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Posts posted by Kenn

  1. Re: Bullet TIme!


    Essentially its the same process that lets fired bullets damage things. The objects mass multiplied by the the objects velocity determines the amount of force being supplied.


    A bullet doesn't have much mass, but it impacts at speeds just under the speed of sound.


    A speedster's hand is considerably more massive than a bullet. And the speeds Jay Garrick travels at far exceed 700 mph.

  2. Okay, one of the oddball things about Hero I sometimes wonder about... Why is "Stun Only" a -0 limitation, but reduced penetration a -1/4 limitation. Made all the more peculiar by the fact that the Stun Only attack also gets the effects of "no knockback" for no cost as well.




    30 6d6 Energy Blast, Stun Only (-0)




    20 6d6 Energy Blast, Reduced Penetration(-1/4), No knockback(-1/4)


    The second attack will probably do body damage to anyone with an ED less than three. Otherwise, the affects of the two attacks are pretty much the same. But because the latter attack could possibly do body damage, there is a savings of 10 points? That seems weird to me.

  3. Re: Knockback "realistic"?


    Knockback sounds more like what Supes does when he slugs a guy and he skids back into/through a wall and not under his own power.


    Except for the fact that in most Superman stories from the 1950s and 1960s, when Superman was actually fighting opponents that he could actually engage in true combat with (mostly rogue Kryptonians), his attacks rarely did knockback. Heck, even in a Curt Swan drawn L.E.G.I.O.N. '90-something Annual, and Superman was fighting Lar Gand and they weren't doing knockback.

  4. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid


    Assuming the asteroid is larger than a "Large Asteroid" per the Ultimate Brick, thereby precluding Morning Star from just flying out and altering its vector... Morning Star would have a choice of either flying out, and tunneling through the thing enough times that he could carve off pieces small enough that he could handle, and then altering their course, or flying out and just heating the thing until it burnt up.

  5. Re: Knockback "realistic"?


    What westerns use knockback? All the ones I've seen would use something more akin to knockdown than knockback. Guy charging at our hero gets shot by his .44 and his feet keep going forward while his torso comes to a halt... lands flat on his back...


    The kind that have saloon brawls where it possible for someone to get punched solidly and get knocked out the double swinging doors. The relatively low number of DCs of the fighters (2 DC - 4 DC), and the typical roll s on 2d6 will keep knockback from occurring often, but the occasional good roll will send someone back a game inch or so.


    I've used knockback in Fantasy Hero more than I've used knockdown. The weapon damage, and the KB rules for killing attacks kept people from going flying, but an ogre with a club would send people flying.

  6. Re: The psychologically blanced (Silver Age) Superteam


    The team is balanced' date=' not the individuals. They have one of each type of mentality. ;)[/quote']


    Actually, that kind of is the difference between the X-Titans-4 team and the JLAvengers teams. In the XT4 team, each member fits a kind of role that adds to the over all team dynamic. In the JL/Aveng teams the individuals do tend to be more balanced. In a group setting, they may slide towards one of the types of roles but usually not quite as much so.


    Personally, I think JL/Aveng types are better at putting their ego in check.

  7. Under 4th edition, there was a rule about DCs from martial arts and killing attacks not adding as quickly. I don't remember if that rule is still in force in FREd. And I haven't been able to kind it in FREd or UMA.


    - Say an energy sword is built as a 1d6+1 HKA, Armour Piercing(+1/2), +2 Stun Multiplier(+2/4) @ 0 END(+1/2), OAF(-1), no knockback(-1/4) (50 act. pts.; 22 real pts.) It has no STR minimum.

    - Say the swordsman wielding the sword has a 20 STR, and he has a set of fencing martial arts that include a Thrust that's strike +2 DC and a Slash that's a strike +4 DC.


    By my calculations, if he adds his STR to his sword strike, he would be doing 2d6, armour piercing, +2 STUN mult. (essentially adding 1/2d6 with the +1 total worth of advantages).


    1) Would the +2 DC from his Thrust maneuver be enough to increase the damage to 2d6+1 (plus common advantages) or not? Under fourth I don't think it would have been.


    2) Similarly would the +4 DC from his Slash be enough to increase the damage to 2.5d6 (plus common advantages) - the energy sword's maximum?


    3) The swordsman takes on a protégée who has a 30 STR. She would be doing 2d6+1 (plus common) with her basic strike with her identical sword. Would she reach the weapon's maximum when she learns the Thrust move or when she learns the Slash move?



  8. Re: The psychologically blanced (Silver Age) Superteam


    The thing is, the Mentally Balanced Super-Team article was all about teams like the X-Men, New Teen Titans, and Fantastic Four - i.e. teams that the adventuring together was usually how they adventured. It didn't really cover teams like the Justice League or the Avengers which are groups of solo heroes working, or trying to work, together.


    The Crusaders of Justice here sound more like the latter kind of team.

  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    You included the E on Evilheart's chest, but where's the P on Pureheart's chest?


    Wait. His costume was usually orange, not yellow. Hmmm. Maybe someone heard he had "P on his costume" and got the wrong idea...

  10. Re: Romantic Complications


    Vondy seems to be familiar with the Dick & Donna relationship but I believe they have occasionally drifted into the Friends with Benefits area. There's only one real way to comfort a grieving widow. Nothing documented in comics though because apparently Donna can hookup with just about everyone but Dick on the page (Kyle Rayner?! Arsenal?! WTF?)


    Oh, I do consider Wonder Woman to be fine. I don't think they had any interaction back when there was ~20 years between their ages but during the era when WW was Wonder Girl's slightly older sister, I would wager that they played a game of Spin the Lasso a time or two.


    In other words, there's no real indicator on the printed page of him hooking up with either Diana or Donna, other than your own inferences. Got it.

  11. Re: Superman


    If I had to guess, in the Hero Designer file, the Armor is probably set to "Add to Primary" instead of "Add to Secondary". Obviously, the +50 STR is set to "Add to Secondary" as evidenced in STR, REC, and STUN.


    And I suspect there wasn't much reformatting done.


    But this is just me guessing.

  12. Re: Romantic Complications


    Lord, someone else remembers Lori.


    What I don't remember if he ever broke up with Lori before he got involved with Duela (and that was just messed up.) [And yeah, I was there at the Dawn of Time, so I remember the old multiverse.]



    I still wonder if Casualplayer considers diana to be either not fine or not single.


    Then again I don't think Dick ever broke his batpole on Supergirl's invulnerable h***n, either.

  13. Re: Romantic Complications


    Dick has been with every fine' date=' single, female member of the DCU. [/quote']


    He's gotten horizontal with Diana of Themyscira??? He went from Boy Wonder to Wonder Boy Toy???


    Hell, I don't even remember him ever getting it on with Donna.

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