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Everything posted by Tanya-J

  1. Re: Help me make a choice... I'd go with either UNTIL DoF or Vibora Bay. Since magic is a strong element in your game, I'd probably agree with Lord Liaden and go for Vibora Bay. Tanya
  2. Re: Rock Tour Champions? This helps quite a bit. I've had her run into a standard serial killer already, but I might work in one with a metahuman flair--the old vampire/werewolf masquerade ploy, for example. Also, bringing in the energy drain works quite nicely. I was planning on using a modified Scarlet from the Vibora Bay sourcebook once the character gets back to modern day, and this could be a lead-in to that, especially if the other-world contacts are the same. And, of course, the two could tie in together. Maybe the bigger band's manager has mystic ties and is using the group to drain audiences, and one of the flunkies has started doing things to endanger the masquerade--sort of like what happened in The Howling. "Might be fun, what with her government ties in the future, to pit her against the forces of authority." This is one I'm going to have to play with. Thanks for bringing it up! "Time to think outside the box, I suppose. " Which is why I turn to you guys! Seriously, I appreciate the help. What with grad school and everything, it's easy for me to overlook opportunities. Thanks! Tanya
  3. Re: Rock Tour Champions? Also, Patricia's working both as a roadie and as a music tutor/understudy. She knows a lot more instruments than the bandmembers do, and they are trying to experiment with sounds. She'll be emergency stand-in if any of the members go down for one reason or another. ("What do you mean the bassist has been arrested?!?!?") Tanya
  4. Re: Rock Tour Champions? Doh! Yes, that'll work out great. It'll also give me an excuse to rewatch some of the classics. Thanks! And, of course, the other roadies, managers, etc. can have illegal ties as well. Thanks! Tanya
  5. I'm running a solo game, and the character has bounced back in time and has lost her powers--she's normally a bargain-basement Green Lantern. Supers didn't appear until the mid-80s, and she's currently in the mid-70s, which is one reason for the power loss--I wanted to keep overt metas out of that timeline until the proper time. I originally intended on only keeping her back in time for a short time, just long enough to run a Call of Cthulhu-style story-arc as a change of pace. (The character works for the government, and could normally call in more resources than my plot would allow, so I dropped her back before these resources existed.) We made it through that block, but the player has asked to stay in the 70s for a while longer, and I'm trying to figure out a way to accomodate. The character is a musician with a 70s fixation, and she's hired on as a roadie for one of her favorite acts, just before they hit it big. Our last session ended with Patricia taking out the Cthulhu nasty and rescuing the woman (her best-friend's mother back in 2005) about to be used as a sacrifice to the elder gods. She found out that the group has been hired as the opening act of a current hit band, so she's going to be heading on a larger tour than she'd anticipated. So now I have to figure out how to do this. I have lots of characters with interpersonal problems that can come into play. Two of the bandmembers are sisters, and they are dating two brothers, who are also in the band. One of the relationships is stable, but the other is shakey. There are all sorts of sudden-fame problems that can come in. I can play with some of those. Patricia has just bedded her best friend's mother, two years before the mother marries the father. Patricia barely knew the mother prior to bouncing back in time, since they just met for the first time. Since both women know the relationship is temporary, they are both throwing themselves into it pretty hard. Given this, it's not unlikely that they'll fall in love, setting up a Casablanca-style session. However, the road doesn't leave a lot of time for non-soap elements of the game. They aren't going to be anywhere long enough to really get into the local scene. So, do you guys have any suggestions for developing plot threads that will fit into the frame? Any help would be appreciated! Tanya
  6. Re: Character: Belit, Queen of the Black Coast (Hyborian Hero) Thanks for the info! I'll be sure to pick up copies as soon as my paycheck gets here!
  7. Re: Character: Belit, Queen of the Black Coast (Hyborian Hero) Thanks for the mention! I'm also a Howard purist, and over the years I've shelled out a small fortune collecting the works as they were originally released. Unfortunately there were a few pieces that hadn't been reprinted in original form. Sure, I bought the modified versions, but they're just not the same. Somehow--probably thanks to grad school--I missed hearing about this collection. Come payday, it's mine! Tanya
  8. Re: Character: Belit, Queen of the Black Coast (Hyborian Hero) I just found this a few minutes ago as I was searching for Conanesque pirates for what I hope will be a Hero-Conan game. I, for one, love Howard's Conan--and his other material, as well. I'm currently planning on rotating sessions between two different areas, drawing from the pirate period for one group of characters and placing the other group probably in the mountain regions of Stygia, but I'm still deciding. I haven't picked up the d20 stuff, but I do have the GURPS pieces, all the Howard material, as well as the comics, although I'm not as familiar with the comics as Howard's writings. How's your Conan work coming, btw? Tanya
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