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Truthsayer's Achievements

  1. How do you guys handle damage from mental illusion. 12d6 mental illusion set illusion to be on fire. I rolled a 45 and the character has a 15 ego. How should I calculate damage? 12d6 fire damage? Need some help here.
  2. Hey, what graphics program do you use to create the images for your Enforcers? I just got Heromachine and was disappointed.
  3. Can someone help me out with getting a grasp on megascale? I'm having a hard time seeing how big a kilometer is. What is the conversion equation from meters to miles? What is a comparable distance for km? I'm reading the FRED but is a km really the distance covering a city? 100 km a state? help me out here.
  4. Re: Paramount city (Making a nod of admiration to Templar) The Skull of Namuz Characters: Captain Cade Valdor- four armed pirate and adventurer/rogue Elemental Man- Alien wielder of the four elements The Justicator- SHIELD Eagleman Witchhunter- Scourge of the magic world Session II Location: Paramount City Museum Captain Cade and Elemental Man meet with Agent Jessica Spider and another SHIELD agent, the well-known Justicator, at the Paramount City Museum, where they discuss the recent theft of an ancient artifact, a golden skull. The security tapes show a beautiful woman, dressed in all white make her way to the fifth floor where she turns hazy, reaches through the glass, grabs the skull, and flies up through the ceiling. The security officer freezes the tape as they studied her face. "Her name is Ghost," supplies Jessica, "She's Hydra. She operates all over the world, stealing for them. She's extremely hard to catch." "What would Hydra want with the skull?" asked Elemental Man. "We don't know at this point," Jessica answered. "What do we know about the skull?" asked Cade. Thinking in this direction led him to wonder about who found it. "I would like to talk to the curator." "She's on the second floor," provided the Security officer. Cade and Elemental Man proceeded to there. In the meantime, a man dressed in priestly attire and hat entered the museum, asking the tour guide for the directions to the security office. "Why would you need to go there, Father?" "Are you a God-fearing Christian, son?" The priest asked with a penetrating gaze. "What kind of question is that?" the tour guide replied hotly, "This is the 21st century! Don't go shoving your religion down my throat!" "I'm sorry son," the priest replied, "Just show me to the ancient books please." The tour guide complied with the request, and soon they were on the third floor. Once alone, the priest cornered the guide, "If you don't show me where the security office is, then I'm going to make your life very painful in this one and the next!" There was something about this priest, the way he was dressed or carried himself, that instilled a deep fear in the young man. "Ye..Yes Father, right this way." He led the priest down the stairway to the first floor. The priest, without knocking, entered the security office, finding the security chief, a SHIELD agent, and a man who looked like an eagle discussing something. He turned to the security chief, "Show me the tapes of the theft please." "Who the hell are you?" demanded Jessica. "I recognize him," replied the security chief, "He's that priest from the Vatican who hunts witches! They call him Witchhunter. I'm not showing you a damn thing!" Witchhunter ignored the female SHIELD agent and turned to the winged man. "Are you an angel?" Justicator looked dumbfounded. Who was this guy? "No...no I'm not," he stammered. Meanwhile, Cade and Elemental Man had found the curator and learned that the archeologist who had found the skull was one Dr Vandenhorn. It had been three days since they had heard from him. He hadn't reported in at the University either. He got the address from the curator and returned back downstairs. As he entered the security office, he heard a man's voice, "I will deliver God's judgment on all of them and send them to Hell!" Cade pulled his sword out and placed the tip at the strangely dressed priest's throat. "You'll do what?" he asked. With a flick of his wrist, the sword flipped the hat off the man's head. The priest caught it and glared back at the four who stared him down. "Perhaps I should go." "An excellent idea." Jessica Spider said. Witchhunter walked out of the office. Cade spoke up, "I think we need to check on the Professor who found this skull. His name is Dr Vandenhorn. He's been missing for three days." Little did he realize that the Witchhunter was still in earshot of the closing door. "Hmmm." Witchhunter thought. "I have his address so let's check it out." Cade mentally commanded the Pandemic to lower in front of the museum so they could board. Cade, Elemental Man, Justicator, and Jessica all boarded the ship. Cade forgot that he had a rope hanging off to one side and didn't see the