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Crusher Bob

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Posts posted by Crusher Bob

  1. Um, most people rich enough to be PCs should be able to pretty much go armed to most places. Most laws that prevented the PCs from walking around armed would also prevent the locals from walking around armed. And the locals want to be able to walk around armed, since there probably aren't any actual police.

  2. Last character of the Inhumans


    Design Highlights

    Action heroes who wear power armor



    If you buy abilities with the focus limitation, remember that you'll sometimes appear on the battlefield without them. So if your game is a DC 10 average game, your hero should be able to not be pasted by a DC10 attack. Remember that even normal attack can do BODY if your DEF is too low. If your hero only has 5 DEF outside of his power armor, an 'average' DC10 attack is going to do around 5 BODY.

    It's better to make your power armor character 'an action hero who happens to wear power armor' rather than 'a normal guy who wears power armor', because 'a normal guy' has no place on the super powered battlefield. If you want to be a normal guy who wears power armor, use the 'only in alternate ID' limitation instead, so you have much less chance of being in a fight without access to your powers.





    Balance Notes

    DC: High (12) (OCV vs DCV, targets ED, NND (ED Resistant Protection that Costs Endurance), drain STR)

    CV: Medium (7)

    DEF: High (30/16 with unusual targeting sense)

    SPD: Low (4)


    [Focal] is a United Nations Spaceguard (like the US Coast Guard, but for Earth and Lunar orbit) officer. Well, a very junior officer. But right now, he seems to be the highest ranking Spaceguard officer around. Earth was being invaded and the Spaceguard was tasked with doing SAR for regular navy ships. The Valiant took a hit to it's wormhole drive and somehow ended up in orbit of a different Earth. It's still Earth, but it's missing almost all of the technical advances that made allowed interstellar colonization possible. Plus all sorts of little things are slightly different. For example, every here drinks fizzy 'cola' instead of fizzy coffee.


    Different Anatomy

    [Focal] has undergone considerable genetic modification. For example, his skin isn't coffee colored because of melanin, it's coffee colored because it has rhodoplasts (red chloroplasts) in it. His eyes are slightly bigger than normal, and his retina are put together backwards. His muscles are more like a gorilla's than a normal humans. Any sort of medical procedure is going to present all sorts of difficulties. A good dose Herbicides will tend to make him very sick. He also likes to sleep under a grow lamp, or just out in the sunshine.


    Spacer habits

    Having extensively trained for operations in space, [Focal] exhibits what might be classified as a form of OCD in normal people. He'll almost always hold on to the scenery with one hand, unless armored, or other wise anchored to something. He won't put things down, where they could float away and damage something if the artificial gravity failed. He'll compulsively tidy up anything he sees lying around. Where others will make gestures with their whole arms, his will be made with just his hands or fingers.


    Resident Alien

    As someone with no identity on this Earth, the right thing to do was contact an immigration lawyer and see about becoming a legal immigrant. This was of interest to both NASA and the FBI, who both wanted you to undergo extensive debriefings. But your citizenship application got fast-tracked, so it wasn't all bad.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?

    Criminology. Contacts.


    How to you get to where the crime is?

    Able to fly around 45 mph. Access to megascale teleportation via team base.


    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?

    Attend open mike night, recite poetry. Play games involving little models of fighting sailing ships. Argue about the real significance of the battle of Cannae. Go out socializing with [Galatea], because she can quickly distract anyone from any little knowledge gaps you display. Debate about your poetry with [Pooka]. Occasionally get dragged into tech head talks with [Hadaly]. Try not to look at the things that [bitrot] finds to look at on the Internet. Get called in to give yet another presentation on spacecraft design.


    Built in weakness(es)

    Lots of power tied up in foci.


    Character Design



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                            30(40 w/ Biosuit)                                                 20
    DEX                            18(23 lightning reflexes w/ biosuit)                              16
    CON                            23                                                                13
    INT                            18                                                                 8
    EGO                            18                                                                 8
    PRE                            20                                                                10
    OCV                             7                                                                20
    DCV                             7                                                                20
    OMCV                            3                                                                 0
    DMCV                            7                                                                12
    SPD                             4                                                                20
    PD                             10(22/8 w/ Biosuit up to 30/16 w/ Gravity Shield)                  8
    ED                             10(22/8 w/ Biosuit up to 30/16 w/ Gravity Shield)                  8
    REC                            10(15 w/ Biosuit)                                                  6
    END                            40                                                                 4
    BODY                           12                                                                 2
    STUN                           40(50 w/ Biosuit)                                                 10
     Criminology                  INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     Electronics                  INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     Mechanics                    INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     Oratory                      PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Paramedics                   INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     Stealth                      DEX(13-)                                                        3   3
     Scholar                                                                                      3   3
      KS: Sailing ships              (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Poetry                     (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Ancient Military History   (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Law                        (11-)                                                        1   1
     Scientist                                                                                    3   3
      SS: Astronomy                  (11-)                                                        1   1
      SS: Orbital Math               (11-)                                                        1   1
      SS: Gravitic Technology        (11-)                                                        1   1
      SS: Biotech                    (11-)                                                        1   1
      SS: Spacecraft design          (11-)                                                        1   1
     PS: Spaceguard Officer          (11-) (everyman)
     Fast Strike                     +2 OCV, +2d6 Strike                                          4   4
     Disarming Throw                 +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Take Weapon (STR +5), Target Falls           5   5
     Flying Dodge                    +4 DCV Dodge/Abort/FMove                                     5   5
     The Valiant                     11 pts to base                                              11  11
     Contact: FBI Officer            11-, useful skills, institutions                             4   4
     Contact: Immigration Lawyer     11-                                                          2   2
     Contact: NASA Scientist         11-, useful skills, institutions                             4   4
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
     Spaceguard Biosuit              All OIF (-1/2)
      Bio-energy augmentation
       Part I                         +5 REC                                                      5   3
       Part II                        +10 STUN                                                    5   3
       Part III                       +10 Strength                                               10   7
       Part IV                        +5 Lightning Reflexes                                       5   3
       Part I                         8 rPD / 8rED                                               24  16
       Part II                        4 PD / 4 ED                                                 8   5
      Gravity Anchors                 12m knockback resistance (costs END (-1/2))                12   6
      Spaceworthy                     Life Support: no breathing, safe in vacuum,                14   9
                                       high radiation
       Rescue Field                    Usable by up to 3 Others,                                  3   2
                                        recipients must remain close to grantor (+1/4)
      Communications                  HRRP                                                       12   8
      Radar                           Radar, Targeting, 360 degree perception, (costs END (-     20  10
      Gravity Manipulation            30 point multipower                                        30  20
       Gravitic Shield                 up to + 8 rPD / 8 rED (costs END (-1/2))                  24   2v
       Gravitic Flight                 up to 30m flight (up to 72 km/h)                          30   4v
       Gravitic Telekinesis            up to STR 20 telekinesis                                  30   4v
     Spaceguard Service Rifle        All OAF (-1)
      Telescopic Sight                4 range penalty skill levels w/ service rifle               8   4
      Variable Settings               60 pts Multipower (2 clips of 12 charges (+0))             60  30
       Stun Setting                    6d6 Blast                                                 60   3f
                                        (NND: ED Resistant Protection that Costs Endurance (+1))
       Normal Setting                  12d6 Blast vs ED                                          60   3f
       Gravity Web                     6d6 Drain Strength                                        60   3f
       Gravity Wave                    6d6 Blast vs PD (AOE:16m Cone (+1/2),                     60   2f
                                        Double Knockback (+1/2), no range (-1/2))
    Complications                                                                                75
     Everything is just              Social Complication frequently, Minor                       10
      slightly different
     Watched by the FBI              Hunted (Infrequently, Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)                10
     Spacer Habits                   Distinctive Feature Concealable, Not always noteworthy       5
     Different Anatomy I             Physical Complication, infrequently, Slightly                5
                                      (requires special medical care)
     Different Anatomy II            Distinctive Feature requires medical /                       0
                                      special senses to find
     Made sick by herbicides         Physical Complication, infrequently, Slightly                5
     Code Against Killing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Follows 'proper procedure'      Psychological Complication Common, Moderate                 10
     And Justice for All             Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15


  3. Design Highlights:

    The Small Utility VPP



    Yet another implementation of the VPP, this is usually a 'small' VPP that provides a similar selection of powers to the 'small multipower'. It's especially useful when the abilities you plan to have are things like change environment and transforms, since the more general forms of these require expensive 'variable efffect' advantages. Remember that the same rules of what kind of thing you can put into your infinite slot multipower VPP also apply to your small VPP.







    Transformations aren't just for turning your enemies into newts. They are also able to do all sorts of things to the environment. If you can't figure out how to get a particular effect, there's a pretty good chance you can do it with a transform.





    Balance Notes:

    DC: Medium (10) (OMCV vs DCV, targets power defense, PD)

    CV: High (9)

    DEF: Medium (25/12 with unusual targeting sense)

    SPD: Medium (5)


    Pooka looks like a dog (a golden retriever) all the time. But, due to the powerful glamours he's surrounded by, most people find this unremarkable. They instead tend to slot him into 'ethnic minority'. So, for example, he'll be arrested for 'driving while dog'. And when he goes into a restaurant, he's refused service because he's not wearing shoes or a shirt, not because he's a dog. If the GM thinks it will be funnier, characters with high EGO, high mental defenses, or high 'magic resistance' may be less affected.


    Pooka has pockets, even though he is a dog. Other people find it almost impossible to notice that he has pockets, or that he has anything in them. So he never has to take the change out of his 'pockets' when going through the metal detector. The security might hassle him anyway. He was walking while dog.

    The glamours that confuse his identity don't work as well on recorded media. So people listening to recordings of his barking find him impossible to understand (unless they understand dog barking, I guess). So any communication he does over the phone has to be done using a voice synthesizer.

    When he goes to his job at the newspaper, he wears half moon glasses. Mostly because he likes to look at people over them with his soulful doggy eyes. When he wants to be a hero, he takes off his glasses. He looks totally different, really; we swear.

    Those who still leave saucers of cream out for the pooka (or maybe just the cats) or do various other things 'to be kind to the good folk' will generally receive his assistance. Though he can't do things like mill their grain, spin their thread, card their wool, or bless their fields anymore just means he has to be more creative. A few families have avoided accidents because their car has been uncommonly lucky.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    Tracking scent. Organizational contacts with both reporters and homeless people. some social skills.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Able to run around 90 mph, or fly at around 34 mph. Access to megascale teleportation via team base.




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Brighten the lives of people who still keep to the old ways. Pull pranks on those who don't. Help those who no one else will look after. Bar crawl. Do some actual reporting or editing work. Make cognizant criticisms of [Focal]'s attempts at poetry. Avoid reporting on whatever [Hadaly] is getting up to, she probably wouldn't appreciate it. Never urinate on a statue ever again. Drive around in your car with the top down, letting your hair blow in the wind. Be oppressed by the man. Find new things to read.




    Built in weakness(es)



    Iron weapons, both as a DEF reducer and mild kryptonite. Entangles that can't be escaped with teleportation.




