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Posts posted by bloomann

  1. boegy rules


    I recently saw a really great film with Humphry Bogart where he and about five other european soldiers are defending the last water source in the desert against about five hundred thirsty nazis. Cool movie, the well goes dry, but they still have to convince the Germans who they're trying to get to hand over "guns for water" that they still have plenty of it. Could be a good nights game...they have one tank and two machine guns, if I remeber correctly. They've dug in trenches around the well. They have an italian and nazi prisoner who know the truth. The nazi kills the italian who doens't want to fight anymore and tries to escape. Oh yeah and they have sent one of their guys to go find help, just before the Nazi hoard arrives, he collapses somewhere in the desert...

    Great action movie with a lot of grit.

  2. When I was doing research on Shakspeares Hamlet I found out that the essential story was taken from a Danish legend which was chroniceled by that 12th century historian : Saxo Grammaticus. What I found was a great site : http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/DanishHistory/


    This has almost all the books translated into English. It also has a real comprehensive outline and introduction discribing Viking life, laws, types of warriors, types of weapons, how they dueled, types of spells, and different magical items. It makes for a fantastic background for a viking campaign.

    Saxo, who was writing the legends down for the Archbishop Absolom, was still knee deep in paganism, yet trying hard to rectifiy or christianize certain beliefs, thus he claimes that before man there was a period where powerful giants ruled and shaped the earth with there magic. After they fought with another race, which he called the Wizards (whom we recognize as the old Norse gods). The Wizards won this war and the giants fell into obscurity. Then man came along and replaced in his turn the prominence of the Wizards domination. During the episodes in which Saxo is writing, the gods still interact with men, sometimes helping and sometimes betraying. Giants and dragons roam about in certain savage areas but these encounters are rare.

    What you have, if you can get around the antiquated prose Saxo uses, is a fine sourcebook and fondation for an original viking campaign with very specific rules concerning spell types, weapons and different cultural aspects. Very rich material.

    What do you think?

  3. oh yeah here's the other idea I had

    using the seven deadly sins as gods, or er they are good by day, use their opposites and deadly by night (great idea i'm using from other post above)


    duh, having baby tooth pain crying mental collapse must go help the baby ....

  4. Dungeon Dweller was the very first "role playing game" I ever bought, I was really young when I discovered the Crypt of the Socerer boxed set in our local hobby shop. Heratige made (as far as I know) two boxed "paint and play " sets, Crypt of the Sorcerer and the Caverns of Doom. It was probably THE easiest system ever concieved but very complete, revolving around a single D6 throw. Your characters (archtypes in the fantasy world) had only three (!) characteristics - Endurance, Speed, and Fighting Ability. It took about ten minutes to role up characters and my group of friends and I played this simplistic system (embelishing on it of course) for over five years. Inversly we played Champions (when we finally figured it out!) before finally concecrating most of our time to playing Stormbringer. But I still remember being 12 or 13 years old and holding the Halfling figurine in my hand while trying hard to paint it to ressemble the box's excellent paint job. Ahhh. We had so much fun with this system. I think I'm going to post it, or what I remember of it, very soon, just out of love for a lost childish gaming system.


  5. Re: Hoody Hoo!!!!! I got Quoted Positively!!!!!!


    Originally posted by AnotherSkip

    Heh, just trying ta help.


    81 artifacts are cool,


    make each one you create in advance individual and leave about half undefined.



    hmm okies make the Dwarfs primarily long term/planned seige(Trebuchet, Battering Rams, and Walls, fortess construction) and Thiefs short term/off the cuff (shoring up walls, sapping, dirty tricks assassinations, man traps etc..) seige type.


    sorry anotherskip, but could you tell me what a trebuchet is? (bloomann asking whiling hanging his head in shame for not bieng a good middle ages defense specialist)

  6. Originally posted by AnotherSkip



    How about a sort of Noblise Oblige/Inheritance law wherein a pesant only needs a few (like 1-5) zombie headsto prove he's a Man/Woman(trial of manhood sort of thing) and it scales up from there wherein in order to prove oneself worthy of being a member of the nobility a person must kill x number of zombies and if you want a total lock accquiring an artifact is _the_ ultimate prize.