Witchhunter grab it and climb. Soon they were flying through the city toward the Professor's apartment. Witchhunter was holding onto the railing at the top deck, undetected by the others. They arrived at the building and the ship hovered low enough for them to disembark. The Witchhunter waited until they were inside before following them from a distance. The crew made it's way down to the 20th floor and quickly found the Professor's apartment. They knocked on the door but there was no answer. "Let's break it down," suggested Cade. He kicked the door, but it held. "Let me try," said Jessica as she produced lockpicking tools. She picked it and opened the door...into the direct sight of gunfire. Somehow, the bullets missed her, and before anyone else could react, she leaped up to the ceiling...and stayed there. "Spider," grumbled Cade, "Of course! Jessica Spider!" Spider webbing shot from her fingertips and the Hydra agent was entangled in a mass of webbing. Justicator was the next to move, stepping into the apartment. He placed a hand on the agent and the agent screamed in pain as Justicator drained his health. Several agents opened fire on the Justicator, but his eagle wings were deflecting the bullets. Jessica ran across the ceiling, webbing Hydra agents and dodging bullets. Justicator's wings were enormous and blocking his view, so Cade leaped over the hero and landed pulling his swords free of their scabbards. He cut into the nearest agent and yelled out, "Kill the lights!" Witchhunter, came from around the corner, his shotgun pulled. He came from behind Justicator and grabbed the first agent, pulling him down the hall. Elemental Man asked, "Hey! Where are taking him?" He was very suspicious of this Witchhunter guy who, he now saw, carried a shotgun on his person. Witchhunter looked at him and said, "He's going to be questioned. That's all." "I don't think so," replied Elemental Man, folding his arms. He summoned his stone form. Behind them were sounds of gunfire and cries. Witchhunter pressed the elevator button and walked past Elemental. "We'll see." Inside the apartment, Cade turned the corner to find himself face to face with a silver plated robot with glowing red eyes. "It's a Dreadnought!" yelled Jessica, "We've got to take it down!" The Dreadnought looked at Cade and raised its arm. A burst of sonics missed Cade, destroying the wall behind him. Cade ran at the Dreadnought and leaped into the air...landing on top of the robot's head. He thrust his swords into it, one blade piercing it's metal skin. The Dreadnought reached up and, grabbing Cade, slammed him through the nearest wall and into the room beyond. Cade smashed against the interior wall, nearly stunned. Justicator came around the corner and opened his mouth. A piercing eagle's cry was heard, and the Dreadnought shut down. Jessica finished webbing the Hydra agents and began calling into SHIELD for support. Witchhunter came into the room and blasted the Dreadnought, blowing off its arms. In the next room, Cade found an unconscious Dr Vandenhorn. Despite his efforts, Cade couldn't wake him. Witchhunter tried to take his Hydra agent away for questioning, but Jessica, along with the police who arrived soon, prevented that from happening. Witchhunter left quickly when the police came. Cade took the Professor aboard the Pandemic, along with Justicator, and Elemental Man. They left the rest of the scene to Jessica and the SHIELD agents who took the Hydra into custody.
  5. Val Char Cost Roll Notes 30 STR 20 15- Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3] 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 20 CON 20 13- 10 BODY 0 11- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 14 COM 2 12- 6+12 PD 0 Total: 6/18 PD (6/18 rPD) 4+12 ED 0 Total: 4/16 ED (4/16 rED) 5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 10 REC 0 40 END 0 35 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 106 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Flight: 20"/40" Leaping: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers END 20 Eagle powers: Elemental Control, 40-point powers 13 1) Golden Eagle wings: Flight 20" (40 Active Points); Restrainable (Golden Wings; -½) 4 30 2) Eagle's Scream: Energy Blast 5d6, No Normal Defense (Sound flash defense; +1) (50 Active Points) 5 10 Golden Eagle wings: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel) (15 Active Points); Restrainable (Golden wings; -½) 50 Hands of healing and hurting: Multipower, 50-point reserve 5u 1) Healing BODY 5d6 (50 Active Points) 5 5u 2) Drain STUN 4d6, Drain Con (+¼) (50 Active Points) 5 24 Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OIF (SHIELD body armor; -½) 5 Damage Resistance (6 PD/4 ED) 5 Defensive Block +1 +3 Block, Abort 5 Flying Dodge -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove 4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 40 STR to Disarm 5 Passing Strike +1 +0 6d6 +v/5; FMove Perks 4 SHIELD: Contact: Nick Fury (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources) 8- 6 Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers, Passport Talents 17 Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense) 11- Skills 10 Defense Maneuver I-IV 3 Stealth 13- 3 Criminology 11- 3 Paramedics 11- 3 Breakfall 13- 10 +5 Missile deflect 4 Eagle's scream: +2 with NND Total Powers & Skill Cost: 244 Total Cost: 350 200+ Disadvantages 20 Distinctive Features: The Justicator has golden skin, giant golden wings, clawed feet and head that is covered with golden feathers instead of hair (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Virtually Everyone) 20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psychological Limitation: Honorable (Common, Total) 20 Psychological Limitation: Must uphold the law and mete out justice (Common, Total) 20 Social Limitation: Public ID: Known member of SHIELD (Very Frequently, Major) 20 Hunted: Hydra 11- (Mo Pow, Capture) 30 Dependence: Light Takes 1d6 Damage (Very Common, 1 Phase) Total Disadvantage Points: 350 Background/History: The first real memory he has, is of men and women in white lab coats. They are poking him with needles and writing down stuff on their notepads. They wear white masks while around him. He has a small room, with a bed, a desk, and a talking box with pictures in it. There is a man whose face is shiny, like metal, talking to him, teaching him things. A woman comes to him daily, teaching him how to speak, write, and read. The shiny faced man tells him he is his father. The boy, looking at his own reflection in a tall mirror, wonders at the truth of this. He has golden skin. He wonders if the shiny face man also has wings like he does. One day the shiny faced man comes to see him in person. He is disappointed that the man doesn't have wings. But he does have a name. The others call him Dr Stelhene. He sits with the boy and tells him how special he is. He has a great purpose in the world and will be a great man one day. He will be a powerful leader. But first, he must learn of the world and the good that his people will do. His people belong to a powerful force, called Hydra. The boy says he believes the Dr, but first, can he have one thing. What is that? A name. The Dr laughs. In good time. day, he is taken to a new room. It has a high ceiling, high enough that he can spread his wings. He flies to the very top of the ceiling and glides around the new room for hours. He is very happy he can fly, but he wonders what the outside would be like. Would he ever go outside? One day, says his tutor, one day. Then, a month later, the tests begin. He finds them painful. They want him to focus on something, but he doesn't know what. One of the scientists gets angry with him and slaps him. It hurts, the boy angry for the first time, curls up his fist. A red glow appears around his hand, and he punches the scientist. He hears bones crack as the scientist crumples in pain. Horrified, the boy senses the pain and places his hand on the scientists body. The glow around his hand turns green, and the boy sees the man's body healing. The other scientists stand with their mouths open. He steps back and looks at his hands. What is he? doesn't want to hurt anyone again, but the scientists insist he do so. He refuses. They threaten him. They will hurt him. Dr Stelhene wil be angry. Good. Because he won't hurt anyone. Suddenly, there is a sound, like thunder. The lights go out. The room goes completely dark. The boy suddenly knows pain like no other. It is agonizing. Then an emergency light comes on. The pain goes away. There are more sounds of thunder. The scientists leave him in his room, locked in with an emergency light flickering. The boy hears loud poping noises outside. There are screams. A scientist comes into the room and shuts the door behind him. He has a syringe with a green glowing fluid inside it. Suddenly the boy senses a danger from that syringe, from the scientist. The scientist takes off the cap. Come here child, this will calm you down and help you sleep. Suddenly the boy knows that he is in terrible danger. He takes flight and flies up to the ceiling where the scientist can't reach him. The scientist curses and pulls out something the boy knows is dangerous. A gun. The boy screams in terror. There is a piercing noise from his mouth, and the scientist grabs his head in pain. The boy screams again. The scientist drops to the floor, unconscious. The boy lands on the ground, and kicks the gun under the bed. He stomps on the syringe and the dangerous feeling fades. He hears more of the popping sound outside, realizes that it is gunfire. What is happening? He flies to the ceiling again, and with his special feet, he clings to the top of the room. The gunfire eventually fades. There are more voices. Voices he doesn't recognize. The lights come back on. The door is broken down. A man carrying a gun bursts into the room, scanning all around. He stops when he sees the boy. He speaks into a radio, and lowers his weapon. "I won't hurt you," he says. The boy says nothing. He is too scared. Soon, more men appear in the room. They look at him with curiosity. Then an older man appears. He has a gray beard and bright blue eyes. "Oh my," he says. "Who are you?" he asks. "I don't know," the boy replies. "Well surely you have a name don't you?"boy shrugs his shoulders as he lands in front of the old man, "No, I don't." "Well, you look like a Joey to me. How about that for a name?"