    Character Build



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                            10                                                                 0
    DEX                            13(18 w/ Lightning Reflexes)                                       6
    CON                            18(23 stun resistance)                                             8
    INT                            18                                                                 8
    EGO                            18                                                                 8
    PRE                            20                                                                10
    OCV                             3                                                                 0
    DCV                             7(9 w/ shrinking)                                                20
    OMCV                            9                                                                18
    DMCV                            9                                                                18
    SPD                             5                                                                30
    PD                             14(14/6, 20/12 w/ combat luck, 25/12 vs non-iron)                 12
    ED                             14(14/6, 20/12 w/ combat luck, 25/12 vs non-iron)                 12
    REC                            15                                                                11
    END                            40                                                                 4
    BODY                           13                                                                 3
    STUN                           40                                                                10
     Concealment                  INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     Conversation                 PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Scholar                                                                                      3   3
      KS: Fairy Tales             INT(14-)                                                        3   3
      KS: Contract Law               (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Classic literature         (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Popular Literature         (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Weasel Words            INT(15-)                                                        4   4
     Presuasion                   PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Shadowing                    INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     Stealth                      DEX(12-)                                                        3   3
     Tracking                     INT(13-)                                                        3   3
     PS: Editor                      (11-) (everyman)
     Contacts with various newsies   11-, own contacts, organization                              9   9
     Contacts with various homeless p11-, organization                                            6   6
     The Valiant                     10 pts to base                                              10  10
     Press Pass                      1 Point Fringe Benefit                                       1   1
     Combat Luck II                                                                              12  12
     Lightning Reflexes                                                                           5   5
     Speed Reading                                                                                4   4
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
     The Nose Knows I                Add Tracking, Targeting to Sense of Smell                   15  15
     The Nose Knows II               +2 Telescopic Smell                                          1   1
     Dog Sized                       1 level of shrinking (0 END (+1/2), persistent (+1/4),      15  10
                                      inherent (+1/4), normal mass (+1/2), Always on (-1/2))
     Tough Hide                      6 PD / 6 ED Made resistant                                   6   6
     Stun Resistance                 +5 CON (only to resist stunning (-1/4))                      5   4
     Glamourous Protection           5 PD / 5 ED (Does not protect against iron (-1/4))          10   8
     Faerie Glamours                 Variable Power Pool
      Reserve Pool                    20 point pool                                              20  20
      Control Pool                    30 point Control (Limited Powers (-1/4))                   15  12
     Blessing of the Traveler        18 point Multipower                                         18  18
      Running on Air                  18m flight                                                 18   2f
      Cheshire Dog Displacement       12m Teleportation, Position Shift (no NCM -1/4))           17   1f
      Four Speedy Feet                +12m running x4 NCM                                        17   2f
     Magical Teeth                   50 point Multipower (ACV: OMCV vc DCV (+0),                 50  33
                                      No Range (-1/2))
      Bite of the Ground lover        5d6 Drain Flight                                           50   3f
      Tiredness Inflicting Bite       5d6 Drain END                                              50   3f
      Weakness Inflicting Bite        5d6 Drain STR                                              50   3f
      Just the Bite                   10d6 Blast vs PD                                           50   3f
    Complications                                                                                75
     Look, a 'dog'                   Distinctive Feature Concealable, Not always noteworthy       5
     A 'Dog'                         Social Complication infrequently, Minor                      5
     Unable to actually lie          Psychological Complication Uncommon, Total                  15
     Helpful to those who            Psychological Complication Uncommon, Strong                 10
      follow the old ways
     Code Against Killing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Can't Enter place of worship    Physical Limitation infrequently, Greatly                   15
      without appropriate invitation
     Recordings of voice             Physical Limitation infrequently, barely                     5
      are just barks
     Made uncomfortable by Iron      Physical Limitation infrequently, barely                     5



    Sample VPP Powers



    Sample VPP Abilities                                                                 active cost
     What's in my pockets?        +15 to concealment rolls                                    30  15
      I have pockets!?             (only to hide small objects on self (-1))
     Bless this booze             2d6 Minor transform: )                                      22  15
                                   improve quality of alcoholic beverages
                                   (AOE: 16m radius (+3/4),
                                   Penetrating (can affect most sealed bottles, cans, etc (+1/2),
                                   No Range (-1/2)
     Bless these fields           2d6 Minor transform:                                        27  18
                                   improve crop yields of land
                                   (AOE: 256m radius (+1.5)
                                   (around 20 hectares, small family farm sized),
                                   no Range (-1/2))
     Pooka craftsdogship          various 3d6 Minor transforms:                               26  17
                                   complete 'crafting' tasks from given raw materials
                                   (AOE: 16m radius (+3/4), no Range (-1/2))
     Good Luck Blessing           6d6 minor transform: add 2d6 luck,                          30  20
                                   heals normally (no Range (-1/2)
     Bad luck Curse               6d6 minor transform: inflict 2d6 unluck,                    30  20
                                   heals normally (no Range (-1/2)
     Always has a bit             various 2d6 Major transforms:                               30  20
      of help in the pockets       nothing to small amounts of food or money
                                   (Invisible Power effects (+1/2), no range (-1/2))
     Hair of the Dog              various 2d6 healings:                                       20  20
                                   to recover from poisons, transforms, etc
     Sigh, yes you can            compound slot
      ride the doggy
      Yes, you are small enough    Shrinking I (UBO, recipient must remain close (+1/4))       7   7
      No, you won't fall           Clinging (Only to hold on to rider (-1))                   10   5
      Yes, I can carry you         +8 STR, only for lifting (-1)                               8   4
      You'll Even Know what        Riding (UBO, recipient must remain close (+1/4)             4   4
       you are doing
      But my dignity will          Priceless!
       never recover


  4. 2nd character of the Inhumans


    Design Highlights:

    The Lego Brick multipower



    This is yet another implementation of the multipower. You combine fixed and variable slots so your character abilities can change from moment to moment.

    Example characters of this type: shapechangers who cycle between different 'combat' forms, robots who 'allocate power' to different systems, characters that inject themselves with different combinations of drugs, etc.




    The danger of Unified power



    The 'unified power' should not be a source of free points. The GM should be hitting you with drains that effect your unified powers at least occasionally. I'd recommend not placing your DEF into your unified power structure.

    GM note: when a player presents you with character who makes extensive use of unified power and combines that with relatively large amounts of power defense, you should probably hit them with a halibut and tell them, 'No!' in a stern voice.




    Why Hand-to-Hand Attack is a terrible power



    5 points of STR and 5 (-1/4) points of HtHA both let you do 1d6 more damage. But 5 points of STR also gives you bonuses to lifting, shoving, disarming, and escaping grabs and entangles. Martial Arts Damage Classes also end up costing 4 points per level (like HtHA), but they at least add to STR for martial maneuvers (grab, escape, disarm, shove, etc). In addition, MA DC don't cost any end to use.

    SO, because I wanted Hadaly to have STR 40 for escaping from entangles, but only be able to life 800 kg (and not the 6,400 kg 40 STR would allow her to lift), I've used the slightly cheesy construct of STR (not for lifting (-1/4)). With the way she is built, just getting straight 40 STR would cost 1 more point. So in this case, I feel more than justified in using this rules construct.





    Balance Notes:

    DC: Medium (10) (OCV vs DCV, attacks ED, flash defense)

    CV: Medium (7)

    DEF: Medium (23/15 + 10 mental defense & unusual targeting sense)

    SPD: High (6)


    Involved in a terrible accident, 'Hadaly' was given a variety of experimental cybernetic augmentations. Since the people were developing the cybernetics for military purposes, 'Hadaly's' 'ware is a bit more high performance than you would expect. She is somewhat famous for being one of the first people to publicly receive extensive cybernetic augmentations. She now uses her money, fame, and contacts to agitate for the rights of AI and heavily cybered individuals. Her cyberware is soft and flesh colored, but easily identifiable by visible seams, etc. They are about as easy to conceal as extensive tattoos.



    The 'hardsuit' is not so much armor in the conventional sense but is instead more body expansions and attachments. It's not really usable by anyone else without them also having the same class of cybernetic mods and being about the same size. Note that the hardsuit is (Only in Alternate ID) instead of a focus, so it can't really be taken away once put on.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    Organizational contacts in the part of high society were politics meets money. Good computer hacking skills. Ability to follow many conversations at once from far away. Ability to alter phone conversations in real time (radio group images) to encourage two conspirators to talk about more than they otherwise would. Ability to be invisible.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Flight up to roughly 716 mph.




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Goto parties thrown by Bruce Wayne. Listen to many conversations, looking for dirt or interesting tidbits. Schmooze important people so they'll think the right way about important things. Occasionally take [Galatea] to parties, when you need help with the schmoozing. Make sure she understands that 'charm the pants off of them' is not a literal suggestion. Get the doctors to look at your little eye, which has developed a twitch. Spend tech head time with [Focal] or [bitrot].




    Built in weakness(es)



    Many stats in a unified power framework, and no power defense. Low MDCV (3); even with 10 mental defense, very easy to hit.




