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Posts posted by Kenn

  1. Re: Natural Healing - A small rules tweek


    I don't like it.


    The 1 point the first night idea isn't a bad one. However, in so doing, one ought to use (REC - 1) for the remainder of the calculations for the time interval since one body has already been healed with in the time interval.

    I fail to see the benefit of overlaying the Speed Chart on the calendar. It actually complicates the calculataions. Getting one body back every (REC / 30) days is very straight forward (I use 30 because I do reject the notion that one heals marginally faster in February, and slower in January and march.)


    REC 3 - 1 per 10 days

    REC 4 - 1 per 7 days and 12 hours (or 7,8,7,8)

    REC 5 - 1 per 6 days

    REC 6 - 1 per 5 days

    REC 7 - 1 per 4 days and 7 hours (or 4,4,5,4,4,5,4)

    REC 8 - 1 per 3 days and 16 hours (or 4,4,3,4,4,3,4,4)


    Using the Speed Chart actually makes the inervals less regular for SPDs that aren't evenly divisible by 12. In your example, some of the BODY healed 1 per 6 days, others 1 per 4 days.


    The other thing is, by shortening the interval to 24 days, it has the effect of giving most Heroic level chracters one more point of healed BODY per month.

    Between the extra point healed at the beginning of the interval, and by shortening the interval by six days, it has the overall effect of increasing character's healing rate to (REC+2) BODY per month. In your example, the character with a 5 REC healed 7 BODY in a month.


    Now, as I indicated earlier, if you use (REC - 1) for the calculations (after healing 1 the first night) it would help.


    Another alternative would be to use 36 days for the interval. You get 3 days per segment, instead of 2. But the extra six days actually counteracts the BODY healed the first night. It does increase the varying times to heal one body though.

  2. Re: Marital Arts and Str Advantages.


    I find the Fred method very complex compared to what I did for years under 4th. Edition. I always just converted the added DCs as if the advantage was already applied. If someone had, say an offensive strike with 2 additional DCs in their Martial Arts (for a total of +6d6 damage) and they had a +1/2 advantage on their STR (like Armour Piercing), then the Offensive Strike did +4d6 A.P. when used with the A.P. STR.


    I'd just multiply the number of martial arts dice by the inverse of the fractional representation of (1+ all the appropriate advantage amounts).

  3. Re: Shazam!


    The Caped Madman really rocked in J-Men Forever, but how could you forget the "A"?


    S for SNEAKY

    H for HATEFUL

    A for ANNOYING

    B for BIGOTED


    another O for double OBNOXIOUS

    and M for MEAN!


    SHABOOM! (shaboom, shaboom, ya-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da....)


    Matt "Force-fed-obscure-media-by-a-good-friend" Frisbee


    I don't remember the "A". In fact, I know it wasn't on the placard on the wall. They were using the Captain Marvel footage of the foreign script changing into English, and originally, it had Solomon, Hercules, etc. With only the six elders in the original, when they switched in their own placard, they could only have six terms.


    And I believe they actually said "Sh'Boom!" (Sh-boom, ya-da-da-da-de-da!)

  4. Re: Shazam!


    I can't come up with a acronym, but the Norse could go:

    The strength of Thor

    The bravery of Baldar

    The Wisdom of Odin

    The Beauty of Frey (or Freya)

    The Justice of Tyr

    The Skill of Ull

    the Sight of Heimdall

    The Voice of Bragi

    The Passion of Aegir


    Just to name a few.


    Please, do NOT add any attributes for Thrud (a Valkyrie, daughter of Thor and Sif). Other wise, we'd have the letters to spell out the "magic word" of "Oh Fat Butt!"

  5. Re: Giant Hero...What do you all think?


    He looks pretty good.


    The one recommendation I'd make is that he actually have seperate powers, "Large Legs", "Huge Legs", "Enormous Legs", and "Gigantic Legs" and rather then have go up in equal intervals, have them go up in steps proportionate to his change in stride. So +6" for Large, +12" for Huge, +24" for Enormous, and +48" for "Titanic". Yes, that gives him 96" of running at his maximum height - about 4x his height - same as what he has at normal size.

  6. Re: Move Throughs


    That guy with the ballistic helmet that lets his move-through damage be armour piercing... should also make sure that the ballistic helmet also provides the hardened advantage on his physical defense - clarifying the matter before it gets into play.

  7. Re: WWYCD: Good Dog Bad Dog


    Step 1: Deal with the fire.


    Step 2: Contact Liberty Station to check on Phaze's present whereabouts (never rule out the possibility of whacky shapeshifting teammate pulling a prank, particularly with weird cases.)


    Step 3: Find out if Howard Saunders (formerly Howler) can communicate with dogs.


    Step 4: Contact Prophecy to help communicate with dog.


    Step 5: Contact Guardian to gather forensic evidence from the maulings.

  8. Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


    Comeliness really needs a defined game effect.


    Comeliness is the most subjective of the Hero System characteristics. What any individual finds attractive may not be the same as what any other individual finds attractive. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" is a movie title, not an absolute. Is black beautiful? Is bald beautiful? The anime fan may like her guys tall, thin, and vaguely androginous. Another woman may like her men hunky. Blonde, brunette, or redhead? Does a guy like athletic chicks or zoftig chicks? And this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the subjectivness.


    What I suggested before (+5 PRE usable only with people of the appropriate orientation) is actually for something different than comeliness. There are just some people who have a natural sexual charisma that a) is higher than there charisma in non-sexual interactions and B) isn't based on their appearance.

  9. Re: Casual Survey: Age of players and Hero's utility vs. other games


    I'll be turning 38 in three weeks and a day. I've been playing Champions/Hero System since the beginning of 1988, after the four months of an experimental home-designed super hero game went bust (and the friend who was the V&V advocate couldn't grok the idea of converting the characters from "Heroes and Hellrazers" over.) I had only really started playing D&D about a year earlier than that.

  10. Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


    While not directly related to the act of sexual congress, I have found that for some characters purchasing +5 (or more) PRE, only with people of the appropriate sexual orientation (-1), is a good way to represent characters who are particularly sexy to members of the opposite sex.



    Of course, if one is building a seducer as oppossed to a seductress, it is only proper to have all the needed skills put together as some kind of package deal.

  11. Re: CHAR: Batman


    I don't know. I think I have a problem with a Batman who can run a mile in 2 minutes 14 seconds, can use two Bat-cycles (or Bruce Wayne's 'Vette) for weight lifting purposes, and well, ...


    "Holy Sandwich! Batman, the walls are closing in!"

    "Don't worry, old chum, I'll just kick the moving walls down."


    It don't feel right.

  12. Re: Lost and Found super-ads


    LOST : One two-tone blue tights made out of bulletproof chain mail and holster containing specialised gun capable of emitting a powerful compressed air blast and a brilliant flash of light. Please contact Edward (Ted) Kord c/o Kord Industries, Chicago, IL.

  13. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath


    Yeah it chafes, there's a little pain,

    That pair of tights, dsigned by Kane.

    'cause I am a Scot, and well-built...

    I'll fight evil, in Green Lantern's kilt.


    When Duncan MacCleod got chosen for the Corps...

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