...it sounds happy. He wants to be happy. Joey smiles, "I like it. Who are you?" "You can call me Dr Parks," the man answers. He turns to the other men in the room, "You can leave us now, I think we'll be okay."day, Dr Parks led Joey into the outside, and he felt the sun on his skin for the first time. Parks asked Joey if he would come live with him, explaining that Hydra would be trying to hurt him if they ever found out that he was alive. Joey agreed. It was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Joey learned, slowly, what Hydra really was. It's name struck terror in the hearts of men. Joey realized that Hydra meant to use him to hurt innocent people. Joey's anger began to kindle against them, and he wondered if he could ever join the fight to bring Hydra to justice. "Maybe, one day," said Dr Parks, "Only if you truly wish to do this." "I do." came understand the world in a very black and white manner. It was laws, he understood, that held society together and protected the common man. Joey wanted to be a symbol for justice. A champion for the common man. A force of justice. A Justicator. Personality/Motivation: Joey is driven to uphold the law and protect the common man. He is also driven to protect life at all costs. He sees his role in SHIELD as a symbol for truth, justice, and liberty. Powers/Tactics: With his golden wings, Joey can fly and deflect bullets. His golden skin is tough enough to deflect regular small arms fire. His eagle's cry takes down the normal man. His powers over the body can heal or hurt. Appearance: Joey Parks is a golden skinned man with large golden wings, clawed feet, and golden feathers that replaces hair on his head. As soon as I can find an export file that will copy onto here, I'll post him
  6. Re: Paramount city You won't be picking Andy up anytime soon. He lives in Memphis
  7. Re: Our Superhero and Hero Team Post em!
  8. Ok, I knew I saw it somewhere, and I mistaked this question for killer shrike. The cyclops on your website. What is the side effect? http://x-men.the-wild-hunt.org/cyclops.html I can't figure it out.
  9. Re: The time chart and noncombat movement Mine eyes have been opened. I see what you are talking about. I never considered those factors. 12 seconds & 4 speed = 3 seconds of movement. Duh! OKay, you guys convinced me to go back to the way it was designed. Thanks for the enlightenment.
  10. Re: The time chart and noncombat movement I have never liked the 12 seconds turn timetable. I mean, running 36 feet in 1 second, full magical incantations in 1 second, you get the idea. Combat that takes 3 hours of game time but only 12 seconds pass? I just didn't like it. I think that increasing a turn to 60 seconds, 5 seconds a phase, just makes more realistic sense to me. I'm just trying to figure out the noncombat multiple that will still allow for a decent speed. Why not just allow that movement outsuide combat is 5x faster and avoid any complex fixes? Okay, so I have a team transport jet that flies 10" speed of 3 at 128x ncmbt. Using the 12 second turn, jet flies 10, 20, 40 1st turn. Next turn 80, 160, 320. Next turn 640, 1280, 1280. From there is it 1280. Now take 1280 x3 = 3840" per turn. 1 minute is 5 turns = 19200. 60 minutes = 1152000. Divided by 1,666 kilometers = 691 Miles per hour. So I have a jet that can fly up to 691 miles per hour. So let's apply that to your suggestion of 5xncmbt per 5 points. 10, 20, then the 5x kicks in, so I bought 30 pts of ncmbt multipliers at 5x level increments. So the last phase is 50". Next turn is 100, 150, 200. Next turn is 250, 300, 300. Then it is or 900 per turn. 1 minute is 5 turns = 4500. 60 minutes = 270000. Divided by 1666 kilometers = 162 miles per hour. Or should it be a doulbing of each 5x? 10, 20, 50, 1st turn. Then 100, 200, 300. Then 600, 1200, 1200. 1200 x 3 =3600 per turn. 3600 for 1 minute = 18000. 18000 x 60 =1080000. Divided by 1666 kilometers =648 Miles per hour. Now I buy 10" flight with 30 pts of ncmbt multiplier. Each turn is 60 seconds. So would that be 10, 20, 50 1st turn. 100, 200, 300 2nd turn. 600, 1200, 1200. 1200 x 60 = 72000. Divided by 1666 kilometers = 43 miles per hour. See? I can't see to get this. I would really appreciate the help. I'm not good at conceptualizing math. PS: It's a Champions super hero game.