    Character build



                                  value                                                                      active cost
    STR                            10(up to 25 w/ cyberware, addl +15 available 'not for lifting')                     0
    DEX                            13(up to 18 w/ cyberware, up to 28 w/ lightning reflexes)                           6
    CON                            13(up to 23 w/ cyberware)                                                           3
    INT                            18(up to 28 w/ cyberware)                                                           8
    EGO                            18                                                                                  8
    PRE                            20                                                                                 10
    OCV                             5(up to 7 w/ cyberware)                                                           10
    DCV                             5(up to 7 w/ cyberware)                                                           10
    OMCV                            3                                                                                  0
    DMCV                            3                                                                                  0
    SPD                             4(6 w/ hardsuit)                                                                  20
    PD                              3(6/3; 12/9 w/ Combat Luck, 23/15 w/ Luck & Hardsuit)                              1
    ED                              3(6/3; 12/9 w/ Combat Luck, 23/15 w/ Luck & Hardsuit)                              1
    REC                            10(15 w/ hardsuit)                                                                  6
    END                            40(55 w/ hardsuit)                                                                  4
    BODY                           11                                                                                  1
    STUN                           40                                                                                 10
     Bureaucratics                PRE(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Computer Programming         INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Cryptography                 INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Electronics                  INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     High Society                 PRE(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Mechanics                    INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Persuasion                   PRE(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Security Systems             INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     Stealth                      DEX(12-)                                                                         3   3
     Systems Operation            INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     KS: Cybernetics              INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     KS: Political Figures        INT(13-)                                                                         3   3
     PS: Political Activist          (11-) (everyman)
     High Society Contacts           11-, useful skills, institutions, organization                               12  12
     The Valiant                     10 pts to base                                                               10  10
     Electronic Memory               Eidetic Memory                                                                5   5
     Money                           8 pts Money                                                                   8   8
     AI Rights Activist              Positive reputation (14-, small group)                                        1   1
     Combat Luck II                                                                                               12  12
    Powers                           description                                                             active cost
     Superior skill with makeup      +1d6 striking appearance, focus of the moment (-1/4),                         3   1
                                      extra time (5 minutes) only to start (-1), Only in normal ID (-1/4)
     Unpowered Cyberware
      Skinweave                      3 rPD / 3 rED                                                                 9   9
      Reduced Need for sleep         Life Support: Only Sleep 8hr a week                                           1   1
     Powered Cyberware               All: Unified powers (-1/4)
      Neurological error checking     10 pts Mental Defense                                                       10   8
       Hearing Amplification          +6 Telescopic Hearing (64 meters)                                            3   2
       Attention Coprocessor          Rapid x10 (Able to follow up to 10 conversations at once)                    3   2
      Communication implant           HRRP                                                                        12  10
      Radar                           Detect: Radar (5), Targeting (10)                                           15  12
      Configurable Systems            50 point reserve multipower                                                 50  40
       Strength                        up to +15 STR                                                              15   2v
       Grace                           +5 DEX                                                                     10   1f
       Reaction Time                   +10 lightning Reflexes                                                     10   1f
       Endurance                       +10 CON                                                                    10   1f
       Enhanced Cognition              +10 INT                                                                    10   1f
       Stealth System                  Invisibility to Sight and Radio groups (no attacks (-1/2))                 25   1f
       Movement Subsystem
        Running                        up to +20m running (32m)                                                   20   3v
        Leaping                        up to +20m leaping (24m) (no NCM (-1/4))                                   10   1v
       Combat Subsystem
        Offense                        up to +2 OCV                                                               10   2v
        Defense                        up to +2 DCV                                                               10   2v
        Striking power                 up to +15 STR (not for lifting (-1/4))                                     15   2v
     Hardsuit                        All: Only in Alternate ID (-1/4)
      Additional Energy Systems
       Charge Capacity                +15 END (Total END: 55)                                                      3   2
       Recharge Boost                 +5 REC (Total REC: 15)                                                       5   4
     Additional Processing Power      +2 SPD                                                                      20  16
       Hard Armor                     6 rPD / 6 rED                                                               18  14
       Soft Armor                     5 PD / 5 ED                                                                 10   8
       Oxygen Supply                  Life Support: no breathing                                                  10   8
      Combat Prediction Software      2 Range skill levels w/ Hardsuit Powered Systems                             4   3
      Powered Systems                 Multipower 50 point reserve                                                 50  40
       Piercing Laser                  8d6 Blast vs ED (Armor piercing (+1/4), Beam (-1/4),                       50   2f
                                        no knockback (-1/4), can't be bounced (-1/4))
       Electrolaser                    10d6 Blast vs ED, Stun only (-0)                                           50   4f
       Blinding Laser                  10d6 Sight Group Flash (3 Recoverable charges (-3/4)))                     50   2f
       Electrical Arc                  2d6 Entangle (AOE: 16m cone (+1/2), Entangle takes no damage:              50   2f
                                        only STR to escape (+1)
                                        (escape condition: entangle only persists for 1 minute),
                                        no range (-1/2), 3 Recoverable charges (-3/4))
       Cutting Charges                 3m Tunneling through up to 16 PD Material (3 charges (-5/4))               35   1f
       Smoke Dispenser                 Darkness vs Sight Group 6m Radius                                          30   1f
                                        (3 continuing Charges, 1 minute (-1/2), no range (-1/2))
       Radio/Phone Spoofing            Radio Group Images -12 PER                                                 41   3f
       Radio/Phone Jammer              Darkness vs Radio Group 16m Radius                                         48   2f
                                        (1 Continual Recoverable Charge (5 Minutes) (-1/4), No Range (-1/2))
       Flight System                   20m Flight x32 NCM (1/2 END (+1/4))                                        50   4f
    Complications                                                                                                 75
     Cyberware needs maintenance     Physical Complication, infrequently, barely                                   5
     Extensive Cybernetics           Distinctive Feature, easily concealed                                         5
     Known to have cybernetics       Social Complication infrequent, minor                                         5
     AI Rights Activist              Negative Reputation: infrequent                                               5
     Secret ID                                                                                                    15
     Celebrity                       Social Complication frequent, minor                                          10
     Code Against Killing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                                    15
     Noblesse Oblige                 Psychological Complication Common, Strong                                    15


  5. The problem with that, of course, is now 'everyone' needs acrobatics. Alas, there are too many ways potentially available to make focus firing someone very attractive: flash, legsweep, an entangle that takes no damage, large PRE attacks, etc Once you get someone to 1/2 or even 0 DCV, the incentive is very strong to have everyone pile in and finish that person. Attacks against them will be close to twice as effective (assuming you hit a normal DCV target around 1/2 the time).


    For example, if you want your mooks to win things for the bad guy, give them (2d6 entangle (one body (-1/2), 0 DEF (-3/2), AOE: 4m radius, accurate (+1/2)) (30 active, 10 real points)). The mook holds fire until just before the boss goes, reduces a hero to 0 DCV, and the boss hits the hero for (big damage) -1.



    A 1d6 entangle is even cheaper, but has 1/6 change of producing no body on the roll result, 2d6 is safer, failing only on 1/36.

  6. And here's the next team, with more design highlights


    Team: The Inhumans


    DC 10

    CV 7

    DEF 25

    SPD 5



    REC 12-18

    STUN 30-50


    Resistant DEF 10+


    Team Scope: Very Large City (New York analogue), some national level, minor international


    1st Character: [Galatea]

    Design highlights

    VPP as infinite slot multipower



    Another implementation of the VPP is as a multipower with infinite slots. You'll usually want to take at least 'can change slots as a 1/2 phase action' advantage so you can change the slots in the VPP and still attack with it on the same turn. Also pay attention to how many active points you plan to be switching out at once, as you won't be able to get what you want out of your VPP if you can't make the skill roll.

    As this sort of VPP can theoretically pull out any 'large' power, you need to pay careful attention to what the VPP can't do. Otherwise you can instantly produce any needed non-combat power and make the other characters mostly irrelevant when not in combat. Nobody wants that, so make sure your infinite slot VPP has plenty of conceptual limitations on what powers you can have. If you've done your job right, these limitations are also worth points, so your VPP is cheaper. But the more important part is not taking the spotlight away from the other players whenever your VPP could apply.




    Unusual Senses



    An additional targeting sense can sometimes be thought of as infinite flash defense, as most combat flashes will target sight, since that's the only targeting sense most characters have. So a character with an unusual targeting sense should generally be considered to have flash defense for campaign balance purposes (e.g. if characters are only allowed to have 2 out of (mental defense, power defense, flash defense).




    Escaping entangles with teleportation



    GM Note: you can escape most entangles simply by teleporting. So watch out for any characters that seem to have low distance teleportation specifically to get out of entangles, especially if the teleportation is armor piercing.

    On the other hand, teleportation may be how certain 'weak' characters plan to get out of entangles, for example, a mentalist might not have much STR and have only mental attack powers, so teleportation might be one of the few avenues available to them.




    Position Shift



    For characters that don't have the DEX for a good breakfall roll, position shift is a way to avoid having to spend a 1/2 phase action to get back up after being knocked down. For characters who mostly do melee combat, the ability to get back up without spending an action can be very important, as you might have to move up to someone before you can punch them in the face. If they keep knocking you down while they aren't right next to you, you'll never be able to punch them.





    Balance Notes

    DC: High (12)

    CV: Medium (7)

    DEF: Medium (23/12 + 10 mental defense and unusual targeting sense)

    SPD: Medium (5)


    Found by [Memory Keeper] during an archaeological dig several, where she appeared to be a statue of the Goddess Nike. He became aware of her nature when she began to make comments on a screening of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


    An ensouled statue

    [Galatea] is actually an animated statue, though her near perfect shape shifting can make this very difficult to notice. When sleeping, she takes on a little of her inanimate nature and can be very hard to wake up. When she doesn't have any reason to sleep in a human form, she will often drift into a statue as she goes to sleep, the form of the statue having some relation on what dreams she will have. As she never had a human identity, she has no paperwork, no birth certificate, no drivers license, etc.


    Memory Problems

    [Galatea] is immortal, but she loses her memories of the past. She can clearly remember things that happened until around 10 years ago, and begins losing memories older than that. Anything more than 20 years old will have certainly be forgotten. Events in the past that left a major emotional impression will often come back as 'nightmares' when she sleeps. But because she is only able to dream of the actual event and the extreme emotion, without any other context, these dreams are usually very disturbing. She is now aware of her loss of memory, and fears losing her current identity. She is trying to stave this off by 'storing' her memories in [Memory keeper] and periodically reliving them.


    Songs of the Soul

    The animating spirit is so strong that it is able to effect severe changes in the world within 16 meters of 'Galatea'. Because some of her 'first' memories involve early Disney movies, her current way of effecting these changes is through singing. 'Past lives' had different additional VPP limitations, but the 16 meter range doesn't change.


    A monster from the past

    [Galatea] had several other identities in the past. Some of them had reputations so terrible that anyone discovering an animate statue that can effect things within a 16 m radius can set of both extreme paranoia and/or bloody revenge. After all, the statue is a consummate actor, so anything it says not remembering is not believable.


    Sample terrible pasts:

    The original terracota warrior, [Death within ten paces]

    As Qin Shi Huang's chief assassin, [Death within ten paces] killed a lot of people, and their extended families, and the villages they grew up in, and their little dogs too. (VPP limitation: focus of the moment: an edged weapon)

    [The Weeping Angel]

    Really, the less said about [The Weeping Angel], the better. It might hear you. (VPP limitation: when not being observed, yes blinking counts)


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    With imitation shapeshifting, very good social skills, and access to (limited) 12d6 telepathy, [Galatea] is a very good social infiltrator.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Megascale flight.




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Look after [Memory Keeper], he's squishy! Try on some random new identity and see what life is like. Study history. Try to prefect the memory storage process, hopefully eventually using something other than [Memory Keeper]'s brain! Go to the park, sing the squirrels down out of the trees and make them dance for you. Feed them. Go clubbing, since the people down on to the dance floor and make them dance for you. Realize the squirrels were much less gropey. Go to social events with [Hadaly], wind her up by pretending you thought her comment about charming the pants off people was to be taken literally.




    Built in weakness(es)



    Entangles that can't be escaped with teleportation. Darkness vs sound. Longer ranged or medium range medium mobility combatants. Asking what might be her infiltrating your group how something tastes.




