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Everything posted by Taurus

  1. Re: Teen Champion Cover! I guess there's no pleasing some people. I think the cover is great.
  2. Re: Long winded request for assistance if this is a rule how does this uber-terror guy throw out 30-40 dice? is that a typo?
  3. Re: Big Question: How did superpowers come about in your campaign? i havent had a chance to address that yet since the group i run has yet to encounter other 'supers' yet. the heroes in my campaign were given their powers through genetic manipulation and then abandoned on a planet far away from earth so they're just encountering aliens and stugff. their first objective is to get back to earth, but since that's not for a long time in the campaign i havent really thought about it. i might just use the hero universe explaination.
  4. Re: robots and gun ports i suppuse you are right. i just like to have stuff pretty well defined so my players don't accuse me of making stuff up as i go along.
  5. hello mr. long, on page 458 of fifth revised there is part a paragraph about autmatons that states "... if it takes Body, it loses one of the following: one Power; 10 STR; 1 SPD; or 1 normal sense." then it says it is up to the gm, which makes sense. my questions is this. does this loss of a power/sense/str/etc happen with every attack that does BOD after defenses? or if the attack does a certain amount of damage? or if the automaton has taken a certain amount of accumulated damage? or is it all gm call? thanks
  6. i am building a robot npc. this robot has laser gun ports all over its armor, like one on each shin, thigh, forearm, shoulder, stomach and two on the chest and two on the head. when he gets shot and takes BOD damage i want to simulate his different weapons being destroyed. if i'm not using hit locations how should i write up this effect? the robot has 20 BOD and 13 guns, so if he was down to 10 BOD i would want half of his lasers to be destroyed. i guess this would be some kind of limitation on the lasers, but what value would you put on it and would the enforcement of the limitation just be a bit of handwaving? or maybe make a chart like this? BOD GUNS DESTROYED 20 0 19 1 18 1 17 2 16 3 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 5 11 6 10 7 9 7 8 8 7 9 6 9 5 10 4 11 3 11 2 12 1 13 0 13 and then i guess when a new weapon is damaged cuz it took enough BOD i could then just roll on the hit location chart to see which gun wuz destroyed. i dunno... is that too complicated? is there a better way?
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