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Posts posted by Kenn

  1. Re: CHAR: Big Barda


    1) nah I'm referring to an old "Action Comics" two issue tale in which some lame ass mind controller from Apokolips mind controls Barda in to doing porn films for him, then manages to get the drop on Superman and tries to get them to do it for the camera. Miracle Man (after being shown his wife in a porno by Darkseid as proof (though the fact that she seemed to have been missing for a while is glossed over)) charges in and rescues them.

    for a more articulate review of this read here.


    #2...that, I'm not sure about.


    Y'know, I'd blotted those issues from my memory.


    Oh, and it seems that my copy of H.D. thinks that if the Limitation is on the whole multipower (in this case OAF), then it should also apply to the slot.


    Which is how I thought it should be too.

  2. Re: CHAR: Big Barda


    105 Humilated and Ravaged by John Byrne


    Two questions...

    #1) What the heck did I miss in Byrne's 'New Gods' book, or wherever?


    #2) Why, when I load up your Barda file does Hero Designer halve the cost of the individual Power slots from what you have?


    But it is a very nice and thorough write-up.

  3. Re: Q & A: DC Geography Lessons


    Upstate New York is, as I understand it, anything in New York State that isn't New York City or Long Island.


    Kind of like Downstate Illinois, which is anything that isn't Chicagoland. South Beloit (on the Illinois-Wisconsin border) is considered to be Downstate.

  4. Re: Altered Reality (making yourself)


    Before I ever started playing, my future first role-playing group tried the Everyone-Assess-And-Average method to build themselves (in AD&D.) It resulted in a lot of hard feelings. Most of them had only known one another for a few months, and everyone was a little harsh in their assessments of everyone else.


    A few years later, a later group I was in, we were trying to build ourselves in Chill. We never actually played. We ended up with cartoon versions of ourselves. In the areas where we had the aptitude, we were too good. In the areas where we were bad, we were pathetic. Most of us were honest, but we had no scale, so things got exaggerated.


    Plus there was one player who insisted he'd need at least half again as many points to build himself as the rest of us had. He was shocked when I beat him arm wrestling left handed. He could consistently beat me right handed, but I could consistently defeat him left. (I am right handed.) But I at least proved that no, he really wasn't so much stronger than everyone else.

  5. Re: Q & A: DC Geography Lessons


    That's because both DC and Marvel can't seem to grasp the concept of decent sized cities in the Southeast or Midwest half the time ;)


    I don't know about the southeast, but places like Midway City (a stand-in for Chicago) and Central City means that they at least tried to get Midwestern cities in place.

  6. Re: Telling YOU about the RCU!


    In the late 1960's, Anton Breié and Elisabeth Gilbert were married, despite his nocturnal activities as l'Ours Noir, Montreal's resident costumed vigilante. In the early 1970's they had their first child, a daughter, Sylvie. Being tomboyish and a member of the LOC-Bloc (not to mention Anton's unspoken disappointment in not having a son) Sylvie ended up being trained as a costumed crime-fighter by her father, often with her "godbrother" Garrett Grant. Once in her teens, she became la Chatte Noire; l'Ours Noir's young aide. Tragically, Anton was past his prime, and Sylvie watched the one time her father was too slow. She entered her mourning period and rebel phase at about the same time. She went to Paris, obstensibly to finish school, but in fact ended up in the rather wild crowd of the Paris Fashion World. She became a model. Once over eighteen, she started getting interested in crime-fighting again. She revived her la Chatte Noire identity. She eventually ended up in Williamsburg, New Jersey, in the Crusaders, in a relationship with the Cyclist. She went through many of the groups ups and doubts, hanging around with Cyclist, Stuntman and the Westerner. She was fortunate to have been on a shoot the day Havok decimated the Crusaders.


    She and Stuntman became close after he revived from his coma, sharing their grief over their friends' deaths. They joined the Champions of Justice, though at first they found it overwhelming. There was a bad accident and Sylvie was nearly killed, save for Dragon's intervention. However, between his then novice magical skills and her earlier exposure to one of Madame Y's experimental retro viruses, there was an unforseen effect. The virus was from a lycanthropic cougar and Sylvie became a werecat. She dropped the "Noire" from her name; her relationship with Stuntman ended; and she left the COJ to join the recently restarted Crusaders. She eventually left Denver for her native Montreal, and after a brief experiment with her own team during the Algolian Invasion, rejoined the Champions of Justice. There she found the situation much better than it had been before.


    Finally accepting that the professional organisation was never going fill the emotional void from losing so many loved ones, she out her all into the team, and was accepted as never before. Eventually, she was finally asked to fill a position on the Executive Board. However, after about six weeks, she learned of her mother's failing health. Having achieved a long sought professional goal, she decided to finally make her family a priority. She once again became an inactive Champion, and has dedicated her time to taking care of her mother.