    Character Build



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                            10                                                                 0
    DEX                            10                                                                 0
    CON                            13(21 stun resistance)                                             3
    INT                            13                                                                 3
    EGO                            18                                                                 8
    PRE                            30                                                                20
    OCV                             3                                                                 0
    DCV                             7                                                                20
    OMCV                            7                                                                12
    DMCV                            7                                                                12
    SPD                             5                                                                30
    PD                             11(17/6, 23/12 w/ Combat Luck)                                     9
    ED                             11(17/6, 23/12 w/ Combat Luck)                                     9
    REC                            15                                                                11
    END                            50                                                                 6
    BODY                           11                                                                 1
    STUN                           40                                                                10
     Acting                       PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     Charm                        PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     Conversation                 PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     High Society                 PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     Persuasion                   PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     Stealth                      DEX(11-)                                                        3   3
     Streetwise                   PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     Power skill: Singing         PRE(20-)                                                       13  13
     PS: Dancing                  PRE(15-)                                                        3   3
     KS: Music                       (11-)                                                        2   2
     PS: Historian                   (11-) (everyman)
     No records                      Anonymity                                                    3   3
     The Valiant                     10 pts to base                                              10  10
     Combat Luck II                                                                              12  12
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
     An Ensouled statue
      Statue 'biology'               Life Support: No breathing, No eating,                      28  28
                                      immunity to diseases and poisons, unaging
      Hard to Stagger                +8 CON (only to resist stunning (-1/4))                      8   6
      Stone, not flesh               6rPD/6rED                                                   18  18
      No sense of taste                                                                          -5  -5
      More than mere (wo)man         10 pts Mental Defense                                       10  10
      The Ideal Companion            Shape Shifting: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell/Taste          70  35
                                      groups, imitation, humanoid shapes, external cellular
                                      (0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/4),
                                      Extra Time: 5 minutes, only to start (-1))
      A Non-localized Phenomenon     16m Teleportation, position shift (no NCM (-1/4))           21  17
     AT Field Distortions            Unusual Sense Group: Detect: Souls (5), Targeting (10),     22  13
                                      360 Degrees (5), Sense (2)
                                      (Limited Range: 16m (-1/4), Costs END (-1/2))
     The Songs of the Soul           Variable Power Pool
      Reserve Pool                   34 point reserve                                            34  34
      Control Pool                   60 point control:  uses singing skill                       45  26
                                      Change as a 1/2 phase action (+1/2),
                                      Incantations (-1/4), Limited powers (-1/4),
                                      must change whole pool at once (-1/4)
    Complications                                                                                75
     Code Against Killing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Fears loss of                   Psychological Complication Uncommon, Strong                 10
      continuity of memory
     Nightmares of the Past          Psychological Complication Uncommon, Strong                 10
     Lost Memories                   Psychological Complication Uncommon, Moderate                5
     Heavy Sleeper                   Physical Complication Uncommon, Barely                       5
     A monster from the past         Neg. Reputation: Infrequently, Extreme Neg. Reputation,      5
                                      Very small group
     Hunted: Past Sins               Floating Hunted (usually as infrequent, as powerful,        10
                                      harshly punish)
     DNPC: Memory Keeper             DNPC: Normal, Infrequent                                    10
     Really a statue                 Distinctive Feature Special Senses /                         0
                                      Major medical to notice
     No paperwork                    Social Complication infrequent, minor                        5



    Sample VPP powers



    Sample Powers                                                                                          active cost
     Anthems:                      AOE: 16m radius (+3/4), No Range (-1/2), Incantation (-1/4),
                                    (selective target (+1/4) or (personal immunity (+1/4))
                                    Where DCV would be targeted: ACV: OMCV vs DCV (+0)
      of Paralysis                 2d6 entangle (vs EGO (+1/4),                                                 60  34
                                    Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks (see 6E1 217) (+3/4))
      of Apathy                    3d6 Drain EGO (AVAD (Mental Defense +0))                                     60  34
      of Rest                      4d6 Blast (AVAD Mental Defense (+1))                                         60  34
      of the Kaleidoscope          6d6 Flash vs. Sight Group  (AVAD Mental Defense (+1))                        60  34
      of the Fairy Godmother       Combined Slot
                                    2d6 Cosmetic Transform -> Stylish Clothing                                  12   7
                                    8d6 Cosmetic Transform -> A makeover                                        48  27
      of the Disney Princess       Change Environment: Cleaning and Tidying (6 STR Telekinesis)                 60  34
     Arias:                        Limited Range: 16m (-1/4), Incantation (-1/4), Extra time: delayed phase (-1/4))
                                    Where DCV would be targeted: ACV: OMCV vs DCV (+0)
      of Shattered Compulsions     20d6 Dispel Mind Control                                                     60  34
      of Shattered Minds           6d6 Mental Blast                                                             60  34
      of Shattered Glass           12d6 Blast vs ED                                                             60  34
      of Naked Force               30 STR Telekinesis (vs EGO (+1/4))                                           56  32
      for Two                      12d6 Telepathy                                                               60  34
      of the Forgotten Lullaby     Major Transform 4d6 (see 6E1 p298)                                           60  27
                                    erase, change, add to, or otherwise affect a person's mental "objects",
                                    heals back normally)
                                    (vs EGO (+1/4), ACV: uses OMCV against DMCV (+1/4), AVAD: Mental Defense (+0),
                                    Limited Target: mental "objects" in the minds of sentient beings (-1/2))
     Songs                         (unique limitations)
      of Home Repair               2d6 healing, can heal limbs                                                  44  29
                                    (AOE: 16m Radius (+3/4),
                                    only vs non-animate objects (machines, buildings, etc) (-0),
                                    Incantation (-1/4), Extra time: delayed phase (-1/4))
      of Sound and Fury            Images, Sight and Hearing Group, -6 PER Rolls                                58  29
                                    (AOE 16m Radius (+3/4), no range (-1/2),  constant incantation (-1/2))
      of the Dreaming              Combined Slot (constant incantation (-1/2))
                                   Desolidification (Affected by: Magic & pushed abilities)                     40  20
                                    (Can't pass through physical objects (-1/2))
                                   Flight 10m, (Megascale 1m = 1km (+1))                                        20  13


  7. So Bob... what happens when someone rolls doubles, triples or more? Lose their phases? Not criticising - if that's an effect you intend, this works okay. But with more than a couple of dice the chances of rolling doubles are quite high.

    Well, you can:

    Left them get multiple actions in the same phase

    make them reroll any duplicates

    or use the computer to select (speed) items from the numbers 1-12

  8. Since getting the formatting just so is a bit of work, does anyone have any comments on the format?

    Have at least another 4 characters to post, with more design highlights.

    IS sblocking everything a good way to keep the apparent post length manageable?

    Did you see anything in the characters you feel should be called out as a good example or design highlight?

    Anything that you feel is a bad example of character design?

  9. Last member of the 'A'-Team

    Design Highlights:

    The variable slot multipower



    As opposed to the fixed slot multipower, this allows you to change your DC balance and similar tricks. As a hint to saving points, anything you would generally always have allocated in the MP (like a minimum amount of defense) should probably be bought outside the multipower, as it's cheaper that way




    Only in alternate ID



    If you don't want your characters power armor to be taken away, or your hero transforms into a different 'powered' form, OIAID is for you. Remember that, to qualify for the disadvantage, you can't be able to instantly change into your powered form.

    It's also possible to get a discount on abilities that only apply to your non-powered form with OIAID applying to your 'normal' form, rather than your powered form.




    Safe Landing



    Remember that being stunned or knocked out also turns off your non-persistent powers. Like flight. This means you immediately start falling out of the sky. As you are already low on STUN, this can take you out of the fight all-together, if it doesn't kill you outright.

    If you don't want to pay for persistence on all of your flying ability, 1m of persistent, inherent, 0 END gliding is only one point.




    Selling back normal movement



    Every character gets 12 points of running, 2 points of leaping, and 2 points of swimming for free. It's possible to sell back some or all of this movement. For example, your small character may not be able to run as fast. Your character may be a paraplegic. Your character may be a floating ball that can really only move by flying around.

    GM note: look carefully at characters who sell back their base movement, as there are several near exploits available. For example, selling all your base movement and using those points to buy a movement multipower instead.





    Balance Notes

    Varies with allocation of variable multipower slots

    DC: Varies (low - high) (OMCV vs DCV, targets PD, has telekinesis)

    DC: Varies (mid - high) (20/15 to 30/15, has unusual targeting sense)

    DC: Varies (low - high) (8 - 12)

    DC: Varies (low - high) (4 - 6)


    A physicist, working at Campaign city's particle collider. He was studying the [Arachne] incident and trying to recreate the events that led to it. Hopefully this time, with less screaming. The Eschaton and immensely powerful thingy (alien, god, future entity, etc) became worried about clever monkeys poking the Devourer of Worlds with sticks, and visited [Aphelion] to give him a stern talking to. The Escaton charged him with preventing other clever monkeys from poking the Devourer of Worlds. It imbued him with telekinetic liquid metal, which is some for of sufficiently advanced technology, to help him keep an eye on said clever monkeys.

    [Aphelion]'s first actions as a super powered being were to call up a psychologist and say, "I've just had one hell of a hallucination." However, sufficient testing, and some worrying results at the particle collider finally convinced him to cause a convenient fire at the lab, destroying the records of the [Arachne] incident, along with his research notes. He's abandoned his job as a high level research physicist to take a job as a high school physics teacher. He's not very good at it, but none of the kids were there to learn physics anyway, so it evens out.

    The weapons manufacturer, Technodyne Defense Systems is very interested in why exactly a suspicious fire would break out at Campaign City's particle collider and a prominent physicist would quit at almost the same time.

    [Arachne] has the 0 point complication: Watched by Aphelion, since she is associated with the Devourer of Worlds.


    While not quite a spherical physicist, he certainly qualifies for 'pear shaped'. When transformed into Aphelion, he looks like smooth metal ball roughly 60 cm in diameter.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    HRRP to hear police radio, etc. With criminology, forensic medicine, and deduction is able to find out lots from crime scenes. Can be quite sneaky due to small size in sphere form.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Megascale flight.




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Make sure [Arachne] doesn't do anything to damage the fabric of reality. Deal with other idiots messing with 'Scary Physics'. Try to research something that leaves most people chanting 'ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn!' without making a mess. Deal with idiot high schoolers, many of whom were exposed to the same dimensional breach as [Arachne], it's possible some of them will sprout tentacles and decide to be humanitarians. Get more of [Aspirant]'s cookies, they are yummy.




    Built in weakness(es)



    In sphere form, [Aphelion] does not have access to non-flying forms of movement. This means that unless he's resting on the (undoubtedly filthy!) ground, he'll take increased knockback. Also, as his DEX is only 8, he'll go after most everyone else.