  11. I was on your site looking at your xmen writeups and I think they're great! I have a question about Cyclops though. What is the side effect in his optic blast? I can't figure it out.
  12. Okay, so I decided to increase the time chart to 1 turn = 1 minute. That seems more realistic to me than 12 seconds. The only problem I'm having is figuring out how to make up for the multiplier of 5 for the 1 minute that gives movement the distances normal for noncombat movement. I mean does this mean I'm going to have to buy more noncombat multiples just to get vehicles moving at a reasonable mph speed? any suggestions would help.
  13. My 5th ed is falling apart on me. Does anyone know what kind of glue I can use to glue the pages back to the spine?
  14. Re: Paramount city On his way to Paramount City, Captain Cade decided to bury the remains of the former crew of the Pandemic at sea. He finally gained entry to the captain's cabin and learned of their last voyage. They were on a stealth mission against someone named the Conqueror. Discovered, the ship experienced dimensional attacks that displaced it and landed the ship on Earth. Once reaching Paramount City, he landed in a park and began asking directions for the Paramount bank. He was confronted by a police officer who requested him to disarm his swords. Refusing, Captain Cade returned to his ship and flew off. Landing elsewhere, he found a cab and rode toward the bank. In the meantime, there was a hostage situation going on in the bank. Hearing of the trouble, a man named Vlad headed toward the bank, determined to aid the hostages. Captain Cade arrived at the bank and was shooed away by cops outside the bank. Vlad arrived and saw Cade and walked over to him, asking what was going on. Cade mentally signaled his ship to come to him. When the Pandemic arrived, he boarded it, lowered himself to the front doors, amid shouts from the police. Stepping through the door, he found himself faced with three machine guns aimed at him. The hostages were at the back of the bank, surrounded by more gunmen. Cade dispatched the first gunman, and took down the second, slashing into them with his swords. The third gunman opened fire on Captain Cade, and two stunning hits took him down, but he suffered no body. The remained gunshots shattered the windows behind him. At the sound of the gunshots, Vlad thought that the hostages were being shot and he leaped into action. He ran through the front door and threw up a forcewall of air around himself and Cade. The other gunmen fired on him, but the forcewall stopped thier bullets. But one of the gunmen was on the inside of the wall, the one that dropped Cade. He fired at Vlad. Vlad had forgotten to armor up, and he took severe body and was unconscious. The forcewall dropped. Cade regained consciousness but pretended to be out as he recovered. He told Rapha to fire on the one gunman at his position, which Rapha did, taking him out. Once he regained his strength, he flipped up from the ground, grabbed Vlad and pulled him outside to behind a van. Once Vlad was safe, Cade summoned the ship to lift him up to the second floor where he crashed through a window. He made his way to the emergency stairwell and peeked back into the bank. One of the gunmen saw him, and they fired, sinking the slugs into the door. Cade ran up the stairs and waited. The gunmen came through the door, and he flipped off the stairs, landing in front of them. One mighty slash stunned the first. Another slash and blood flew from the second. Meanwhile, Vlad summoned his power of stone and armored up, becoming a stone behemoth. He ran through the smashed bank front and placed a forcewall around the hostages. He summoned a fist of stone to rise out of the floor and crush the first gunman he saw. Cade slashed through the third gunman, blood spraying. After Vlad's stone hand crushed the gunman, he and Cade advanced on the remaining three gunmen. With short order, they took them out and rescued the hostages. Outside, the cameras were rolling and reporters tried to interview Cade and Vlad. One of the hostages began describing what Vlad had done. Vlad, feeling overwhelmed, fumbled for words. Cade sensing his discomfort encouraged him to come with him. The both boarded the ship Pandemic and flew out to sea. Away from the press, Vlad confided that he was an alien explorer and had been living on Earth for some time. He had a strong conviction about protecting innocents and couldn't help but involve himself in the events. Cade contacted Agent Spider and spoke to her about what happened. He agreed to SHIELD's offer of employment and Agent Spider told him that there had been a robbery at the Paramount Museum at the same time as the bank robbery. The men who had been robbing the bank were in fact Hydra agents. Agent Spider asked Cade to meet him at the museum the next day so she could discuss what had been happening.
  15. Re: X-Men "Elseworld" game I would love to hear of your adventures (ie the DEFENDERS CONGREGATE!!) Is Spidey around? Venom? Hydra? The Hand? AIM?
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