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Everything posted by Khaymer

  1. Re: Is the Thrilling Places PDF overpriced? would be difficult for me to comment on PDF prices, as my publications so far have also been in PDFs... but the pagecount has also been much lower, so the real low prices have made sense.
  2. Re: Character: Lance Ryan I know some of the philosophies of the Bolsheviks (gradparents who survived the pogroms contributed), but the main thing was the lumping together of Bolshevik and Communist philosophies in the minds of the other players. The Bolsheviks were around in the 1920s, but I don't think the Communists were well known in the pulp era. Mostly I played Lance as a character who tried to keep his lineage a secret, but managed to toss out small clues here and there. Unfortunately the campaign didn't last long enough for it all to pay off.
  3. Re: [CAMPAIGN]Annals of the Mask
  4. Re: Traveller Hero, a major announcement I've come into this thread relatively late... doesn't mean I'm any less excited about this version! Traveller was my first intro to SF gaming; in fact I have all my original books and the small black box! I have a Konika-Minolta laser printer (I was burned by Lexmark cartidges too expensive and not lasting long here in Canada), so I'm not concerned about printing. Now to just make the budget for this.
  5. Re: Stars with inhabitable worlds Oh, I realize that... I just want mankind to be able to travel to these stars to find out in my lifetime.
  6. Re: Stars with inhabitable worlds
  7. I played this character years ago: Lance is an actor, but much more physical than most. He learned swordfare to work with Erol Flynn, and likes to brawl his way around swashbuckler style. He was a football player in college. He's also hiding a secret: his parents are Russians of the Bolshevik movement. They moved to the US before Lance was born, but have kept quiet about this fact for fear that other Americans would see seeds of distrust with the Rynovik family.
  8. Re: Stars with inhabitable worlds The sad thing is that the closest one is still further than we're able to travel yet.
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