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Posts posted by JakSpade

  1. Re: [Package Deal] Ham Radio Operator


    Ok, any actual operators can correct me on this... I'm going on 15 year old information (a buddy of mine in college was a HAM operator).


    Basic Amateur Radio Operator


    1pt Amateur Radio Operator's License (with call-sign)

    2pts KS: HF, UHF & VHF Communications

    1pt Language: Morse Code (8 words per minute)

    2pts PS: Amateur Radio Operator

    2pts AK: General World Geography


    Advanced Amateur Radio Operator


    1pt Amateur Radio Operator's License (with call-sign)

    2pts KS: HF, UHF & VHF Communications

    3pts Systems Operation: HF, UHF & VHF Communications

    2pts Language: Morse Code (13-15 words per minute)

    2pts PS: Amateur Radio Operator

    2pts AK: General World Geography


    Options: Here's some options for the complete geeked out HAM Operator

    3pts Language: Morse Code (completely fluent)

    3pts Electronics

    3pts Computer Operations

    3pts Bugging

    3pts Well-Connected



  2. Re: Let 'em eat clichés


    I really want to run a game where this kind of thing happens... actually "A Night at the Roxberry" meets Hard Boiled Pulp would be a fantastic sidestep into that kind of reality.

    Ha! That made me laugh out loud... Might be a fun game! :P


    At least the game would have a good soundtrack!



    "What is love?"

  3. Re: Let 'em eat clichés


    Hmmm... been thinking about this a little...


    There's not much difference between trope and cliche. A cliche is looked upon as a small element of a story, a thing, a character, an action. Whereas a trope is more story related. Perhaps a story that is driven by a cliche is a trope.





  4. Re: Pulparize It!


    I'd make the world conquerer have rocket technology that allows him to bomb any city in the world from his fortress' date=' which is ludicrously well defended. (He's already bombed Geneva to rubble.) His fortress is powered by a large hydroelectric dam. At the end, Young Luke joins a squadron of dambusters trying to blow it up before the villain can fire a rocket at their command center. Then Baron von Vader takes to the air to defend his leader...[/quote']

    I can see more like a militarized version of the Freedom Ship, basically a city sized ship, with a capacity for nearly 20 thousand, with space for aircraft, shops/industry, etc... Can someone translate "Death Barge" into German?





  5. Re: Pulparize It!


    That works.


    I debated making the villain German as "von Vader" was obvious.

    Stop... please... the imagery...


    Dark leather uniform, helmet with gas mask, and those boots!!!


    "Apology accepted, Keptin Geist!"







  6. You know, writers can't write without cliches, and GMs can't run NPCs without them either... So, I propose a new thread, one based on cliches, to help those GMs out there who are in need of ideas. So, without further ado, I post a couple links to some cliche lists and helpful docs I've found...


    The Movie Cliche List



    The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clichés



    Have fun!



  7. Re: Lost Worlds Of Venezuela


    Ah, I see what you mean... Let me see if I can break it up...


    Frog People of Venezuala (racial package)


    1 +1 STR

    6 +2 DEX

    4 +2 CON

    3 Immunity: poison dart frog

    2 +1" Swimming (web hands/feet)

    2 +2" Leaping (added on edit)

    5 Ultravision or Nightvision (whichever fits better in caves)

    7 Clinging, Costs End (-1/2)

    30 pts Total



    ?? Small in size

    15 DF: Pale skin and eyes (Concealable with effort, always noticable)


    Frog Hunter (social package)


    3 Stealth

    3 Climbing

    3 Tracking

    3 Breakfall

    3 Survival

    2 AK: Local caves/area

    2 WFAM: Common Melee or Common Missle

    19 pts Total


    The Frog People of Venezuala are a hunter/gatherer race of people who sought refuge in large caves when some world cataclysm hit, shielding themselves from harm. Since their hiding, they have grown accustom to living underground, sometimes boring out large caves for their families to survive. The Frog People are small in small in stature, roughly 4' high, with pale skin, hair and eyes. They are a hearty people, though, spending a majority of their time underground, only exiting the caves at night to hunt and forage for food. Their exposure to a rare underground frog (which uses poison excreted from it's skin) has given them unusual abilities, such as web hands and feet allowing them to climb and swim very well. With those hands and feet, they are also able to sometimes cling to cave walls, tree branches and sides of cliffs. This gives them an advantage when hunting prey at night.


    Hunting groups consist of 4-6 hunters equipped with bows or spears. They will use their climbing and leaping abilities to trap and pounce on prey, using the bows to attack especially wiley animals.


