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Soleil Noir

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Posts posted by Soleil Noir

  1. Well, it's a new year and I think we're all overdue for a return to normality, so I thought I'd put out the invitation and see if there are folks interested in starting an in-person, bi-weekly, long-term Champions campaign here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, or if there's an existing group that's got room for an additional player. 


    For my own part, I've been GMing in the HERO System for about 35 years in a broad range of genres and styles.  I don't currently have any specifics about what sort of campaign I'd be running or when, preferring to tailor the game based on player availability and interest; but I would lean towards gaming on alternate weekends during the afternoon/evening, and doing a four-color "Avengers" style game (i.e.; any origin/background or power source), just for maximum flexibility and story options.  All levels of experience would be welcome; I find the most important attributes for a good gamer are a willingness to commit to showing up consistently and ready to play (i.e.; don't punk out at the last minute, and don't show up without your character sheet and dice at the bare minimum), and a desire to take an active role in cooperative story-telling (e.g.; if you're the sort who deliberately ganks their teammates or sabotages the story and then tries to rationalize it by claiming they're "roleplaying", you're not going to get invited back after the first warning).


    Anyhow, folks who are interested are invited to respond here or contact me directly.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

  2. On 8/12/2021 at 3:44 PM, AlgaeNymph said:

    Companionship?  They can use Summon to make simulacra for that as well. 


    That part rings extremely hollow to me; what the gem-wielder has isn't companionship, it's just a very shallow and masturbatory projection of his own psyche -- will a simulacrum ever disagree with him, or call him on his bullshit?  Will it ever add anything new to his life, or tell him something he doesn't already know?  Maybe the character's own subconscious could start working against him, using the gem to manifest his own self-doubt or self-loathing for always taking the easy way out, using the gemstone rather than actually working for the things he wants -- human beings don't generally fare well psychologically when they get everything handed to them on a silver platter.


    Or, depending on what end he is ultimately working toward, perhaps the adversary might look for ways to goad the hero and show him how empty his "relationships" through the gem really are.  Maybe the adversary creates a second, heroic persona (or aids some flunky in a colorful suit, to make him look the part of the hero), so the PC can see what real adulation and affection look like as the city takes to the new hero on the block.  Perhaps the adversary worms his way into the hero's private life, drawing away the attentions of the hero's friends and loved ones.  Maybe the adversary works to turn public opinion against the hero, tricking the hero or setting him up to cause massive collateral damage or loss of life; as the public turns against him, maybe the hero draws more and more into himself, eventually writing off the real world entirely in favor of hiding in his perfect fantasy world!


    Or maybe you'd consider some scenario where the PC is unexpectedly cut off from his wish fulfillment gemstone -- he is temporarily deemed unworthy to wield its power, or some exceedingly rare conjunction of the spheres nullifies the gem's abilities for some unknown length of time.  Then the PC will be limited to what is really REAL in his life, and be forced to confront how he's neglected creating anything of any substantial or lasting importance in the real world.  Let him face some threat or adversary without the use of the gem -- even something as simple as saving the residents in a tenement fire, or stopping a mugging in an alleyway -- and remind him that it's not the gem, but the person they are underneath that truly makes someone a hero...

  3. I'd definitely be interested in playing, or possibly pitching in with GM-ing duty, but first I'd like to pose a barrage of questions, to better understand your vision for the campaign...  😉


    1.) In terms of the nuts and bolts, what version of the HERO rules will you be using, and what's the general power level for the PC's?  Are there any particular powers or archetypes you'd encourage or want to avoid (e.g.; people with mental or precognitive powers can often take the wind out of the sails during an investigation or mystery story)?


    2.) What's the setting for the campaign -- are the PC's in a special academy for "gifted children", or will they be mainstreamed into a regular school?  Are they isolated from the public on a private campus, or are they in the middle of a big city?  What time period will the campaign be set in -- is this the modern day, or will it be a period piece (a la "Stranger Things")?  Do metahumans in the campaign all draw their powers from the same source (e.g.; the various X-titles generally restrict themselves to dealing with other mutants and mutant-related issues), or will you be taking the "salad bar" approach and allow mutants and magic, talent and tech, and anything else that strikes our fancy?


    3.) How long have there been supers in the campaign world -- can the PC's be the offspring of established metahumans, or are people with powers something the world is still coming to terms with?  How about the tropes of four-color comics -- should the characters plan on having flashy costumes, with code names and masks to conceal their identities?


