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Posts posted by Theros

  1. I have struggling to create Berserk power. Power should work following way: It boosts characters STR and OCV. It halves DCV and makes dodging/blocking impossible. Character needs roll to recognize his friends(not to attack against them). Character needs roll to calm down from berserk, or when all the enemies are down he will calm. Character won't get tired, or downed during the berserk. Of course braking legs etc affects... He will die normally and will get all the wounds etc after berserk ends.


    Then Rage...is lighter version from that. Character just gets less boosts and changes to get away from Rage and notice friendly persons are higher.


    I really don't know how to build those. I think these as powers, not like Complication ( like it is with Hulk).

  2. When I started to GM Hero, damage was the hardest thing to get...now it is easy.


    With Hero System Power creation rules you can pretty much create anything you want. Power creation system can be used to create teleporting devices, fireball spells, firearms, flak jackets and so on. If you look for ready made powers, there is a book that offers a lot of powers ready made (2000 or so? ) and if you want ready made spells... Just pick up grimoire and you have a lot of spells to horror, scifi and fantasy settings. All those are made using hero system rules.


    If character wants to upgrade his power...that is relatively easily done with the rules.

  3. Basic idea behind the planning is quite simple.


    Race, is something that player have to pick up.


    Different races give different bonuses and complications. Some complications are mandatory and some can be picked up.


    Then comes professions. This is two edged sword. Players can choose not to pick up any certain profession. Those players can more freely develop their characters to way they want. Other side is... if player picks up channeler profession. He will get some stat bonuses (increases his maximum attribute) and he will get some profession specific spell-like abilities (powers). When character picks up profession there are some things that player have to pick up (train some skills from certain list etc). So choices are more limited than without profession.


    Then comes second mandatory thing in the whole game, Heroic Paths. Heroic Paths are one kind of spirits that are inside the hero. Hero will get special powers, attribute increases and maybe even skills from that spirit (there are 5-10 powers that can be bought from spirit, but it is not mandatory to buy those). This is the choise that player cannot change afterwards, it is like his race.


    Those are basic guidelines. Players can choose for example Elf race, Heroic Path that has healing powers and still he can be fighter, or without profession.

  4. I made spell like ability called Rage.


    What this might cost:


    Rage: Beast can put himself into the berserk like state. Beast gets +10 STR, can ignore any impairing effects from the wounds and will ignore all the stun damage effects (all body and stun damage is still being counted) for the duration of the combat. Beast will attack any living being near him, but can recognize friendly person by making EGO roll. He can stop rage by making EGO roll, or when combat ends.

    How I should create this one? I think that it should be treated little bit like Berserk ability.


    If I want to create "lower" version from this and call it rage, it would be much easier to do, if there aren't those EGO rolls involved.

  5. Hmm...push gravity...how that works? Really...are there thruster which go so fast all the time that people can walk there? Does that really work in space? How people can be loaded into that "flying" hotel? Is that bit fuel consuming way to create gravity?


    Then spin gravity....giant ring....yeah so basically there aren't any flat surface...people are walking in "curve" but it feels like walking in flat surface....how about other functions other than walking? Like sleeping, maybe even games or so?

  6. A-nope.


    Hmmm...so if character has -1 limitation in some power, I should divide active point cost by 1 or 2?


    When I should add that -1 to limitations?


    Actually if there aren't that additional -1, real point cost of the power will be higher with -1/2 limitation.


    In my power example "A" 120 / (6,75+1) = 15,48 ~15


    And in my example "B" 120 / (7,25+1) = 16,55 ~ 17

  7. That truly is hard one...


    I think that power should negate following: Grapple, Entagle Spell, if character is tied with rope (similar to successful Contortionist check) and water/heavy snow effects to fighting and movement for duration of power. I try to covert powers to fit to Hero System, as I use Hero System spells as well.

  8. Lets take an example (this is to my midnight conversion project, but helps others too I think).


    Character has this kind of power (is it done right way btw?)


    Freedom of Movement: Desolification (40 active points), Affects Physical World (+2), Cannot Pass Through the Objects (- ½ ), Doesn’t Protect Against Damage (-1), Only Protects against Grapple (-1), Only Protects against Movement Impairing Environment effects and spells (-1), Usable once Per Day (-2) for 1 Turn (-1 ¼). CP: 16


    Idea is that character using that power cannot be affected by any movement impairing power, spell or grapple. Character can also fight with swinging weapons under water without difficulties during the one turn, which power lasts.


    Then...Character wants to buy "second step" of this power, where it lasts 2 turns, but limitation is based only on number of turns, not to Usable per Day limitation.


    Freedom of Movement: Desolification (40 active points), Affects Physical World (+2), Cannot Pass Through the Objects (- ½ ), Doesn’t Protect Against Damage (-1), Only Protects against Grapple (-1), Only Protects against Movement Impairing Environment effects and spells (-1), Usable Twice per Day (-1 1/2 ) for 1 Turn (-1 ¼) . CP: 17


    Next question...is there any way to create power so that character can use one or two rounds of it and activation is zero action?

  9. I made spell like ability called Rage.


    What this might cost:


    Rage: Beast can put himself into the berserk like state. Beast gets +10 STR, can ignore any impairing effects from the wounds and will ignore all the stun damage effects (all body and stun damage is still being counted) for the duration of the combat. Beast will attack any living being near him, but can recognize friendly person by making EGO roll. He can stop rage by making EGO roll, or when combat ends.

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