    The Frog People are afraid of other races of man, but aren't afraid to defend their territory if they feel they have been threatened. They will mostly stay out of sight, and only come out when discovered.



  8. Re: Pulparize It!


    Your doc won't open JakSpade. It just keeps giving me some error about graphics converters and such, then won't continue opening the document. Might be a problem only for me though.


    I've added a PDF version of the file to my above post. Only problem there is that you won't be able to edit it without the right tools. :(


    Your explanation of the talismans is correct. I'll try to get more notes put together on them...



  9. Re: Lost Worlds Of Venezuela


    A cave like that with a tribe of frog-people would be absolutely excellent. :D

    Frog People of Venezuala (package)


    1 +1 STR

    4 +2 CON (you live in a cave!)

    2 Skills: WFAM Spear, Knife (crude)

    4 Skills: Choose either PS:Hunter or PS:Gatherer

    6 Skills: Choose two of the following: Breakfall, Climbing, Riding, Stealth, Survival, Tactics, Tracking

    3 Talent: Supreme Balance

    3 Immunity: "poison dart" frog

    23 Total





  10. Re: Pulparize It!



    do you have a list if talismans and the powers they had?


    A friend would really like that I think, as he has mentioned using them in a game.

    I have a doc here with the list of the talismans, but I can't find all my notes here... I'll have to dig through my notes to find them at home. But for now, here's a document that has the list with some graphics, and some space for your friend to jot some of his own notes down.



  11. Re: Pulparize It!


    Hell' date=' one of my players specifically based his [i']Pulp HERO[/i] character on (the cartoon) Jackie Chan.



    I used the magic zodiac talismans from the cartoon (12 talismans, each one has a specific power) in my Champions campaign. One of the characters was a Chinese exchange student with some ties to the CIA (one of his contacts was an agent he had saved from a tong-sponsored cult sacrifice). This character was very into yin/yang karma, and I really caused havoc when he came in contact with the Tiger talisman (which claimed to be a balance to yin and yang karma). When he activated it, he realized that the talisman created balance by duplicating the holder, one "good" and one "evil". Being the character in the group with the highest OCV and DCV, his evil self pretty much desimated the rest of the PCs; his good self being the only challenge.


    During the time that the character was split, his "friends" (the rest of the PCs) figured it would be a good idea to make contact with the martial artist's contacts and inform them that their friend might have gone bad.


    Needless to say, by the end of one roleplaying session, the martial artist had completely lost control of his life. None of his contacts trusted him. Some of them ended up hunting him. He found out his "foster family" was actually a CIA plant, who decided to scrub the mission and disappear, leaving all their posessions (home, autos, fake jobs) in ruins. The martial artist returns to his "home" to find it burned to the ground, with his foster family missing, with him wanted by the police and the government.


    All over a silly little magic talisman with a tiger symbol on it.


    :ugly: Ah, the fun times...



  12. Re: Pulparize It!


    Jackie Chan Adventures: Change the timeline to 1930s-1940s Chinatown, and you've got everything you need. A reluctant hero, two scrappy kids, crabby uncle/master, the big tough guy repented with a heart of gold, and the masked Mexican wrestler... Add lots of mystical artifacts from various parts of the globe, martial arts mayhem, and what more can you ask for?



  13. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous)


    Playground HERO

    No way! Playground Hero would be SOOOO cool! It'd be like a mix of Teen Champions and Lunch Money...


    Heheh... Spinning Backfist!


    (EDIT: A buddy of mine wrote up a kid character for an old campaign who had "Schoolyard Martial Arts, with maneuvers like Shove/Takeaway, Trip and Sacrifice Takedown (where he throws you down and lands on top of you)... ah, the fun days...


    Jak :ugly:

  14. Re: Pulparize It!


    The Power Rangers: Mars is sending giant monsters to destroy Earth, before humans can get their space program off the ground (oh, bad pun!). Zordan, the watcher and protector of Terra, and emmensely powerful entity, recruits five students from a small town high school to fight the upcoming onslaught by the Martians. Red, Blue, Black, Yellow and Pink Rangers use their fabulous fighting skills to stop the invasion, and combine their awesome talents to comine into the Ultimate Ranger, a sky-scarper sized embodiment of Earth's finest warriors to put an end to the giant robots, lizards, moths and other mutated creatures sent to pulverize the Earth. But, will they find the Martian's moon base staging ground in time?



  15. Re: Pulparize It!


    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JakSpade again.


    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Michael Hopcroft again.


    Touche'. :o



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