    Character design



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                            10                                                                 0
    DEX                             8                                                                -4
    CON                            15(23 stun resistance)                                             5
    INT                            23                                                                13
    EGO                            23                                                                13
    PRE                            20(30 PRE resistance in sphere form)                              10
    OCV                             3                                                                 0
    DCV                             3(7 in sphere form, due to shrinking II)                          0
    OMCV                            7                                                                12
    DMCV                            7                                                                12
    SPD                             4(up to 6 w/ Speed of thought)                                   20
    PD                              7(10/3 Combat Luck, 20/15 sphere form, up to 30/15 TK shield)     5
    ED                              7(10/3 Combat Luck, 20/15 sphere form, up to 30/15 TK shield)     5
    REC                            10(18 in Sphere Form)                                              6
    END                            20(60 in Sphere Form)                                              0
    BODY                           13                                                                 3
    STUN                           40                                                                10
     Bureaucratics                PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Criminology                  INT(14-)                                                        3   3
     Deduction                    INT(14-)                                                        3   3
     Forensic Medicine            INT(14-)                                                        3   3
     KS: Notable Scientists          (11-)                                                        2   2
     Oratory                      PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Paramedics                   INT(14-)                                                        3   3
     Scientist                                                                                    3   3
      SS: Anatomy                    (11-)                                                        1   1
      SS: High Energy Physics     INT(14-)                                                        2   2
      SS: Scary physics           INT(14-)                                                        2   2
      SS: Mathematics             INT(14-)                                                        2   2
      SS: Medicine                   (11-)                                                        1   1
      SS: Nuclear Physics         INT(14-)                                                        2   2
     Stealth                      DEX(11-)                                                        3   3
     Range skill levels              2 range skill levels with TK fist, telekinesis               4   4
     PS: Teacher                     (11-)
     Notable Physicist               Positive reputation (14-, medium group)                      2   2
     Teaching License                1 pt Fringe Benefit                                          2   2
     Combat Luck I                                                                                6   6
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
     A Sharp dressed man             +1d6 striking appearance                                     3   1
                                      (focus of the moment (-1/4),
                                      extra time (5 minutes) only to start (-1),
                                      OINID (-1/4))
     Fast Healing                    Regeneration: 1 body per 6 hours (OINID (-1/4))              6   5
     Stun Resistance                  +8 CON (only to resist stunning (-1/4))                     8   6
     EM Senses                       HRRP                                                        12  12
     Safe landing                    1m flight (gliding (-1), 0 end (+1/2), persistent (+1/4      2   1
                                      inherent (+1/4))
     A floating beachball            Shrinking II (same mass (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2),               30  17
                                      persistent (+1/4), inherent(+1/4),
                                      extra time 1 turn only to start (-3/4))
     'Normal' Movement               All: Only in normal ID (-1/4)
      Running                         12m running                                                12  10
      Swimming                        4m leaping                                                  2   2
      Leaping                         4m swimming                                                 2   2
     Sphere form                     All: Only in hero ID (-1/4) (i.e. shrunk)
      No normal movement
       No Running                     -12m Running                                              -12 -12
       No Leaping                     -4m Leaping                                                -2  -2
       No Swimming                    -4m Swimming                                               -2  -2
      No visible limbs                NPA: imperceptible: sight (+1/2) on 'extra limbs'           2   2
                                       (i.e. regular limbs are now invisible,
                                       and holding things in 'hands'
                                       now looks like telekinesis)
      Armor I                         +10 PD / +10 ED                                            20  16
      Armor II                        12 PD & 12 ED made resistant                               12  10
      Basic Flight                    12m flight + position shift (useable as swimming (+1/4     25  20
      Radar                           Detect: Radar (5) + targeting (10)                         15  12
       Long Ranged Radar              +10 telescopic w/ Radar                                     5   4
      A feeling of security           +10 PRE only to resist presence attacks (-1)               10   4
      Life support                    no breathing, safe in all environments                     19  15
      Energy Reactions I              +8 REC                                                      8   6
      Energy Reactions I              +40 END                                                     8   6
       Telekinetic Sphere             80 point multipower                                        80  64
        Speed of thought               up to +2 SPD                                              20   3v
        Telekinetic fist               up to 12d6 blast vs PD,                                   60  10v
                                        ACV (uses OMCV against DCV; +0)
        Telekinetic shield             up to +10 PD +10 ED                                       20   3v
        Telekinetic flight             up to +40m flight                                         40   6v
        Escape Velocity                26m Flight (megascale 1m=1Km (+1), 1/2 END (+1/4))        58   5f
        Gross Telekinesis              up to 40 str telekenesis                                  60  10v
                                        (ACV: uses OMCV against DCV (+0))
        Fine Telekinesis               30 STR telekinesis with fine manipulation                 55   4f
                                        (ACV: uses OMCV against DCV (+0))
    Complications                                                                                75
     Watched by Technodyne Defense SyInfrequent, More Powerful, non-combat influence             10
     Watched by the Eschaton         Infrequent, More Powerful                                    5
     Obese (or a flying beachball)   Distinctive Feature Concealable, Recognizable               10
     Humble/Self-Effacing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Fastidious                      Psychological Complication Common, Moderate                 10
     Skeptic                         Psychological Complication Common, Moderate                 10
     Secret ID                                                                                   15


  10. Design Highlights:

    The Movement multipower



    A fixed slot multipower to contain various movement powers can be a great addition to your hero. It also allows you to easily model heroes who do different things with their movement abilites.




    The Brick tricks multipower



    Being strong is one of the worst super powers in 6E Champions. Many of the abilities you'd get in other systems 'for free' for being strong, you don't really get in Champions.

    One of the ways to make your strong hero more interesting is to put their strength into a multipower, so other 'tricks' that they can do 'by geing strong' are already there on the character sheet.

    Speedsters should consider a similar 'speedster tricks' multipower, which might also contain the majority of their movement abilities.




    Don't neglect DMCV



    Mentalists and characters who attack DMCV should be reasonably common. Your character shouldn't be able to call in sick when the evil Dr. Mental comes to town; and that's what you would be doing by leaving your MDCV at 3 and your EGO at 10. In a 10DC average game, 10DC mind control is a average power, which means you are looking at an EGO +20 result even on a bad roll.

    The other power that attack special defenses (drains, flashes, etc) still have to defeat your DCV, so even if you don't have power defense or flash defense, you have at least some ability to avoid them already build into your character.





    Balance Notes:

    DC (high) 12 (OCV vs DCV, attacks PD, NND: hearing flash defense)

    CV (high) 9

    DEF (low) (20/13)

    SPD (medium) 5


    [Aspirant] came into her powers very early, so she has been dealing with the women of steel, men of tissue problem for some time. The mental control she has to use to keep from destroying things with her super strength is considerable. On the other hand, this same discipline gives her a lot of experience with other uses of super strength.

    How much of her 'milk and cookies' persona is her true self and how much of it is just another facet of the tight control she keeps herself under is left to the player. But it certainly produces some odd results when it combines with her cynicism.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    Good social skills. Can also pick pockets. Life support sleep 1/week plus high streetwise let's her Batman around some. HRRP to hear police radio, etc.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Able to run at around 112 mph on the ground, around 75 mph along the sides of buildings, plus able to accurately jump 40 meters. So can move on the order of half again to twice as fast as a car and ignore traffic.




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Bake cookies, before you have to strangle someone. Deal with idiot school children, idiot inlaws, and idiot school boards. Go jogging before you have to strangle someone choke a bitch. Rub husband's feet; he works hard at his job. Drink more coffee, that homework isn't going to grade itself. No, mom, I'm not pregnant yet. Help [Arachne] manage to have a whole date without being seen by anyone other than the poor fool. This warms the blackened cockles of your heart.




    Built in weakness(es)



    No special defenses or unsual targeting senses. Vulnerability to STR drain, as other attack options would also be drained (unified power).




    Character Design:



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                           10                                                                  0
    DEX                           23                                                                 26
    CON                           20 (28 Stun resistance)                                            10
    INT                           13                                                                  3
    EGO                           20                                                                 10
    PRE                           20                                                                 10
    OCV                           9                                                                  30
    DCV                           9                                                                  30
    OMCV                          3                                                                   0
    DMCV                          9                                                                  18
    SPD                           5                                                                  30
    PD                            20 (20/13)                                                         18
    ED                            20 (20/13)                                                         18
    REC                           15                                                                 11
    END                           50                                                                  6
    BODY                          13                                                                  3
    STUN                          50                                                                 15
     Acrobatics                   DEX(14-)                                                        3   3
     Breakfall                    DEX(14-)                                                        3   3
     Bribery                      PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Conversation                 PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Interrogation                PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Scholar                                                                                      3   3
      KS: Education system           (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: History                    (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Literature                 (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Superhumans                (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Local Criminals            (11-)                                                        1   1
     Sleight of Hand              DEX(14-)                                                        3   3
     Stealth                      DEX(14-)                                                        3   3
     Streetwise                   PRE(13-)                                                        3   3
     Teamwork                     DEX(14-)                                                        3   3
     PS: Teacher                     (11-) everyman
     Socially Adept                  +1 to all Interaction Skills                                 4   4
     Teaching License                1 pt Fringe Benefit                                          1   1
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
     Just tough                      13 PD & 13 ED made resistant                                13  13
     Stun Resistance                 +8 CON (only to resist stunning (-1/4))                      8   6
     All the coffee                  Life Support: Sleep 1/week                                   1   1
     Super Parkour                   23 Point Multipower                                         23  23
      Running                         up to +18m running x4 NCM (30m total)                      23   5v
      Jumping                         up to +36m Jumping, Accurate (40m total) (no NCM (-1/4     23   4v
      Wall Running                    Clinging                                                   10   1f
      Are you even pretending to      up to 23m stretching                                       23   4v
       interact with physics?          (no NCM (-1/4))
      Now you are Just                12m teleport, No relative Velocity                         22   1f
       showing off                     (must pass through intervening space (-1/4),
                                       restrainable:as legs (-1/2))
     Running Helmet                  All OIF (-1/2)
      Communications                  HRRP                                                       12   6
                                       (effected as sight and hearing groups as well (-1/2))
      Night Vision                                                                                5   3
    Super Strength Tricks            50 point multipower (All: Unified Powers)                   50  40
     Just being strong                +50 Strength                                               50   4f
     Ear clap                         6d6 blast (NND hearing flash defense (+1/2),               45   3f
                                       no range (-1/2))
     Throwing things                  10d6 blast vs PD (focus of the moment (-1/4))              50   3f
     Field expedient binding          Entangle: 5 rPD/5 rED 5d6 Body                             50   2f
                                       (focus of the moment (-1/4), no range (-1/2))
     Smash through                    6m tunneling through 16 PD material                        38   3f
    Complications                                                                                75
     Cynical,                        Psychological Complication Common, moderate                 10
      especially about 'the system'
     Code Against Killing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Code of the Hero                Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Married                         Social Complication Frequent, Major                         15
     Secret ID                       Social Complication infrequent, Major                       10
     Hunted by the witches circle    infrequent, as powerful, capture/kill                       10


  11. Design Highlights:

    The small multipower



    You can put a lot of minor and/or character building stuff into a small multipower; but make sure to pay attention to the powers that generally can't be put into power frameworks.




    The fixed slot multipower



    This is one of the main building blocks of many characters. It usually hold several different types of attacks, what the character can select from as the situation is appropriate.

    Note to GM: you generally shouldn't allow a fixed slot multipower to attack more than one sort of special defense (flash defense, power defense, mental defense). Otherwise it becomes too easy for the character to attack whatever defense(s) the target doesn't have.

    Your multipower isn't just limited to attacks, it’s also possible to put non-combat powers into it as well (examples: large scale movement, out of combat transforms, etc).




    Mental Speed



    Mental powers (and those bought with (ACV: OMCV vs DMCV) use EGO instead of DEX to determine how fast you act. Note that any physical actions you take still rely on your DEX, though. So, for example, if you want to walk around the corner and mind control someone, you'd have to wait until your DEX came around so you could walk around the corner, before you could attempt to mind control them.




    CV changes of Shrinking and Growth



    Remember that every level of shrinking provides +2 DCV and every level of growth is -2 DCV. Characters that fight at different sizes should pay attention to their CV for balance purposes.

    Shrinking not intended for use in combat should generally have a limitation that locks out combat powers, or a side effect that reduces DC.

    Characters that intend to fight while grown should remember to buy up their DCV to account for the DCV loss. If you can also fight while not-grown, remember that your not-grown form will also need to comply with the campaign balance.




    Large PRE attacks



    Assuming your opponents are built 'properly' a large PRE attack shouldn't be game breaking. It allows you to easily reduce large groups of minions to 1/2 DCV to allow your team mates to quickly clear them out of the combat.

    GM note: PRE attacks should probably be treated like attack powers for campaign balance. So if your average DC is 10, a 10d6 PRE attack should be a possible thing for a hero or villain to have in their bag of tricks.