  7. Re: Sonof Secret Origins! When did you start reading superhero comics?


    Back, when I was 3 or 4, before I could read, I was fascinated by my Dad's copies of Fieffer's The Great Comic Book Heroes and vol. 1 of the Steranko History of Comics. Eventually I learned to read. When I was 5, I had a hernia operation. Dad got me a copy of "Batman". I forget the issue number, although a year-and-half ago I finally found a replacement copy. It was the first '100 pgs for $0.50' issue of "Batman."


    The first comic book I bought, rather that having bought for me, I believe was "Justice League of America" #150. I had some of the earlier Englehart issues, but that was the first one I bought.

  8. Re: Q & A: DC Geography Lessons




    Metropolis, and Gotham, in a literary sense, are both based on New York. DC has hemmed and hawed for years about their actual geographic location. In recent years, DC's been better about saying Gotham is in New Jersey (which jibes with things like the DC Atlas that Mayfair did.) I've seen some sources, including said Atlas, that put Metropolis in Delaware (typically, "just across" Chesapeake Bay from Gotham.) I've also seen sources that put Metropolis in New York State. However, since Metropolis is a coastal city, as is New York (and in DC Comics they both exist) this becomes a bigger geographic impossibility.


    Captain Marvel's home, in the old Fawcett comics, was just "the city". This city was later named Fawcett City, once the captain was a DC property. On Earth-S, I think it may have overlaid the same space as where Metropolis was on Earth-1. On the post-Crisis Earth, it was written like it was Milwaukee, but was placed, by the editors, in Indiana. Presumably where Gary is.


    The Charlton version of Hub City was essentially Chicago. Similarly, so was the Earth-1 Midway City. However, post-Crisis, Hub City was moved (I think to southern Illinois) and Midway to somewhere in Michigan.


    On Earth-2, it seemed that, to me, Gateway City, was an analogue to Saint Louis. Post Crisis, Gateway City is somewhere on the California coast. How near Coast City, I don't know, but it always was a California coastal city.


    Back in the day, Central City and Keystone City were Earth-1/Earth-2 counterparts. This was despite the fact that Central City was clearly a Midwestern (often placed in Ohio) city, and Keystone was obviously in Pennsylvania ('the Keystone State' - It seemed more like Philadelphia than Pittsburgh to me.) Now they are 'twin cities' on the Missouri/Nebraska border.


    I always thought Star City would be in Texas. I think DC has been saying northern California in recent years.


    New Venice was in Florida.


    Smallville, on Earth-1, was a few hours out from Metropolis (whatever that means.) Post-Crisis, it was clearly Kansas. On TV, both are true. Clearly, on TV, Metropolis isn't an east coast city.


    Ivy Town is either in Connecticut, Massachusetts or western New York state, depending on the writer. Calvin City (home of Calvin College) is presumably nearby. I believe they used to have that parallels across Earths thing going on.


    In some golden age stories, the U.S. capitol was "Capitol City" complete with a Washington Monument and capitol building. There was also a "Civic City."


    Where the heck Opal City is, I couldn't begin to guess.


    Or Fairfax, from the "Dial "H'" series in the late 70s./early 80s.


    Cloister, Vermont was always in Vermont.


    Whatever the town was where Hudson University was, the implication was it was upstate New York.


    St. Roche is clearly a parallel to, and presumably close to, New Orleans.


    In the "Supergirl" movie, Midvale was where Decatur Illinois is, according to a map. Otherwise, who knows.


    There's a reason why, in JLA/Avengers, it was deemed that the DC Earth was bigger.

  9. Re: Richest Man in the World Disease


    The problem is that you can't adjucate conflicts between individuals with "Unlimited" wealth. How do you determine whose unlimited wealth is greater?


    If bob wants to buy a widget, and fred wants to buy a widget, and they both have unlimited money, how much of that unlimited can they put into buying the widget?


    This might have NO relevance, but PLAYERS may duke it out over it, because they're players and that's what they do.


    Then your players need to grow up.


    Or one of them can pay 16 pts. for unlimited wealth (sacrificing something really important like 2 COM points). They'll both be unlimited, but the one's will intrisicly be the "larger inifinity" because he paid points for it.


    Then around the time you have someone paying 22 pts. of wealth (as the one-up-manship continues) someone will realise they're putting points into real life bragging rights. And maybe then they'll grow up.

  10. Re: Metal Master


    Can he manipulate any metal as defined scientifically, or just the materials that the common person thinks of as metals?


    This is important because otherwise he can manipulate things like the calcium in peoples bones, the Sodium in the salt in the ocean, and all sorts of things.


    And why go to the problem of making lead into gold for quick cash. Turn pocket change into Ununpentium for someplace like Fermilab.

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