    4.) How about your vision for the morality of the campaign, and the general cohesiveness of the PC's?  Can players make PC's who are delinquents or "bad influences", who might form rivalries with other PC's or try to lead the "goody two-shoes" PC's astray?  (I'm thinking of the "X-Men: Evolution" animated series, where the "bad kids" were often forced to cooperate due to some class project or somesuch, or where budding romances and unlikely friendships might lead kids from one camp to reach across the aisle or even switch sides.)  I've got an idea for a character who'd be the son of a famous supervillain; he's currently under the foster care of his father's archenemy, since no regular family could deal with him and the "foster father" hero isn't ready to write the kid off and watch him turn into just another villain...


    5.) Do all the PC's need to be minors, or would you consider a concept that calls for an older hero who might be a mentor or somesuch (e.g.; an older brother or sister who already graduated from the academy, or the former student who's come back to the school during his final year at university as a student teacher, or that one janitor at the school that the kids think is cool and relatable even though he's an adult, etc.)?


    6.) What would you say are your major influences or inspirations for this campaign?


    I look forward to hearing your response!

  4. I live in Vancouver, WA, but I definitely would be down for a regular HERO game (my son lives in Salem, so I head down that way on a regular basis anyway).  I'd also be available to carpool, if there's anyone in the Portland area who wants to tag along.


    Do you have a particular day of the week of time of day in mind?

  5. Now that the holiday craziness is mostly over, thought I'd give another try at forming a new Champions campaign, or join in with an existing group that's looking for new blood...


    As a player, I've been gaming with the HERO system for about 35 years now (!) and would self-classify as a Genre Fiend/Mad Thinker (see Aaron Allston's "Strike Force" sourcebook).  I'm pretty flexible in terms of availability for when and where we play (benefits of being my own boss), and would be happy to fill any role that's needed on an existing team.


    If I'm going to be GMing, I'd be looking for about 4-6 players who can commit to showing up regularly on a bi-weekly basis.  Day and time TBD, based on players' availability, although I'd prefer to run on a weekday, just to make managing girlfriend aggro a little easier... ;)  I'd want to determine the specific sub-genre based on player interest as well -- my natural inclination is to do an MCU-style buffet with a mix of magic, super-science, street justice, or whatever else; but if the consensus is to play something a little more focused, like a "Mystic Masters" or "Teen CHAMPIONS" campaign, I'd be down with running that as well.  I'd be welcoming to players of all levels of experience; I've got room to host (I live in Vancouver, near the Vancouver Mall), but it might make more sense to play at a neutral area if that's more centrally located for everyone, and/or if folks are willing to ante up a couple of bucks a week to rent out one of the private rooms at Guardian Games or the like.


    Anyhow, if any of this sounds interesting to you, or you'd just like more information, feel free to message me -- hope to hear from you soon!

  6. On 11/1/2018 at 2:25 PM, Chris Goodwin said:

    What are some fantasy settings you like, and what are some you don't?  Or, rather, I guess what are some settings that you see as generic-Tolkienist, and some that you don't?  Like, D&D is strongly in that camp for me.  


    I'm pretty firmly in favor of "hard magic" systems and settings that include them.  D&D's magic system would fit into that pretty well, but I'm honestly not the least bit interested in exploring any of the iterations of D&D's magic system, and if I were, I would play D&D.  In fact, I'm pretty strongly opposed to using Fantasy Hero to recreate anything to do with D&D; D&D forces your fantasy gaming into so many pigeonholes; why use Fantasy Hero to pigeonhole yourself?




    Not quite sure what you mean by "hard magic" systems -- given that we're working with the HERO system, I suspect that it will be much more efficient for PC spellcasters to build their characters using VPP's or other Power Frameworks rather than buying each spell as individual powers; but I'd want everything statted out and GM-approved in advance, and only the most powerful wizards would be able to make up new spells on the fly in a combat situation.  New spells would have to be learned either by training with other casters, or laborious research and experimentation undertaken during the PC's down time.


    As to the setting?  I want to steer away from things that are too predictable and familiar -- I want exploration and discovery of the world the PC's are in to play as much of a part of the campaign as defeating bad guys.  I think that's part of the appeal of the Numenera setting to me -- with the world being so old and influenced by so many different sources and races, pretty much everything is up for grabs, and the stories are limited only by the imaginations of the players and GM.  I've also heard good things about "Skyrealms of Jorune" for creating a fantasy setting with truly alien elements, although I'd need to do some serious boning-up on the setting before I'd feel comfortable adapting it to HERO.