    Balance Notes

    DC: High (12DC OMCV vs DMCV targets PD, EGO/mental defense)

    CV: Medium (7)

    DEF: High (7/7 + 6DC damage negation (28 equiv) with 10 mental defense and unusual targeting sense)

    SPD: Low (4)


    [Arachne] was a normal high school student, who was on a field trip to Campaign City's particle collider to 'see some real science done'. Unfortunately, the scientists at the collider picked this time to accidentally punch a hole into the underverse, where the Devourer of Worlds lies dreaming.  [Arachne] emulating the Dutch boy of legend, attempted to hold the hole in the universe closed with her hands.  This lead to her being stuck in the hole, rather like a cork in a bottle.  Being in the shadow cast be the sleeping Devourer of Worlds has radically changed her physiology and given her access to several different powers.  While her changed physiology is permanent, any force which disrupts the hole into the underverse or partially pulls her out of it also disrupts several of her powers.

    Floating teleport locations would normally be set to [Aspirant] and [Athenian]. This way, if the team needs to go somewhere fast, [Athenian] can use his megascale movement to get there, [Arachne] can teleport to wherever [Aspirant] is, and then gate them both to [Athenian] without any targeting problems. [Aphelion] also has megascale movement, but he normally doesn't let [Arachne] use him as a teleport destination, since that means she could, you know, show up one night and eat him, or something.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    [Arachne] is an excellent physical infiltrator, with access to invisibility, shrinking, and both lockpicking and the security systems skills. With access to tracking scent, she can follow people of interest, once they have been identified. In addition, she can do computer hacking, with computer programming + cryptography. HRRP to hear police radio, etc.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    With megascale teleport, a megascale teleport gate, and the ability to mark team members (who may also have megascale movement) as fixed teleport destinations means that [Arachne] should have no problem getting places. When operating by herself, she could megascale teleport into a location she could either spot from the air, or spot in the air from the ground (and then fly down).




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Spend time on the Internet. Talk online about normal things like what's the best color to paint your nails. Feel bad when your nail polish chips because you had to claw your way through a steel wall. Complete her high school stuff, so she can hopefully get into a good college! If she can arrange one on one interaction with someone, play Nyaruko-tan with mental illusions. [Athenian] or [Aspirant] can sometimes be talked into helping 'chaperone' such things, to prevent any random passerby from seeing her accidentally (or on purpose). Maybe try riding around in [Aspirant]'s backpack when she goes running. Other joggers wouldn't notice a few eye stalks looking out, would they?




    Built in weakness(es)



    [Arachne] has a large vulnerability to certain drains, because her major defense (damage negation) is in a unified power framework. In addition, she can be contained by applications of the 'Scary Physics' skill. Lastly, with a PRE defense of only 10, she is vulnerable to PRE attacks.




    Character Design:



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                            10                                                                 0
    DEX                            10(18 for running, flying, swimming)                               0
    CON                            18                                                                 8
    INT                            13                                                                 3
    EGO                            23                                                                13
    PRE                            10                                                                 0
    OCV                             3                                                                 0
    DCV                             7                                                                20
    OMCV                            7                                                                12
    DMCV                            7                                                                12
    SPD                             4                                                                20
    PD                              4(7/7 w/ combat luck)                                             2
    ED                              4(7/7 w/ combat luck)                                             2
    REC                            15                                                                11
    END                            40                                                                 4
    BODY                           12                                                                 2
    STUN                           40                                                                10
     Bugging                      INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     Computer programming         INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     Concealment                  INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     Cryptography                 INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     Lock Picking                 DEX(11-)                                                        3   3
     Security Systems             INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     Shadowing                    INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     Stealth                      DEX(11-)                                                        3   3
     Tracking                     INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     CuK: The Internet            INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     KS: Horror Fiction           INT(12-)                                                        3   3
     PS: Hacker                      (11-) everyman
     1337 Skillz                     +1 with Intellect skills                                     4   4
     Combat Luck I                                                                                6   6
     Lightning Movement              Lightning Ref: +8 DEX for running, flying, swimming          2   2
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
     No longer of this earth
      Tough                          PD and ED made fully resistant                               4   4
      Inhuman physiology             life support: No breathing, safe in all environments        19  19
      Inhuman mind                   10 pts mental defense                                       10  10
      Whole Body Nose                Add Tracking, Targeting to Sense of Smell                   15  15
      Glorious New Form              12 pt Multipower                                            12  12
       Suckers                        clinging                                                   10   1f
       Skittery limbs                 +12m running (24m total)                                   12   1f
       Noodly Tentacles               12m stretching                                             12   1f
       Lovably Squishable             shrinking (2 levels)                                       12   1f
                                       (lockout: combat powers (-1/2))
       Silent flappy Things           10m Flight (Imperceptible to sound (+1/4))                 12   1f
       Powerful flippers              +20m swimming (24m total)                                  10   1f
       Rejuvinating Slime             Heal 1d6 Body                                              10   1f
       Very Sharp Claws & Teeth       1 Pip HKA (Penetrating x2 (+1))                            10   1f
     Headset Computer                All: OIF (-1/2)
      Communications                  HRRP (effected as sight and hearing as well (-1/2))        12   6
      Processing                      Lightning Calculator                                        3   2
      Recording                       Eidetic Memory (Sight and Sound only (-1/2))                5   2
     Dimensional Weak Spot           One Fixed Teleport Location                                  1   1
     Mental Impressions              Two Floating Fixed Teleport Location                        10  10
     Like a cork in a bottle         All: Unified Powers (-1/4)
      Eldritch Abomination            8d6 striking appearance                                    24  19
      Weak interactions with normal u Damage negation -6DC PD, -6DC ED                           60  48
      In the shadow of the Devourer o 60 point multipower                                        60  48
       Psychic scream                  Mental blast 6d6                                          60   5f
       Dream Twisting                  12d6 Mental Illusions                                     60   5f
       The voice                       12d6 Mind control                                         60   5f
       Dimensional Rending             8d6 Blast vs PD (Armor Piercing (+1/4),                   60   3f
                                        ACV: OMCV vs MDCV (+1/4), Beam (-1/4),
                                        no knockback (-1/4), can't be bounced (-1/4))
       Unbinding                       20d6 Dispel Entangle (no range (-1/2))                    60   3f
       Personal Wormhole               teleportation 10m, no relative velocity                   60   5f
                                        ((Megascale (1m=100km) (+3/2), safe blind (+1/4),
                                        armor piercing (+1/4)))
       Wormhole Gate                   teleportation 10m x2 mass                                 60   3f
                                        (Usable Simultaneously (creator and one) (+1/2),
                                        2m Radius (+1/4), Constant (+1/2),
                                        Megascale (1m=100km) (+3/2),
                                        safe blind (+1/4), gate (-1/2))
       I'm not here                    Invisibility to sight, hearing,                           50   3f
                                        smell/taste, radio, mental groups, no fringe
                                        (no attacks (-1/2))
    Complications                                                                                75
     Eldritch Abomination I          Distinctive Features, not concealable, extreme reaction     25
     Eldritch Abomination II         Social Complication, frequently, major                      15
     Blocked by 'physics wards'      Physical Complication, infrequently, greatly                15
     Significantly Different Anatomy Physical Complication, infrequently, Slightly                5
                                      (requires special medical care)
     Hunted by the Scary Clown Posse Infrequently, As powerful, Mildly Punish                     5
     Wants a 'normal' life           Psychological Complication, Common, Moderate                10


  12. And here's the first four characters, with their design highlights:


    Team outline: The 'A'-Team


    DC 10

    CV 7

    DEF 25

    SPD 5



    REC 12-18

    STUN 30-50


    Resistant DEF 10+


    Team Scope: Large City (Chicago analogue), mostly local, minor dimension hopping


    Special notes: A variant of high energy physics called 'Scary Physics' will be related to certain Lovecraftian elements (example story: From Beyond)


    1st Character: [Athenian]

    Design highlights:

    Controlling Points Spent on Skills



    If your conception of your character has a lot of skills, it can be very hard to keep from going overboard in how much you spend on them. One of the ways you can keep your skills under control is to coordinate with the other players. If they pick up a few of the skills your character 'would' have, you can same points by not taking those skills.

    If you find yourself upping your stats to increase your skill rolls, or spending a lot of points on increasing skill rolls directly, consider taking some skill levels instead. For example, you can take 10 points 'all non-combat skill levels' to avoid needing to raise all your stats if you want higher skill rolls.




    Stun Resistance



    If you take damage greater than your CON, you are stunned, which, among other things, turns off any non-persistent powers (like combat luck, defenses you have to spend END on, etc) and reduces you to 1/2 DCV. Most opponents will want to pile in on the guy who is at 1/2 DCV, so your chances of staying in the fight just took a nose dive.

    As DEF values are usually capped by campaign, you need to manage your CON total to avoid being stunned all the time. See the handy Stun Avoidance table to see what your CON + DEF totals should be.

    As CON no longer provides figured characteristics, it's main ability is providing stun resistance. That's why I feel that (only for stun resistance) is only a (-1/4) disadvantage.




    PRE Resistance



    Presence attacks should be a pretty important part of a super hero game and having your hero need a new pair of pants when the scary clowns show up is not empowering. Even if you don't plan to make PRE attacks much, you should make sure you have 'enough' PRE resistance, unless being scared often is part of your character concept.

    What you really want to avoid is the PRE +20 result on the table, which reduces you to 1/2 DCV. Assuming (Medium DC) (ex: 10d6) PRE attacks are the most you are going to meet, 20 PRE defense should be good enough.

    Generally, PRE should be treated something like at attack power for campaign DC limits.




    Teamwork skill



    The teamwork skill is one way to really lay the smackdown on things. It works best when the characters who are cooperating have similar DEX and SPD totals, so they don’t have to deal with holding actions.




    Slow to change VPP



    One of the implementations for VPPs is the 'slow change' version. This can be used to represent characters who have an armory or collection of gadgets 'back at base' and have to go back there to change them, or a DnD type wizard who has to sleep to change his spell selection, or a character who undergoes evolutionary mutations.

    You can also use this for the player who can't stop tinkering with their character. They can change their VPP out with some frequency and still have that fully supported by the rules.

    In theory, the rules on what sort of powers shouldn't be allowed in a VPP should be 'most relaxed' about this sort of VPP, as the character can't quickly change out the power once it's utility is past.

    No matter what kind of VPP you have, though, you should have several sample powers already statted out so you don't have to waste the other player's time coming up with something.




    Triggered Movement



    This power construct is a way to mimic certain speedster abilities.

    If you find it too complicated, some of it's functionality can be gotten with the 'Flying Dodge' martial arts maneuver (improved 'dive for cover' and 'move away from melee attackers').

    You can effectively replicate the ability to move away after attacking your target in melee by using stretching. Stretching also lets you punch people you might not be able to reach normally, like flyers.

    Explanation of the power construct works:

    Trigger condition is set when trigger is created (+1/2)

    The character creates a 'trigger' that amounts to 'after I do whatever it is I was going to do'. Examples: after I attack that guy, after I move, 'now', after I pick this thing up.

    Activating Trigger is non-action (+1/4)

    The trigger can go off, even when the character normally can't act, such as when they end their turn by attacking.

    Setting trigger is a 0 phase action (+1/4)

    The character has to be able to act to create the trigger, but it doesn't take any time to set.

    Trigger expires: trigger only lasts a single segment (-1/4)

    The trigger only last for the segment that you are acting in. Without this disadvantage, you could set your movement to trigger 'when I am attacked'. With this disadvantage, the trigger will only work when you have an action.

    What does this let you do?

    On your turn, take a regular half move, set the movement trigger to (after I attack), attack (which would normally end your turn), then have the triggered movement go off and move.

