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Everything posted by WhataWorld

  1. Re: Best ever reason to NOT be a superhero... You mature, enjoy personal growth, find a different approach to your world view....and then BAM - you're back where you started, like it never happened.
  2. Re: Military Develops Non-Lethal Ray Gun I agree, it's not a wundergun panacea(that would be a phaser). In some situations it would be useless, and some situations would escalate the conflict. But can't the same be said for CS gas, rubber bullets, water cannons, troops in riot gear, etc? I'm thinking it's got a use somewhere between the orderly protesters and the pitchfork-bearing, torch-waving angry mob. It won't break up a crowd by itself, but it can make the less passionate think twice about their reasons for being there. And if it can reduce the numbers, giving the police or troops the ability to focus on the determined troublemakers, that's gotta be a good thing. Like I said earlier, I don't see a lot of military applications(maybe base defense), but more a law enforcement option.
  3. Re: Military Develops Non-Lethal Ray Gun From what I understand it's not designed as a combat weapon, but as a police weapon. It gives them 1 more level of less than lethal force that they can use against rioters & civil disturbances. I've seen this before being tested on History or Discovery Channel about less than lethal weapons. Like it was mentioned above, if it can help disperse an angry mob, without resorting to rubber bullets or police batons in hand to hand fighting, then it's doing it's job. That's not to say it can't be misused. It can, and probably will. But any device created can be(an most likley has been) misused. Doesn't mean the device is bad. Just means we have to keep an eye on the people using them.
  4. Re: Code vs Killing, in your group? My group tends to run the gamut from Cvk to "oops, did I do that?" Personally I tend not to take CvK's, prefering Code of the hero lims. I know it's a small point, but I have a tough time with "never, under no circumstances" aversion to Killing. So I end up pulling my punches until I realize the bad buy can take it. Well usually. One time we were confronted with a Big Power Armored bad guy, complete with large bomb. The countdown had started, so my brick did a full power move through on the guy. Unfortunately for him, he was only a mook, in pretty much a tinfoil suit. Didn't kill him, but my GM ruled a couple of broken limbs, fractured pelvis, some internal injuries....he was hurting in the hospital for a good while. Turns out they were a distraction for another operation going down in another part of the city. While the character was quite distraught(the bomb was a fake too), as a player I thought it was a great game. Very Supervillany.
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