    Thusly it keeps the status quo has mobility and you don't have a high suicide rate of your birth and support members.... [/b]


    This is the idea that I thought was so good, but I went off on another tangent. Okay, the Cast : Fighter Prince, Cleric, and Thief, don't nessecarily control the city but they are the cities protectors, a Noblise Oblige idea would seem the way to go and ope up a whole ladder to start PCs out with, If the GM wants it to start at peasent level with teenage characters proving their stuff or they can be seasoned champoins who already posses an artifact and wield great power. This is good.

  7. this is great great,

    everytime you guys post I get a zillion ideas after. Let's say now that the story and loss of artifacts are not mellinia old but roughly two or three centuries, plummetting this world into choas. The Artifacts are spread out all over the place, in the barren savage orc countries of the far north to the evil pirate (men) kingdoms of the south, east is the land of the undead and the bad wizard cast, to the west is the demon kingdom. Also some of the artifacts have been recovered over time and still others were never stolen in the first place, although from time to time evil forces try to launch all out assaults or crafty subterfudge against the wizard's guardian keep (remember it's on an island at the center of the allied kingdoms). I'm still not sure as for the nature or what the artifacts are, it's slowly bubbling in my mind, you're right though I need to come up with concrete numbers. I was thinking there would be the first generation artifacts, perhaps the ones the first original beings brought with them when they came to this world's plane. Maybe nine, 9...Nine original light beings, nine first gen artifacts. Then the first wizards made other powerful artifacts using only a small bit of power from the originals, and on it went through the centuries...so we have a limited number, say each century the earth could only take the fabrication of 9 magic items, so in nine centuries we have nine 9 genration magic, nine 8 generation magic items and so on until we get to the source which are the big great grand daddies of magic items "the ancient sacred artifacts of immense power!!!!!!!!" (I think having only 81 "real artifacts" as opposed to your run of the mill magic items is probably a good number, but maybe too small.

    Lastly I like the thief/mech caste but then what are the dwarves going to be used for.

    does this work????

    thanks again for input....

  8. continuing the train of thought:

    so the cleric cast would be trained from birth in the art of healing and purging the undead. They learn special spells and have their own special artifact (for now its an anhk (sp?) which protects against the undead. Upon completion of their training, around thirty years of age lets say, they are given their own anhk (blessed and charged with power from the ancient artifact) then told to go stomp some undead butt.

    The thieves city is likewise the same, trained from birth to become a thief elite, the thief acolyte will learn various tricks like : disguise, hide, conceal, slieght of hand, but also special fighting techniques, becoming nearly invisible in the dark, special thief gadgets, etc...then at the ripe age of around 25- thirty if they have passed the test they are given a special thieves cloak and a quest to steal some artifact back. Remember the eastern lands beyond the twin cities are filled with the walking dead, cast out wizards etc...most of the time a cleric and a thief will form a couple to go on a quest together. This makes a union, and the basis of familly. Remember these aren't christian, muslum or our kinds of monks. The sacred walks with the profane if you will. Much like what I saw when I was travelling through India.

  9. thanks for thoughts and criticism,

    I would say that the human cities are cast related. Thus someone born in city Z (fighter city) is a fighter or a farmer, someone born in city Y is a cleric, and someone born in city X is a thief. It's still a little hazy for me too but I think I have something here. We could say that city Z has representatives from the cleric city and theives city. Also I imagined that the cleric / thief city are actually twin cities where all the males are born clerics and shipped over there and all the females are born thieves (we could always switch this around if you want to be PC about it). Also I need to define thief as a positive title. We need to think of thieves in this campaign as "honorable" thieves. They are chaotic, freespirits but they also have codes and are bound by the same alliances which bind the other kingdoms. So who do thieves steal from? Well from the bad guys, mostly wizards and demons who have fallen out of the gaurdian cast.

    Oh Oh IU got it!!!

    Lets say a in ancient times when the alliances where made between the races and the borders secured, there where ancient artifacts of immense power held in the wizards library of the wizards keep. But the guardians of the keep fell out with one another and over half left, taking or stealing most of the artifacts. Some traveled far in the east where there was only a small town far from the golden spires of the fighter city. There they began all sorts of horrible experiments with the artifacts, raising dead, creating orcs and goblins, summoning powerful demons, etc... things where soon out of control. The wizard guardians who where left called on all the races to purge this small town, and all though they managed to cast out the baddies, creating twin cities to protect the eastern border, the war is still going on. To help regain the artifacts and purge the undead the wizards formed two cast in the twin cities, the cast of clerics and the cast of thieves.

    this just came tumbling out just now so I hope it doesn't sound too contrived, I really appreciate the way you guys are helping me to shape this one up.