    Move further than normal by combining a regular full move plus a triggered movement.

    Gain the 'time' for certain half-phase actions, like a perception roll, that the normal pace of half-move -> attack combat doesn't allow time for, by using a triggered move instead of a half move.

    Abort to a defensive action like block or dodge, and move at the same time. This generally lets you automatically escape melee attacks (since you are now far away from your attacker) and get out of AOE effects (assuming you have enough triggered movement). You can also abort to block for other people, by aborting to block, using triggered movement to move next to them, and then blocking for them.

    Things you can't do:

    Take a recovery and use this version of triggered movement in the same action, as a recovery doesn't let you take the zero phase action you'd need to set the trigger.

    Use non-combat movement on your triggered move.





    Balance Notes:



    Highly varied, depending on VPP allocation (change takes hours)

    DC Varies (mid - high) (10-12 DC)

    CV Varies (mid - high) (7-9 CV)

    DEF Varies (low - high) (18+/10+ with 10 mental & power defense)

    SPD Varies (low - high) (4-6)




    A member of Campaign city's local government and a superhero. In play, some combination of speedster, martial artist, and power armor character.


    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    [Athenian] has the local police as an organizational contact. So anything the police find interesting, he can probably hear about. Also has several social skills. HRRP to hear police radio, etc.




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Megascale movement (flight only in contact with a surface)




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Talk to constituents and various important people around the city. Occasionally actually have to vote on something. Try to help [Arachne] have some sort of social life. Try not to get involved in scandals, which can be surprisingly difficult when you look this good. Try to keep anyone from finding out that a female high school aged eldritch abomination mostly lives in your basement.




    Built in weakness(es)



    No flash defense and no unusual targeting senses, so vulnerable to AOE flashes. Has foci, so vulnerable to grabs, disarms, and similar.




    Character design:



                                  value                                                     active cost
    STR                           30                                                                 20
    DEX                           18 (23 pts w/ lightning reflexes)                                  16
    CON                           18 (26 stun resistance)                                             8
    INT                           13                                                                  3
    EGO                           18                                                                  8
    PRE                           25 (35 PRE resistance)                                             15
    OCV                           5                                                                  10
    DCV                           7                                                                  20
    OMCV                          3                                                                   0
    DMCV                          3                                                                   0
    SPD                           4                                                                  20
    PD                            12 (18/6 w/ combat luck)                                           10
    ED                            12 (18/6 w/ combat luck)                                           10
    REC                           12                                                                  8
    END                           40                                                                  4
    BODY                          13                                                                  3
    STUN                          40                                                                 10
     Breakfall                    DEX(13-)                                                        3   3
     Bureaucratics                PRE(14-)                                                        3   3
     Charm                        PRE(14-)                                                        3   3
     Conversation                 PRE(14-)                                                        3   3
     High Society                 PRE(14-)                                                        3   3
     Oratory                      PRE(14-)                                                        3   3
     Persuasion                   PRE(14-)                                                        3   3
     Scholar                                                                                      3   3
      KS: Greek Mythology            (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Law                        (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Campaign City Notables     (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Campaign City Politics     (11-)                                                        1   1
      KS: Religion                   (11-)                                                        1   1
     Stealth                      DEX(13-)                                                        3   3
     Teamwork                     DEX(13-)                                                        3   3
     PS: Politician                  11- (everyman)
    Martial Arts
     Fast strike                     +2 OCV, +0 DCV, Strike (STR+2D6)                             4   4
     Legsweep                        +2 OCV, -1 DCV, Strike (STR+1D6), Target Falls               3   3
     Sacrifice Disarm                +2 OCV, -2 DCV, Disarm +10 STR                               4   4
     Martial Block                   +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block/Abort                                  4   4
     Contact: Local Police           (11-, useful skills, institutions, organization)            12  12
     Wealth                          5 pts Money                                                  5   5
     City Councilman                 1 pt Fringe Benefit                                          1   1
     Passed the Bar exam             1 pt Fringe Benefit                                          1   1
     Combat Luck II                                                                              12  12
     Lightning Reflexes                                                                           5   5
    Powers                           description                                            active cost
    Spark of Divinity:
     Night Vision                                                                                 5   5
     Divine Endurance I              10 pts Mental Defense                                       10  10
     Divine Endurance II             10 pts Power Defense                                        10  10
     Divine Endurance III            Life Support: sleep 1/week                                   1   1
     Divine Endurance IV             +8 CON (only to resist stunning (-1/4))                      8   6
     No Fear                         +10 PRE, only to resist PRE attacks (-1)                    10   5
     Of the blood of Hermes          21 point multipower                                         21  21
      Mythic Speed                    10m flight megascale (1m=1km)                              20   1f
                                       Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4)
                                       restrainable: as legs (-1/2)
      Nothing but a blur              12m running (Trigger:                                      21   2f
                                       (Trigger condition is set when trigger is created (+1/2),
                                       Activating Trigger is non-action (+1/4),
                                       Setting trigger is a 0 phase action (+1/4)
                                       Trigger expires: only lasts a single segment (-1/4 less)
                                       total: (+3/4))
      Just running fast               +20m running (32m total)                                   20   2f
      High Speed Struggle             +20 STR (only escape grabs and entangles (-1))             20   1f
    Radio earbuds                    HRRP                                                        12   7
                                      (affected as sight and hearing group (-1/2),
                                      IIF (-1/4))
    Mythological Armory              Variable Power Pool
     Reserve Pool                     65 point pool                                              65  65
     Control Pool                     60 point control,                                          30  13
                                       only change in given circumstances (-1/2),
                                       change takes hours (-1/4),
                                       At least (-1/2) in Focus limitations
    Complications                                                                                75
     Code Against Killing            Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Civic Minded And Responsible    Psychological Complication Common, Strong                   15
     Prefers Diplomacy to Force      Psychological Complication Common, Moderate                 10
     Hunted Nessus Shirt Company     Infrequent, as powerful, NCI, Harshly Punish                15
     Body of a Greek God             Distinctive Feature Concealable, Recognizable               10
     Vulnerability to Poisons I      1 1/2 Stun (uncommon)                                        5
     Vulnerability to Poisons II     1 1/2 Body (uncommon)                                        5



    Sample VPP point allocations



                                                                                            Active real
    Panoply of Hermes                DC: Med (10) CV: High (9)                                       65
                                     Def: Low (18/11 + 10 mental & power defense)
                                     SPD: High (6)
     Cape                            All: OIF (-1/2)
                                      5 PD / 5 ED made resistant                                  5   3
                                      +2 DCV                                                     10   7
                                      +2 SPD                                                     20  13
                                      +2 OCV                                                     10   7
                                      +12m running                                               12   8
                                      +2 Damage Classes                                           8   5
                                      +3 REC                                                      3   2
                                      +20 END                                                     4   3
     Nets                            All: OAF (-1)
                                      8 rPD 5rED, 4d6 body entangle                              50  15
                                       (limited range (16m) (-1/4),
                                       2 recoverable charges (-1))
                                      +2 CSL with nets                                            4   2
    Colossus of Rhodes               DC: High (12) CV: Med (7)                                       65
                                     Def: High (28/15 + 10 mental & power defense)
                                     SPD: Low (4)
     Giant Armor                     All: OIF (-1/2)
      growth I                        0 end (1/2), persistent (1/4),                             50  29
                                       Inherent (+1/4), Armor is just that big (-1/4)
      density increase I              0 end (1/2), persistent (1/4),                              8   5
                                       Inherent (+1/4), Armor is just that heavy (-1/4)
                                      +2 DCV                                                     10   7
                                      +4 STUN                                                     2   1
                                      -4m Knockback Resistance                                    4   3
                                      +6 PD / +6 ED                                              12   8
                                      9 PD / 9 ED Made resistant                                  9   6
                                      +6 REC                                                      6   4
                                      +3m reach                                                   3   2
                                     Totals: STR 50, CON 28, PRE 25,
                                      PD 28/15, ED 28/15, BODY 15,
                                      REC 18, STUN 50, -12m Knockback resistance,
                                      24m running, 5m reach, 7 DCV
    Panoply of Apollo                DC: Med (10) CV: High (9)                                       65
                                     Def: Med (23/11 + 10 mental & power defense)
                                     SPD: Med (5)
     Bow of the Sun                  All: OAF (-1)
                                      32m stretching                                             56  20
                                       (Does not cross intervening space (+1/4),
                                       0 END (+1/2), only to cause Damage (-1/2),
                                       no noncombat stretching (-1/4))
     Corinthian Helm                 All: OIF (-1/2)
                                      +2 OCV (OCV 7)                                             10   7
                                      +2 DCV (DCV 9)                                             10   7
     Muscle Cuirass                  All: OIF (-1/2)
                                      +5 rPD 5 rED                                               15  10
                                      +2 Damage Classes                                           8   5
                                      +1 SPD (SPD 5)                                             10   7
                                      +3 REC                                                      3   2
     Bowl of Hygieia                 All: OAF (-1)
                                      2d6 heal BODY, x4 END (-1 1/2),                            20   4
                                       extra time: 1 turn (-1 1/4)
                                      Life support: immunity to disease                           7   3
                                      (UBO up to 3 others, granted 1 at the time (+1/2))
    Panoply of Hades                 DC: High (12) CV: High (9)                                      65
                                     Def: Low (18/11 + 10 mental & power defense)
                                     SPD: Med (5)
     Forked Staff                    All: OAF (-1)
                                      6d6 drain EGO, no range (-1/2),                            60  22
                                       only vs human minds, no immortals,
                                       undead, robots, etc (-1/4)
                                      +5m reach (6m total)                                        5   2
                                      +2 OCV with drain (OCV 9 with drain)                        4   2
     Robe of Shadow                  All: OIF (-1/2)
                                      5 PD / 5 ED made resistant                                  5   3
                                      +1 SPD                                                     10   7
                                      +4 Damage Classes                                          16  11
                                      +2 OCV                                                     10   7
                                      +2 DCV                                                     10   7
                                      +10 END (END 50)                                            2   1
                                      +2 to stealth rolls                                         4   3


  13. Here's a more formal writeup of some of the previous character design stuff I've done, with more explicit layouts writeups of things like the campaign averages I was expecting, the stun avoidance table, and various other rules and example tidbits:


    Design Callout: Forced tradeoffs, not campaign limits

    It's normal for a champions campaign to set limits on things like the DC, CV, DEF, SPD, etc of the characters. I don't much like this way of doing things because it's almost always possible for the people who are good at character creation to be able to meet all of those limits at once, while the people who aren't good at character creation end up greatly overshadowed in play.

    The way I prefer to do things is to give a list of 'averages' for the campaign for DC, CV, DEF, and SPD and then allow the hero a free 'advance' in one of those categories. They can then trade off subtracting from one category for a reduction in another. Category 'steps' are as follows: DC: 2 CV 2 covers both attack and defense (so if 7 is the campaign average CV, then an average of 9 would be 'high') DEF 10 points (or advancement of 5 in PD and 5 in ED SPD: 1




    DC: 10

    CV: 7

    DEF: 25

    SPD: 5


    Then legal a character could be:



    DC: 12 (high)

    CV: 9 (high)

    DEF: 20 (low)

    SPD: 5 (medium)


    DC: 8 (low)

    CV: 9 (high)

    DEF: 25 (medium)

    SPD: 6 (high)


    DC: 10 (medium)

    CV: 9 (high)

    DEF: 25 (medium)

    SPD: 5 (medium)




    A more in depth writeup of this sort of system, can be found here.


