithers up out of the tunnel, flanked by the legendary Chimera and Manticore.


    Hawk Girl: Huh. I didnt know you Earthers did this kind of genetic manipulation!




    Echidna: Ahhhh! After all these centuries! Fresh air!


    Wonder Woman: *glares* Dont get used to it.




    Hawk Girl: *One-punches Manticore with her Nth Metal mace*


    Echidna: My baby! *Wigs smooth out*


    Power Girl: Ewwww! Snake breath!




    Power Girl: Oh no! Mommy needs a big hug! *Grabs Chimera and SLAMS it into Echidna for hideous damage!*




    GM: Ares calls down lightning, and-


    Hawk Girl (OOC): Arent we underground?


    GM: Ares calls down lightning, and the ceiling cracks as the lightning seeks YOU! *Rolls* He rolls a natural 20!


    Hawk Girl: Uh-oh. *Rolls* I roll a natural 20 to resist!


    Hawkgirl catches the lightning bolt on the haft of her mace, being driven to one knee. But she isnt hurt, other than a few singed feathers, and she has REALLY "big hair"




    Power Girl (OOC): I do an All-Out Power Attack Slam Coup-de-Grace!


    GM: Overachiever! ;P

  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From the DC Earth Alpha Universe campaign


    PC's are Wonder Woman, Power Girl, and the Flash



    Martian Manhunter has taken a leave of absence, and called in the Atom as his replacement.


    Atom: Oh, and you must be Hawkgirl :)


    Hawkgirl: *Looks sidelong at her wing* Obviously.


    Wonder Woman: *whispers to Hawkgirl, making "feathers" with her hands by her ears* Its the hat ;)




    GM: So theres a tourist taking a picture of the "scenic overlook" in Central City...


    Flash (OOC): I zip in, throw a "peace sign", and zip out, so fast he wont realize what happened until one of his friends says "Hey! You got a picture of the Flash!" "No I didnt, I...hey!" :D




    Wonder Woman *Deflecting blaster fire with her bracers*: You know, it didnt work the first two dozen times you shot at me...but I admire your determination!




    Power Girl (OOC): Starro is still "flat tentacled", right?




    Power Girl's costume gets shredded in front by a grabby pair of Starro Probes, and in back by blaster fire. Some "drones" (people with Starro Probes on their faces, controlling their minds) shoot at the Flash, making him have to duck.


    Flash: Hey! Dude! I was having a FANTASY here! :tsk:




    Starro blasts Power Girl, who resists the blast with minimal damage, but it shreds her tattered costume clean off of her


    Flash: Wow...I love her...I want to marry her...Im....saying all this out loud...but at least shes over there...where she cant hear me...except that she has super-hearing...and Im still talking. Why am I still talking?!?




    Flash attacks Starro with a flurry of autofire punches and kicks, yelling his kiai's


    Flash: Hai! Hai! Hai! Ho! Hai! Ow! Oww! Oww! Barnacles!





    The Leaguers discover that Starros plan was to take over the planet, and have the inhabitants build a telepathic control amplifier relay, to let him take over other star systems


    Flash: Huh...Ambitious little cephalopod!

  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Some quotes from the Embria fantasy game:




    [Pelor is the God of the Sun]


    Metrion the Black: If we leave for Sternhelm now, we could arrive just in time for the Festival of Pelor.


    Chyra: But we wont have anywhere to stay; all the inns will be fun


    Rhiannon: Its not nice to rain on Pelor's parade




    GM: So the big, muscley, burly bald guy, with an eye patch and numerous scars, tries to paw Rhiannon's bottom when shes on her way past


    Rhiannon: *slaps his hand away* Hey! Watch it, buddy!


    Metrion the Black (OOC): Just out of curiousity, are there any comely barmaids hereabouts?


    Rhiannon (OOC): The guy with the eye patch is the "comely barmaid" here :P


    Metrion: :nonp:




    [The group has gone to a much classier establishment, and Metrion is at another table, hobnobbing with a local Sage]


    Metrion: Yes, my friends have...


    Rhiannon (OOC): Im leaning back in my chair, trying to balance a cube of cheese on the tip of my nose :D


    Metrion: .....My friends have unfortunately LEFT




    Chyra (OOC): Im an Undead-aspected Sorceress. I dont really dig the Festival of Pelor. Im going to stay inside, wearing a hooded cloak, and sulk.


    Rhiannon (OOC): My last name is Sunmane! So during the festival Im going to be running around, barefoot in the streets, with flowers in my long golden hair, merrily joining in on all the spontaneous singing and remarkably well synchronized dance numbers going on :D




    Chyra (OOC): Disney whore! :P


    Rhiannon (OOC): Emo slut! :P


    (Theyre best friends)



    Mwetrion (OOC): Ill head downtown, even though its after sundown


    Rhinaonon (OOC): *goes off* Metrion can go down dark alleys at night, cause he knows Magic Missile!


    I mean if a guy jumps out all "Hey mang! I cut you!",


    Then Metrion would be like "Begone, varlet! I possess the Power Arcane!"


    And the guy would be all "...Hey! *switchblade snikt* Give me THAT! I WANT it!"


    And Metrion would be like "*shrug* If you insist..." BA-ZAP! "He did insist!"


    Metrion: (OOC) :nonp:




    Varga (OOC): Do you need a nap?!?


    Rhiannon (OOC): ....maybe :o

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