  10. first off thanks for the dwarf ideas, eepjr24, O'm still getting the lands maps together but it looks like this


    at the center is an island in a huge lake where the race of wizards (the males are "classic wizards the female are enchatresses (?) who more like mentalist) they live in a keep and guard the sacred text of knowledge in a vast library.


    In the west is a city like Gondor. the men are "Princely Fighters", bright golden towers and all that, these men are incredible strong 20 - 35 str, standing between 6 and 7 feet tall.


    In the North is a range of mountains where the dwarves dwell


    in the south is the "enchanted" forest where the elves live. Elves are wood elves in the campaign and lofty, dreamy beings, they only commerce rarely with men, sometimes with halflings but mostly with wizards, never with dwarves although they respect the ancient pacts and alliances binding all the races together


    Near the forest along the southern river lies the halfling city. In the campaing halfing resemble Tolkiens hobbets, peaceful, humble, pregamatic. They are great scholars in their own rights, and can read magic scrolls. They have great resistance towards mind control, illusions, etc do to their pragmatism.


    In the east lie a twin city, one is a holy city of clerecs, the other a city of thieves.


    and dwelling between the cities are a clan of rangers, again very Tolkien in attributes, tracker, hunters, healers, etc...


    all in all it's very cliché I know, but I wanted to do something that tried to capture the essesnce of the fantasy genre while keeping everything simple and well limited, that way fighting common zombies or orcs might be more interesting.


    does this help


  11. I'm working on a classic fantasy campaign setting. there are the usual races





    wizards are considered a race apart (like a small clan of gaurdian angels)

    there are no real "classes" for the races, an elf is an elf is an elf...he may be able to perform certain "tricks" but he won't be a mage/fighter/thief.

    On the otherhand men have four different classes depending on which city they come from





    Now what I need help with is defining special attributes for each race. I have some good ideas then just scanning over a few of these messages have given me even more

    for example thieves get 25% damage reduction in close combat or shadows

    halflings have ego defense against mind control, illusions (because they're soooo pragmatic) etc...

    I hope you all might provide me with a few other interesting "powers" to help me build the basic templates

    Am I asking too much????


  12. I was thinking of making it more of an area mind control thing (legal?), with a focus (holy object), or perhaps an invisible barrier that only effects undead.

    but of course a cleric should have extra presence against undead. By the way do demons count as undead? (is that a stooopid question?)

  13. the campaign that I'm working on is pretty clear cut about fighters who use magic: they can't, (unless it's a magical item) In my campaign magicians are more like a race, like elves or dwarves. Elves and halflings can only use certain spells, while men and dwarves don't use any. It goes back I guess to the way I interpret Tolkien's characters, Gandalf and the other mages are not human, but like a group of guardian angels. They are biengs of intense light/power who take the form of old wisened men on the earthly plane. Elves have some magic because of there hieghtened awareness of the nature, as are halfings, halflings also have some serious ego defense especially against mind control, probably because they are so modest humble and just not interested with gaining ultimate power. These are my quick interpretations on the races, I think it divides things pretty evenly. otherwise I'll be starting with 100+75 (only because the heroes of my campaign ar "the" most brave and noble champians of their cities...)

  14. the campaign that I'm working on is pretty clear cut about fighters who use magic: they can't, (unless it's a magical item) In my campaign magicians are more like a race, like elves or dwarves. Elves and halflings can only use certain spells, while men and dwarves don't use any. It goes back I guess to the way I interpret Tolkien's characters, Gandalf and the other mages are not human, buty like a group of guardian angels. They are biengs of intense light who ca

  15. this is good


    i've been working on an Epic Chaos (invasion) campaign for a four color champions universe and well the four main demons are pretty tough. I've just written up power frame works and still have trouble working out things like "nurgul's rot" (which i consider a major cumulative transform) or the very insidous soul tainting aspects whenever a mrtal comes into contact with one of these creatures. I'll try to put point values on all this and post it because I love this universe too.

    BTW would you consider Eldar as actively faster (6 to 8 spd high dex) than normal humains or is that just me? :confused:

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