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Everything posted by DataPacRat

  1. Re: Regeneration vs the Environment ... and, if it was a Regneration of 2 BODY/Turn, then when holding her breath (or otherwise drowning), she'd use up her END, then her STUN, but then heal BODY as quickly as she lost it, yes? (Does anybody happen to know the typical damage suffered after being swallowed whole by a large animal? Suffocation and acid, maybe some amount of squeezing/crushing, right?)
  2. I'm currently playing a character with Regeneration, 1 BODY per Turn. (Defined as medical nanites; she also has a few minor life-supports, such as eating and sleeping once a week.) How much protection would that offer against relatively long-term environmental effects, such as dehydration and starvation? FRED, page 295: Deydration does 1d6 normal damage every 6 hours - so, up to 6 STUN and 2 BODY per interval. Similarly, starvation does 1d6 per day, plus STR/DEX/CON loss (same rate as body). The BODY would be healed relatively instantly, but what about the Stun and attribute loss? If she were stuck on NoFoodOrWaterWorld, would she eventually end up at minus umpteen million STUN, STR, DEX, and CON, but full BODY?
  3. Re: Is a 0-point Base (Vehicle, Computer) Legal? I've used the Utility Belt multipower from 4th edition's Dark Champions more than once; I believe my usual cost for a flashlight is '1u'.
  4. Re: Is a 0-point Base (Vehicle, Computer) Legal? I've always been under the impression that that only applied to Heroic-level games, and that in Superhero games, the player has to spend points for even normal technology, like a flashlight or a radio-scanner from Radio Shack, rather than just assume it under the Money perk.
  5. I note that a Follower has a minimum cost of 1 point; but no such restriction is mentioned for a Base (or Vehicle, or Computer), suggesting (at least to me) the possibility of a PC with a 0-point Base. Of course, it wouldn't be a very /good/ base, maybe just tucked into a U-Store-It lot, something that only a brand-new superhero still wet behind the mask would consider using... but 8 hexes is still better than none. Is there any reason not to throw something like the following onto a character sheet? [0] Vehicle: STR 10, BODY 10, Size 1 hex (motorbike), DEF 2, DEX 10, SPD 2, Movement 6" Ground (x2 NCM), 2" Swimming (x2 NCM). [0] Base: BODY 2, DEF 2, Size 8 hexes, grounds 8 hexes (with 2 BODY, 2 DEF fence). Location: City. Cubicle-type office: 1 hex. Bunk: 2 hexes. Garage for 1-hex vehicle: 2 hexes. Sink/toilet/shower: 2 hexes. Storage space: 1 hex. Or, how about this? [0] AI: INT 8 (-2) EGO 10 (0) DEX 10 (0) SPD 1 (-10) Absolute Time Sense (3) Eidetic Memory (5) Lightning Calculator (3) Speed Reading x10 (4) CK City of New Babylon 11- (2) KS Archived Recent News 11- (2) KS Current News 11- (2) KS Superheroes 11- (2) KS Supervillains 11- (2) Program: Scan and Enter Data (1) Program: Search Reference Material For Information On A Topic (1) Psych Limit: Self-Preservation Instinct (Common, Strong, -15).
  6. Re: Stat suggestions for a spy-mouse? Apparantly not; the GM and I have decided to replace Duplication (1 pt per 5) with Altered Duplicates (+1) with Summon (1 pt per 5) with Amicable: Slavishly Devoted (+1). The overall points stay the same, which is easy to work with; plus, if somebody steps on a nano-mouse, she doesn't lose the character points. Which, of course, brings us back to my original post. The nano-mouse or nano-snake has 13x5=65 base points to spend, presumably plus disadvantages (to the maximum of the main character's total, which is 250); 61 of those are taken up with a set of nanite abilities (regeneration, life support, and chameleon invisibility); and I'm still not quite sure how to build a Shrinking template.
  7. Re: Stat suggestions for a spy-mouse? Hrm, let's see; Clairsentience, Sight+Hearing+Taste/smell groups + Touch sense is 45 points... possibly extra Range (5 per doubling), maybe 0 END (+1/2)... 'Only through senses of others' isn't right, since the heroine isn't using passers-by's eyes. to bring the cost back down, probably Concentration, Extra Time (to let the spy-mice or whatever get into place), maybe even an IIF. Does that sum up the most likely modifiers?
  8. Re: Stat suggestions for a spy-mouse? The main reason I bought them as Duplication was that this is a generally biology-oriented character, and the snake/mouse live inside the hero's body when she's not using them. Followers tend not to share the main character's meals so directly; and Summon needs the Specific Being (+1) enhancement to summon a specific being, which puts its cost on the same order as Duplication. Hm... that approach might have a possibility or two. Where might I find this 'size template' of which you speak? I'm not entirely sure /how/ to stat out -6 to PER rolls (Stealth bonus?) against or +9" Knockback. (The +6 DCV, I can manage.)
  9. Re: Wierd dream inspired idea That spy-mouse I posted a couple of threads away? Just one part of an entire Alice-in-Wonderlandish character that I literally dreamed up about a week ago.
  10. My latest HERO creation has a couple of living "peripherals" which she can send ahead to use as, expectedly, spies. Described as a 'furry snake' and a 'fuzzy mouse', they need 61 points to match the hero's own nanites (Life Support and Regeneration, mainly). I currently have them built via Duplication, 65 character points (13) (base: 13), Altered Duplicate (+1) (active: 26), x2 Duplicates (5) plus Mind Link, Specific Mind (5), x2 minds (5) (total cost: 41). [sidenote: I think I might have made a mistake here, but the points have already been spent and the game started...] And, so far, the critters' stats are simply (61) Nanites: As Main Character plus (4) Double-Jointed. Might some kind-heared HERO player be able to offer any suggestions on what selection of Characteristics (and possibly Powers) would better reflect a mouse-like or snake-like creature for those 4 points currently taken up by Double-Jointed?
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