    If also normally follow their suggestions such as highest special defense / 4 is added to your DEF total when computing your average DEF; you can only have 2 out of 3 of (Power Defense, Mental Defense, (Flash Defense and/or an unusual targeting sense).


    The stun avoidance table:



                    Stun Avoid
    DC          0.25     0.5    0.75     0.9
           8      25      28      31      34
           9      28      31      35      38
          10      31      35      39      42
          11      35      38      42      46
          12      38      42      46      50
          13      41      45      50      53
          14      45      49      53      57
          15      48      52      57      61



    This table should show the DEF + CON totals you need to avoid being stunned as a % chance. For example, if you want to avoid being stunned by a 10 DC attack 90% of the time, you need a CON + DEF total of 42.


    Rules comments:

    Weak entangles are too strong



    No matter how weak an entangle is, the entangled character is immediately reduced to 0 DCV. Even if the entangle is one that you could break with your casual escape value (usually 1/2 STR), you don't get to restore your DCV until you have a phase to act. So you can reduce godzilla to 0 DCV by entangling him with a piece of string. Then one of your buddies can now hit DCV 0 godzilla, and the piece of string entangle is not going to significantly reduce the damage they are going to do.

    Recommended house rule: any time a character is entangled, they can immediately roll their casual escape value. If they achieve a result that would break the entangle, the entangle immediately breaks and they are not reduced to 0 DCV. However, this immediate escape attempt should not do any actual damage to any entangle they don't manage to escape.




    (some) stat Drains are too strong



    GM note: you should probably apply a house rule to drains of stats, otherwise they tend to be too effective. Take a look at the results of being at 0 (starting 6E1 P42) of a stat to see what kind of effect even a small drain can have. A 5d6 drain on INT or EGO reduces most characters to around 1/3 effectivness, as they have to make a 9 or less roll (37.5%) to do anything. A 5d6 END drain drains around 40 END on average, and that means most charcters will immediately be running on STUN to power their abilties.

    Recommended house rule: Drains affect ALL stats, not just defenses, except END at 1/2 rate. END is effected at 1/5, so every point rolled on the drain is worth one point of END.

    Example: Pooka hits Brutha with a STR drain. Pooka rolls 5d6 and gets a result of 21. Brutha has 10 points of power defense, meaning 11 points of the drain get through. This means that Brutha is drained of 5 STR.




    Things you should be able to answer about your character

    How do you find out about crime to stop?



    Really, a hero should have some ability to 'investigate' beyond just patrolling and hoping to run into something interesting. (Unless you make ridiculous luck while patrolling your investigative ability, I guess.)




    How to you get to where the crime is?



    Especially with how big American cities are, your hero needs to be able to get around pretty quickly. The original Pulsar (Champions 1 or 2?) who had to take a cab to rob the bank was a fun example of what not to do, but in a well rounded hero, not so much. If your hero has to get across town to suddenly respond to a crime, and that crime is, say 15 miles away, that's at least 15 minutes by car, and there is going to probably going to be traffic and explosions and stuff that make your response time even longer. So really, you are looking at something like 30 minutes to get there. Plus a few minutes to get yourself organized to go, and a few minutes to get organized once you get to the scene of the crime. And things are probably long over unless it's a hostage situation, or something; and we don't want to always have to deal with the bad guys holed up somewhere and holding hostages.


    So, short version, your hero should be able to travel at least as fast as a car that ignores traffic.


    Of course, if all your characters are built as a team, then you can pool together to make a teleporter back at your base or something that handles this type of mobility, but even then, you should not have to hail a cab if your teleporter is broken.




    What sort of stuff do you do outside of costume?



    Your superhero game should not just be investigative or tactical situations for costumed heroes. So your character should have some interesting stuff going in their secret ID, or some drama with their public ID, or whatever. In addition, they should have some skills other than being a ninja investigator and punching people in the face.




    Built in weakness(es)



    Your hero should probably have a built in weak area, beyond the balance rules like 'only 2/3 of (Power defense, flash defense, mental defense' found in the balance rules. Even if you don't have any other reason, this gives you a reason to team up with other people. Remember that you can add kryptionite style weaknesses via complications if you don't have anything else.



  14. Another way to do it is roll your speed in d12s. The numbers that show up are the phases you act it. Example: speed 5 guy rolls 5d12: (1, 4, 8, 10, 11) so those are the phases he acts on. This takes away the ability to know exactly when the other guy has phases coming up, and trying to exploit that. This rules may change the value of DEX/lightning reflexes, since it changes how likely you are to be acting in the same phase as different speed people, but not sure it's that big of a deal.

  15. It's also that detects are typically not useful 'all the time'. For example, the fact that you have an alternative targeting sense only matters when you can't see the target clearly. So the fact that you can power up your alternative targeting sense only when you need it is not really any less effective than having the sense all the time.


    For pools that you can't switch quickly (e.g. only change in given circumstances, powers take hours to change, etc), this isn't much of an issue. But for high speed swapping VPPs and multipowers, it doesn't work out so well.

  16. Huh, I always thought that the 'rank' style fringe benefits only gave the explicit benefits of that rank, not the 'implicit' benefits. So the 'Head of state' fringe benefit is supposed to also be enough to let you generally boss that state around, as opposed to just making you impossible to arrest, baring war, and stuff like that?7



    And, I'd assume, that the 'ranks' would map roughly to he levels of wealth?



    Rank 1-5 Local power

    Rank 6-10 National Power

    Rank 11-15 International Power


    So Local Union Man might be rank 3 or something and National Union Man might be rank 6 or 7.


    And a particularly effective US President would be rank 12 or 13, and a Bruce Wayne who decided to skip all this silly mask wearing stuff, he was going to cure malaria and end world hunger would end up rank 11 or 12? And, I dunno, Darkseid, would be rank 15?


    [yet another edit]


    And how would this interact with contacts. For example, if I have a contact with the local police:

    (11-) 2 points

    Useful skills 1 point

    Contact has access to major institutions 1 point

    x3 Organization Contact

    That's 12 points spent on just being able to get the local cops to go the extra mile for you.


    When you could pay, say 4 points for rank, and be a very important officer in the local cops, what does the 12 points for the contact get you?

  17. How do you represent a character's influence over a particular section of society?


    For example, 'everyone' comes to Bruce Wayne's parties, and he could talk to them and they might consider his opinion on whatever he was talking about. In theory, that sort of thing is different from being wealthy. For example, we could imagine Union Man, whose secret ID is an important figure in a major union and wields considerable political influence even though he doesn't have a lot of money.


    We don't really want to write:

    contact: the mayor of campaign city

    contact: various members of campaign city's legislature

    contact: the governor of campaign state

    contact: various members of campaign state's legislature

    etc on Union Man's character sheet


    In addition, Union Man would be able to exert some influence on the Mayor of Campaign city, no matter who they were. That is, even though Union may may have a personal relationship with the guy who happens to be Mayor, if some other guy got elected mayor, Union Man would most likely be in the (new) Mayor's office the next day, telling the (new) Mayor how things were going to be.


    This seems to call for a perk similar to wealth, we'll call it 'influence' to show what sort of stuff you can accomplish.


    The fringe benefits like 'member of the nobility' or 'head of state' don't seem to actually give any power. For example, if you are a member of the nobility, you might not have to pay certain taxes, different laws might apply to you, etc. But there seems to be no direct way to represent your ability to exert influence.

  18. One of the big things to get used to is that base stats no longer effect figured characteristics. So up to 5e, just adding STR, DEX, and CON was generally a good idea. In 6e, you don't really need to do that anymore.


    Sonic forcefield. I'd think that lasers and generic energy blasts would be much more common in a superhero game. And you be pretty much pasted by any opponent that happened to have them.


    Defenses look a little low, in the 'average' champions game, 12 DC attacks will be pretty common, you'd get pasted by 12DC energy blasts, since your force field generally wouldn't apply, and you'd be stunned around half the time by 12DC physical attacks.


    In addition, changing your force field DEF to make is cost END also makes it non-persistent so it turns off when you get stunned.


    Think the 'extra loud flight' should be modeled like this:

    Side effects:

    (-1/4) minor side effect (~15 points (example effects: flash vs. hearing, change environment, AOE blasts)

    (x2) side effect always occurs

    (1/4 less disadvantage) Side effect doesn't effect the character

    For a total of (-1/4).


    And note that the side effects will generally be bad for you, so you'll break windows and deafen little old ladies, not break Evil McEvils Glasses as you fly by.


    On the plus side, you wouldn't have to pay points for the flash vs. hearing anymore, so you save 3 points there.


    AVAD resistant flash defense so should be worth (+3/2) unless you mean for 'Sonic Ear Blast' to be a NND with the protection being 'resistant flash defense'. Though AVAD (just regular Flash defense) (+1) is probably reasonably good.

  19. The 'problem' with a lot of alternate World War 2s is that the authors to assume that the historical events of WW2 were the 'most probably'. That is, if we rewound time and let WW2 run a few more times, then the actual outcome of WW2 would usually look like the historical outcome. But I think that's pretty far from the truth.


    As an example, I think the quick fall of France is probably an outlier, rather than an expected result.


    The UK can't be invaded in 1940 or 1941 because Germany has neither the landing craft nor the ability to supply an invasion force. Even if Germany could have somehow landed


    Winning WW2 is pretty much about boring things like how many ball bearings you could produce, and how much you can replaces horses with trucks so you can move more spam to the troops, not about how many Tiger tanks you could field, nor how quickly.

  20. It's possible to (greatly) reduce sonic boom noise with aerodynamics. A long (and specifically shaped) needle like nose, careful air intake design, and engine location all seem to matter. Of course, an aircraft designed for this sort of thing means all sorts of compromises in things like performance as a fighter aircraft. It would also interfere with the aerodynamic modifications you need for reduced radar cross section (i.e. 'stealth'). If you still need reduced RCS, there are (even more expensive and not well developed) ways to do that, such as plasma stealth. But even if you were Mr. Fantastic enough to design such an aircraft, I'm not sure if anyone would even be able to build it for you.


    I guess if you have a completely shape changing aircraft, or do stuff like generate your aerodynamic shape with force fields, then it's much simpler.




  21. And since no one has thrown out a sample distopia beyond the standard 'Nazi World' here's one:


    The Green Revolution was not Televised

    Because of comic book physics, you can't develop fertilizer from petro-chemicals. So while crop production got a massive boost for both pesticides and farming mechanization, there weren't mass amounts of fertilizer available to renew the soil. This meant that great increases in farming technology were able to greatly boost the population, until the soil ran out. So any wars past around 1930 had food security as a major issue. For example, WW2 really was about Germany trying to seize Russian farmland, and exterminating all those useless mouths. Because no distopia is really so bad that Nazis couldn't make things worse.


    And there are a lot of secondary effects.


    dust bowls and similar arising from over farming

    Skirmishes and sometimes outright wars fought over fishing grounds, even though the oceans have been horribly overfished.


    Other things to note:

    things that might sound like a simple solution to this problem either only help a little bit, or just make things worse. At least, until the PCs come along.


    In a normal world, the PCs might be willing to let the guy who is stealing bread to feed is family go, but when there really isn't enough bread to go around, whose faces are they going to punch in to fix things?

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