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Posts posted by Kenn

  1. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement


    I thought the Beam limitation could also hinder things like rapiers chopping through doors.


    And as far as "no one is perfect" being an argument against GMs with good judgement and GMs with bad judgement, unless you have a copy of "The Ten Commandments: the role playing game" handy, the game designers are human too. They can have agendas. They can make silly rules. They can make mistakes too.

  2. Re: Pulling Authority & Other Genres


    Actually, the CCA had very little impact on Superman or Batman. Yes, they went through some noticable changes in outlook after they began, but it wasn't the comics code that did it.


    For Batman, the change started pretty much with arrival of Robin, in 1940.


    For Superman, the change came about because of World War II, and because he was on the radio. Again, this was still the early 1940s.


    The Comics Code Authority didn't show up until 1953 or '54.


    It was the industry's own response a] to the allegations that people like Frederic Wertham were concocting and b] to the crime and horror comic books that were very well at the time.

  3. Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition?


    I have experience building characters in the Hero System, and the Figured Characteristics have been a valuable tool to me.


    I have experience at learning new systems; I know how long they take me to learn.


    I have experience at performing mathematics; I know how well I do things that involve math. (Or as my Mom put it "We won't tell Dad how long it took you to do your taxes.")


    This proposed change, to lose figured characteristics, I do not need to try to know I won't like it. I know that under the new system, something I am familiar with and that favours one of my strengths will be missing. I know that a new system will take time to learn, I will not be familiar with it, and it is extremely unlikely that it will be as easy for ME to use as basic mathematics.


    It doesn't take experience to know that replacing "Familiar, Useful, and Simple" with "New, Different, and Complex" isn't going to sit well with me.

  4. Re: Howdy I know nothing about Hero System and was wondering something


    In reverse order.


    No don't wait. 6th edition is due out in August 2009, nearly a year and half away.


    Yes, the cost of 5er is quite a commitment. I'd recommend you pick up "Sidekick" which is essentially the minimal basics for playing Hero.


    The beauty of the Hero system is that you build what you want. Which means EITHER of the two options you mentioned is possible (as well as a host of others.) Basically, it would be between you and the gamemaster, and how you spent your experience points.


    And welcome!!

  5. Re: Soviet Superheroes


    I tend to have trouble reconciling the whole individualistic uniform, code name, etc. with the whole Soviet mindset. A soviet outlaw, I have no problem with them doing the "super identity" thing, and I could see that including anti-socialist vigilantes.

  6. Re: My Superhero Universe


    Looks like a fun setting.


    So where on the East Coast is Empire City? Is it a replacement for a real place (the GOO supers game simply used New York City but called it Empire City)? Or is it cut from the Metropolis and Gotham models?


    (My own Empire City is in Delaware, about where some sources have put Metropolis.)

  7. Re: Golden Age thoughts


    The Golden Age was a different time. On the one hand there were a LOT of normal guys in suits who were fighting crime with just their wits, fists, and maybe a weapon. But there were also a lot of really high powered characters.


    Today, the majority of the normal guys with costumes, fists and wits are gone. A few hang on, but generally, there is a feeling of "they don't belong".


    In the golden age, one could read Leading Comics and get stories of the Seven Soldeiers of Victory - the only part of the team that actually had a super power was Winged Victory... the Shining Knight's flying bulletproof HORSE!!!!!

  8. Re: The Essence Of Hero


    I think its a part of hero's character [please forgive the pun] more than a critical component of the system. I don't find it clunky' date=' but there are times when it gets in the way. Having an option for having them be not-figured and a note on what that means in terms of point inflation isn't a bad idea.[/quote']



  9. Re: The Essence Of Hero


    Absolutely disagree. This mechanic is one of if not the most clunky aspect of the system and the cause of a majority of its math issues.


    Actually, its probably the most debated area. Some people, such as yourself, find it clunky and find it causes math issues. Some people, such as myself, find it elegant and useful. I for one am glad that there is an incentive in place that encourages players that want to increase most, if not all, of the secondary strength and health effects to then increase the root characteristic.

  10. Re: Susano vs Marvel characters


    1) Are you aware that there's a poster here who goes by the handle Susano?


    2) Is this twelve seperate 1 on 1 fights or a 12-on-1 scenario?


    3) There are no verbs in your post. Is there a question to answer?

  11. Re: Who would be the Super Heroes of your region?


    I love how the single South American hero is in Brazil and it's named 'El Dorado'. El Dorado is a Colombian legend. Plus, a really stereotyped Super Friend.


    Making all 'foreign' heroes based on native things is somewhat flaky (by that logic, American heroes would be Big Mac, Super Mickey Mouse and Muffler Man)


    I hate that tendency, both in comics and in role-playing games.

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