    Another idea that comes to mind for a "fantasy plus" setting -- something an old friend in Maryland and I had kicked around back in the day -- would be a game based on (or inspired by) the 80's cartoon series "Thundarr The Barbarian".  For those unfamiliar with the show, here's the "elevator pitch":


    The original show was a mix of "Conan The Barbarian", "John Carter of Mars", and "Star Wars" -- there's very clear delineations between the "white hats" and "black hats", wizards and possessors of "super-science" tech are generally evil and have enslaved the local populations to create their own little fiefdoms, and selflessness & heroism will generally win the day against the forces of evil.  For an RPG I'd want to make things a little more nuanced, with more shades of grey; just how much would depend on what sort of a campaign the players are interested in...

  7. Definitely interested!


    As far as preferences go...:

    • I'd prefer 6th Edition over 5th (it's a bit more fair for powers-based heroes compared to stat-based ones);
    • I'd prefer to play in the 11am-5pm time slot  -- since I'm self-employed I can adjust my schedule to make sure I can always attend, whatever day of the week we settle on, although a 6-hour game is asking quite a commitment of your players;

    A one-page primer on what your vision for the campaign is would be helpful when it comes to designing characters and such, as well as to know what tropes or characters from the published material you would or won't be importing into the game world...

  8. Do you already have a full roster of players, Chris?  I notice you're in the Hillsboro area, and remember you expressing some interest a while back when I was trying to assemble a campaign of my own in the Portland/Vancouver area...

  9. The superhero "Hall Monitor" is attempting to apprehend "Joe Cool" -- a supervillain with a suite of Ice-related powers (including an Ice Slide defined as extra Running), all bought with the "Unified Power" Limitation.  To keep him from getting away, Hall Monitor zaps Joe Cool with his Drain vs. Running...:


    1.) Who gets to decide where the Drained Points in Running come from -- does Hall Monitor get to pick, or can Joe Cool, do the points get split 50/50, or do they get Drained from both in proportion to how much each is worth (e.g.; if Joe has 12m in normal Running and 24m from his Ice Slide, 1/3 of the points come from his regular Running and 2/3 from the Ice Slide)?


    2.) If Joe Cool's legs are completely paralyzed (i.e.; his natural Running has been Drained down to zero), can he still use the additional Running that his Ice Slide Power provides to move around?


    After immobilizing Joe Cool, Hall Monitor then goes after Max Micro, a size-changing villain with a suite of "Unified" growth and shrinking-related powers (including the Growth Power).  Again, Hall Monitor busts out his Running Drain.


    3.) Since one benefit of the Growth Power is increased Running, can Hall Monitor Drain ONLY the additional meters of Running that Growth provides?  Or does he have to Drain the value of the entire level of Growth that provides the additional Running, before those extra meters in Running go away?


    4.) If Hall Monitor Drains ONLY the Running aspect of the Growth power, to what extent are the other Unified Powers affected by the Drain?


    Thanks in advance for your time and insight.

  10. Depends on what you base it on. In The Adventures of Superman (George Reeves) there was a whistling sound when he flew. Later incarnations, comics included, he's a blue and red streak when he's flying, with commensurate noise/wind whistle.


    Funny thing, that...the whooshing noise (and indeed, Superman upgrading from "leaping tall buildings in a single bound" to actual flight) originated from the fact that there was a Superman radio show, and it made it easier to convey what was going on -- the repeated grunts and thumps they would've needed for superleap sound effects would've made Supes sound like he had super-constipation or something.


    That's also where Kryptonite came from -- when the actor who played Superman needed a couple of weeks off, they could just write it into the show that he was "exposed to some Kryptonite", then they could just have some extra or foley artist groan weakly in the background while the other actors played their parts...

  11. If you want your "Shrink Ray" to have additional effects, like reducing the target's movement speed, the power of their attacks, etc., it would probably be cleaner to build the power as a Transform and draft up some general guidelines as to how being miniaturized affects the target (e.g.; subtract 20 Active Points from STR and attack Powers, divide all Movement Powers to 1/10th normal, etc.)

  12. If I were to offer a few bits of advice...:


    1.) If it were me, I'd recommend against giving a new player a VPP at the outset, just because it can be kind of daunting. 


    2.) Start with the EFFECT (i.e.; what does the power actually DO for the hero), and then work backwards to assign the appropriate game mechanics.  Have the kid brainstorm for a bit, thinking of different scenarios he might run into (e.g.; terrorists are about to launch an RPG at him, there's a civilian dangling from a window ledge of a burning building, being attacked by animated furniture) and how he'd use the power to overcome the challenge (e.g.; I make a bulletproof shield, I conjure a rope and lower it down to him, I bust out a chainsaw or a blowtorch).  From there, the game mechanics that could be applied will usually be pretty self-evident (e.g.; Resistant Protection or Levels vs. Block, Stretching, H-T-H Killing Attack).  Then I'd convert that bag of tricks into a Multipower with a series of Fixed Slots, one for each gimmick.


    3.) Once he's got a better handle on how the game works, you might let the player re-work the Multipower into a VPP; or, if he's willing to hand off the game mechanics part to the GM, let him do the VPP and just sit down ahead of time and pre-build the different power stunts you thought up in #2, so it doesn't slow the game down.  When I do a character like that, I'll generally sit down with the rulebook and just go through the entire list of powers, one by one, asking myself, "Okay -- how could I use this particular special effect to make use of THIS power?"


    4.) As a handy backup if you come up with something at the spur of the moment (e.g.; rather than creating a gas mask or or space suit to avoid a poison gas cloud, he wants to whip up a giant fan to push the cloud away), make sure he's bought the Power Skill, so he can try one-time power stunts (which might later be turned into a new Multipower slot, if it turns out to be useful enough).

  13. I'll always cherish the memory of meeting him at OrcCon '87 -- he told me to my face that I was being a "rules rapist" and, cliché though it may be to say, he really did alter my way of thinking about character design; he steered me away from min-maxing at the expense of making a character you could actually tell interesting stories about/with...

  14. A Superhero is often defined by their Disadvantages (5th Edition Term) as much as their powers and skills.


    Spider-Man is probably the best example of a character with complications.  Despite having Superhuman strength and agility he still has to answer to his Aunt May, his employer J. Jonah Jameson, as well has have a relationship with his love interest Gwen/Mary Jane.


    Let's break these disadvantages down.


    Aunt May is an Incompetent Dependent Non-Player Character who is also unaware that her nephew Peter Parker is Spider-Man. In the 5th Edition she is worth 20 Points with an 8- roll (She rarely strays into the line of fire.)


    Peter does live with her so his Secret Identity more often comes up as an issue (11- roll), so that's worth 15 Points (Frequently/Major) because if Aunt May finds out she might keel over from shock.


    J. Jonah Jameson is Peter Parker's employer.  He also hates Spider-Man.  This means that he's not only Hunting Spider-Man, but has a Non-Combat Influence.  J. Jonah isn't as powerful on his own, but has money and has hired someone to go after Spidey so he's worth 15 Points (8- roll).


    Peter Parker is a high school student starting out, making him a Teenager.  That's more a Social Limitation because no one knows Spider-Man is breaking curfew when fighting crime.  It's worth ten points (Occasionally/Major).

    A good analysis, but it almost feels like those 75 points in Complications get used up TOO quickly -- there's nothing set aside for Mary Jane or Gwen as a DNPC, there's no Psychological Complications ("With great power comes great responsibility..."), no mention of his financial problems (he's a starving high school or college student working freelance), or just his general bad luck...

  15. One (valid, in my opinion) criticism of how the HERO System handles Disadvantages is that it's heavily front-loaded -- the player gets a small bonus of points up front, at character creation, but "pays for it" the entire rest of his career every time his Disads kick in.  It can lead to situations where players try to game the system, giving their PC's Disads that either are virtually impossible to come into play, or that would be game-breaking if the GM ever enforced it properly, with the player assuming the GM would never dare to call his bluff.


    I thought Mutants & Masterminds/DC Adventures has a novel approach -- in that system, players can earn "Hero Points" which allow them to re-roll a critical dieroll, resist fatigue, etc., and can earn additional Hero Points when the GM brings one of the PC's Complications into play.  So rather than a one-time bonus/lifetime penalty situation, Disadvantages actually pay the character back over his lifetime, giving the GM a plot hook and the PC an extra bit of luck he can call upon when he really needs it...

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